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Full text of "The early trails of the Baptists : a history of the Strawberry Baptist Association 1776-1976"

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Kenneth  E.  Crouch 





'"— ,— .~» 

The  Early  Trails 

of  the  Baptists:  A  History 

of  the  Strawberry  Baptist 

Association  17761976 


The  Early  Trails 

of  the  Baptists:  A  History 

of  the  Strawberry  Baptist 

Association  1776-1976 

Compiled  and  Edited  by  the 
200th  Anniversary  Committee 

of  the 
Strawberry  Baptist  Association 


Strawberry  Baptist  Association 

OFFICERS  1975-1976 

Moderator  Donald  C.  Carr 

Vice  Moderator  Rev.  Tommy  C.  Floyd 

Clerk Rev.  Harold  B.  Oyer 

Treasurer  J.  Henry  Powers 

Auditor H.  Page  Scott 

Representative  to  the  General  Board  of  the  Baptist 

General  Association  of  Virginia Elbert  W.  Hassellr 


Kenneth  E.  Crouch,  Chairman 

Mrs.  Harry  P.  Clause 
Miss  Audrey  Foster 
Mrs.  L.  R.  Freeman 

Mrs.    Robert    N.    Krebs 
Mrs.  Gilbert  C.  Luck 
Rev.  Harold  B.  Oyer 

Miss  Reva  Turner 


oreword    iv 


I.     The  Society   Called   Baptist,    1639-1776   1 

II.     Baptist  and  the  Establishment,    1777-1783   5 

III.  Helping  Guard   the  Victory,   1783-1791   10 

IV.  Baptists  Working  With  Their  Association,   1791-1836  14 

V.     Involvement  in  State  Missions,   1822-1830  19 

VI.     Men  Move  Toward  Their  Mission,   1776-1976  24 

VII.     Ladies  in  the  Meeting  House,   1860-1976  27 

VIII.     The  Apostles  on  Horseback,   1823-1901   34 

IX.     Lifting  the  Bounty,    1802-1976   _ 36 

X.     Teaching  the  Word,   1830-1976   43 

XI.     Learning,  From  the  Cabin  to  the  Ivy  Halls  49 

t    XII.     Relieving  Social   Ills,   1826-1976  54 

,  XIII.     Caring  for  Those  in  Bondage,   1788-1871 56 

2  XIV.     Relief  for  the  Man  in  the  Pulpit,   1836-1976  61 

!    XV.     Training  Union,    1891-1976  64 

XVI.     Attending  the  Association  Meetings,   1807-1975   67 

8XVII.     Uttermost   Parts,    1813-1976   79 

,:VIII.     Continuing  the  Dream,   1897-1976  82 

pilogue  86 

'.ppendix  A  94 

Church  Histories  94 

ppendix   B   170 

Men  Serving  the  Denomination   170 

Men  Serving   in   the  Association   172 

Sunday  School   Superintendents   172 

Directors  of  Training   Unions   172 

Leaders   of   Women's   Work    172 

Daughter   Associations    174 

ppendix   C   176 

Vital    Statistics   185 


-ppendix  D   196 

All  the  Churches  of  the  Association  196 

.ppendix   E   206 

Queries  Presented  to  the  Association  206 

.ppendix   F   212 

"It  Could  Have  Happened"  212 



It  would  be  rather  presumptuous  to   attempt  to  cover  two  hundrc 
years   of  the  history   of  Virginia's  oldest   association   in   a   limited   ti: 
or  space. 

Readers  may  not  agree  on  the  importance  of  some  of  the  events  a 
may  feel  that  others  should  have  been  included,  for  this  we  are  sorr 
The  writing  was  done  with  three  things  in  mind.     What  has  happen* 
that  one  wants  to  recall  in  1976;  what  is  happening  that  the  future  wi 
care  about  and  what  are  we  doing  that  should  be  preserved  for  posteritj 

When  researching  one  always  finds  discrepancies  in  names,  date 
numbers  and  spellings.  This  work  has  been  no  exception  and  it  is  sei 
out  with  all  its  imperfections  in  the  hope  that  many  people  will  becorr 
acquainted  with  and  appreciate  the  contribution  made  by  the  Strawben 
Association  to  the  cause  of  Christ  throughout  the  world  and  that  it  m£ 
challenge  the  reader  to  a  deeper  commitment  to  those  things  that  ai 
lasting.    This  is  a  story  of  what  great  things  God  has  done. 

Sincere  appreciation  goes  to  the  twenty-five  associational  clerks  wh 
have  recorded  the  happenings  of  each  meeting,  members  of  the  staff  ; 
the  Virginia  Baptist  Historical  Society  Library  in  Richmond  and  th 
Jones  Memorial  Library  in  Lynchburg,  Mrs.  Nancy  Stanley  of  the  Jenkin 
Memorial  Library  of  the  Foreign  Mission  Board,  the  200th  Anniversar 
Committee,  Kenneth  E.  Crouch  for  the  church  histories,  photograph 
and  statistical  data,  Mrs.  Harry  P.  Clause  for  editing  the  church  historie; 
Mrs.  Robert  N.  Krebs  for  assistance  in  statistical  data,  the  Rev.  Harol 
B.  Oyer  for  selecting  the  queries  and  Lyn  Moses  for  duplicating  valuabl 
historical  materials.    Together  we  send  you  this  volume  as  a  labor  of  lovt 

Virtley  Stephenson  Freeman 
(Mrs.  L.  R.) 

May,  1976 


Chapter  I 


Always,  a  bicentennial  means  many  things  to  many  people.  In  the 
rnited  States  of  America  it  has  been  a  time  of  reflection  on  those  facets 
W  life  that  claim  the  attention  of  the  populace  be  it  political,  economical, 
Educational,  sociological,  religious  -  -  -  -,  but  to  all  it  is  a  celebration 
ft  the  release  from  the  yoke  of  English  repression.  Freedom  was  to  be 
TH"  everyone  except  those  religious  groups  not  conforming  to  the  customs 
^nd  laws  of  the  Established  Church.  Chief  among  these  dissenters  were 
"(uakers,  Presbyterians  and  Ana-baptist.  The  Society  of  Baptist  was 
aot  treated  with  the  same  indulgence,  in  religious  matters,  as  other 
rotestant  dissenters  enjoyed.'  It  was  these  freedom  loving  Christians 
r/ho  began  the  first  united  effort  for  total  unsuppressed  religious  sover- 
eignty. John  Lock  put  it  in  these  words,  "Baptists  were  the  first  and 
^nly  propounders  of  absolute  liberty,  just  and  true  liberty,  equal  and 
'•■npartial  liberty." 

The  Society  of  Baptists  in  the  Colonies 

f   One   hundred    and   eleven    years    later    there   were    fifty-eight    Baptist 
hurches  in  the  colonies:     sixteen  in  Rhode  Island,  ten   in  New  Jersey, 

3  ine  in  Massachusetts,  nine  in  Connecticut,  seven  in  Pennsylvania,  three 
i  South  Carolina,  two  in  New  York,  one  in  Delaware  and  Maryland. 
'he  increase  was  rapid;  in  1768  there  were  137  Baptist  churches  on  the 
forth  American  continent.  Two  in  Nova  Scotia,  seventy-seven  in  New 
Ingland,  twenty-nine  in  the  Middle  Colonies,  twenty-seven  in  the 
outhern  Colonies  and  of  the  twenty-seven  ten  were  in  Virginia.' 
When  or  where  the  first  Baptist  claimed  the  forest  and  built  his 
ome  in  North  America  is  not  known.  They  may  have  been  few  and 
cattered,  because  the  first  church  for  this  group  was  not  organized 
ntil  March  1639  when  twelve  persons  started  the  First  Baptist  Church 
f  Providence,  Rhode  Island. 

The  Society  Begins  in  Virginia 

The   first    record   of   Baptists    in    Virginia    is    found    in    the    journal    of 
^homas  Story,   an  English   Quaker.      He   tells   of   a   meeting  of   Quakers 
'  n.  the  home  of  Thomas  Bonger  a  preacher  among  the  General  Baptist 
i  York  City. 

Robert    Norden    (         -1726)    was    sent    by    the    General    Assembly 
England   in    1715.     On   June    14,    1715    "Robert   Norden,    an   Ana-bap 
preacher,  appears  in  Court  and  takes  Oaths   and  Subscribes  the  Dec 
rations   mentioned   in   the   Acts   of   Parliament   of   the    1st   William    a 
Mary".3    Mr.  Norden  worked  in  Prince  George,  Isle  of  Wight  and  Suiy 

Morgan  Edwards  (1722-1795)  states  that  the  first  society  of  Baptus 
was  founded  at  Burley  in  Isle  of  Wight  County  about  1727  by  imn- 
grants  from  England.  They  had  as  their  pastor  Rev.  Richard  Nordi 
succeeded  by  messrs.  Casper  Mintz  and  Richard  Jones.4  Burley  wj 
the  presever  of  Mill  Swamp  Church  in  Blackwater  Association. 

Growth  of  the  Baptist  Society  in  the  State 

John  Asplund  (  -1807)  a  Baptist  minister  of  Southampton  Coun' 
had  printed,  in  Richmond,  the  first  edition  of  The  Annual  Register  f 
the  Baptist  Denomination  in  North  America.  In  this  he  reported  i: 
1790  there  were  30  Regular  Baptist  Associations,  795  churches,  622  o- 
dained  ministers,  58,398  members  of  this  record  there  were  in  Virgim 
8  associations,  204  churches,  150  ordained  ministers,  20,443  membei 
He  reported  the  Strawberry  Association  had  28  churches  with  1,1 
members.  When  Baptists  celebrated  their  one-hundred  and  fiftie 
anniversary  Virginia  had  one-third  of  all  Baptists  in  the  United  State: 
one-third  of  the  Baptist  churches  and  one-fourth  of  the  Baptist  minister: 

Early  Assembling  of  the  Societies 

Baptist  have  become  what  they  are  today  because  of  their  meeting 
The  early  assemblies  were  not  made  up  of  elected  delegates,  but  weij 
mass  gatherings  where  preachers  preached,  people  prayed  and  tl 
ordinances  were  administered.  The  lack  of  formal  organization  aide 
in  cultivating  devotion,  Christian  acquaintance,  love  in  spreading  rd 
ligious  truths  and  in  the  winning  of  souls.  Most  of  the  early  assemblie 
were  in  New  England;  a  few  in  Virginia  and  North  Carolina.  As  th 
number  of  churches  increased  and  the  membership  grew  these  gathering 
became  too  large  to  meet  the  needs  of  all  those  concerned. 

Beginning  of  Associations 

Associations  were  devised  to  solve  the  problem  of  consultation  an< 
combination  for  the  sake  of  unity  in  action,  doctrine,  discipline  an 
progress.  These  associations  were  to  be  composed  of  delegates,  selecte 
by  the  local  churches,  superseding  the  yearly  meeting.  They  were  t 
have  no  legislative  or  supervisory  power  over  the  churches.  Th 
Philadelphia  Baptist  Association,  organized  July  27,  1701  with  fivl 
churches  was  the  first  and  it  included  all  the  Baptist  congregations  i:| 
the  colonies  except  those  in  Rhode  Island  and   Massachusetts. 

The  second  association  was  in  Charleston,  South  Carolina,  organize*! 
October  21,  1751,  with  four  churches.  Sandy  Creek  in  North  Carolin;! 
and  Virginia  was  constituted  ca  1758  with  six  churches.  These  werJ 
followed  by  the  Kehukee  in  1765  and  the  Ketocton  in  1766.     Somewhenl 

along  the  way  these  free  spirited  people  became  divided.     No  one  knows 
'  the  exact  spot   of  ground   upon   which  the   division   took  place,    but   in 
1767  two  or  three  men  from  Northern   Virginia  and  two  or  three  from 
{  Sandy  Creek  assembled  in  Orange  County  and  a  separation  took  place." 
i  The  northern  members  called  themselves  Regulars  and  the  southern  mem- 
bers   called    themselves    Separates;    those    remaining    were    known    as 
i      "Those  Baptists  living  a  distance  were  ignorant  of  the  reason  for  the 
i  division    and   whenever   they   met,    they    loved    each   other    as    brothers 
1  and    much    deplored    that    there   should    be    any    distinction    or    shyness 
among   them.      They    traveled,    they   preached,    they    attended    meetings, 
they   prayed    together,    mingled   their   labors    and   loves.      They    studied 
the  scriptures   together   and   of   course   soon   .became   practically    one    in 
doctrine  and  usage."7 

Two  years   after   separation    there    were   extensive   revivals   over   the 
state.    The  Ketocton  Association  sent  three  delegates  and  a  letter  to  the 
1769  Sandy  Creek  Association  to  propose  an  alliance.     The   letter  they 
1  took  reads: 

"Beloved  in  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ, 
:  The  bearers  of  this  letter  can  acquaint  you  with  the  design  of  writing 
I  it.  Their  errand  is  peace  and  their  business  is  a  reconciliation  between 
us,  if  there  is  any  difference  subsisting,  if  we  are  all  Christians,  all 
Baptists,  all  New  Lights,  why  are  we  divided?  Must  these  little  ap- 
pellatives 'Regular'  and  'Separates'  break  the  golden  band  of  charity 
and  set  the  sons  of  Zion  at  variance"?8 

The  formal  attempt  failed  for  a  time,  but  it  was  ultimately  effective 
in  1787. 

Regular,  Separate,  and  General  Baptist 

The  Regular  Baptist  conformed   to   the  customs   of   the   Presbyterians 

;  by  applying  for  licenses   and  taking  the   prescribed  oaths.     They   were 

Calvinistic  in  doctrine,  holding  to   "Particular  Atonement"  for  the  elect 

only   and   adhered  to   the  London   Confession   of   Faith   of    1686.      Their 

churches  formed  the  Ketocton  Association  in  Northern  Virginia. 

The  General  Baptist  descended  from  the  English  Baptist  and  were 
Armenian  in  theology;  believing  in  a  "General  Atonement"  offered  to 
all  men  alike,  the  salvation  of  all  infants  dying  in  infancy,  and  the 
laying  on  of  hands  for  the  gift  of  the  Holy  Spirit  after  baptism.  These 
believers  founded  the  Kehukee  Association  in  Eastern  Virginia.  Because 
of  their  zeal  and  vigor  in  the  early  days  of  their  history  it  seemed  the 
General  Baptist  would  become  predominant. 

The  influence  of  George  Whitefield  caused  the  brethren  of  the  Phila- 
delphia and  Charleston  Regular  Baptist  to  fall  into  confusion  so  the 
Separate  or  "New  Lighters"  or  revivalist  were  born  full  of  aggression, 
religious  zeal,  peculiarities  in  dress  doctrine  and  practice  resembling 
the  Quakers.  They  did  not  recognize  the  right  of  any  civil  power  to 
regulate  preaching  or  places  of  meeting.  The  necessity  of  a  new 
spiritual  birth,  personal  piety  and  New  Testament  doctrines  were 
preached;  all  creeds  or  forms  were  refused.  The  "New  Lighters"  had 
nine  Christian   rites:     baptism,   Lord's  Supper,   love  feast,   laying  on   of 

hands  after  baptism,  washing  of  feet,  anointing  the  sick,  right  hand  o 
fellowship,  kiss  of  charity,  devotion  to  children.  They  elected  pastors 
deacons,  evangelists,  ruling  elders,  elderess,  deaconesses  and  celebratec 
communion  weekly.9  From  1755  to  the  date  of  the  Revolution  this  bodj 
spread  rapidly. 

Call  for  a  Continental  Association 

From  New  Jersey  in  1775  the  Warren  Association  issued  a  call  "foi 
a  general  meeting  of  the  delegates  from  our  associations  in  every  colon} 
in  the  interest  of  religious  liberty  to  meet  in  Virginia  October  17,  1776 
to  form  a  "Continental  Association".1" 

Political  circumstances  may  have  deterred  the  gathering  of  delegates 
for  this  meeting,  but  another  group  of  men  met  in  Virginia  in  Octobei 
or  November,  1776,  and  formed  a  district  association  in  the  Strawberry 
Church  in  Pittsylvania  County  which  was  to  be  known  as  the  Upper 
District  Association. 

Chapter  II 

1771  - 1783 

Launching  a  Baptist  association   is  sometimes   a   task  of  many   years. 

At  the  meeting  of  the  Sandy  Creek  Association  convening  in  the  Grassy 
Treek  Meeting  House,  North  Carolina,  in  1770  it  was  decided  to  divide 
he  body.  This  was  the  only  unanimous  decision  of  the  association. 
The  division  came  about  partly  because  of  the  convenience,  but  chiefly 
lue  to  a  mistake  relative  to  the  authority  and  jurisdiction  of  the  associ- 
ition  the  delegates  felt  it  had.  They  felt  that  too  much  power  had 
>een  taken  from  the  churches  in  un-fellowshipping  and  ordinations. 
7he  association,  as  in  the  local  church,  had  to  do  everything  unanimously. 
f  one  dissented  they  labored  with  him  by   argument;  when  that  failed 

| -hey  resorted  to  prayer  in  which  all  joined.  When  this  failed  they 
ometimes  appointed  the  next  day  for  fasting  and  prayer  and  to  strive 
o  bring  things  to  one  mind.1 

The  three  bodies  were  to  be  in  three  states:  in  South  Carolina  it 
vould  be  called  the  Congaree  Association  organized  in  1771  with  seven 
hurches;  another  retained  the  name  and  most  of  the  churches  in  the 
iandy  Creek  Association  of  North  Carolina.  The  third  body  was  com- 
iosed  of  the  churches  in  Virginia  and  planned  to  meet  at  Craig's 
leeting  house  in  Orange  County,  May   11,  1771. : 

At  Craig's  Meeting  House 

On  the  appointed  day  these  twelve  churches  with  a  membership  of 
,335  sent  thirty-one  delegates  to  Orange  County: 

Church  Membership  Delegate 

imelia  (Nottoway)  260         Jeremiah  Walker   (1747-92),  David  El- 

lington, John  Williams  (1747-95) 
Thomas  Hargate,  James  Menesse 
William  Lovell 

Rane  Chastain   (1741-1803),  William 

John  Morrow,  Thomas  Peyton 
Joseph  Hotsclaw,  James  Weathers 
William  Marshall    (1735-1808),  Ruben 

/ouisa   (Goldmine)  100         James  Chiles,  David  Thompson,  Andrew 








'ulpeper  (Fiery  Run) 


'auquier  (Carter's  Run) 


'rederick  (Shenandoah) 


Orange  (Blue  Run)  120        Elijah  Craig  (         -1808),  George  T 

men,  Bartlet,  George  Eve 

Pittsylvania  (Falls  Ck.)         62         Samuel  Harris   (1724-99),  Jacob  Mite 
Spotsylvania  (Lower)  253         John  Waller   (1741-1802),  John  Burn 

Ruben  Ford  (1742-1823),  William  We 

ber  (1747-1808) 
Spotsylvania  (Upper)  105         Lewis   Craig    (1741-1824),   James  Ble 

soe,  William  Card,  John  Craig 
Dan  River  in  Pittsylvania  was  in  distress  and  did  not  report;  Blac 
water  in  Bedford  and  Staunton  in  Pittsylvania  remained  in  the  Sane 
Creek  Association.  The  twelve  churches  in  the  new  association  repr 
sented  eleven  counties  and  they  reported  420  baptisms.  The  new  a 
sociation  was  called  "The  Separate  Baptist  Association  of  Virginia 
"Rapidann"  or  the  "Orange";  they  elected  by  private  vote  Samuel  Harr 
moderator,  and  John  Waller,  clerk. 

The  First  Meeting  of  the  District  Association 

The  delegates  spent  four  days  in  fellowship,  worship  and  busines 
Many  visitors  joined  them.  John  Williams  recorded  in  his  Journal  th; 
he  reached  the  association  on  Saturday  in  time  to  hear  Thomas  Hargat 
preach  to  1,200  people.  He  was  followed  by  John  Burrus  as  John  Walle 
William  Marshall  and  Elijah  Craig  exhorted.  In  the  afternoon  th 
delegates  met  for  business  and  the  reading  of  letters  from  the  churche 

Sunday  was  given  to  preaching  to  a  congregation  estimated  at  betwee 
4,000  and  5,000.  William  Webber  was  followed  by  Jeremiah  Walker  an 
Lewis  Craig  exhorted.     Later  three  other  ministers  preached. 

On  Monday  they  fasted  and  proceeded  to  do  the  business  in  the  meet, 
ing  house.  Four  men  preached  outside  to  a  crowd  of  "about  1,000' 
Tuesday  the  attendance  was  somewhat  smaller.  William  Lovell,  Joh; 
Williams,  John  Burrus,  and  Joseph  Craig  preached  to  500,  with  a  con 
eluding  exhortation  by  Bartlet  Bennet.3 

These  Separates  multiplied,  by  1772  they  had  twenty  churches,  twenty 
one  additional  meeting  houses  (branches),  eleven  ordained  minister 
and  fifty-three  exhorters.  The  total  membership  of  the  Baptist  in  th 
state  was  put  at  3,633.  Allowing  five  to  a  family  the  "souls"  hearin 
the  message  of  Baptist  was  estimated  at  more  than  40,000.  Protestan 
Dissenters  of  the  Baptist  persuasion  continued  to  grow  at  such  a  pac 
that  when  the  General  Association  of  Separate  Baptist  assembled  a 
Thompson's  meeting  house  in  Louisa  County  on  August  10,  1776,  then 
were  76  churches  represented.  Here,  again  it  was  agreed  to  divide  th< 
association;  this  time  into  four  parts.  Two  north  of  the  James  and  twe 
on  the  south  side  of  the  river.  The  only  one  to  actually  organize  was  ir 
the  southwestern  part  of  the  state.  It  was  composed  of  churches  "dis 
missed  to  form  a  district  association".  Semple  lists  the  churches  in  th* 
Strawberry  District  existing  prior  to  the  organization  as  Leatherwooc 
in  Henry  County  planted  by  Robert  Stockton  (1743-1825)  in  1772;  Pi£ 
River  in  Franklin  County  planted  by  R.  Hall  in  1777.  Asplund  gives 
1776  for  North  Fork  of  Otter  in  Bedford  County  and  Bitting  adds  Straw 
berry  in  Pittsylvania  County,  Head  of  Smith  River  and  Catawba  Creek 

1773  and  Mayho,  1773.     Strawberry  minutes  list  Goose  Creek,   1771,  and 
4  Difficult  Creek,  1776.     These  churches  met  in  the  fall  of  1776  in  Straw- 
berry meeting  house  and  organized  the  Upper  District  Association,   the 
H  first  in  Virginia.     We  have  no  record  of  the  first  officers.1 

Price  of  Progress 

This  increase  was  not  without  cost,  being  a  Baptist  did  not  add  to  one's 
standing  or  safety.  "Magistrates  and  mobs,  priests  and  sheriffs,  courts 
and  prisons  all  vainly  combined  to  divert  them  from  their  objectives. 
He  that  was  for  them  was  greater  than  all  that  were  against  them"." 

Churches  were  molested,  Dan  River  in  Pittsylvania  endured  much 
persecution  and  Falls  Creek  in  the  same  county  met  with  great  opposition. 

f  In  Amherst   the  church  rose   into  being   against   strong  opposition  from 

■  mobs  and  magistrates.0 

By  1771  the  rage  of  the  persecution  had  in  no  wise  abated;  they  seemed 
sometimes  to  strive  to  treat  the  Baptist  and  their  worship  with  as  much 
rudeness  and  indecency  as  was  possible.  They  often  insulted  the 
preachers  in  times  of  service  and  would  ride  into  the  water  and  make 

:  sport  when  they  administered  baptism.     They  frequently  fabricated  and 

U  spread  the  most  groundless  reports  which  were  injurious  to  the  Society 

ft  of  Baptist.7 



Punishment  by  the  Law 

By  the  law,   then  in  force   in   Virginia,   all   were   under  obligation   to 
:  go  to  church  several  times   a  year;  the  failure  subjected  them  to  fines. 

Little  notice  was  taken  of  the  omission  of  the  members  of  the  Established 

Church,  but  as  soon  as  the  "New  Lights"  were  absent  they  were  presented 

to  the  grand  jury  and  fined  according  to  law. 

When    the   punishment    of    the    members   did    not    reduce    interest    in 
i  Baptist  other  steps  were  taken  to  deter  their  preachers  by  objecting  to 

their   preaching    until    they    obtained    license    from    the   General    Court. 

Licenses  to  preach  were  obtained  only  twice  a  year  at  Williamsburg 
?  and  applicants  often  had   difficulties  in  obtaining  them.     Consequently 

many  Baptist  preachers  became  "strollers"  —  preached  without  official 
tj  license,  thus  making  them  subject  to  imprisonment.8 

If  this  in  addition  to  ridicule,  defamation  and  abusive  language  could 
jj  not   stop   the   progress   of   Baptist   they   were   pressed   to    imprisonment. 

Before  this  could  be  done  the  parson  of  the  parish  was  consulted  and 
i  often  his  judgment  confirmed  it.  His  counsel  was  that  the  "New  Lights" 
r  ought   to  be  taken   up   and  imprisoned   as  necessary  for  the  peace    and 

harmony  of  the  old  church.0 

From  Chesterfield  Jail  to  Bedford  County 

Of  interest  to  the  Strawberry  Association  should  be  the  imprisonment 
i  of  Joseph  Anthony  (1713-1785)  in  December,  1770.  Mr.  Anthony,  a 
native  of  Goochland  County,  had  been  invited  to  preach  in  Chesterfield 
v  County.  He  was  arrested  for  "misbehaviour"  by  itinerant  preaching 
j   and  put  in   jail.     His   surity   for   "good   behaviour"   was   that   he   would 

not  preach  in  the  county  for  a  year  and  a  day.  Since  he  could  not  ii 
conscience  comply  he  continued  in  jail  until  March  preaching  througl 
the  grates.  Such  was  the  power  of  Anthony's  ministry  while  in  jai 
that  it  was  judged  the  best  policy  to  dismiss  him.  The  jailer  was  directec 
to  leave  the  door  of  his  cell  unlocked,  that  it  might  be  reported  he  hac 
escaped,  but  he  did  not  leave  the  jail.'"  He  later  became  a  leading 
figure  in  the  organization  of  the  Strawberry  Association.  (For  more 
about  the  persecution  of  Virginia  Baptist  Ministers  read  Little,  Lewis 
Peyton,  Imprisoned  Preachers  and  Religious  Liberty  in  Virginia  (Lynch- 
burg:    Bell,  1938). 

None  escaped  harassment.  John  Ireland  tells  of  a  group  of  negroes 
who  had  the  patrolers  let  loose  upon  them  at  a  large  Sunday  congregation, 
They  were  sieged  and  whipped.11 

Strawberry  Escapes   Punishment 

So  far  as  known  there  was  little  molesting  of  members  or  pastors  of 
the  churches  in  the  Strawberry,  but  they  felt  their  responsibility  in 
seeing  that  complete  freedom  was  to  be  the  delight  of  all  and  stood 
ready  to  add  to  the  influence  of  Baptist  who  were  already  strong  among 
the  common  people  and  beginning  to  be  felt  in  high  places,  because 
they  loved  freedom  and  hated  the  church  establishment  —  not  the  mem- 
bers or  the  ministers,  but  the  principles.1" 

Working  for  Absolute  Freedom 

Through  John  Anthony  (1746-1822),  Robert  Stockton  and  William 
Johnson,  chosen  by  the  association,  the  desires  for  freedom  were  made 
known  as  the  Baptist  General  Association  sent  its  complaints  to  the 
governing  body  of  the  state. 

Among  the  many  petitions  were  the  following  that  claimed  Baptist 

1.  1737     Noncomformists  could  not  practice  their  respective  faith. 

2.  1754  That  church  establishment  be  abolished  and  religion  be 
left  to  stand  upon  its  own  merits. 

3.  1775     Against  the  law  not  admitting  worship  except  in  the  daytime. 

4.  1776     Petition  for  the  following  religious  privileges: 

(1).    Worship  God  in  one's  own  way  without  interruption. 
(2).    Be  permitted  to  maintain  own  minister  and  none  other. 
(3).    To    be    married,    buried    and    the    like    without   paying 
clergy  of  other  denominations. 

5.  1779     Help  Mr.   Jefferson's   bill  for   religious   freedom   get   passed. 

6.  1780  Dissolving  several  vestries  and  electing  an  overseer  of  the 

7.  1783  Against  vestry  and  glebe  laws;  assessing  taxes  upon  people 
to  support  the  ministers  of  all  alike. 

8.  Many  existing  civil  laws  oppressive  to  the  Baptist,  the  marriage 
laws  not  practical  and  oppressive.  Clergy  of  former  Established 
Church  supposed  themselves  to  have  the  exclusive  right  of  offici- 
ating in  marriage. 


9.  1784  Praying  that  perfect  and  equal  religious  freedom  may  be 
established;  they  were  against  the  amendment  that  would  allow 
persons  to  designate  their  ministers  as  the  beneficiaries  of  their 
part  of  the  tax.  They  believed  in  voluntary  religion  and  in  free- 
will offerings  for  its  support.     Baptist  stood  alone  on  this. 

10.  1786  That  glebes  be  sold  and  the  money  applied  to  public  use. 
All  six  associations  reported  favorable  to  this. 

11.  Protestant  dissenters  of  the  Baptist  persuasion  set  forth  the  in- 
conviences  of  compelling  their  licensed  preachers  to  bear  arms 
under  the  militia  law  and  attend  muster,  by  which  they  were 
unable  to  perform  the  duties  of  their  function.14 

It  is  interesting  to  note  that  the  dissenters  who  had  experienced  the 

'larsher  treatment,  being  beaten  and  imprisoned,  who  cruelly  taxed  the 

ingenuity  of  the  establishment  to  devise  new  modes  of  punishment  and 

annoyance  were  to  be  a  most  cultivated  group  when  important  decisions 

1  had  to  be  made. 

In  communities  where  Baptists  were   not   numerous  when   there   was 
^anything  near  a  division  among  the  other  inhabitants  they  together  gave 
^a  cast  to  the  scale,  by  which  many   a  worthy   and  useful  member  was 
lodged  in  the  House  of  Assembly.15 

The  Baptist  Society,  a  Guardian  of  Freedom 

These  united  churches  had  helped  win  the  religious  freedom,  now 
they  needed  protection  from  any  encroachments  by  Civil  government. 
They  would  find  such  a  guardian  and  Strawberry  would  be  there  in 
1783  when  Robert  Stockton  and  thirty-six  other  delegates  including  most 
of  the  active  preachers  in  Virginia  met  to  form  a  General  Committee 
to  care  for  the  good  of  the  whole  Baptist  Society. 

Chapter  III 


1783  - 1791 


After  the  dissolvement  of  the  General  Association  a  General  Com- 
mittee was  formed  —  of  not  more  than  four  delegates  from  each  associ 
ation  in  the  state.  This,  smaller  but  more  representative  body,  could 
act  punctually.  There  would  be  no  local  matter  to  consider  so  it  couldi 
focus  its  attention  to  those  things  of  general  interest  and  act  as  the 
guardian  of  the  rights  of  Virginia  Baptists  against  remaining  discrimi- 

Delegates  from  Dover,  Middle  District,  Ketocton  and  Strawberry  met 
October  9,  1784,  at  Dover  meeting-house.  Their  duty  was  to  "consider 
all  political  grievances  of  the  whole  Baptist  society  in  Virginia  atid  all! 
reference  from  the  district  associations,  which  concern  Baptists  at  large. 
No  petition  shall  be  presented  to  the  General  Assembly  from  any  associ- 
ation connected  with  the  General  Committee.1 

This  concentration  of  counsel  and  influence  was  used  by  Baptists  who 
were  largely  instrumental  in  securing  the  adoption  of  the  sixteenth 
article  of  the  Virginia  "Declaration  of  Rights"  passed  June  12,  1776. 
The  year  before  the  only  "privilege"  that  Virginia  ever  accorded  the 
Baptists  had  been  granted." 

Strawberry  Association  and  the  Committee 

William  Johnson,  Joseph  Anthony  and  Robert  Stockton  attended  the 
meetings  as  delegates.  Stockton  did  not  absent  himself  from  one  session 
until  1799.  This  absence  was  due  to  the  preparation  for  the  removal 
from  the  state  to  Kentucky.3  At  the  meetings  they  approved  the  minutes 
and  presented  frequent  memorials;  this  tells  of  their  zeal  and  persistence. 

In  1782  Robert  Stockton  was  sent  as  a  messenger  from  the  General 
Committee  to  the  Holston  Association  and  in  1790  he  and  Joseph  Anthony 
were  asked  to  wait  on  the  Presbyterial  society  in  regard  to  the  General 
Assembly  selling  the  Glebes.  They  were  repaid  for  their  services;  three 
shillings  a  day  for  traveling,  two  shillings  a  day  while  attending  the 
sessions  and  a  proper  allowance  for  "hostley".  This  was  to  be  paid 
from  the  district  association  funds.'  Mr.  Stockton  spent  eight  days  in 
journey  from  Leatherwood;  Mr.  Johnson  spent  six  days  traveling.  The 
Stockton  bill  was  two  pounds,  14  shillings  and  Johnson's  bill  one  pound 
and  12  shillings."1 


Memorials  to  the  Committee 

At  the  first  session   a   memorial   was   sent   to   the  General   Assembly 

'king  that  it  repeal  the  vestry  law  and  for  a  change  in  the  marriage 

w.     Later  others  were  sent  including  one  in  August  1785  protesting  a 

11  that   would   tax   property   for  the   support   of  teachers  of   Christian 

;  ligion  and  for  places  of  worship  —  this   would  destroy  complete   re- 

pous  freedom."     James  Madison   was  sent  by   Virginia  Baptist   to  the 

•st  Congress  of  the  United  States  of  America,  October  1779  in  an  effort 

;   keep  the  church  and  state  apart. 

History  has  not  kept  all  the  memorials.     However,  we  did  find  one  of 

terest.     "What  is  a  Baptist  Constitution  ?"     This  was  answered  August 

I  89.    An  abridgment  of  their  reply  is  worth  noting  "-  -  -  -  neither  this 

mnmittee  nor  any   association  have   any   right  to   Derobe   Churches  of 

ij|  eir  Independence."7 

iflThe  articles  in  which  we  all  agree  are  as  follows: 

W  "1.  That  there  is  but  one  Eternal  God.     2.  That  in  the  Godhead  are 

c^xee  Distinct  persons.     3.  That  Jesus  Christ  is  properly  God.     4.   That 

.e  Scriptures  are  a  Divine  Revelation  of  the  will  of  God.     5.  That  all 

i-dam's  posterity  are  Universally  Depioved.     6.  That  nothing  atones  for 

i  n,  but  the  blood  of  the  Lamb.     7.  That  the  imputed  Righteousness  of 

tjbsus  Christ  can  justify  us  before  God.     8.  That  a  moral  change  of  heart 

absolutely  necessary  to  prepare  us  for  the  Enjoyment  of  God  in  time 

lid  Eternity.     9.  That  repentance  for  sin  should  always  preceed  baptism. 

[}).  That  no  water  baptism  is  valid  but  that  of  Dipping  the  body  in  water 

the  name  of  Trinity.     11.  That  self  Denial  and  Gospel  obedience  are 

jcessary  in  Religion.     12.  That  there  is  a  General  Judgment  appointed 

fjjr  God,  where  all  Adam's  race  will  have  their  audit  and  hear  their  final 

^oom.     For  further  particulars  we  refer  you  to  your  Delegates".6     They 

iere  William  Johnson,  Robert  Stockton  and  Joseph  Anthony. 


Our  Association  Gets  a  Name 

In  tracing  the  early  history   one  can  be  confused  because  of  names. 

he  General  Committee  recorded  in  its  minutes  and  correspondence  the 
same  "Upper  District".  The  General  Committee  of  Correspondence 
(idled  it  "Henry  District  Association"  in  1789.  In  the  Strawberry  As- 
|>ciation  minute  book  dated  May  30,  1791,  the  following  is  recorded, 
a/iz.  It  is  agreed  that  this  association  shall  go  by  the  name  of  Straw- 
:.3rry  District;  so  at  Mount  Hermon  the  confusion  over  names  was 
fettled.""  The  irony  of  the  action  became  evident  years  later  when 
\ie  church  where  the  association  held  its  first  meeting  and  for  which 
!{  was  named  became  anti-missionary  and  left  its  namesake.  Another 
puree  of  confusion  for  the  historian  is  the  biannual  meetings  with  minutes 

om  both  recorded  in  the  same  annual.  The  spring  meeting  began  the 
list  Saturday  in  May  and  the  fall  session  the  first  Saturday  in  October. 

The  First  Recorded  Meeting 


From  October  13,   1787  to  October  7,   1815,  the  minutes  are  in  manu- 
xipt  form  and  rather  hard  to  decipher.  One  finds  little  about  the  business 


conducted  by  the  delegates,  but  they  had  "full"  meetings,  starting  Sati- 
day  afternoon  with  an  introductory  sermon,  moderator  and  clerk  elect<i, 
letters  handed  in,  delegates  enrolled  and  corresponding  brethri 
seated.  The  moderator  and  clerk  with  five  other  persons  were  appoint} 
to  arrange  for  the  business  of  the  association.  A  committee  to  write  ) 
the  corrsponding  associations  and  three  or  four  ministers  appointed  fr 
the  Sunday  preaching. 

Sunday's  minutes  usually  told  of  the  great  crowds  that  gathered,  tlj 
attention  or  lack  of  it  given  to  the  preaching  and  they  ended  with  "tl 
hope  that  something  good  was  accomplished".10 

October  13,  1787,  eleven  years  after  the  organization,  when  the  asso<- 
ation  met  at  Goose  Creek  the  clerk  gave  for  the  first  time  the  nam; 
of  the  delegates  and  the  churches  they  represented." 

Church  Delegates 

Strawberry  Thomas  Johns 

Leatherwood  Robert  Stockton 

Head  of  Smith  River  None 

Otter  River  John  Anthony,  Joseph  Drury,  James  Freeman 

North  Fork,  Roanoke         James  Mathis,  Elias  Owen 
Lower  Blackwater  Alex  Furgurson,  Philip  Bailey,  Jeremiah  Maxt 

Meadow  Creek  John  Lawrence 

Goose  Creek  William  Johnson 

Beaver  Creek  Joseph  Anthony,  Jacob  Faress 

Catawba  Samuel  Goodwin,  Absalon  Smith,  John  Mahar 

Cotton  Town  Jeremiah  Hatcher,  Julius  Hatcher 

Cascade  William  Stevens 

Rennet  Bag  Creek  Randolph  Hall,  Bailey  Carter 

Head  of  Little  River  William  Derveese,  Humphry  Smith 

Snow  Creek  None 

An   Association    of   eleven   churches    in    North    Carolina    represented    b 

George  McNeill 
Head  of  Pig  River  Moses  Renfro,  William  Aurs 

In  1792  they  started  at  eight  o'clock  and  not  the  usual  hour.  Th 
outstanding  business  was  the  adoption  of  a  Constitution  and  Rules 
Decorum  in  the  Annual  Register  with  little  change.  The  same  Rules  o 
Decorum  have  been  used  through  the  years  with  some  alterations.  The; 

1.  The  association  shall  open  and  close  with  prayer. 

2.  A  moderator  and  clerk  shall  be  chosen  by  the  suffrage  of  the  mem 
bers  present. 

3.  Only  one  person  shall  speak  at  a  time,  who  shall  rise  from  his  seat 
and  address  the  moderator,  when  he  is  about  to  make  his  speech. 

4.  The  person  thus  speaking  shall  not  be  interrupted  in  his  speech  bj 
anyone,  except  the  moderator,  until  he  is  done. 

5.  He  shall  strictly  address  to  the  subject  and  in  nowise  reflect  on  thej 
person  who  spoke  before;  so  as  to  make  remarks  on  his  lips,  feeling; 
or  imperfections,  but  shall  fairly  state  the  case  and  matter  as  nearljj 
as  he  can,  so  as  to  convey  his  light  or  idea. 

6.  No    person    shall    abruptly    break    off   or    absent    himself    from    thel 
association  without  liberty  obtained  from  it. 


1  7.    No  person  shall  rise  and  speak  more  than  twice  on  the  same  subject, 

without  obtaining  liberty  to  do  so  from  the  association. 
:  8.    No  member  of  the  association  shall  be  tolerated  to  read  any  books 
1         or  papers,  nor  laugh  during  the  setting  of  the  same.     No  whispering 
during  the  time  of  public  speech. 
9.    No  member  of  the  association  shall  address  another  in  other  terms 
of  appellations  but  the  title  of  brother. 

10.  The  moderator  shall  not  interrupt  any  member  and  so  prohibit  him 
from  speaking  until  he  gives  his  light  on  the  subject  except  he  break 
the  rules  of  this  decorum. 

11.  The  names  of  the  several  members  of  the  association  shall  be  en- 
rolled by  the  clerk  and  called  over  as  often  as  the  association  re- 

12.  The  moderator  shall  be  entitled  to  the  same  privilege  of  speech  as 
another  and  he  shall  have  no  vote  unless  the  association  be  equally 

13.  That  any  member  who  shall  willingly  and  knowingly  break  any  of 
these  rules  shall  be  reproved  by  the  association  as  they  shall  think 

Sharing  With  Other  Associations 

For  the  first  twenty-five  years  the  association  corresponded  with  the 
Elkhorn,  Roanoke,  Ketocton,  Yadkin,  Holston  and  the  New  River.  This 
letter  from  the  New  River  is  typical  of  those  sent  and  received: 

|  i"Dear  Brethers: 

In  the  name  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ  we  greet  you  -  -  -  - 

We  request  that  we  appoint  a  day  of  public  prayer  to  be  observed  on 

|  the  fourth  Sunday  in  July  next  in  consequence  of  the  great  decline  of 

[  vital  religion  amongst  us  and   the  threatening  calamities  of  the   nation. 

I  We  do   seriously    recommend   the   strict   observance    of   the   Sabbath    of 

I  which  our  brethren  and  people  need  and  that  they  would   address  the 

God  of  Zion  with  their  most  ardent  petitions  to  revive  his  work  in  his 

'["land  and  make  known  the  Joy  of  the  whole  earth  and  to  the  nations; 

'  that  he  would  preserve  us  from  natural  calamities  and  keep  us  in  peace 

'and  tranquillity"13 

Already  the  association  was  sending  out  churches  to  help  form  other 
organizations.  After  it  gave  churches  to  form  the  New  River  and  Mayo 
in  1798  there  were  twelve  left  with  eight  ministers  to  carry  on  the  work. 

I  Now,  much  of  the  business  of  the  annual  meetings  was  the  discussions 
of  problems  that  arose  in  the  churches.  If  the  messengers  could  not 
reach  a  suitable  or  satisfactory  answer  for  the  query  it  would  be  sent 
to  the  General  Committee  for  deliberation.     Other  queries  were  sent  to 

cthe  several  district  associations  and  from  them  to  the  several  local 
churches   for   their   opinion.      The   Strawberry   Association    was    asked    to 

"consider  a  request   about  slavery   and   in  October,    1791,   answered,    "We 

a  advise  them  not  to  interfere  with  it"." 

I  During  this  period  of  expanded  activities  the  association  made  its 
contribution    to    the  Great   Revival    of    1785,    a   greater   understanding    of 

(other  Baptists,  of  education,  publication  of  Baptist  history,  of  papers  and 
hymn  books  and  an  increase  in  the  number  of  district  associations. 


Chapter  IV 


1791  - 1836 

Since  the  purpose  of  the  General  Committee  had  been  achieved,  that 
of  brinigng  about  complete  separation  of  church  and  state  in  Virginia, 
it  was  dissolved  in  1799.  When  the  act  for  establishing  Religious  Free- 
dom drawn  up  by  Thomas  Jefferson  had  been  endorsed  in  1779  Vir- 
ginia became  "the  first  government  in  the  world  to  completely  divorce 
church  and  state  —  the  greatest  contribution  of  America  to  the  sum  of 
Western  civilization".'  Baptists  had  lead  in  this  and  the  delegates  from 
the  Strawberry  did  their  part. 

Now,  the  state  association  needed  a  new  structure  for  the  maintaining 
of  an  organization  that  could  concentrate  its  attention,  not  upon  the 
local  church,  its  problems,  plans  and  place  in  the  community,  but  the 
work  of  the  churches  of  the  state  as  a  whole.  In  1800  a  large  majority 
of  the  convention  at  Lyle's  favored  a  General  meeting  and  resolved: 

1.  The  organization  be  of  the  several  associations  in  the  state  under 
the  title  of  General  Meeting  of  Correspondence  of  the  United  Baptist 
Association  of  Virginia. 

2.  It  be  composed  of  four  delegates  from  each  association,  they  meet 
once  a  year. 

3.  Each  association  send  annually  by  hand  of  mesengers  a  copy  of  their 
minutes,  a  sketch  of  any  circumstances  that  could  be  of  general 

4.  Annually  print  in  numbers  part  of  the  minutes  from  the  several 
associations  —  that  will  promote  the  interest  of  religion  and  harmony 
of  Baptists. 

5.  The  expense  of  printing  the  proceedings  of  the  correspondence  (not 
to  exceed  thirty  octovo  pages)  to  be  defrayed  by  the  association  and 
the  sale  of  the  work . 

G.  No  power  to  do  anything  to  infringe  on  the  liberties  of  an  association 
or  church. 

7.  -  -  -  not  to  attend  to  political  grievances  unless  directed  to  do  so. 

8.  The  plan  when  put  into  effect  would  have  two-thirds  of  the  associ- 
ations give  assent  thereto  and  be  dissolved  whenever  a  majority  shall 
deem  it  dangerous  to  the  happiness  and  interest  or  religion.2  The 
delegates  from  seven  associations  rejected  the  plan  in  1802,  by  1808 
the  idea  had  been  approved  and  the  committee  got  to  work. 


The  real  objective  was  "to  promote  and  preserve  union  and  harmony 
nong  the  churches".  Little  is  found  of  the  Strawberry's  involvement 
the  new  organization.  On  the  issue  for  the  revision  of  the  Phila- 
»lphia  Confession  of  Faith  they  took  no  action.  They  answered  a  query 
K>ut  sending  messengers  to  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Committee  with, 
Ve  think  not."  The  1812  minutes  read  "be  it  resolved  that  the  Straw- 
jrry  Association  is  not  in  favor  of  going  to  the  General  Meeting  of 
Direspondence".  John  S.  Lee  (cl780-cl856)  attended  the  1820  meeting 
'  Correspondence  and  reported  it  interesting  so  in  1822  he,  William 
Bftwich  (1768-1865)  and  Robert  Tinsdale  (  -1856)  were  to  be 

The  churches  of  the  Strawberry  Association  proved  they  had  more 
terest  in  the  progress  of  the  local  congregation  and  its  responsibility 
•  the  local  populace  than  what  the  General  Meeting  of  the  Corres- 
mdence  could  do  under  its  constitution. 

i.L|  Dividing  the  Association  for  Effective  Work 

Ch  One  of  the  first  acts  of  the  association  in  the  early  1800's  was  to  divide 

f.e  churches  in  sections  for  the  convenience  of  the  people  and  the  better 

11 "  :quainting  them  with  the  work,  needs  of  the  area  and  to  lend  aid  in 

cal  problems.    The  eleven  churches  were  placed  in  groups  and  ministers 

r;signed  to  visit  and  give  assistance  when  needed. 

Section    1:     Otter,    Liberty,    North    Fork    of   Otter,    Rockbridge, 

John  King  and  James  Perego,  ministers 

Section  2:     Fork,  Ellison,  Morgan's, 

John  Anthony,  Jeremiah  Hatcher,  Isham  Fuqua,  ministers 

Section  3:     Snow  Creek,  Leatherwood,  Pig  River,  Head  of  Smith, 

Thomas  Douglas,  minister 
:By  1813  the  number  of  churches  had  increased  until  it  was  necessary 
rearrange  them  according  to  the  points  of  the  compass. 

East:      Burton   Creek,    Otter,    Timber   Ridge,    Little    Otter,    Dif- 
ficult Creek,  Goose  Creek 

West:     Leatherwood,  Smith  River,  Perego  Meeting  House,  Head 
I  of  Pig  River,  Blackwater 

North:     North  Fork  of  Otter,   Suck  Spring,   Beaver  Dam,   Mill 

Creek,  Rock  Spring,  Buffalo 

South:  Manton,  Gill's  Creek,  Bethal,  Snow  Creek 
Each  section  had  its  meetings,  which  must  have  proved  helpful  for 
1802  the  churches  expressed  a  desire  for  the  gatherings.  One  year 
ey  made  a  request  of  "wishing  the  association  to  lay  aside  the  rule  of 
sitation  from  section  to  section."  By  1822  it  was  suggested  that  there 
i  two  section  meetings  a  year  to  which  ministers  were  appointed  to 
tend  and  report  back  the  next  year.  That  year  reports  were  given 
such  meetings  in  Lynchburg  and  Suck  Spring.  Seven  years  latter 
e  churches  wanted  to  dispense  with  one  of  the  sessions  of  the  associ- 
ion  and  have  three  section  meetings.'  (Tradition  and  the  brethren 
id,  "No".) 

From  time  to  time  committees  were  appointed  to  rearrange  the  sections, 
e  last  was  in  1865.  The  minutes  of  1866  carried  the  last  statistical 
bles  compiled  by  sections.1 


The  Record 

Mr.  Asplund  did  not  receive  the  1793  minutes  in  time  to  strike  thei 
off.  The  clerk  lost  the  minutes  of  1795.  In  1815  the  question  of  printi; 
the  minutes  came  before  the  messengers.  One  session  said,  "No"  a 
the  other  wanted  them  "struck  off".  The  clerk  received  $10.00  for  h 
services  and  the  churches  were  asked  to  contribute  to  the  250  copi; 
with  a  circular  letter  to  be  annexed. 

Church  Amount  Requested 

Head  of  Pig  River  $2.20 

Staunton  1.50 

Buffalo  1.00 

Little  Otter  1.50 

Goose  Creek  2.08 

Suck  Spring  1.00 

Lynchburg  1.50 

North  Fork  of  Otter  1.00 

Bethel                                              N  2.00 

Burton  Creek  1.00 


The  letters  to  be  annexed  were  prepared  by  a  minister,  read  at  th 
association  and  voted  on.  If  the  delegates  did  not  think  it  "proper 
the  letter  was  not  sent  with  the  minutes.  Some  of  the  subjects  reflecte 
upon  were:  1815  "What  Is  a  Gospel  Church?",  1816,  "Open  Communior 
Impolite,  Ingurious  and  Impractable",  1817,  "Family  Religion",  181J 
"Spirits  of  the  World",  1820,  21,  23  the  letters  were  read  and  rejectee 
1825  "Habitual  Godliness,  Grace,  Mercy  and  Peace",  1827,  "Lntemperence' 
1828,  "Prayer". 

Through  the  years  other  papers  have  been  presented  and  recom 
mended  to  be  published  as  a  part  of  the  proceedings.  1852,  "Evils  o 
Infant  Baptism",  1854,  "Evils  of  Dancing",  1881,  "Social  Dancing,  Anti 
scriptual  and  Sinful",  1881,  "Needs  of  the  Association",  1882,  "Th< 
Proper  Subjects  for  Baptism",  1970,  "George  Pearcy,  the  Almost  For 
gotten  Missionary",  1973,  "The  Viewpoint  of  Youth  —  Pastor  and  Con 
gregation  and  Their  Relationship",  1971,  "Baptist  Imperatives  for  tht 

One  of  the  most  used  sections  of  all  minutes  is  the  statistical  tables. 
As  early  as  1790  the  minutes  of  the  Strawberry  Association  have  had 
such  information.  That  year  the  table  included  names  of  churches, 
location,  delegates  and  membership. 

Presbyteries  and  Committees  Aid  All 

Owing  to  the  distance  between  churches  and  the  deficiency  of  ministers 
the  association  appointed  presbyteries  and  committees  to  help  care  fori 
the  needs  of  many  congregations.    This  list  of  "calls"  reveals  the  deversi- 1 
fied  problems: 

1789  —  Buffalo   and  Blackwater  needed  help  to  settle  distress  —  thel 
distress  was  not  mentioned. 


103  —  Presbytery  needed  to  help  ordain  deacons  in  several  churches. 

Jp05  —  Snow  Creek  and  Pig  River  want  a  presbytery  to  see  about  a 

lt||  church  meeting  house  at  Simmons  Creek. 

ar((08  —  Staunton  River  requested  a  committee,  but  did  not  state  reason. 

.  ^(09  —  Perego  asked  for  a  committee  and  on  the  visit  a  small  minority 

ill  received  them.     Big  problem  —  a  brother  who  had  the  Gift  and 

used  it  to  proclaim  principles  not  adhered  to  by  the  Baptist 
Society  to  the  distress  of  his  brethren.  It  was  suggested  that 
he  lay  down  his  Gift. 
510-1811  —  These  churches  continued  to  ask  for  help.  They  later  be- 
came anti-missionary. 
114  —  Perego  meeting  house  in  disorder.  It  was  suggested  that  letters 
be  granted  to  those  who  asked.  Many  of  the  churches  had 
afflictions  caused  ,by  a  minority;  the  smaller  seemed  to  have 
more  than  their  share  of  trouble.  Perego  had  some  few  mem- 
bers and  letters  to  the  associations  stating  charges  against  Lewis 
Foster.  Elders  John  King,  William  Leftwich,  Joseph  Perego, 
Stephen  Hubbard,  John  Black  and  Henry  Tuggle  were  appointed 
to  answer  the  charge. 

514  —  Committee  asked  to  set  apart  deacons  at  Timber  Ridge. 

515  —  Brothers  Anthony,  Leftwich,  Harris,  Ashworth  and  Terry  were 

to  help  organize  a  church  in  Lynchburg  and  to  ordain  John  S. 

J18  —  Different  ministers  were  assigned  to  visit  churches  in  trouble. 
U8-1820  —  Many  reported  they  visited  churches. 
}25  —  Committee  sent  to  settle  dispute  at  Stanton  River  and  another 

to  organize  a  church  at  Salem. 
)31  —  Ask  to  establish  church  at  Fincastle. 
532  —  Mt.  Hermon  request  a  committee  to  help  settle  problem  between 

J.  C.  Noel  and  members  of  the  church. 
534  —  The  association  felt  that  churches  should  not  ordain  ministers; 

they  should  be  questioned  and  ordained  at  the  association  meet- 
J35  —  Committee  asked  to  organize  a  church  in  Giles  County. 
536  —  Same  committee  asked  to  go  to  Linking  Creek  in  Giles  County 

because  of  discord  in  the  church. 
In  later  years  the  executive  committee  did  some  of  the  work  of  the 
;.d  presbyteries  and  committees. 

>*■  Many  of  the  progressive  ideas  that  were  being  tried  in  several  churches 
h  the  state  had  not  reached  the  western  churches  who  had  been  kept 
asy  trying  to  maintain  order  within  themselves.  Some  rather  interest- 
ig  things  that  are  for  the  Strawberry  Association  only.  The  spring 
leeting  of  1804  was  held  in  the  home  of  James  Freeman  at  the  head  of 
urner  Creek.  July  4,  1812,  a  day  of  prayer  and  fasting  for  the  problems 
:  our  county.  No  persons  responsible  for  the  reports  to  the  1819  meet- 
ig  were  present.  The  time  was  spent  in  discussing  the  problems  of 
>cal  interest.  The  minutes  of  1820-1821  may  be  called  our  miniature, 
ley  are  about  2l/2  inches  by  5  inches  with  nine  pages  and  reports  of 
venty  churches.  Some  of  the  items  of  husiness  that  were  of  interest 
as  raising  money  for  the  relief  of  the  Lynchburg  Church,  $21.50  collected. 


Trying  to  do  something  for  the  Burton  Creek  Church  and  to  exclude  oe 
Thomas  Bunting  as  pastor  and  from  the  fellowship  of  Baptist.  Maye 
the  association  meetings  were  not  exciting,  but  they  were  different  ai 


Chapter  V 


1822  -  1830 

The  General  Meeting  of  Correspondence  continues  its  yearly  meeting  — 
the  constitution  gave  it  almost  nothing  to  do.  Only  a  few  of  the  twenty 
district  associations  belonged  to  it  and  a  very  small  number  of  delegates 
attended.  In  1821  there  were  only  three  present  and  not  one  officer. 
No  business  was  undertaken;  Edward  Baptist  (1790-1863)  suggested 
that  something  in  the  form  of  an  organization  for  the  definite  purpose 
of  investigating  the  spiritual  condition  of  the  state  be  started  and  to 
make  plans  to  improve  it. 

At  the  First  Baptist  Church  of  Richmond  in  June  1822  this  recom- 
mendation to  be  sent  to  the  district  association  was  made: 

1.  A  meeting  to  be  called  the  General  Association  of  Baptists  in 
Virginia  for  supplying  vacant  churches  and  spreading  the  gospel  be  held. 

2.  Its  object  —  to  propagate  the  Gospel,  preach  the  word  in  vacant 
churches,  and  send  preachers  to  destitute  regions  in  the  state. 

3.  To  be  composed  of  representatives  from  the  several  associations  in 
the  state,  each  to  be  entitled  to  four. 

4.  The  representatives,  when  convened,  shall  not  interfere  with  internal 
regulations  of  the  churches  or  associations,  must  not  pursue  any  object 
other  than  specified  in  the  second  article. 

5.  Funds  to  accomplish  these  objectives  must  come  from  voluntary 
contributions  from  each  association  and  by  any  way  they  think  best 
and  the  General  Association  not  to  infringe  on  the  rights  of  individuals 
or  churches.  No  sum  is  necessary  to  have  representation  from  the  re- 
spective association. 

6.  An  appointed  executive  board  will  transact  business  between  ses- 

7.  The  constitution  can  be  revised  and  amended  by  two-thirds  of 
the  representatives  at  the  General  Association.1  (This  seemed  to  be  able 
to  do  little  good  or  evil.) 

The  first  meeting  was  held  Saturday,  June  7,  1823,  at  Second  Baptist 
Church  of  Richmond.  Most  of  the  gathering,  like  all  the  others  had 
little  business  —  preaching  was  the  thing,  Luther  Rice  (1783-1836),  Ed- 
ward Baptist  (1828-1896),  O.  B.  Brown  (1779-1852),  James  Fife  (1794- 
1876)  and  Daniel  P.  Witt  (1801-1871)  preached.  The  messages  were 
heard  and  rated.  Rice's  was  the  feeblest,  Brown's  the  most  profound, 
Fife's  the  most  impressive,  Baptist's  most  beautiful  and  Witt's  most 


On    Monday    they    appointed    twenty-one    members    to    the    board 
managers.     John  S.  Lee,  William  Leftwich  and  Valentine  Mason   ( 178. 
1843)  were  named  to  the  board  from  the  Strawberry.     By  invitation  tvJ 
Bedford  County  "boys"  were  present  at  the  first  Board  meeting  Augu 
1832  at  the  home  of  Andrew  Broaddus  in  Caroline  County.     Daniel  Wi, 
had  been  baptized  into  the  church   at  Liberty   in   December   1821,  the, 
broke    the    ice   for    this    rite,    and    Jeremiah    B.    Jeter    (1802-1880)    Wc, 
baptized  the  same  month  in  the  Mount  Hermon  Church. 

Rev.  Peter  Dupuy  heard  from  a  delegate  of  the  Virginia  State  Leguj 
lature,  from  the  upper  country,  of  the  remarkable  Baptist  "plow-boyj 
preachers  in  Bedford  County.  He  invited  the  young  men  to  his  horn1 
and  Daniel  Witt  "preached  his  way  down  the  James  to  Richmond".  Hi 
was  tested  out  in  two  prayer  meetings,  in  sermons  and  on  Sunday  i: 
the  preaching  service  of  the  First  Baptist  Church  of  the  city.  Nex 
June  1823  Witt  and  his  friend,  J.  B.  Jeter,  attended  the  first  session  o 
the  Virginia  Baptist  General  Association  in  Richmond.  Witt  vouchee 
for  Jeter,  for  he  had  been  tried  and  found  faithful  in  the  capital  city. 

Birth  of  State  Missions 

Before  the  Board  began  its  evangelizing  program  they  wanted  to  know 
about  the  religious  condition  of  the  state  so  Jeter  and  Witt  were  senu 
to  inquire  as  to  the  fields  of  greatest  spiritual  destitution.  They  were,1, 
to  make  a  month's  tour  of  Western  Virginia  and  another  in  the  area  oi 
the  Portsmouth  and  Meherrin  Associations.  Each  would  receive  $30.0C; 
a  month.3 

On  the  day  of  their  appointment  in  October  1823  they  left  Dr.  Broadus 
with  his  carefully  written  instructions  and  headed  for  Bedford  wherej 
they  would  make  the  final  preparations  for  their  task.  Dr.  Jeter  said,1 
"Our  minds  were  inmature,  with  little  knowledge  and  experience,  wej 
were  very  imperfectly  fitted  for  our  mission;  but  under  the  circumstances 
the  Board  could  not  then  do  better.'" 

Later  in  the  month  they  left  their  homes,   under  the  shadow  of  the 
mighty  Peaks  of  Otter,  rudely,  but  after  the  style  of  the  day,  equipped 
for  their  tour.     Mounted  on  plow  horses  they  carried  well  stuffed  saddle 
bags,  overcoats   and  umbrellas  strapped   behind   them.     Their  trek  took 
them  through  Franklin  and  Patrick  Counties  on  their  way  to  the  New 
River  Association  in  Giles  County."'    From  this  point  they  made  a  hurried 
survey  through  Wythe,  Monroe,  Greenbrier,  Pocahontas,  Bath,  Alleghany 
and   Botetourt   counties.     Robert  Tinsdale    (         -1856),   a   well   educated 
minister  from  the  lower  part  of  the  state  had  spent  two  or  three  years  I 
among  the  mountains  to  regain  his  health,  accompanied  them   to  Poca-  I 
hontas  and  was  a  great  help  in  securing  introductions  and  information."  I 
They  found  great  "destitution  of  religious  instruction"  the  people  were  j 
cordial  and  helpful  in  establishing  missions  in  most  neighborhoods.7 

In    December    they    traversed    Campbell,    Prince    Edward,    Lunenburg, 
Brunswick,  Dinwiddie,  Sussex,  Southampton,  Isle  of  Wight,  James  City,    i 
York,    Gloucester,    Mathews,    and    Middlesex    Counties.      (They    did    all    ! 
this    traveling   on    horseback.)      They    found    many    destitute    places   of 
religion  yet  a  continuous  line  of  meeting  houses. 


First  Report  from  State  Missionaries 

An  account  of  their  work  to  the  Board  was  made  January,  1824.  Both 
Tid  kept  diaries  and  Witt  being  the  senior  missionary  read  his.  At 
'U|iiis  session  Jeter  was   engaged  by   the  Board  to  return  to  Sussex  and 

ijoining  areas  for  four  months.  He  received  $80.99  for  this  service. 
6aniel  Witt,  who  had  received  more  formal  schooling  than  Jeter,  was 
'''l;ked    to    spend    a    few    months    studying    with   Robert   Semple.      After 

?lving  into  literary  works  and  theological  study  he  would  go  to  Williams- 
'ifiurg  on  a  five  weeks  preaching  mission.  Later  in  the  year  James  Left- 
wich, a  young  licensed  preacher  from  Bedford,  had  been  chosen  as  a 
t --illeague  and  the  two  revisited  parts  of  Western  Virginia.  For  ten  weeks 
Hfiork  Witt  was  to  get  $50.00  and  Leftwich  $25.00. 


ixL  Second  Meeting  of  the  General  Association 

o  The    second    meeting   of   the   General   Association   was    at    Lynchburg 
m  Mr.    Dillard's    school   room,    June,    1824.      Of   the   thirty   messengers 

jpointed,  sixteen  were  present  plus  twenty  "ministering  brethren"  made 

p   the   attendance.      Total   gifts    for   the    year    amounted    to    $484.06^. 

mong   the   missionary   societies   sending   letters   and   contributions   was 

ie  Union  Missionary  Society  of  Bedford. 
t  At  this  meeting  the  request  was  made  that  an  offering  be  taken  at 
¥1  the  district  association  meetings  for  the  expense  of  the  General  Board. 
The  next  year  at  one  of  the  meetings  of  the  Strawberry  Association 
"'own  Creek  wanted  the  body  to  rescind  the  vote  of  the  last  associ- 
ation regarding  union  with  the  Virginia  Baptist  Association.     The  group 

)ted  "no". 
sfe  Each  year  someone  of  the  messengers  took  the  collection  to  the 
tseneral  meeting,  1827  they  carried  $25.25  and  in  1829  the  amount  was 
1 .13.13  and  the  balance  in  the  Strawberry  treasury  of  $2.84  was  to  be 
::aid  the  delegates  for  their  expenses.  It  was  decided  that  each  preacher 
ii'ould  take  a  collection  where  he  preached  for  the  work  of  the  General 
.  .ssociation  and  that  we  no  longer  take  public  collections  at  our  associ- 
etional  meetings.  The  delegates  in  1830  took  $25.25  for  the  work  of 
tie  Board  and  $4.75  for  their  expenses. 


j  Reassuring  Freedom  for  the  Churches 

Because  of  the  jealously  in  the  district  association  that  somebody 
i'ould  encroach  on  the  liberties  and  prerogatives  of  the  church  and  the 
xperiences  of  the  three  previous  organizations  made  many  of  the 
hessengers  wary  of  something  new.  The  object  of  this  General  Associ- 
ation was  to  propagate  the  Gospel  and  advance  the  Redeemer's  Kingdom 
iroughout  the  state.  Its  funds  should  be  raised  by  voluntary  contri- 
utions  "not  infringing  on  the  rights  of  the  individuals  or  churches"." 
■.'ere  in  the  bounds  of  the  Strawberry  Association  Article  7  was  amended 
J  safe  guard  this  principle. 

More  Plans  for  the  Missionaries  from  Bedford 

The  Board  met  after  the  adjournment  of  the  General  Association, 
hey  engaged  Jeter  to  return  to  Suffolk;  Witt  and  Leftwich  to  continue 
\  Alleghany,  Bath,  Pocahontas,  Rockbridge  and  Augusta  counties. 


John  S.  Lee  was  appointed  a  missionary,  but  did  not  carry  out 
appointment.     These  men  were  to  receive  $25.00  a  month;  the  funds 
the  Board  limited  all  engagements   to   periods  of  not  more  than  fcx 

Strawberry  Takes  Her  Place  in  Leadership 

Strawberry  had  a  leading  role  in  the  formative  years  of  the  Virgiij 
Baptist  General  Association.     After  the   second   meeting   in   Lynchbt| 
the  third  took  place  in  Richmond  and  the  Strawberry  was  represent!  ;,■• 
in  the  twenty-four  appointed  delegates  present  and  had  made  her  cont,- 
bution  to  the  $972.00  ^  reported  collected.     The  delegates  accepted  th(i 
appointed  responsibilities.     Daniel  P.   Witt  preached  at  candle  lightir 
he  and  James  Leftwich  were  asked  to  visit  the  New  River  Associatii 
for   the  Board.      The   new   Board  of   Managers    included    V.    M.   Masc, 
Daniel  P.  Witt,  and  James  Leftwich  all  of  the  Strawberry  Associatic.1 
Witt  was  assigned  the  grave  responsibility  of  locating  places  for  missioj,. 

aries  to  labor  and  to  prepare  the  circular  letter  for  the   1827  meeth' 
on  the  subject  of  "Christian  Prudence  in  the  Life  of  a  Private  Citizer 

Changes  in  the  General  Association  Structure 

The  next  four  years  witnessed  a  steady  decline  in  attendance  of  tl 
delegates.  In  1829  the  number  of  appointed  delegates  dropped  to  twent; 
two  and  those  attending  to  sixteen.  The  collections  reached  a  ne 
low  of  $383.91.  At  this  meeting  a  committee  of  four  were  appointed 
recommend  a  change  in  the  constitution  that  would  increase  broad< 
interest  and  support.  V.  M.  Mason  and  J.  B.  Jeter  were  half  of  tl 
committee  that  recommended  the  membership  by  associations  be  di 
continued  and  that  Article  3  of  the  constitution  be  changed.  Brief] 
they  suggested: 

1.  Any  person  contributing  $10.00  to  the  funds  of  the  General  Assoc 
ation  be  a  member  or  could  appoint  someone  to  represent  him. 

2.  Contributions  of  $30.00  made  one  a  member  for  life. 

3.  Every  association,  church  or  missionary  society  contributing  $10. C 
would  be  entitled  to  one  representative  and  another  for  every  ac 
ditional  $10.00.  Almost  all  the  delegates  present  and  the  affiliate 
district  associations  to  which  it  was  referred  approved  it  as  the  mos 
equitable  principle  of  representation 

At  the  1829  meeting  of  the  Strawberry  Association  it  was  recommende 
that  every  pastor  take  one  offering  a  year  for  the  Virginia  Genera 

The  Effects  of  the  Change 

The  decision  resulted   in   attendance  of  the   1830  General   Associatioi 
increasing  and  all  who  came  were  interested.     Fifty-eight  persons  repre 
sented    a   number   of  groups   and   four   associations.      Again    StrawberrJ 
Association  was  represented.    The  entire  collection  amounted  to  $1,003,221 
Six   persons   had   paid   the   $30.00    and    became   life    members.      William 
Harris,  James  C.  Leftwich  and  William  Leftwich  all  of  Bedford  Count>| 


;t]vere  among  the  group.  Elder  Harris  had  worked  in  the  county  as  a 
;(k  missionary  on  the  James  River  for  $25.00  a  month.  In  his  1827  report 
tyo  the  association  he  had  ridden  1,517  miles,  worked  142  days,  preached 

62  sermons,  baptized  18  persons  and  collected  $40.58." 
After  1828  it  was  decided  that  the  Board  should  hold  its  meetings  in 

Richmond.     Men  serving  from  the  Strawberry  Association  at  that  time 

vere:    James  C.  Leftwich  and  Jesse  Witt  (1797-1858)  of  Bedford  County, 

^Valentine    M.    Mason    of    Lexington,    Robert    Ryland    (1805-1899)    from 

"Lynchburg   and   William    McDermott    of   Botetourt   County.      The   Board 

:'elt  the  lack  of  success  expected  from  its  missionaries  was  due  in  part 

11  ;o  the  distance  they  worked  from  their  homes,  the  territory  too  extensive 

'and   their   work   in   one    locality    too   brief.      It    recommended    that    the 

missionaries  live  on  their  fields  of  labor  and  they  be  employed  from 
year  to  year.12 
IS'  The  General  Association  resolved  that  at  each  annual  meeting  time 
11  be  set  apart  for  the  general  interest  of  religious  and  morality  especially 
11  in  relation  to  Bible  and  Sabbath  Schools,  Missions,  Tract  and  Temperance 
e      It  is  not  hard  to  see  that  the  Strawberry  Association  had  maintained 

its  interest  in  and  contributions  to  the  progress  of  Virginia  Baptists  from 

the  time  of  its  first  organization  for  religious  freedom  until  it  was  as- 
J  sured  for  posterity.  Now,  it  was  ready  to  look  for  new  ways  to  serve 
,','.'  the  people  of  the  upper  county. 


Chapter  VI 

1776  - 1976 

As  one  reads  the  early  records  of  the  association  he  is  impressed  b}  I 
the  absence  of  the  laymen's  names  or  their  participation  in  the  delibef 
rations  at  the  meetings.    One  knows  they  attended  because  of  the  crowds 
that  they  made  preparation  for  the   meeting  in  the  local  church,   they 
opened  their  homes  to  the  visitors  and  fed  them. 

The  early  nineteenth  century  saw  laymen  being  elected  as  delegates1 
from  their  churches  and  taking  some  part  in  the  design  of  the  work/ 
The  fifth  Sunday  in  November  1868  all  ministers  and  deacons  met  for 
the  purpose  of  organizing.    Historians  left  us  nothing  of  this  effort. 

Men  and  the  Mission  Movement 

As  early  as  1884  there  were  groups  interested  in  missions  and  a  num- 
ber of  churches  reported  organizations.  These  may  have  been  the  re- 
sponsibility of  laymen.  The  first  missionary  society  of  the  Big  Island 
Baptist  Church  was  recorded  in  1896  with  B.  F.  Cox  as  president.  In 
1885  the  men  suggested  the  women  organize  societies. 

When  Strawberry's  second  woman  missionary  went  to  China  it  was 
the  ministers  and  laymen  who  decided  to  send  "Sister  E.  B.  Sale  as  a 
special  missionary  to  the  foreign  field  and  support  her".  Brother  Royall 
was  to  keep  account  of  this  special  offering.  To  date  229  persons  had 
given  $650.00;  24  of  the  churches  had  given  nothing.  Miss  Sale  left 
January  1895  and  at  this  time  was  studying  the  language.1 

The  Laymen's  Movement 

The  movement  came  as  the  result  of  laymen  calling  upon  God  and 
receiving  from  him  a  divine  mandate.*  It  spread  rapidly  in  the  United 
States.  Southern  Baptists  were  perhaps  the  denominational  organization 
to  take  the  first  action,  they  begun  their  work  in  1907. 

"The   purpose   of   the   Laymen's   movement   was   missionary.      As   the  I 
movement  developed  and  its  activities  enlarged  its  purpose  was  enlarged 
in    a   corresponding   degree.      It   was   one   of   the   organizations,    formed 
around  the  perimeter  of  the  convention,  that  became  a  commission  in 


The  Movement  in  the  Strawberry 

The  movement  started  in  Virginia  in  1908.  J.  P.  Luck  (1817-1891) 
idressed  the  association  on  the  subject  and  a  number  of  pastors  and 
elegates  responded  to  the  call  to  help  organize  the  work.4 

W.  H.  Wranek  served  as  chairman  of  the  movement  in  the  association 
•om  1913-1914.  In  1915  Cornelius  Gilbert  and  George  D.  Witt  were  a 
jmmittee  presenting  the  following  suggestions  as  things  the  layman 
Duld  do  for  the  Laymen's  Movement: 

1.  Establish  a  strong  associational  committee. 

2.  See  that  each  church  has  a  chairman. 

3.  Every  church  have  an  Every-member  Canvas. 

4.  Use  the  Duplex  envelope. 

5.  That  pastors  and  men  cooperate. 


The  Outreach 

For  ten  years  laymen  George  Diuguid,  J.  M.  Coleman,  William  Eubank, 
<Iunter  Miller,  J.  A.  Rucker,  O.  B.  Barker  and  Warren  McNiel  helped 
>ead  laymen  in  getting  the  churches  to  use  envelopes  for  receiving  their 
yffering,  take  an  every-member  canvas,  weekly  giving  with  the  tithe  as 
.  minimum.  In  1921  they  were  stressing  persons  to  sign  the  tithers 
ard  supplied  by  the  Laymen's  Movement,  send  the  number  of  tithers 
o  the  chairman  and  for  laymen  to  speak  on  stewardship.  They  also 
uggested  that  one-half  of  the  gifts  go  to  benevolence. 

Their  last  report  to  the  association  was  in  1922  and  they  were  con- 
inuing  to  involve  more  men  in  the  church  program  especially  in  finances. 
'_  n  their  last  report  they  stressed: 
i  1.    Loyal  and  liberal  support  of  pastors. 

2.  Weekly  offering  as  a  part  of  worship. 

3.  Better  church  attendance  among  laymen. 

4.  Stewardship   of    life    and    substance   with   the   tithe    as    the 

B  .     . 


5.  Bequeath  one  tenth  of  your  estate  to  the  Lord's  cause. 

6.  Organize  a  Union  or  Brotherhood  in  the  church. 

7.  Arouse  interest  in  work  done  by  the  state  and  district  con- 

Laymen  took  the  led  in  the  75,000,000  Campaign  and  supported  it  in 
;he  association. 


Men  Begin  to  Serve  in  1876 

For  one  hundred  years  no   layman  had  been  elected  moderator,   but 

at  the  1876  meeting  Col.  J.  A.  Hamner  was  chosen  to  begin  the  second 
'century  of  work.     This  period  would  see  W.  F.  Fisher,  W.  A.  Miller,  J. 

Calvin  Moss,  Hunter  Miller,  J.  A.  Rucker  and  Harvey  W.  Gentry  give 
'nearly  forty  years  of  progressive,  layman  leadership.     Now,  on  the  eve 

of  the  third  century  another  layman,  Donald  C.   Carr,   adds  his  contri- 

gution  as  moderator. 


The  last  one  hundred  years  have  seen  laymen  involved  in  every  aspe 
of  the  association;  serving  on  committees,  leading  organizations,  speakir 
to  reports,  filling  pulpits,  sharing  their  business  knowledge,  even  speakir 
to  the  W.M.U.'s  and  representing  the  association  of  the  General  Assoc 
ation  Board.  Many  times  the  layman  has  been  the  catapult  for  th 
great  movements  among  the  Baptists  in  this  area  of  the  state. 



Chapter  VII 

1860  - 1976 

f  back  of  every  great  man  there  is  a  good  woman  then  these  Blue 
Ige  Mountains  have  been  full  of  good  ladies.  They  could  have  come 
m  several  different  backgrounds.  Mrs.  Robert  Stockton,  wife  of  the 
ond  moderator,  was  an  excellant  business  woman.  While  her  husband 
s  a  prisoner  of  the  British  for  two  years  she  not  only  supported  the 
nily,  but  paid  off  all  his  debts.1 

Some  may  have  come  from  a  group  of  formally  educated  women  for 
?re  was  a  Female  Academy  in  1814  in  Lynchburg  where  young  ladies 
died  drawing,  painting,  needlework,  English  grammar,  arithmetic, 
jgraphy,  astronomy  and  music.  Latin  and  Greek  were  omitted  from 
:  curriculum.  In  1837  Edward  Williams  reopened  the  Bedford  Female 

To  be  sure  most  of  the  women  came  from  the  larger  group  of  typical 
>neer  stock;  brave,  honest,  truthful,  loyal,  beautiful,  steady  hard  work- 

1  people  who  put  God,  family,  neighbor  and  home  before  their  comforts. 

Wanted  Women 

3ne  of  the  first  times  women  were  mentioned  in  the  association  and 
s  need  for  their  assistance  was  in  a  letter  from  Alexander  Eubank 
which  he  challenged  them  to  raise  $500.00  for  George  Pearcy  to  use 
his  California  work.  'Ask  1,000  female  members  at  the  next  monthly 
?eting  to  organize  Female  Missionary  Societies  and  raise  $1.00  each 
:  the  year  by  sewing,  knitting  or  raising  of  fowl.  Send  the  money 
the  next  session  at  Hunting  Creek,  August   1,   1861.     You   may  save 

2  association  from  going  anti-missionary."3  The  next  year  they  were 
ked  to  raise  Mr.  Pearcy's  salary  by  giving  $1.00  annually,  to  organize 
cieties  and  lay  aside  in  store  on  the  first  day  of  the  week  all  the 
gs  laid  on  that  day.4 

By  the  1870's  women  were  beginning  to  have  a  more  important  part 
the  work  of  the  association.  The  membership  was  reported  by  male 
d  female  members  and  when  a  committee  was  named  to  solicit  contri- 
itions  for  the  Education  Board  every  solicitor  was  a  woman.  Beaver 
un,  Mrs.  Laura  Jeter;  Bethany,  Jane  R.  Henderson;  Bethlehem,  Mrs. 
iams;  Blue  Ridge,  Mrs.  Jane  Fox;  Burton  Creek,  Mrs.  J.  M.  Ogden; 
>ve,  Mrs.  L.  Ogden;  Difficult  Creek,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Fields;  Fairmount, 
rs.   Bettie   M.   Price;    Flat   Creek,    Mrs.   Buckner;    New    Prospect,    Ann 


Read;  Palestine,  Bettie  Wilson;  Staunton,  Lucinda  Pinkard;  Suck  Sprig) 
Mollie  L.  Noel;  Wolf  Hill,  Emma  Hatcher;  Glade  Creek,  Sallie  H.  Ruckt; 
Halesford,  Annie  Dinwiddie;  Hill  Spring,  Mrs.  Rebecca  Updike;  Libeiyj 
Mrs.  Ella  Judd;  Mt.  Airy,  Angeline  Ramsey;  Mt.  Hermon,  Emma  Barkr  ; 
Mt.  Olivet,  Mrs.  Jane  Patterson;  Mountain  View,  Mrs.  Nancy  Thorns; 
Mt.  Zion,  Fannie  M.  Tate.5 

Pastors  were  organizing  missionary  societies  in  their  churches.     Thi< 
may  have  been  for  men.    Six  churches  reported  societies  and  suggestion  •■'- 
were  made  that  women  organize  societies  in  1885  leads  one  to  belie  e 
that  those  before  that  date  were  for  men.6 

Women's  Societies  Approved 

The  Executive  Committee  approved  the  Woman's  Missionary  Sock 
asking,  "that  it  work  for  all  objects  represented  by  the  General  Boa 
of  the  General  Association,  to  cultivate  missionary  spirit  among  q 
people,  advance  interest  in  God's  work  within  our  bounds  and  to  se 
their  money  through  the  church  treasury  to  the  state  treasure".7 

Strawberry  and  the  Central  Committee 

The  Central  Committee  of  the  Southern  Baptist  Convention  aski, 
that  each  state  have  such  a  committee  to  promote  missionary  orgar 
zations  and  activities.  Since  1874  promotion  of  an  organization  to  su 
port  foreign  missions  had  been  in  the  state  and  because  of  the  oppositic 
by  the  General  Association  the  Central  Committee  was  not  affiliatt 
with  the  Southern  Union  until  1889.  Miss  Willie  Bowman  was  chos6 
from  the  Strawberry  to  be  a  member  of  the  committee.''  The  fir 
annual  meeting  of  the  Central  Committee  of  Woman's  Missionary  S 
cieties  Auxiliary  to  the  Baptist  General  Association  of  Virginia  w; 
held  in  1896.  In  1899  the  W.M.U.  of  Virginia  was  organized  with  a  vie 
president  from  each  association.  Mrs.  C.  R.  Smith  represented  tl 
Strawberry  Association. 

Women  Meet,  But  Men  Speak 

While  the  men  gathered  at  the  stand  the  women  were  in  the  M 
Olivet  meeting  house  listening  to  J.  D.  Martin."  Three  years  later 
the  meeting  of  the  association  in  Boones  Mill  there  was  a  gathering  c 
women  in  the  church  building  to  which  A.  E.  Owens  of  Portsmout 
spoke.  In  1894  they  had  an  all-day  meeting,  at  the  stand  in  the  mornin 
and  in  the  house  in  the  afternoon. 

On  Wednesday,  August  7,  1895,  at  10:30  A.M.  the  ladies  met  in  th 
meeting  house.  Mrs.  C.  R.  Smith  presided,  Miss  A.  M.  Board  was  secre 
tary  and  Miss  E.  B.  Sale  did  the  devotional.  Reports  were  heard  fron 
Lynchburg's  First,  Liberty,  Morgans  and  Mt.  Olivet.  C.  J.  Thompsoi 
addressed  the  ladies  and  J.  Calvin  Moss  talked  to  the  youth  on  hov 
they  could  help.  He  suggested  by  feeling  they  had  a  debt  of  obligation 
an  opportunity  of  all  to  work,  to  gain  intelligence,  to  enlist  others  anc 
to  give  systematicly.  Thirteen  ladies  reported  to  be  giving  the  Sunda} 
eggs    for    missions.      Papers    were    read    by    Miss    Blanche    Tolley    or 


Heathen"  and  Mrs.  S.  O.  Fisher  on  "Heathen  Women".10  It  was  voted 
itily  the  association  that  the  proceedings  of  the  W.M.U.  be  included  in  the 

it!  Before  the   1896  meeting  Miss  Edmonia  Sale  had  left  for  China  and 

ffljrlrs.  Olive  May  Board  Eager  was   home  from   Italy   to   talk  about  her 

york.     At  Peaks  in  1897  six  societies  reported  Sunbeam  Bands   (organi- 

ftcation  for  small  children).     The  next  year  the  women  met  in  the  after- 

tivioon    and   Mrs.   Smith   had    difficulty    maintaining   order   caused    by    a 

feudden   storm    which    sent    everyone    to    shelter.      Perhaps    the    women 

ould  not  meet  every  year  for  they  reported  their  seventh  meeting  in 


On  one  of  Mrs.  Eager's  early  furloughs  thirty-two  new  organizations 
or  women  were  begun  in  the  state  and  she  was  responsible  for  twelve 
%f  these. 

01    It  is  possible  that  one  of  the  most  lasting  incidents  for  the  growth  of 
03  he  Women's  Missionary   Union   took  place   at   a   meeting    in   Roanoke. 
fmiss  Celeste  Parrish,  a  teacher  at  Randolph  Macon  Woman's  College  in 
..ynchhurg,  felt  the  work  was  too  centralized  in  Richmond,  and  it  should 
)e  from  churches  over  the  state.     She  was  among  the  twenty-six  dele- 
fates  from  sixteen  associations  meeting  on  November  22,    1897,   to  this 
;roup  she  presented  a  well  worded  motion  that  a  committee  of  twenty - 
ty'our  women,   one  from   each  association,   not   already   a  member  of   the 
3:,i  Central    Committee,    .be    appointed    to    confer   with    each    local    Central 
^^ommittee    and   with    the    Committee    on    Cooperation   of    the    General 
Association  to  devise  means  to 

't'51    1.    Secure  representation  of  the  local  societies  in  the  annual  meeting 

worn  all  the  churches  in  the  state. 

"P    2.    To  increase  the  function  and  influence  of  the  annual  meeting. 
W    3.     To  stimulate  the  women  of  the  country  churches  to  form  societies 
fi  ind  work  for  missions. 

cj3    These  motions  were  carried  unanimously.     Miss  Parrish  was  appointed 

Chairman  of  the  committee.     May  4,   1898  the  committee  met  with  the 

ocal  board  of  the  Central  Committee  and  members  of  the  Committee 

m  Cooperation  to  make  plans  for  enlarging  the  scope  of  the  women's 


The  resolution  presented 

1.  President  of  the  Central  Committee  be  requested  to  call  a  meeting 

)f  Virginia  Baptist  women  in  Lynchburg  October  26-27,  1898 invite 

is  delegates  the  Central  Committee  appointed  by  the  General  Associ- 
ation of  Virginia,  one  delegate  from  each  Woman's  Missionary  Society 
n  the  State  and  one  adult  delegate  for  each  Band  of  Sunbeams,  and  one 

delegate  from  each  church  having  no  society. 

2.  The   annual   meeting   to    be    an    annual   meeting   of   the   Women's 
rV[issionary  Society  of  Virginia  Auxiliary  to  the  General  Association  and 

vorking    the    Central    Committee    this    body    consist    of    delegates    from 
:ach  society  and  church,  as  provided  above;  and  its  officers  to  be  selected 
jy   the   body,    subject    to    the   approval    of   the    General    Association    of 
L  /irginia. 

t    In  the  First  Baptist  Church  of  Lynchburg  on  October  26,   1898   there 
ivas  a  meeting  of  the  Baptist  women  in  which  the  local  societies  were 


represented.  Twenty-one  of  the  twenty  four  associations  were  repr 
sented  by  114  delegates.  There  were  twenty-six  the  year  before.  Tvi 
weeks  later  the  General  Association  met  in  the  First  Church  of  Lyric.- 
burg  and  reports  of  women's  work  were  sent  and  presented  to  the  body1 
Miss  Parrish,  intrepid  leader,  never  held  or  sought  honor  for  hersel 
but  held  the  committee  to  the  matter  of  necessary  foundation  matter, 
-  -  -  She  was  not  very  popular  with  some  of  the  sisters  who  at  the  tin 
could  not  see  the  necessity  for  such  "legislation"  and  wondered  why  si 
kept  bringing  up  unpleasant  business  when  they  wanted  to  hear  insp 
rational  messages  and  think  pleasant  things.  Fifty  years  later  the  Unid 
came  to  appreciate  her.  Dr.  Pitt  in  the  Religious  Herald  said,  "Whe, 
you  study  your  history,  watch  out  for  Miss  Parrish!  Her  brain  an 
statesmanship  made  you  what  you  are."11 

The  Women  Go  It  Alone 

In  1904  the  W.M.U.  met  at  Bedford  on  July  7  and  8  while  the  assoc 
ation  met  at  Beaver  Dam  August  9-11.  This  was  the  first  separat 
meeting.  The  women  sent  a  report  which  was  given  by  a  man,  onl 
one  half  of  the  churches  had  any  organization.  From  that  time  unt 
1912  some  man  made  a  report  on  what  the  women  were  doing.  Tha 
year  Miss  Yancey  wrote  a  report  which  was  read  by  T.  C.  Miller.  Ther 
was  also  a  statistical  report  on  gifts.  Twenty-four  churches  had  organi 
zations;  the  W.M.S.  of  Rivermont,  Forest  and  Mt.  Madison  had  readec 
the  Standard  of  Excellence.  The  Y.W.A.  of  Rivermont,  the  R.A.  of  Firsl 
Lynchburg  and  the  Sunbeams  of  Forest  were  class  A.  The  ladies  decide< 
that  their  next  meeting  would  be  Tuesday  and  Wednesday  before  th< 
association  met.11 

1913  was  a  banner  year.  Gifts  were  $1,000.00  over  the  previous  year 
twenty-eight  churches  had  organizations  and  the  association  was  dividec 
in  four  groups  each  with  a  leader.  Bedford  with  Mrs.  W.  O.  McCabe 
Franklin  with  Miss  Lucy  E.  Young  as  leader,  Campbell  had  Mrs.  E.  H 
Payne  and  Lynchburg  Miss  Mary  Morris.  On  the  motion  of  W.  W 
Hamilton  the  association  voted  to  print  the  full  report  of  the  W.M.S 
meeting  at  Flat  Creek. 

During  the  years  of  World  War  I  the  women  went  on  with  their  work 
for  the  first  time  over  one  hundred  were  present  to  hear  Mrs.  Maxwell  A 
Creasey  discuss  the  "Problems  of  the  Country  Church".  She  included| 
in  her  talk  unpaid  pastors,  unsystematic  and  unbusiness  ways  of  financing 
and  recommended  weekly  giving  by  envelope.1-  The  ladies  did  their 
part  to  conserve  food,  to  have  meatless  and  wheatless  days.13 

The  First  Women  Delegates 

Mr.  Moss  returned  in  1919  to  discuss  the  75,000,000  Campaign  and 
Miss  Mary  Dinwiddie  of  the  Halesford  church  was  the  first  woman  dele- 
gate to  the  Strawberry  Association.  In  a  few  years  Mrs.  S.  J.  St.  John, 
Big  Island;  Mrs.  Augustus  Jamerson,  Fairmount  and  Mrs.  Board  from 
Shady  Grove  had  been  elected  to  represent  their  churches. 


»iii  Outside  the  Association 

Afomen   were   on   the   move,    eleven   went   to    the   S.B.C.    meeting    in 

ishington,   D.   C.     The   offerings   at   the  yearly   meeting   were   deleted 

"fi  each  society  was  asked  to  send  $1.00  with  their  reports.     Two  rooms 

re  "beautified"  at  the  mountain  mission  school.     This  could  have  been 

?dmont  in  Nelson  County.     The  women   were  also  asked  to  fill  jars 

,^th  food  for  the  Louisville  Training  School.     Empty  jars  were  sent  to 

|  filled  and  returned  C.O.D.11 

"[Jntil  1923  some  of  the  brothers  read  a  report  written  by  the  superin- 
fhdent,  but  things  do  change  and  Miss  Emiline  Thornhill  read  the 
I  port  and  Mrs.  J.  R.  Smith  spoke  to  it.  The  association  Executive  Com- 
1  ttee  realized  the  value  of  women  and  elected  Miss  Thornhill  to 
^resent  the  Sunday  School  and  B.Y.P.U.  and  Mrs.  Charles  P.  Marshall 
is  selected  for  the  W.M.U. 

Reorganizing  for  Better  Work 

l'For  more  effective  work  they  divided  the  churches  in  groups: 
Pjjdford:     Bedford,  Mt.  Olivet,  Timber  Ridge,  Suck  Spring,  Mt.  Hermon 
I'd  Flint  Hill 

naxton:      Thaxton,    New    Prospect,    Walnut    Grove,    Mt.    Zion,    Shady 
f'ove,  Mountain  View  and  Glade  Creek 

,Jg  Island:     Big  Island,  Hunting  Creek,  Royal  Chapel,  Sedalia,  Chestnut 
m  and  Oakdale 

'-rest:     Forest,  Pleasant  View,  Norwood,  Terrace  View,  North  Bedford, 
'•-thai,  Beulah  and  Flat  Creek 

fK>dview:     Morgans,  Diamond  Hill,  Goodview,  Beaver  Dam  and  Hales- 

uanklin:     Boones   Mill,   Fairmount,   Red   Hill,    Cooper's   Cove,   Ninevah 
'..d  Sandy  Ridge 

i.aunton:    Mentow,  Palestine,  Staunton,  Mt.  Ivey,  Pecks,  Difficult  Creek, 
J>thlehem  and  Radford 

/mchburg:     Inglewood,  Mt.  Madison,  First,  College  Hill,  West  Lynchburg 
lid  Franklin  Street 

The  Ruby  Anniversary 

r  During  the  Ruby  Anniversary  year,  1929,  the  churches  surpassed  their 
j-al  of  125  organizations  by  seven  and  the  next  year  found  women  on 
j'ven  of  the  eleven  committees  of  the  association.  It  was  also  decided 
at  each  year  the  annual  W.M.U.  meeting  would  be  at  Bedford;  every 
oman  to  bring  her  lunch  and  the  church  would  serve  cold  drinks  paid 
r  out  of  associational  funds  and  the  meetings  to  be  changed  to  April. 

The  Depression 

All  Franklin  Street  women  gave  to  missions  in  1931,  but  the  depression 

money  and  interest  seem  to  be  creeping  in.     The  women  listed  their 

eakness:     they  did  not  meet  their  apportionments,  more  of  the  churches 

ere  without  woman's  work  than  any  association  in  the  state,  too  many 


unenlisted  women  and  the  church  treasurers  not  passing  the  money  a 
Mr.  Crump.,n     The  fun  of  a  Y.W.A.  houseparty   at  Miss  Elsie  Gilliai* 
Timberlake  summer  home  was  a  bright  spot  of  these  days.     At  ev.i 
meeting  of  the  thirties  they  seem  to  ruin  the  spirit  by  stressing  standa 
and  reports. 

In  defiance  of  the  lack  of  money  the  women  struggled  through 
mid  thirties.  They  worked  on  reducing  the  debt  of  the  Foreign  Miss! 
Board  by  the  "Quarter  a  Week  Offering";  gave  the  Home  Miss1 
Board  the  salary  for  a  missionary  and  in  1937  they  paid  the  salary! 
native  Bible  women  in  China  and  the  salary  of  Mrs.  T.  B.  Hawkins! 
Argentina  and  took  on  the  salary  of  Mrs.  Steen  in  St.  Louis  at  $1,000 
for  a  year. 

Personal  Service 

Among  some  of  the  unique  reports  were  those  of  the  White  Crt 
and  Personal  Service.  200  quarts  of  food  to  the  Louisville  Traini 
school,  forty  night  shirts  to  Africa,  twenty  quilts  to  the  New  Orlea 
Rescue  Mission,  ninety-three  yards  of  gingham  for  the  orphanage 
Ogbomosho,  150  towels,  thirty-two  night  shirts  to  the  mission.  Sevent 
nine  quilts,  fifteen  sheets,  four  pillow  cases,  one  pair  blankets,  clothi 
and  shoes  for  school  children  at  the  orphanage.  Then  personal  servi 
became  personal  and  local;  soul  winning,  prayer  meetings,  nurseri. 
visiting  the  sick  in  hospitals  and  the  Florence  Crittenden  Home. 

The  forties  started  with  Thaxton  and  Big  Island  being  A  1.  Thaxt 
had  been  A  1  for  eleven  years.  Altavista's  First,  Central,  Bedford,  Me 
tow  and  Pleasant  View  were  100%  in  giving.  The  Business  Womer 
Circle  Federation  was  organized  in  1948  with  Mrs.  A.  E.  McConnville 
president.  The  Strawberry  Association  lead  the  state  in  new  juni 
organizations.  $150.00  was  given  toward  a  new  car  for  Miss  Annie  M 
Boyles  and  $1,243.00  set  as  a  goal  for  the  Historical  Wing  of  the  Boa 
wright  Library  of  the  University  of  Richmond.  Contributions  were  ask< 
for  to  be  made  to  "Debtless  Denomination  by  1945".  Enthusiasm  w; 
high!    A  Goodwill  Center  was  about  to  be  born 

Goodwill  Center 

The  center,  located  on  White  Rock  Hill  in  Lynchburg,  was  opened  i 
1946  with  Mrs.  Frank  Murry  as  director.  In  the  first  fifteen  month 
300  people  from  125  families  were  reached.  200  volunteers  from  th 
churches  had  assisted.  The  center  found  a  permanent  home  at  150 
Main  Street  where  it  remained  until  the  "Bypass"  took  over. 

Miss  Louise  Fletcher  became  director  and  Mrs.  J.  P.  Foster  served  a 
manager  and  chairman  of  the  board.     In  1945  Miss  Fletcher  reported 
revival    with    twenty-two    professions    of    faith.      One    year   she    had 
number  of  those,  who  had  been  at  the  center,  tell  the  association  wha 
the  center  had  meant  to  them. 

On  the  tenth  year  of  operations  the  director  reported  that  they  ha< 
an  average  of  60  per  year  in  V.B.S.,  children  had  been  sent  to  camp,  nin 
evangelistic  meetings  had  been  rewarding,  142  persons  had  found  Chris 
and  most  of  them  joined  Franklin  Street  Church.     There  were  142  en 



J,  led  in  the  Sunday  School  with  an  average  attendance  of  123  and  an 

ering  of  $1,979.00.     It  was  paying  its  own  way  and  sending  money  to 

J  Cooperative  Program.     100  were  enrolled  in  the  missionary  programs 

d  there  had  been  an   average  of   125   for  each  Christmas  party  with 

|  ts  for  all.10 

L3ecause  of  the  change  in  civil  conditions,  roads,  etc.  causing  lessened 

;endance  it  was  recommended  that  the  work  close  on  November  15, 
54.     Much  of  the  equipment  was  brought  to  the  Strawberry  Lodge  at  Eyrie. 

A  Decade  of  Change 

Prom   1951   to   1961  more  than  the  Goodwill  Center  came  to   an   end. 
ss  Broyles  completed  her  work,  Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey  ended  a  long  and 
warding  period  as  Superintendent,  Mrs.  G.   W.  Bond  finished  twenty 
j(ars  as  secretary  from  1942-1962  and  the  goal  for  the  library  was  met. 
[tans  for  new  activities  began  by  dividing  the  association  in  four  groups: 
j  meta   or  Elsie   Gilliam,   Lynchburg   and   Thaxton   or   Mable   Crabtree. 
Ruling  lists  were  compiled  in  order  to  get  letters  from  our  two  mission- 
lies,  Edith  Vaughn  and  Elaine  Hancock,  to  the  churches. 
,When  the  last  group  of  churches  left  to  be  on  their  own  in   1964  the 
sociation  had  to  be  regrouped.     During  these  days  the  women  made  a 
:t  to  the  camp  site  on  the  Piankatank  River  and  $100.00  to  the  Jane 
ratton  Memorial. 

Prepration  for  the  Next  Century 

^The    years    preceeding    the    anniversary    celebration    have    found    the 

")men  doing  their  share,  serving  on  committees,  taking  places  of  leader- 

!  ip   in   all   the   association   work,    yet   striving   to    do   what    they    were 

r  mmissioned  to  do  in   1887.     Believing  that  missions   are  not  only   for 

e  entire  church,   but   for   all   the   family,   many   of   the    activities   are 

anned   to   include   all.     Not   to   be  forgotten  was   the   annual   meeting 

i  pril   1,   1976  when   all  ages  were  on  the  program;   when  both  women 

id  men  of  the  churches  gathered  together  at  Suck  Spring  in  the  same 

ace  and  heard  Miss  Kathryn   Bullard   and  Mr.   Loyd   F.   Jackson  tell 

ji  the  work.     Miss  Bullard  is  State  Director  of  W.M.U.  and  Mr.  Jackson 

i,e  Director  of  the  Department  of  Baptist  Men. 

j  Ladies  you  have  come  a  long  way  from  meeting  at  the  stand  to  standing 
U  the  pulpit! 


Chapter  VIII 



Although  the  first  two  state  missionaries  went  from  the  Strawbe1; 
Association  it  did  not  indicate  all  was  well  and  no  aid  was  needed  ;i 
help  evangelize  the  people  of  the  Blue  Ridge  Mountains.  In  the  ear 
days  the  most  heard  of,  talked  about  and  planned  for  item  on 
agenda  of  any  association  meeting  was  that  of  securing  a  missionary 

From  1823  to  1910  twenty-nine  men  worked  among  the  people 
Bedford,  Franklin,  Henry,  Floyd,  Patrick,  Campbell,  Roanoke  a 
Botetourt  counties. 

Worker,  Work  and  Wages 

James  Leftwich  (1787-1872)  was  the  first  missionary  and  receiv 
$25.00  a  month  for  four  months  in  1823.  Absalom  C.  Dempsey  (111 
1872)  worked  in  what  is  now  a  part  of  Roanoke  Valley  Association 
1828.  William  Leftwich  (1768-1865)  employed  in  1828,  Jesse  W 
(1797-1858)  and  James  D.  McAllister  worked  during  1829.  Willia 
Harris  (1771-1865)  employed  during  1839.  James  S.  Lee  (1780-184 
worked  in  Bedford  County  from  1839  to  1845  when  he  went  to  Hen 
County.  In  1844  A.  L.  Alderson  worked  in  Bedford  and  Thomas 
Goggin  (1815-1895)  reported  to  the  Central  Committee  that  he  h 
worked  sixty-six  days,  rode  600  miles  in  the  year  and  had  sold  $60.. 
worth  of  books.     In  1855  he  worked  half  time  for  $400.00.     During  18 

three    men   worked,   M.    W.    Reed    (18137-1903) Baker,    ai 

James  L.  Gwaltney  (1799-1864).    Elder  Gwaltney  of  Isle  of  Wight  Coun, 
was  to  locate  in  the  association  bounds  and  circulate  among  the  churchc 
As  to  wages  he  was  to  have  the  liberty   to  collect  his  salary  from  tl 
churches  with  which  he  labors.     T.  N.  Sanderson   (1819-1900)   and  S. 
White  were  employed  in  1854  by  the  Executive  Committee  at  $25.00  pj 
month.     Elder  Sanderson  was  not  always  welcomed  in  every  home  Ij 
visited.    On  one  occasion  he  had  left  such  a  home  and  on  his  way  droppel 
a  few   tracks   at  the  gate  and  when  he  returned  on   his  way   home  \\ 
found  the  tracts  nailed  to  a  tree  near  the  road. 

Alexander  Eubank  (1826-1903)  gave  the  Religious  Herald  a  report  < 
the  work  done  by  Sanderson  and  White,  "In  the  Strawberry  the  mission 
aries  over  the  last  two  years  had  traveled  6,000  miles;  visited  2,200  horru 
and   held    1,300   conversations    about   religion.      They    had   preached   2q 


srmons,  given  150  exhortations  and  prayed  with  1,000  families.  They 
ad  placed  fifty-eight  Bibles  in  homes  where  there  were  none,  sold 
90.00  worth  of  books,  gave  away  $30.00  worth,  placed  35,000  pages  of 
racts,  secured  thirty-three  subscriptions  to  the  Religious  Herald  and 
'oreign  Journal."  He  also  stated  that  in  the  area  of  the  association 
here  were  75,000  persons,  12,000  were  Christians  of  all  the  denominations 
nd  one  half  of  the  remaining  63,000  were  children,  leaving  more  than 
0,000  adults  to  be  taught  the  way  of  life. 

J.  W.  Mason,  J.  W.  Meadow  and  D.  Staley  were  on  the  list  in  1856 
,nd  at  the  1860  meeting  they  took  an  offering  to  help  pay  Mr.  Staley's 
alary  for  the  entire  year.  $145.25  was  received.  J.  A.  Davis  came  to 
he  association  in  1870  at  the  salary  of  not  less  than  $350.00  a  year  and 
he  next  year  it  was  to  be  $1,200.00;  he  was  to  give  half  of  his  time  at 
hree  preaching  stations  and  help  Diamond  Hill  to  complete  a  union 
hurch.  He  had  been  preaching  under  a  brush  arbor.  In  1872  he  and 
V.  J.  Cocke  were  to  give  all  their  time  to  work  in  the  association  and 
I.  L.  Anthony  some  of  his.  J.  R.  Harrison  got  $600.00  for  half  of  1876. 
)ther  men  who  wroked  were  W.  Y.  Quesenherry,  1884;  J.  M.  Morris, 
887;  R.  A.  Smith  and  Frank  C.  Johnson,  1889-1890;  C.  W.  Welsh,  1891; 
'.  A.  Jenks,  (1843-1936),  J.  M.  Street  (1860-1929)  and  J.  S.  Lynn  (1835- 
914),  1896.  Brother  Lynn  found  the  field  to  be  very  promising,  both 
>n  account  of  the  destitution  and  the  general  prevalence  of  the  Baptist 
entiment  in  the  section.  Alex  Millar  and  S.  T.  Habel,  Sr.,  1899  and  Mr. 
label  worked  until  1901. 

From  Horseback  to  Horse  Power 

For  sixty  years  the  members  of  the  association  went  on  their  own. 

Vith  the  increase  in  organizations,  the  need  for  someone  to  keep  up 
i'vith  and  interpret  the  new  methods  quickly  and  to  assist  churches  with 
f:heir  internal  and  external  problems  many  of  pastors  had  a  need  for 
Someone  to  give  their  full  time  to  this  work.  A  committee  was  ap- 
nK)inted  at  Beaver  Dam  on  October  20,  1960  to  secure  such  a  person. 
|  U  the  1961  meeting  they  reported  and  recommended  that  Rev.  James  T. 
Cravens,  pastor  of  Liberty  Baptist  Church  in  Appomattox,  be  employed. 
Me  was  to  come  May  15,  1961  at  a  salary  of  $5,400.00.  The  budget  for 
the  work  was  to  be  $10,400.00  for  the  year  of  1961. '  The  Superintendent 
;t>f  Missions  1962  Report  tells  some  of  the  many  things  that  had  claimed 
hiis  attention:  preached  in  many  churches,  took  part  in  seventy-six 
Planning  meetings,  met  with  127  church  groups  and  committees,  spoke 
Ibver  the  local  radio,  helped  in  state  and  southwide  conferences  and  spoke 

o  high  school  students  in  the  county .- 
9    Mr.  Cravens  served  until  the  formation  of  the  Lynchburg  Association 

and  became  the  first  Superintendent  of  Missions  for  that  group.  We 
hre  reaping  many  of  the  benefits  of  his  stay  in  the  association.     Today, 

ie  and  Mrs.  Cravens  are  working  in  a  pioneer  ministry  in  Pennsylvania. 


Chapter  IX 

1802  - 1976 


A  study  of  the  monetary  discussions  and  the  decisions  of  any  gro 
for  one  hundred  and  fifty  years  is  interesting  and  that  of  the  Strav 
berry  Association  is  no  exception.  From  the  earliest  records  of  monej 
being  a  part  of  the  work  until  the  two  hundredth  birthday  one  sees 
steady  progression  of  stewardship.  One  step  leads  to  another;  from  th 
passing  of  the  hat  to  the  Unified  Budget  there  has  been  a  systemati 

The  first  recorded  offering  was  in  1802  when  two  men  were  appointe 
to  lift  the  bounty  which  amounted  to  two  pounds,  seventeen  shilling 
and  ten  pence.  This  could  have  been  a  free-will  offering  or  amount 
sent  by  the  churches  with  their  letters. 

Using  the  Bounty 

These  interesting  facts  pertaining  to  the  gifts  have  been  culled  fron 
the  association's  minutes  and  the  Religious  Herald  and  presented  ii 
chronological  order  with  apologies  to  anyone  whose  literary  taste  migh 
be  offended. 

1820  —  $21.50  given  at  the  meeting  to  help  Lynchburg  pay  for  its  meet- 
ing house. 

1845  —  $47.60>4  in  cash  and  $25.00  in  subscriptions  for  an  associational 

1854  —  A  plea  was  made  for  gifts  and  it  was  asked  that  the  conscience 

be  the  guide  in  giving.  After  an  address  the  proposition  was 
made  to  raise  $100.00  for  Foreign  Missions  through  donations  of 
$5.00  each.  In  a  few  minutes  $110.00  in  cash  was  paid  by:  F.  M.' 
Barker,  Ira  Hurt,  J.  W.  Morgan,  G.  W.  Leftwich,  M.  Lunsford, 
J.  Jeter,  J.  E.  Compton,  G.  Johnson,  I.  J.  Bush,  S.  B.  White, 
M.  W.  Read,  John  Thornton,  Elliot  Lowery,  T.  C.  Goggin,  J.  P.  W. 

Keyfauver,  Bilbo, Holland,  E.  Wornock, 

J.  Hamner,  G.  T.  Snead  and  J.  L.  Prichard.  "Ministers  asked 
to  lay  the  claims  of  the  perishing  heathen  to  the  notice  of  their 
congregations  and  endeavor  to  obtain  from  each  individual  a 

1855  —  A  collection  of  $75.00  was  given  to  George  Pearcy,  back  from 

China,  and  at  the  close  of  the  service  $36.00  was  taken  for  the 
General  Association. 


After  the  Sunday  morning  service  an  offering  of  $23.00  was  made 
for  the  General  Association  and  $128.00  for  Foreign  missions. 
A  pledge  to  the  General  Association  in  the  amount  of  $25.00  each 
from  Mt.  Olivet,  Lynchburg,  Liberty,  Mt.  Hermon  and  Hale's 
Ford.  $15.00  pledged  from  Beaver  Dam  and  $10.00  from  Mt. 
Zion  and  Wolf  Hill. 

Following  an  address  on  Foreign  Mission,  in  the  house,  $30.00 
was  received  and  at  the  stand  they  gave  $19.00  for  State  Missions. 
$142.00  collected  in  cash  and  subscriptions  for  Domestic  Missions 
after  a  forcible  talk. 

A  collection  of  $78.24  was  received  for  the  support  of  George 
Pearcy  in  his  California  work.  (Mr.  Pearcy  did  not  go  to  the 
west  ,because  of  the  war.) 

At  the  close  of  the  service  two  offerings  were  taken.  $27.00  for 
State  Missions  and  $92.55  for  Sister  Elizabeth  Lee,  widow  of 
J.  S.  Lee. 

After  a  sermon  on  the  Sabbath  day  that  was  heard  by  thousands 
an  offering  of  $200.00  was  raised.  Alexander  Eubank  wrote  in  the 
October  25th  Religious  Herald  that  so  much  time  was  spent  by 
agents  asking  for  money  and  so  many  collections  taken  that  it 
was  suggested  that  at  the  next  meeting  four  male  and  four 
female  members  be  a  collection  committee  from  each  church 
and  that  the  membership  be  divided  in  fourths.  They  will  be 
asked  how  much  they  will  give  monthly,  the  committee  member 
will  put  it  down  and  collect  it  each  month  and  this  will  be 
assigned  to  agents  as  their  needs  demand.1 

The  association  was  asked  to  support  systematically  the  benevo- 
lences adopted  by  the  Baptist  General  Association  of  Virginia. 
The  average  of  seventeen  and  one-half  cents  per  member  was 

The  churches  gave  to  local  causes  a  total  of  $2.72  per  member 
and  eleven  cents  per  member  to  the  General  Board. 
Collected   for   Richmond  College    $200.00   and   disable   ministers 

Offering  for  the  Education  Board   amounted   to   $28.00   in  cash 
and   $50.00   in   subscriptions.     Offering  for   the  Foreign  Mission 
Board  was  $25.00  and  the  churches  asked  to  contribute  liberally 
to  the  Sunday  School  and  Bible  Board. 
$300.00  given  to  Foreign  Missions. 

Collected  for  Minister's  Relief  $30.00  and  for  Foreign  Missions 
$105.00  in  cash  and  $30.00  in  subscriptions. 

A  study  of  the  churches'  gifts  from  1873  to  1878  was  made  by 
J.  A.  Davis,  missionary  in  the  association,  and  reported  at  the 
annual  meeting  gave  some  interesting  facts  about  mission  gifts. 
Liberty  was  the  only  church  that  gave  every  year.  Lynchburg 
gave  every  year  but  one.  Burton  Creek,  one  of  the  feeblest, 
failed  one  year  out  of  five.  College  Hill,  the  youngest,  gave 
$36.00.  Flat  Creek,  Hunting  Creek,  Mt.  Hermon,  Mt.  Zion,  and 
Timber  Ridge  gave  for  three  years  out  of  five.  Beaver  Dam, 
Mt.  Olivet,  Wolf  Hill  and  Leesville  gave  for  two  years.     Chest- 


nut  Hill,  Cove,  Diamond  Hill,  Fairmount,  Goose  Creek,  N>v 
Prospect,  Red  Hill,  Suck  Spring  and  Walnut  Grove  gave  for  J 
out  of  five.  Bethlehem,  Bethany,  Difficult  Creek,  Flint  ll 
Glade  Creek,  Halesford,  Hill  Spring,  Mt.  Airy,  Mountain  Vi«| 
Palestine,  Staunton,  and  Shady  Grove  gave  nothing  in  five  yets 

1880  —  To  pay  a  colporter  there  was  a  roll  call  of  churches  for  pled;* 

which  amounted  to  $304.00.  Bitting' s  history  of  the  associat;n 
was  to  sell  for  .20  each.  Following  the  apportionment  methd 
$200.00  was  to  be  given  to  Home  Missions. 

1881  —  Lifted  from  the  report  on  "Needs  of  Our  Association".     In  li'fl 

seven  of  our  churches  gave  nothing  to  State  Missions,  ei|j 
nothing  to  Foreign  Missions,  twelve  nothing  to  Home  Missio 
twelve  nothing  to  Ministers'  Relief  and  twenty-five  nothing  > 
Sunday  School  and  Bible  Board.  A  total  of  $72.45  was  cc 
tributed  for  the  year. 

1882  —  The  Board  will  place  a  colporter  in  the  association   if  it  w 

raise  the  sum  of  $250.00.  This  was  apportioned  to  the  church 
on  the  basis  of  $15.00  to  $1.00  per  church.  Because  of  a  d 
pression  only  $120.00  was  given  to  missions. 

1883  —  Request  made  for  the  following:     Home  Missions  $250.00,  $233 

given;  Foreign  Missions  $600.00,  $340.00  given;  and  State  Missioi 

$500.00  and  $287.00  given. 
1885  —  A  public  collection  for  the  Sunday  School  Board  amounted 

$42.00  and  the  Home  Mission  aportionment  $400.00. 
1891  —  J.   P.   Luck   ask  help   to  repair   Diamond   Hill   meeting   hous 

$17.00  was  given. 

1893  —  An  offering  of  $5.00  taken  for  furniture  at  Jeter  Institute. 

1894  —  $21.00  aid  given  to  a  church  (no  name). 

1895  —  $5.00  collected  for  Iron  Gate  Church. 

1896  —  $5.00  offering  for  the  orphanage  and  $5.00  collected  for  Peck 


1897  —  The  association  gave  for:     Foreign  Missions  .21  per  member,  foj 

Home  Missions  .11  per  member  and  .19  per  member  for  Stat  J 
Missions.  Miss  Edmonia  Sale  was  sent  to  China.  W.  S.  Royall 
and  J.  P.  Luck  appointed  to  study  and  suggest  to  the  churche; 
the  best  system  of  church  finances. 

1898  —  Collected  $26.00  for  Norwood  church. 

1899  —  The  State  Board  suggested  there  be  a  certain  per  cent  increase 

over  last  years  gifts. 

1901  —  The  orphanage  asked  for  $1,500.00  to  be  given  in  a  few  months. 
J.  E.  Poteet  ask  for  gifts  to  the  Sandy  Ridge  church  building, 
$16.19  was  taken  up  for  this.  Mentow  desired  to  build  and 
dedicate  its  building  free  of  debt  so  W.  E.  Hatcher  (1834-1912) 
lifted  a  collection  of  $25.22  for  them.  The  Boards  asked  $300.00 
for  Ministerial  Relief  and  $800.00  for  Home  Missions. 

1903  —  $32.25  was  given  to  the  Rustburg  church. 

1906  —  $10.25  given  to  Royal  Chapel  church. 

1909  —  The  Association  pro-rated  for  Foreign  Missions  $3,000.00  and  for 
Home  Missions  $2,000.00. 


NV 9 1 2  —  The  denomination  boards  wanted  to  say  to  the  association  that 
0,  it   deemed   the   evidence   overwhelming,    that   the   Envelope   Fi- 

ffl  nancial  System  produces   the  best  results.     The  suggested  plan 

i(  for   the   year:      University   of   Richmond    $11,426.00    and   to   pay 

iij  $6,539  by  July   1;   send  a  special  offering  once  a  month  to  the 

|ji  orphanage  give   .05   per   member   to   Minister's  Relief   and   that 

it  $4,000.00  for  Foreign  Missions   and  $2,600.00  for  Home  Missions 

i  be  approtioned  to  the  churches.     Every   agency   asked  to   have 

an  associational  chairman. 
:!917  —  Sunday  School  Board   asked   for   .38   per  member  and   increase 
|i  of  .14. 


Seventy-five  Million  Dollar  Campaign 


918  —  The  $75,000,000.00  Campaign  launched.  After  years  of  five  an- 
nual request  for  gifts  Southern  Baptist,  in  May  1919,  launched  a 

rt  goal  somewhat  commensurate  with  their  ability.     It  was  decided 

to  have  one  big  drive  to  be  made  from  November  30th  to  Decem- 
ber 7,  1919  with  the  money  to  go  to  the  Executive  Committee 
of  the  convention. 

Organization  of  the  Campaign 

Each  state  was  assigned  a  goal.  Virginia's  was  to  be  $7,000,000.00,  this 
=  vould  be  divided:  Foreign  Missions  $2,357,560,  Home  Missions  $1,007,035, 
^mister's  Relief  $448,000,  Southwide  Seminaries  $280,000,  State  Missions 
■  1,020,000,  Education  $1,500,000,  Orphanage  $439,000,  Hospital  $118,400. 
j.  R.  Scarbrough  (  -1945)  was  General  Chairman,  George  W.  McDaniel 
1875-1927)  was  appointed  Commissioner  for  Virginia  and  J.  Calvin  Moss 
>rganizer  for  the  Strawberry  Association  with  an  apportionment  of 
">347,100.50.  The  following  schedule  was  set:  July  preparation,  August 
nformation,  September  intercession,  October  enlistment,  November 
Stewardship  and  December  victory!     The  churches  pledges  $343,685! 


I  Planned,  Pledge,  Paid 

1924  —  At  the  end  of  the  Campaign  there  were  mixed  reactions;  not 
all  pledges  were  paid,  some  members  vowed  never  to  make 
pledges  again,  and  a  number  of  churches  and  denominational 
institutions  were  in  deep  debt.  Strawberry  was  not  alone  in 
her  efforts.  This  chart  will  show  how  the  churches  came  through 
the  Campaign. 


Beaver  Dam 
Bedford  City 
Boones  Mill 
Big  Island 





P        520.00 

$        570.00 




















Boones  Mill 




Cedar  Bluff 




Chestnut  Hill 




Cooper's  Cove 




Diamond.  Hill 




Difficult  Creek 








Flat  Creek 




Flint  Hill 








Glade  Creek 







Hunting  Creek 










0.0 1 

Lynchburg,  First 




College  Hill 




Rivermont  Avenue 




Franklin  Street 




West  Lynchburg 








Mountain  View 




Mt.  Hermon 




Madison  Heights 




Mt.  Ivey 




Mt.  Olivet 




Mt.  Zion 








New  Prospect 








North  Bedford 




















Pleasant  View 








Red  Hill 




Royal  Chapel 




Sandy  Ridge 




Shady  Grove 








Suck  Spring 












Timber  Ridge 




Walnut  Grove 




White  Rock 




$410,561.00  amount   asked  for,   8,387   church   members,   4,148   members 
pledged  $343,685.00  and  by  1925  they  had  paid  $299,855.00  of  the  amount 


r  approximately  $84,000.00  per  year.  The  efforts  of  the  Campaign  were 
ot  in  vain  for  from  them  and  an  evaluation  of  the  gains  and  losses 
ave  to  Southern  Baptist  one  of  the  best  stewardship  programs  of  any 
enomination  in  the  world. 

Permanence  of  the  Crusade 

There  were  lasting  consequences  throughout  the  Southern  Baptist  Con- 
1  ention  as  reflected  in  the  Strawberry  Association. 

1  1.  Increase  in  giving  1914-1919;  $5.08  per  member,  1919-1924  $9.27  per 
hember;  1925-1929  $10.52  per  member,  a  100%  increase. 
f.  2.  A  more  systematic  method  of  raising  and  distributing  finances  from 
I  le  budget  plan  for  a  church. 

|  On  the  one-hundred  and  fiftieth  anniversary  of  the  association  J. 
fc  alvin  Moss,  who  had  lead  the  churches  through  the  $75,000,000  Campaign, 
Sported  on  a  meeting  of  the  Virginia  Board  held  June  18,  1925. 

A  New  Plan  for  Stewardship 

!}  Following  an  appraisement  of  the   financial  program  over   the   years 

me  Board  came  to  some  encouraging  conclusions. 

|(  I.     They  found  the  following  difficulties  to  a  new  plan: 

1.    Inadequate  facilities  for  informing  the  people. 
i(         2.    Reaction  to  the  75,000,000   Campaign. 
!(         3.    Trying  to  begin  a  new  program  without  completion  of  the  first. 

4.    Financial  freedom  demanded  ,by  the  churches, 
tl.     There  were  heartening  things: 

1.    More  people  enlisted  in  the  new  program  of  the  last  five  years. 
More  tithers  and  a  better  system  of  giving. 
Recognition  of  the  necissity  for  cooperation. 
Realization  of  a  great  world  mission  program, 
business-like  way  to  pay  the  heavy  debts  of  our  denomination. 
These  were  incurred  on  belief  that  the  pledges  would  be  paid. 
Each  object  of  the  convention  to  get  a  percent  of  the  amount 

Each  member  be  asked  to  pledge. 
Every  member  give  according  to  Bible  principles. 
Each  church  adopt  a  budget  and  install  weekly  plan  of  giving 
through  the  duplex  envelope. 

Monthly  remittance  to  state  treasure  from  all  church  treasures. 
Special  day  in  Sunday  School  and  a  special  thank  offering  for 
State,  Home  and  Foreign  Missions. 
t,        7.    December  6-13  the  date  for  the  Every  Member  Canvass. 
I  The   apportionment  for  all   causes  outside   the  local   churches   for  the 
itrawberry  Association  for  the  year  1926  was  to  be  $51,350. 
927  —  The   association   gave   $54,751.00.     $33,768.00   to   the  Cooperative 
Program   and   $20,983.00   to   other   mission   causes.     Twenty-one 
churches  gave   through   the   Program,   but   twelve  gave   nothing 
to  missions. 
929  —  The  Cooperative  Program  goal  was  $45,000.00;  the  churches  gave 
$34,377.00  to  the  Program  causes  and  $13,788.00  to  other  mission 



)         3. 

)         4. 

)II.     A 

i              Tl 

)              I- 


J         2. 

i         3. 

(         4. 



(         5. 

(         6. 

projects.      Total     contributions    to     all    causes     amounted 

1931  —  After  five  years  with  the  Program  all  churches  except  Mounts 

Ninevah  and  Oakdale  had  given  through  the  new  plan.     Or/ 

five  churches  gave  nothing  to  missions. 
1940  —  Only    three   churches   gave   nothing   through   the   Program,   ,b 

every  church  gave  something  to  missions. 

Growing  With  the  Gifts 

The  intervening  years  have  been  spent  in  advancing  plans  for  ed 

eating  the  churches  in  the  meaning  of  stewardship  and  the  best  plaj 

for  carrying  it  out  at  a  very  particular  time.     The  duplex  envelope  h 

given  way   to  one  with   the  Six-point  Record   System  for  the   Sundo 

Schools  on  it  and  most  of  the  churches  use  the  Unified  Budget.     TV 

financial  secretary  is  an  important  elected  officer  of  the  church,  financi 

reports  are  made  regularly  to  all  the  church  members  and  all  agencit 

of  the  denomination  are  treated  as  their  needs  demand.    No  longer  doc 

the  best  speaker  get  the  largest  offering  for  his  cause. 

1975  —  Thirty-four  churches  out  of  the  thirty-five  returned  their  churc 

letters.      They    reported    6,705    resident    members    who    gav 

$861,929.00.     $709,162.00  given  for  local  expenses,   $87,384.00  t 

the  Cooperative  Program  and  $57,437.00  to  other  mission  cause 

May  the  experiences  of  stewardship  from  the  years  gone  by  be  bu 

stepping  stones  to  a  greater  realization  of  this  important  function  of  th 



Chapter  X 

1830  - 1976 

yoon  after  the  Virginia  Baptist  General  Association  voted  in  1830  to 
ivote  time  at  each  yearly  meeting  to  discuss  the  Bible  and  Sabbath 
liiool  more  interest  was  expressed  in  the  schools.  There  were  three 
it  this  association:  Little  Otter,  Glade  Creek  and  Lynchburg.  By  1835 
!  s  Strawberry  Association  was  asked  to  approve  the  Virginia  Bible 
jyaety  and  the  church  support  it.  At  the  same  meeting  there  was  a 
Irtery  about  the  American  Bible  Society. 

The  value  of  Sunday  School  instruction  was   discussed   at   the    1837 

eting.     Many  expressed  the  feeling  that  Bible  instruction  would  check 

j;ecration  of  the  Sabbath  day,  that  it  would  direct  the  rising  generation 

paths  of  virture  and  piety  and  that  the  assembled  group   resolve  to 

!  [uest  that  churches  form  and  sustain  Sabbath  School,  that  preachers 

;  ;ach  one  sermon  a  year  on  the  value  of  the  Sabbath  School  and  that 

j    read  the  Bible  through  each  year  by  the  daily  reading  of  a  chapter.1 

n   1838   there  was  added  to  the  group  of  organizations   around  the 

neral    Association    the    Virginia    Baptist    Sunday    School    Association. 

e  next  year  it  became  the  Virginia  Baptist  Sunday  School  and  Tract 

:iety  and  in   1840  it  became  auxiliary   to  the  American  Bible  Publi- 

ion   and   Sunday  School  Society    and  took   the   third   name   Virginia 

nday  School  and  Publication  Society. 

Bible  Teaching  in  the  Association 

The  association  approved  the  organization  and  appointed  a  committee 

aid   in    the   work;    from    Rockbridge,    John    N.    Johnston;    Campbell, 

>hua    Thornhill;     Franklin,    Sterling    M.     Thornton;     Bedford,     Abner 

thony   (1790-1884)   and  J.  W.  Leftwich   (         -1868);  Botetourt,  Lewis 

Hows    (         -1882)    and  Roanoke,   A.   Newman.     James   Leftwich   was 

airman  for  the  association.     These  men  were  to  visit  all  the  churches 

their  county  and  encourage  or  organize  Sabbath  Schools.     The  chair - 

ji  asked  the  churches  to  report  number  of  teachers,  pupils  and  books 

their   school.     By    1840   the   committee   reported   Sabbath   Schools    at 

11  Creek,  Zion  Hill,  Catawba,  Buchanan,  Green  Ridge  and  Fincastle. 

\  news  item  to  the  Religious  Herald,  March  21,   1842,  said  there  was 

t  more  than  three  or  four  schools  in  the  Strawberry  Association.     The 

stors  were  to  start  schools  in  their  own  churches  and  in  destitute  areas. 

the  semi-annual  meeting  in  May  fifteen  of  the  twenty-two  churches 




reported  they  had  started  schools  with  a  combined  membership  of 
pupils  and  teachers. 

There  was  no  statistical  table  in  1855  minutes,  but  a  report  sho\ 
seven  churches  with  Sabbath  Schools.     North  Fork  of  Otter  with  six 
three   members,   Suck  Spring  with   sixty-five,   Lynchburg  had    142 
Mt.  Olivet  had  fifty-two. 

Meeting  for  Promotion 

The  first  gathering  to  promote  Sabbath  School  work  in  the  associat 
was  planned  to  be  at  Mt.  Olivet  Meeting  House  on  the  fifth  Lord's  E 
in  November  1857.  Alex  Eubank  to  preach  on  Saturday,  T.  N.  Sanders  f 
to  read  an  essay  and  on  Sunday  T.  C.  Goggin  was  to  preach  and  W. 
Duncan  to  read  an  essay  on  Sabbath  Schools.  The  evening  of  each  d 
to  be  spent  in  making  speeches.2 

The  meeting  took  place  as  scheduled,  but  none  of  the  persons  appoint 
to  officiate  and  lead  the  worship  were  present.    M.  W.  Reese  was  elect 

president   and  S.   R.  White,   secretary.     Hensley   and  S 

White  preached.  A  committee  was  to  draw  up  a  constitution.  They  h 
nine  resolutions  to  discuss  and  planned  to  meet  March  1858  at  Beav 

The  brethren  ask  that  the  minutes  of  the  meeting  be  suspended  ai 
we  hear  an  address  on  Sunday  School  and  Colportage.4  Interest  w 
growing,  but  not  until  1866  did  the  movement  really  get  under  wa 
One  must  remember  these  schools  were  places  where  not  only  tl 
Bible,  but  the  three  R's  were  learned.  There  were  159  schools  in  tl 
state,  ten  of  these  in  the  Strawberry  Association.  Churches  with  schc- 
and  their  enrollment:  Mt.  Hermon,  28,  Hunting  Creek  80,  Wolf  Hill  2 
Liberty  156,  Mountain  View  70,  Lynchburg  230,  Timber  Ridge  98,  Staunto 
45,  Palestine  60  and  Blue  Ridge  151.  By  1867  not  half  of  the  churches  i 
the  state  had  Sunday  Schools. 

Real  promotion  by   the  Sunday  School  members  was  launched   in 
district  conference  held  February   22,    1868   at   8:00  P.M.   in  the  Libert 
church.     J.  A.  Davis  had  planned  the  big  meeting  and  interest  was 
its  best.    Members  were  asked  to  organize  Sunday  Schools  and  in  alread 
organized  schools  to  promote  efficiency  and  to   adopt  measures  for  tb 
extension  of  this  work.5 

Seeking  Help 

After  a  brief  period  of  growth  in  Sunday  Schools  there  seemed  to  bt 
a  decline  and  the  churches  asked  that  they  get  the  help  of  a  missionary 
and  colporter."  News  of  the  success  from  Sunday  School  Conventions 
in  several  areas  of  the  state  reached  the  mountains  and  in  1873  a  com- 
mittee of  J.  A.  Davis,  Cornelius  Tyree,  J.  M.  Mathews,  Alexander  Eu- 
bank and  J.  A.  Hamner  were  to  arrange  with  the  state  superintendent 
of  the  Sunday  School  and  Bible  Board  for  one  or  more  conventions  in  the 
association  during  the  coming  year.  There  is  no  record  of  the  results  of 
this  effort.  The  tables  reported  twenty-four  Sunday  Schools  with  2,483 
pupils  and  2,376  volumns  in  their  libraries.     Three  churches  used  "Kind 


ords",   four  were   union   schools    and   the   other   churches   used    "Bible 
jssons"  and  the  "Young  Reaper".7 

v  A  few  years  after  the  churches  took  Bible  instruction  seriously  John  R. 
Kpser  made  a  comparison   between  churches   with   and  without   schools. 
i :  the  thirty-seven  reporting  thirteen  had  no  Sunday  School.     In  these 
i   found    an   unusual    share    of   religiously,    petrified    and    antagonistic 
embers.     He  also  found  the  churches  had  a  great  lack  of  other  things.'4 
On  one  occasion   the  ministers   and   deacons  wanted   to   change   their 
ganization   to   Ministers,    Deacons    Institute    and   Sunday   School    Con- 
i';ntion  of  the  Strawberry  Association   and   to  meet  for  the   first   time 
p  Liberty  on  Wednesday  after  the  second  Sabbath  in  October  in  con- 
ation  with    the   Strawberry    and    Valley    Association    Sabbath    School 
invention,  to  be  meeting  there  at  that  date.6 

p  No  mention  was  made  of  such  a  meeting,  but  the  association  requested 
colporter  and  contributed  $400.00  to  the  salary. 

Reports  to  the  Association 

The  reports  for  the  80's  were  "wordy",  suggesting  that  every  church 
ould  have  a  Sunday  School.  The  one  helpful  thing  submitted  was 
at  whenever  possible  there  should  not  be  union  schools  even  if  they 
id  to  meet  in  school  building  or  homes.  The  possibilites  for  Sunday 
hools  were  increasing  according  to  the  1880  census  the  population  in 
e  Strawberry  Association  had  reached  37,000.  There  were  12,000 
I  toveen  the  ages  of  five  and  twenty-one.  3,450  were  Baptist  and  6,006 
her  Protestants.  In  Baptist  Sunday  Schools  there  were  enrolled  2,385 
I  id  in  all  other  church  schools  3,822. 

f  People  were  working  to  improve  the  existing  schools.     W.  G.  Hamner 
'  esented  an  outstanding  report  on  how  to  help  or  hinder  a  school  at 
e  August  6-9,  1889,  meeting  of  the  association.10 

A  Superintendent  filled  with  good  common  sense,  devoted  to  his 
!  work,  religious  in  his  life  and  heart,  freshness  in  his  methods,  and 
1   a  controlling  interest  in  every  body  and  everything. 

Teachers  who  are  prompt,  regular,  pious,  persuasive,  loving  and  a 
|  controllable. 

':■  Confidence     and    good    feeling    between    Superintendent     and    each 

Subordinate   officers   who   will   give   special   attention   solely   to   their 

A  hearty,  zealous  determination  on  the  part  of  officers  and  teachers 
i   to  disseminate  God's  word  first,  foremost  and  continually. 

Music  of  the  very  best  possible  order,  used  vigorously  and  abundantly. 
'   A  good  sexton  with  a  comfortable,  bright,  clean  and  cheerful  house. 
Short  sessions  with  ever  varying  and  crisp  exercises. 
A  pervasive  impassion   that   it  is  God's  work,   engaged   in   by   God's 
.  people  and  for  God's  glory. 
I  Hinders: 

A  Superintendent  who  is  lazy,  thoughtless,  tardy,  "poky",  dogmatic, 
:  meddling  and  who  abounds  in  routine,  sameness  and  "talk-you-to- 
j  deathness." 


2.  Teachers  who  are  slow,  irregular,  unprepared,  dyspeptic,  quarrelson- 
and  fault  finding. 

3.  Officers  who  are  rarely  present  and  as  rarely  missed. 

4.  General  "discussions"  which  interest  only  those  who  engage  in  the 

5.  Fault  finding  and  criticism  by  the  teachers  of  the  school  who  coi 
unprepared  on  their  lessons. 

6.  Inferior  music  and  too  much  of  it. 

7.  That  very  general  and  false  impression  that  your  school  is  intende 
only  for  little  ones. 

8.  A  lack  of  interest  on  the  part  of  parents,  except  on  Sunday. 

9.  The  chronic  visitor,  who  drops  in  now  and  then,  "not  prepared  t 
take  part  this  morning",  but  is  always  willing  to  "make  you  a  littl, 
talk",  and  tell  you  all  about  how  it  ought  to  be  done. 

— Walker  G.  Hamne 
Messengers  to  the  association  in  the  last  decade  of  the  nineteent 
century  heard  more  about  the  condition  of  the  state  Sunday  School 
than  they  did  their  own.  Of  the  thirty-seven  churches  in  the  associatioi 
twenty-six  had  schools;  two  were  union.  There  was  a  combined  mem 
bership  of  2,761.  Four  years  later  seven  churches  had  twelve  month 
of  Bible  teaching  and  twenty-six  had  from  four  to  eight  months.  Thesi 
schools  enrolled  one  third  of  the  church  members." 

The  twentieth  century  started  with  union  schools  in  Mt.  Zion  an( 
Diamond  Hill,  eight  of  the  churches  reported  no  schools.  All  the  churche. 
were  requested  to  order  their  supplies  from  J.  M.  Pilcher  (1841-1924) 
Superintendent  of  the  Sunday  School  Board,  Petersburg,  and  that 
statistical  table  for  the  Sunday  School  be  added  to  the  church  letter. 

Improving  the  Teaching 

The  first  quarter  of  1900  was  spent  in  trying  to  carry  out  the  motto 
"a  Baptist  Sunday  School  in  every  neighborhood".     At  first  they  wanted 
a  colporter  to  do  this.     The  state  offered  to  pay  one  half  of  the  salary  if  I 
the  association   would  be  responsible  for  the   remainder.      In    1904   one 
reported    that    "in    the    past    years    the    three    agencies    of    evangelism,  I 
pastors   and  publishing  were   the  pioneers.     Today's  pioneer  is  the  col-  I 
porter,  who  is  both  the  pioneer  minister  and  publishing  agency."     Often, 
it  was  hard  and  the  failure  of  the  churches  to  send  sufficient  money  to 
do  the  work  added  extra  burdens. 

The  second  plan  for  enrichment  of  the  Sunday  School  was  the  study, I 
courses  leading  to  the  King's  Teacher  Diploma  and  seals  for  additional 
books  studied.     Many  workers  were  studying  in  the  Sunday  Schools,  at  ] 
the  Encampment  at  Virginia  Beach  and  Intermont.     Over  1,000  persons 
from  300  churches  participated  in  the  1911   encampment.     Each  Sunday 
School  in  the  association  was  asked  to  send  one  person  in  1914. 

E.  J.  Wright,  delegate  from  Cabell  Street,  reported  hundreds  of  normal 
students  had  received  normal  diplomas  from  the  Sunday  School  Board.  I 
Through  study  many  churches  found  the  best  way  to  improve  their 
local  work.  Some  discovered  the  organized  class  helpful  in  enlisting 
men.  The  Home  Department,  new  graded  lessons  and  standards  were 
proving  very  fruitful.     Many  churches  were  not  using  Baptist  literature 


^("i  a  plea  was  made  that  they  buy  it  from  the  Board,  now  located  in 

Just  as  knowledge  brought  many  satisfactory  results  the  teachers 
ought  sharing  of  ideas  would  be  helpful  so  the  Sunday  School  Con- 
htion  became  a  significant  part  of  the  association.  In  its  meeting  at 
dford,  December,  1915,  reports  and  discussions  were  delivered.  The 
jociation  superintendent  had  mailed  reports  to  all  churches  and  only 
-st  of  Lynchburg,  College  Hill,  Royal  Chapel,  Oakdale,  Mt.  Madison, 
lestine,  Suck  Spring  and  Bedford  City  had  returned  them.  Bedford 
ty  had  reached  the  A-l  Standard,  Rivermont  and  Franklin  Street 
f»re  Standard.  A  resolution  was  made  that  permanent  officers  be 
?cted  and  meetings  be  held  in  different  sections  of  the  association, 
inting  Creek  was  host  in  1916  with  six  schools  present.  Other  meetings 
?re  at  Mt.  Zion  and  Bedford  City. 

So  popular  were  these  district  gatherings  that  it  was  deemed  best  to 

ve  two  a  year.    At  Mount  Madison,  G.  A.  Miller  was  elected  president 

id  R.  E.  Ingram  secretary.     The  meeting  at  Forest  in  1920  was  good, 

irjost  of  those  present  came   from    the   community.      On    July    2nd    the 

ttpUestine  church  could   not   seat   all   who  came.     However,   only   a   few 

xjaere   delegates.      Interest    in    the    conventions    began    to    wane.      They 

emed  to  have  served  their  purpose,  but  the  institutes  continued  to  be 


'^Membership  was   increasing   and  the  need  for  better  facilities  caused 

'jpany  churches  to  enlarge  their  buildings,  among  those  were:     Bedford, 

j  adison  Heights,  Big  Island,   Inglewood   and  Thaxton.     All  of  the  new 

<  lps  brought  the  desired  results.     Thirty-four  of  the  forty-five  churches 

iswered    questionnaires   about    their   work.      They    shared    an    increase 

attendance,  contributions  and  conversions.     Special  days  for  offerings 

d  decreased  since  the  $75,000,000  Campaign  was  launched.     The  present 

l^al  was  to  have  the  Sunday  School  enrollment  as  large  as  the  church 

Membership  and  a  mission  day  once  a  quarter. 

''From  1926  to  1940  little  was  reported  about  the  Sunday  Schools.     The 

'  26   statistical    table    reveals    fifty    churches.      Twenty-seven    evergreen 

'mools    (twelve    month    school)    two    with    no    school,    eight    met    nine 

Dnths,   two   met  seven   months,   one  came  together  for  teaching   eight 

3nths  and  ten  met  for  one-half  of  the  year.     The  combined  enrollment 

is  10,000.     The  next  year  there  were  24  full  time  schools,  twenty-five 

rt  time  and  seven  churches  with   none.     The  greatest  need   reported 

(is  to  have  trained   teachers   with  prepared   lessons.     Often   J.   B.   Hill, 

'ate    Sunday    School     Secretary,     spoke    and     led    discussions     on    the 

•oblems  facing   the   schools.     At   the    1940   meeting   of  the   association's 

1  ecutive  committee  meeting  it   was   asked  to  choose   a  Sunday   School 


This  officer  was  selected  and  a  complete  organization  set  up,  but  it 
.  is  short  lived.  In  the  next  few  years  the  only  associational  officer 
-ted  was  the  superintendent.  For  the  support  of  the  work  an  offering 
•is  taken  each  day  at  the  annual  meeting  and  other  organizations  were 
Iked  to  do  the  same  at  their  meetings.  These  and  the  church  offerings 
-;re  to  be  sent  to  the  associational  clerk.  This  was  to  be  a  deputation 
-'id.    By  1940  the  organization  was  again  completed. 


Some  recalled  the  days  of  big  crowds  attending  the  conventions  m 
suggested  one  for  each  month.  This  did  not  meet  with  much  sue 
so  it  was  decided  to  group  the  churches  for  better  work,  less  meet 
and  the  elimination  of  duplication.  In  1953  groups  were  selected  foi 
Lynchburg,  Bedford,  Moneta  and  Thaxton.  The  same  year  a  bus  jaal 
of  workers  attended  the  Sunday  School  week  at  Massanetta  Sprigs 
A  scholarship  of  $20.00  was  offered  to  any  superintendent  attending  he 
state  or  southwide  conference. 

The  sixties  saw  Sunday  School  attendance  begin  to  decline.  Tire 
was  a  reorganization  of  the  forces,  new  names  for  the  officers,  irv? 
terms,  new  materials  and  ideas.  In  the  fall  of  1965  these  were  introdved 
to  the  association  in  one-night  conferences  lead  by  a  team  of  s  te 
workers  from  Richmond.  Bedford,  Big  Island,  Old  Forest  Road,  ^at 
Lynchburg  and  Madison  Heights  hosted  the  meetings. 

Plans  for  the  Next  Century 

As  we  take  the  Bible  teaching  program  into  the  third  century  soie 
thing  new  is  in  the  making.  You  will  enroll  people  where  you  find  thm 
■ —  no  longer  must  they  attend  three  Sundays  before  becoming  memhs. 
Studies  find  that  the  average  attendance  is  about  one  half  of  the  i- 
rollment  and  no  longer  do  people  come  seeking  membership  so  te 
Sunday  School  will  go  to  them  where  they  can  be  found,  enroll  ii 
assign  the  new  member  to  the  proper  class.  It  will  ,be  up  to  the  els 
to  reach  them  on  Sunday.  We  will  really  be  going  into  the  byways  o 
bring  them  in! 


n§!  Chapter  XI 


W'Few  people  know  that  Luther  Rice's  concern  for  the  two  mountain 
eacher  boys  from  Bedford  County  set  in  motion  a  plan  that  has  brought 
out  Virginia  Baptist  interest  in  the  education  of  its  people,  especially 
i  ministers. 


m  The  Early  Training  of  Ministers 

The  experiences  of  the  last  few  years  and  the  contact  with  educated 

en  had  made  J.  B.  Jeter  and  Daniel  P.  Witt  desirous  of  a  formal  edu- 

.tion.     Elder   Rice   was   anxious   for  them   to   step   aside  from   active 

.  rvice  and  seek  effective  training  for  their  mission.     He  wanted  them 

T  take  advantage  of  a  collegiate  education  and  it  fell  with  their  strongest 

'Ssires.     Not   being   sure   of   their   ability    to   the   right    decision    they 

ferred  it   to  Semple   and  Broaddus   (1785-1864).     The  older  brethren 

)iced  an  opposition;  they  were  not  against  education,  but  that  the  call 

t  ministers  was  urgent  and  these  young  men  could  not  immune  them- 

dves  in  a  college  for  four  years.     Witt  was  in  "poor  health"  and  the 

d  men  assumed  he  was  to  die  in  six  or  eight  years  and  it  was  absurd 

•r  one  on  the  verge  of  death  having  a  notion  of  going  to  college.     He 

ved  to  be  over  sixty.1 

Birth  of  a  Baptist  School 

June  8,  1830  at  5:00  A.M.  a  group  of  men  attending  the  General  Associ- 
:ion  meeting  in  the  Second  Baptist  Church,  Richmond,  were  trying  to 
?vise  and  propose  some  plan  for  the  improvement  of  young  men,  who 
.  the  judgment  of  the  churches,  were  called  to  the  work  of  the  ministry, 
[any  of  the  leaders  were  seeing  the  results  of  an  uneducated  ministry, 
ecause  the  lack  of  being  enlightened  "had  clogged  the  wheels  of  our 
wise  and  greatly  impeded  our  spiritual  advancement".2  There  were 
JO  Baptist  churches   in  the  state,   261   licensed  and  ordained   men   and 

considerable  portion  of  these  were  "illiterate  and  unqualified  for  the 

The  men  deemed  it  unadvisable  at  that  time  to  establish  a  seminary 
f  learning.  However,  they  felt  that  help  could  be  given  by  placing 
beneficiaries"  in  families  of  experienced  ministering  brethren,  whose 
iucation,  libraries  and  opportunities  would  give  instruction  that  might 
nable  them  to  render  essential  service  to  their  younger  brethren.  The 
eneficiaries  might   employ   their   "gifts"   by   preaching   in   the   adjacent 


county   "willing  to  contribute  by  subscription,  products  and  clothijf  & 
their  support".4 

After  the  early  morning  meeting  these  men  recommended  the  or:u;>" 
zation  be  called  Virginia  Baptist  Education  Society  with  a  membesl 
fee  of  $2.00  annually  or  $30.00  for  life;  churches  or  societies  wenje 
titled   to  one  representative  for  each   $10.00  contributed.     Among   k 
managers  elected  from  the  Strawberry  were  J.  B.  Jeter,  James  C.  mi< 
wich,  V.  M.  Valentine,  Daniel  P.  and  Jesse  Witt.    Eli  Ball  was  elected: .' 
first    vice-president.      He    had    been    pastor    of    the    Lynchburg    cllnp 

Until    1832    students   were  boarded   in   a   private   home    and   t 
by  a  pastor,  gratis.     Eli  Ball  (1786-1853)  had  made  such  arrangeme: 
his  home.    Six  men  were  enrolled.    In  1831  there  were  nine  men  stud 
who  in  addition  to  their  classes,  had  to  do  manual  labor  for  three  b 
a  day,  five  days  a  week,  on  the  240  acre  "Spring  Farm"  for  the  pr 
vation  of  his  health  -  -  -  mental  vigor  and  cheerfulness  of  temper 

Strawberry  and  the  College 

We   have   no  record   of   students   from   the   association    attending  I 
school,  but  they  needed  someone  to  supervise  the  ten  students.     Rose 
Ryland    (1805-1899),    pastor    of    the    Lynchburg    Church    1827-1832,    -a 
chosen  on  April   21,    1832.     Two  weeks  later  he  accepted   and  wen  to 
Richmond  July  4,   1832.     One  year  later  there  were  twenty-six  enrols!: 
sixteen    "beneficiaries",    who    had    tuition    free    and    ten    were    "nval 
youths"    who    paid    all    their    expenses.      Mr.    Ryland    saw    the    scl 
through  the  war  years  and  resigned  in   1866.     Today  this  school  is  m 
University  of  Richmond,  whose  third  president  F.  W.  Boatwright  (1! 
1951)  served  from  1894  to  1946,  was  the  son  of  R.  B.  Boatwright  (lil 
1913),    long-time   pastor   in   Bedford   County    and   connected    with    Jt 
Female  Institute. 

Education  in  the  Upper  Country 

The  idea  of  education  was  spreading  into  the  upper  country.  At 
1840  meeting  the  association  requested  that  its  members  patronej 
literary  institutions  especially  those  conducted  under  the  supervis  d 
of  our  society.  In  1855  A.  Eubank  asked  that  a  male  academy,  wJ 
suitable  teachers,  be  established  in  the  association  and  it  be  starljl 
not  later  than  October  1  of  this  year  and  that  the  association  appotj 
a  committee  to  carry  out  and  collect  the  money  for  same.6 

The  next  year  Halesford  Academy  in  Franklin  County  was  recoi-l 
mended  to  the  patronage  of  the  association  because  there  was  a  nel 
for  a  school  to  prepare  for  Richmond  and  Columbia.7  The  committ  I 
appointed  in  '55  reported  in  '57  they  could  not  succeed  in  establishii.l 
an  academy  for  the  want  of  means. 

Public  Education 

After  the  war  of  1865  there  was  an  interest  is  public  education  an! 
the   association    asked   the   churches    and    their   membership    to    seek   ti 



stablish  and  maintain  good  common  schools  in  our  midst. "  Many  church 
leeds  recorded  in  the  county  courthouse  state  the  building  be  used  as 
.  place  of  worship  and  for  a  school. 

Caring  for  the  Ministerial  Students 

"6  j 

C      The   Straw.berry    did    not   forget   Richmond   College.      An    offering    of 
•te;l,006.00  was  taken  at  the  1868  meeting.     In  1869  they  promised  twenty 

c  x>xes  for  the  clerical  club  of  the  college."     The  next  year  Suck  Spring, 
Timber   Ridge,    Mt.    Pleasant,    Difficult    Creek,    Wolf   Hill,    Beaver   Dam, 

^I31ue  Ridge,  Fairmount,  Hill  Spring,  Hunting  Creek,  Glade  Creek,  Liberty, 
tf.vlt.  Hermon,  Mt.  Olivet,  Mt.  Zion  and  Shady  Grove  promised  boxes  for 
■Khe  benefit  of  the  brethren  studying  for  the  ministry.  These  were  to 
eljtgo  by  express  to  Rev.  H.  H.  Harris,  c/f  Wm.  G.  Dandridge  and  Co.,  827 
Pr  3road  Street,  Richmond,  Virginia. 

Private  Schools  in  the  Strawberry 


Mr.  Eubank  continued  his  plans  for  a  male  academy  by  establishing 
Sunnyside  Academy  near  Bedford.  By  1874  it  was  one  of  the  best  pre- 
partory  schools  in  the  state  owned  and  operated  ,by  the  founder.     The 

''   Superintendent  of  Bedford  schools  in  his  1899-1900  report  listed  it  with 
twelve  boys  and  five  girls  enrolled. 

Many  pastors  of  the  past  generation  started  their  formal  education 
at  Sunnyside.  Among  them  was  J.  P.  McCabe  (1876-1956),  a  great  sup- 
porter of  the  denomination  and  education.  He  helped  Charles  B.  Kessee, 
a  native  of  Floyd  County,  set  up  the  Kessee  Educational  Fund  located 
'in  Martinsville.  This  fund  assists  hundreds  of  students  in  Virginia 
Baptist  Colleges  and  our  Seminaries  every  year. 

I  With  the  land  boom  of  the  1890's  came  a  plan  for  a  female  institute 
so  the  association  appointed  seven  members  to  a  board  to  erect  a  high 
school  for  girls.  W.  P.  Tinsley,  an  architect,  drew  plans  for  the  $30,000.00 
building.  Bedford  City  Land  Company  made  the  liberal  offer,  as  a 
gift,  of  seven  acres  west  of  the  city  and  $2,700.00  in  subscriptions  if  the 
cornerstone  was  laid  six  months  from  gift  date.     Bedford  City  subscribed 

J  $4,300.00   and   W.   H.    Williams   of  St.   Louis   was    asked    to   present   the 

• :  matter  to  the  Second  Baptist  Church  where  J.  B.  Jeter  had  been  pastor. 

' "  The  school,  Jeter  Female  Institute,  was  to  be  named  for  Dr.  Jeter. 

1  '     At  the   1891   meeting  of  the  association  it  was  reported  subscriptions 

' "  amounting  to  $7,000.00  and  a  site  of  seven  acres  had  been  acquired  in 
the  last  year.  Today  we  report  $13,000.00  subscribed  and  we  will  get 
■$10,000.00  to  $11,000.00  of  this  pledge,  the  cornerstone  was  laid  30th  of 
September,  1890.  Foundations  have  been  laid,  walls  built  to  first  floor 
and  on  the  way  to  the  third  in  process  of  erection  with  all  the  wall 
materials  on  the  grounds.  The  roof  will  cost  $3,500.00  and  to  complete 
the  interior,  plumbing  and  heating  we  will  need  $7,000.00  more.  The 
financial  depression  made  collections  hard.  The  1892  report  stated  that 
A.  Poindexter  Taylor  was  to  manage  the  Institute;  a  complete  corps  of 
instructors  had  been  secured  and  the  school  would  open  14th  of  Septem- 
ber.    By    1893    the   board    was    embarassed    because    they    had    ordered 


furnishings  with  plans  to  pay  for  same  out  of  the  pledges  which  fe 
people  paid. 

After  one  full  year  the  school  closed  because  of  the  financial  pani 
It  was  leased  to  the  county  for  a  short  time.  From  1900-1910  W. 
Don  E.,  and  James  N.  Parker  leased  the  building  and  started  Bedfoij 
Cooperative  School.  More  than  a  thousand  students  studied  in  the  hij 
school  and  two  years  of  college,  art  and  music.  With  forty-five  boy 
and  seventy-five  girls  it  was  the  largest  private  school  in  the  count.t 
The  Elks  used  the  building  for  a  home  in  1912-1913. 

Other  Baptist  Schools  in  the  State 

Every  Baptist  school  in  the  state  has  been  directly  touched  by  t 
Strawberry  Association. 

Averett  College  located  in  the  bounds  cf  the  original  association  h 
Miss  Mary  Fugate  as  dean  of  women,  academic  dean  and  acting  pres 
dent.     Her  sister,  Elizabeth,  also  worked  there.     They  were  daughtei 
of  Dr.  Henley  M.  Fugate,   long-time  pastor  of  College   Hill  Church  i 

Virginia  Intermont  College  was  started  through  the  efforts  of  Josep 
R.  Harrison  (1832-1901).  He  was  a  native  of  Franklin  County  an 
pastored  several  churches  in  the  association.  H.  G.  Noffsinger  (1873-1955] 
born  in  Botetourt  County,  was  vice  president  and  president  1912-1945. 

Hargrave  Military  Academy  located  in  the  first  association  had  Co; 
Aubrey  H.  Camden  (1886-1973)  as  teacher  and  dean  1913-1918,  presi 
dent  1918-1951  and  president  emeritus   1951  until  his  death. 

Fork  Union  Military  Academy  was  started  by  W.  E.  Hatcher  (1834 
1912)  and  its  first  president  1898-1912.  He  was  succeeded  by  his  soi 
Dr.  Eldridge  B.  Hatcher  (1865-1954)  as  president  1912-1914.  Dr.  John  Jj 
Wicker  (1866-1958),  born  in  Lynchburg,  was  president  1930-1945  and  hi, 
son,  Col.  James  C.  Wicker  (1895-1973),  was  president  1945-1968. 

Bluefield  College  had  Charles  L.  Harman  (1907-  )  as  president 
Mr.  Harman  grew  up  in  Lynchburg  where  his  father,  Dr.  P.  T.  Harmar 
(1876-1956),  was  pastor  of  West  Lynchburg  Church. 

Oak  Hill  Academy,  organized  in  1878,  located  in  the  association  area 
Walter  A.  Hash,  native  of  Grayson  County,  was  principal  1923-1948 
Grover  M.  Turner,  a  native  of  Bedford  County,  was  president  1948-1957 
Another  Bedford  County  native,  William  W.  Fuqua  (1850-1879),  was  the 
first  principal  in  1878. 

Blue  Ridge  Mission  School  located  in  Patrick  County  had  most  of  its 
principals  and  teachers  from  the  churches  of  the  association. 

Piedmont  Mission  School  in  Nelson  County  included  in  its  faculty 
Minnie  Chocklett,  daughter  of  G.  A.  Chocklett,  who  served  several 
churches  in  Bedford  County.  Rev.  J.  M.  Street,  a  former  missionary  of 
the  association,  also  worked  with  the  school. 

Buchanan  Mission  School  was  organized  by  Walter  A.  Hash,  a  native  I 
of  Grayson  County. 

Strawberry  has  had  a  definite  part  in  the  education  of  ministeral  j 
students  in  two  of  our  S.B.C.  seminaries.  After  a  ten  year  discussion  j 
the  Virginia  Baptist  Education  Society  suggested  in  1854  that  something  j 
should  be  done  now.     A.  M.  Poindexter  and  J.  B.  Jeter  were  members  j 


^  a  committee  to  report  next  year.     During  the  intervening  session  of 

{ e  S.B.C.  they  called  a  conference  of  persons  interested  in  theological 

Plication.     This  conference  led  to  the  formation  of  General  Theological 

*hool    at    Greenville,    South    Carolina.      Virginia    General    Association 

^proved  the  school  at  its  1858  meeting.    J.  B.  Jeter  was  one  of  the  first 

^■istees.    The  first  class  started  in  1858  and  out  of  the  ten  from  Virginia 

>|«  matriculate  were  three  connected  with  Strawberry:     Ruben  B.  Boat- 

feght,  Hilary  E.  Hatcher  (1832-92)   and  James  D.  Witt   (1797-1858). 

New  Orleans  Seminary  had  James  Edward  Gwatkin  (1866-1941),  Bed- 

ird  County   native,    as   business   manager,    associate  professor   of   New 

sstament  interpretation  1918-1941  and  librarian  1935-1941.     William  W. 

imilton   (1868-1960),  pastor  of  First  Church  in  Lynchburg   1909-1918, 

came   president   in    1928    and    served    until    1942.      Miss    Helen    Falls, 

lUghter  of  O.  B.  Falls,  has  been  professor  of  missions  since  1945.     Mr. 

fills  spent  his  childhood  in  the  Mount  Hermon  community. 



Chapter  XII 

1826  - 1976 

The  American  Temperance  Society  was  organized  in  Boston,  Febru; 
1826,  biiit  was  unknown  in  Virginia.  The  state  society  had  its  birth 
Ash  Camp  meeting  house  in  October  1826.  Elder  Eli  Ball  (1786-18!} 
the  pastor,  preached  an  "appropriate  sermon"  to  a  large  and  excii 

To  be  a  member  of  this  group  one  had  to  be  a  sober  person;  whet! 
a   member   of   a   church   or   not.      He   had   to   promise   to    abstain   fri 
habitual  use   of  spirituous  liquor,   and   use  it  as  medicine  only.     If 
was  the  head  of  a   family   he   must   enforce   the   same   rule   upon 

The  Society  could  have  no  connection  with  any  church,  but  its  great 
promoters  were  Baptists.  It  was  the  first  organization  to  record  "a  lai 
number  of  females.""  The  third  Temperance  Society  was  formed  a 
known  as  Strawberry  District  Temperance  Society;  William  Leftwi: 
president,  James  D.  McAllester,  vice-president  and  Jesse  Witt  secreta 
They  were  to  meet  annually  the  Friday  before  the  third  Lord's  day 
July  at  Liberty.3 

No  memo  of  this  organization  has  been  found,  but  its  influence  1 
continued  as  evidenced  in  most  annual  meetings  of  the  associatk 
Requests  and  resolutions  suggest  that  the  churches  not  support  or  all< 
a  person  to  speak  in  the  church  if  he  encourages  the  improper  use 
ardent  spirits;  that  as  a  guest  during  an  association  meeting,  we  ri 
use  ardent  spirits  during  our  continuousness  together  when  and  where  ^ 
are  entertained.4  In  1835  the  association  requested  the  churches 
promote  the  Temperance  Society. 

That  same  year  the  association  went  on  record  against  liquor  "sin 
most  cases  before  our  churches  are  originated  in  ardent  spirits".6  Anoth 
resolution  stated,  "That  the  manufacture  of  and  traffic  in  intoxicatii 
drinks  as  a  beverage  is  anti-Christian."0  In  1881  the  members  we 
requested  not  to  use  spirits  at  all  and  the  next  year  a  request  was  r 
corded  asking  members  to  use  all  proper  means  to  secure  repeal  of  til 
law  that  authorizes  this  wicked  traffic. 

The  twentieth  century  churches  are  still  at  work  for  temperance  il 
a  new  way.  The  1901  association  meeting  voted  that  the  clerk  sen! 
to  each  delegate,  at  the  Constitutional  Convention,  from  within  til 
bounds  of  the  association,  its  approval  of  the  resolution  before  then! 
This  proposal  would  require  every  soloon  keeper  to  secure  the  signature  I 


i  f  a  majority  of  the  registered  voters  before  a  license  to  retail  can  be 

The  brethren  in  1881  may  have  expressed  the  opinion  of  the  early 
900's  members  when  they  said,  "If  intoxicating  drinks,  as  a  beverage, 
>roduces  great  harm  and  if  it  is  the  source  of  temptation  to  the  habits 
i  intemperance  and  in  the  sale  of  legalized  spirituous  drinks  the  associ- 
.tion  should  ask  its  members  to  secure  the  legal  abolition  of  the  law 
hat  licenses  the  sale  of  strong  drinks."7 


Chapter  XIII 

1788  - 1865 

When  the  colonies  were  free  from  the  bondage  of  England  and  V 
ginia  Baptists  had  achieved  freedom  for  all  religious  groups  there  aro 
a  concern  for  the  black  man  in  bondage. 

The  subject  of  making  the  yoke  of  slavery  more  tolerable  was  di 
cussed  at  the  meeting  of  the  General  Committee  in  1788  and  every  ye*. 
thereafter  until  1792  when  they  dismissed  the  subject  as  belonging  •« 
the  legislative  body.1  Robert  Stockton  of  the  Leatherwood  churc 
helped  with  the  deliberations. 

The  Negro  and  the  Baptist  Churches 

Negroes  were  always  admitted  to  the  Baptist  churches  in  Virgini 
and  allowed  to  "exercise  their  gifts".  Although  the  Negro  populatio 
in  the  Strawberry  was  not  large  the  Baptists  were  interested  in  thei 
spiritual  welfare.  In  1792  they  sent  a  query  to  the  General  Committe, 
about  the  remarriage  of  a  slave  who  had  been  separated  by  a  grea 
distance  against  his  will. 

In  1841  J.  B.  Jeter  had  organized  the  first  church  for  the  colored  abov 
the  "fall  line".  This  he  thought  would  help  take  care  of  his  Negr 
members,  First  African  Baptist  Church  of  Richmond  had  940  members. 

Strawberry  Plans  for  the  Spiritual  Education  of  the  Negro 

A  good  part  of  the  1847  association  was  spent  in  discussion  of  specia 
education  for  the  colored  population.  The  committee  presented  th( 
following  report  the  next  year: 

1.  Masters  see  that  each  slave  has  suitable  clothes  to  appear  in  decenl 
company  for  Sunday  wear. 

2.  Each  church  appoint  two  or  four  men  to  meet  every  two  weeks  with! 
the  slaves  to  instruct  them. 

3.  Pastors  to  explain  to  the  slave  holders  the  purpose  and  plan  of  these! 

4.  Pastors  to  get  a  list  of  blacks  from  masters,  places  to  meet  and  the! 
names  of  those  approved  to  teach  them. 

5.  Pastors  and  teachers  to  make  all  arrangements  for  teaching. 

6.  Teachers  to  have  a  copy  of  the  Holy  Scriptures  and  a  Sunday  School  I 
Question  Book  to  use  in  class.    Each  session  a  chapter  is  to  be  read,  a 


prayer,  questions  asked  and  discussed,  answers  learned  and  answered 
so  all  can  hear  them.  The  men  sit  on  one  side  and  the  women  on 
the  other. 

Teachers  were  to  spend  three  or  four  hours  on  each  chapter  and  to 
remain  on  the  grounds  until  all  the  Negroes  are  gone. 
Negro  Baptists  continued  to  grow  to  the  extent  that  their  congregations 
itnumbered  some  of  the  white  groups.  On  October  29,  1853  J.  L. 
»valtney,  F.  M.  Barker,  T.  C.  Goggin  and  Brother  Cocke  were  to  visit 
e  colored  congregation  worshipping  in  the  Baptist  meeting  house  in 
mchburg  to  see  if  they  deemed  it  expedient  to  organize  them  into  a 
.urch.  They  reported  there  were  "enough  numbers  of  colored  persons 
ofessing  godliness  and  baptized  believers  holding  letters  of  dismission 
om  regular  Baptist  churches  and  they  have  asked  the  Strawberry  Associ- 
ion  to  give  them  a  church  organization  in  accordance  with  the  State 
.garding  the  worship  of  colored  people".1 

Strawberry's  First  Negro  Church 

'At  the  1854  meeting  of  the  association  on  August  4,  5  and  6  the  com- 
mittee presented  the  following  resolution:  "A  church  be  organized  and 
:  lied  the  African  Baptist  Church  of  Lynchburg  with  these  regulations: 
■  The  pastor  be  white,  regularly  ordained  and  approved  by  the  board 
of  the  Strawberry  Association. 
All  meetings  be  held  between  sunrise  and  sunset. 

The  church   be  represented  by   white  pastor   or   some   other   white 
Baptist  at  the  association  meetings. 
•    All  ordinances  and  services  be  conducted  by  the  pastor. 
t   No  meeting  be  held   without  the  pastor  or  other   qualified   person 
3   present. 

*'  The  pastor  shall  keep  a  fair  record  of  attendance  and  doings  of  the 
"  church. 
Elder  James  C.  Clopton  (1782-1850)  was  accepted  as  pastor  and  served 
for  seventeen  years".2  Clopton  was  an  alumnus  of  William  and 
"'  Mary  and  had  been  a  student  at  the  Virginia  Baptist  Seminary  and 
a  teacher  there.  T.  C.  Goggin,  J.  L.  Gwaltney,  Jesse  Jeter  and 
George  Johnson  were  appointed  to  superintend  the  African  Baptist 
Church  of  Lynchburg  for  the  next  associational  year. 

White  Pastors  Cross  the  Color  Line 

Ministers  were  asked  to  devote  the  Sabbath  afternoon  to  religious 
istruction  of  the  colored  people.  Out  of  2,170  church  members  618 
ere  Negroes.  Lynchburg  had  208  of  these,  Timber  Ridge  had  36  white 
id  62  Negro  and  nearly  one  third  of  Mt.  Zion  were  colored.3  Often 
.lough  blacks  attended  the  association  meetings  to  have  special  services 
"»r  them,  sometimes  in  the  meeting  house  while  the  whites  were  at  the 

G.  W.  Leftwich  in  a  report  on  "Our  Interest  in  the  Colored  Popu- 
ition"  suggested:  1.  We  are  not  as  interested  as  we  should  be.  2.  The 
dnisters  are  not  as  solicitous  as  they  should  be.  3.  Ministers  seldom 
reach  on  Sunday  afternoon  to  the  slaves.     4.  Masters  should  pray  with 


and  give  them  scriptual  instruction.     Remember  they  are  ours  and 
are  responsible  for  their  souls.1 

During  the  years  prior  to  the  Civil  War  the  churches  and  membtg  \- 
were  asked  to  "deprecate  the  interest  by  people  from  other  states  wj 
try  to  stir  bad  relations  between  slaves  and  masters.     Local  pastors  a»  j .. 
asked  not  to  allow  outsiders  to  preach  to  slaves  and  all  are  asked  nt  | 
to  patronize  pamphlets  or  newspapers  of  anti-slavery  societies   and 
all  times  oppose  schemes  of  abolitionest." 

Helping  the  Needy  Friends 

After  Appomattox  members  of  the  association  manifested  a  deep  ar. 
constructive  interest  in  the  freed  Negro.  They  noted  the  loss  in  the' 
own  membership  and  the  problems  faced  by  the  new  congregation,  I 
The  year  the  war  ended  there  were  1,863  white  members  and  390  colore 
One  year  later  the  churches  reportd  1,113  whit  and  158  Negro  member 
by  1875  there  were  2,711  members  with  39  Negroes  in  Beaver  Dar 
8  in  Fairmount,  1  in  Glade  Creek,  7  in  Old  Fork,  2  in  Suck  Spring,  J 
in  Timber  Ridge,  1  in  Hunting  Creek.  Negroes  did  not  leave  in  mas; 
the  centennial  year  showed  3,000  members  and  thirty-five  of  thei 
black.  The  last  records  of  separate  listings  had  Old  Fork  with  2,  Fail 
mount  30  and  3  in  Timber  Ridge. 

T.  N.  Falls  presented  a  query  as  what  to  do  about  the  Negro  churche;' 
The  answer  is  worthy  of  consideration. 

1.  Recognize  them  as  they  are  here  and  dependent  and  that  our  churche 
have  an  obligation. 

2.  Receive  them  in  our  membership  and  when  there  are  enough,  hel1 
them  to  form  their  own  district  association. 

3.  Let   them  use  our  present  houses  of  worship  until   they   can  erec 
their  own. 

4.  Instruct  them  on  the  Sabbath  day. 

5.  Encourage  them  and  aid  in  seeking  out  from  among  them  able  anc 
suitable  candidates  for  the  ministry;  train  and  set  them  apart. 

6.  All  colored  churches  now  in  existence  be  formed  in  district  organi 
zations  according  to  Baptist  usage.5 

The  first  evidence  of  nondiscrimination  was  in  1893  when  the  associ 
ation  voted  to  strike  the  words  colored  and  white  in  the  membershif 

Negro  Baptists  Organize 

The  local  Baptist  church  was  the  first  institution  the  freed  Negro] 
had  control  of  besides  his  home.  Having  visited  the  white  association  j 
they  wanted  the  same  thing  for  their  churches.  By  1868  there  were  I 
three  in  Virginia,  Shiloh  Baptist  Association  of  Virginia  for  the  central  j 
section  of  the  state.  It  had  75  churches  with  25,213  members.  Their  j 
third  annual  session  was  held  August  5-9,  1871,  in  the  First  Baptist  I 
Church  of  Lynchburg. 

On  July  9,  1868  fifteen  members  of  the  Norfolk  Union  Association! 
and  the  Shiloh  met  in  Portsmouth  and  organized  the  Virginia  Baptist  1 
State  Convention."     The    1874   session   of   this   body   met   in   Liberty   in  I 


f  ford  County  and  the  colored  ministers  preached  in  the  white  Baptist, 

hodist  and  Presbyterian  churches.7  It  is  ironic  that  this  convention, 
^his  time,  met  in  Dr.  Jeter's  home  county. 

I'ie  Virginia  General  Association  received,  in  1872,  a  letter  from  the 
^;inia  Baptist  State  Convention  in  which  they  requested  correspondence 
'ri  the  body  in  "the  laudable  work  of  evangelizing  this  our  State  -  -  -. 

?ive  our  beloved  President  in  love".h 
B.  Jeter  chaired  a  committee  to  study  the  request  whose  response 
"we  shall  deem  it  a  privilege  to  aid  them  in  their  pious  labors  by 

i  cooperation  as  may  seem  expedient".    The  Association  rejected  the 


p  1872  the  reply  from  the  Convention  stated  that  they  would  go  alone 

^heir  work  and  -  -  -  "considering  that  said  proffers  of  friendship  are 

"'ocritcal  and  that  we  have  shown  ourselves  to  be  destitute  of  prejudice 

15 ur  white  brethren."" 
t.   Jeter   defended    the   action    of   the   General    Association    on    the 

,'ands  that  to  invite  colored  delegates  to  seats  in  the  association  would 

^lve  their  invitation   to  the  hospitality   of  homes.     This  would  lead 

["intimate  social  intercourse  and  destroy  the  racial  purity."10 

by    1882    the    State   Convention    reported    578    churches    with    128,601 

nbers  and  they  had  set  up  an  Education  Board  in  Lynchburg.  This 
Li   operated    through   the   Richmond    Theological    Seminary.      In    1886 

pie  of  Lynchburg  donated  a  site  in  that  city  for  a  school  to  be  con- 
3  led  by   the  Convention.     Today   this   is  the   Virginia   Seminary    and 

lege  located  in  Fairview  Heights  just  off  Campbell  Avenue  or  Route 
1  south. 

>  The  Negro  in  1976 

/e  still  maintain  interest  in  their  schools,  churches  and  children's 
fie.  One  hundred  and  five  years  after  the  decision  by  the  General 
ociation  not  only  the  Virginia  Baptist  State  Convention,  but  all 
,?r  black  conventions  in  the  state  joined  the  General  Association  at 
annual  meeting  November  11-12-13,  1975,  in  the  very  church  Dr. 
?r  had  served  as  pastor  and  all  the  presidents  shared  the  responsi- 
;ty  of  presiding.  From  time  to  time  delegates  have  heard  the  pastors 
the  First  African  Baptist  Church  stand  in  the  pulpit  of  the  First 
'tist  Church  of  Richmond  and  challenge  the  white  delegates  with  their 
ssages.  Members  of  Strawberry  Association  joined  all  Baptists  from 
r  the  Dominion  in  a  service  of  praise,  worship  and  communion  lead 
black  and  white  persons. 

World  Famous 


ot  many  people  from  the  area  of  the  Strawberry  Association  ever 
ame  world  famous,  spoke  with  the  heads  of  governments,  had  schools 
led  for  them  or  their  statue  placed  in  important  sites.  One  black 
:i  did,  Booker  T.  Washington,  born  at  Halesford  in  Franklin  County 
ut  1859.  He  was  asked  to  head  Tuskegee  Institute  in  Alabama  where 
fashioned   a  program    of   practical    education    rather    than    education 


for  the  sake  of  culture.     He  was  to  point  the  way  for  the  newly  fi© 
Negroes  to  advance  and  change  the  concept  of  life  for  many  of  them 

The  Negro  free  from  the  .bondage  of  slavery  became  another  pioio 
for  the  cause  of  right  in  our  association  and  county. 



Chapter  XIV 


From  the  early  days  there  was  a  concern  for  the  ministers  of  the 
jociation  and  the  state  as  evidenced  at  a  meeting  of  the  General 
sociation  when  A.  M.  Poindexter  (1809-1872),  pastor  of  Hunting  Creek, 
jested  that  retired  preachers  be  provided  pecuniary  support  for 
zy  had  labored  in  word  and  doctrine.1  In  1806  sixteen  pastors  in  the 
rawberry  received  no  support  from  the  churches  and  as  late  as  1836 
ly  five  of  the  thirteen  ministers  had  churches  who  contributed  to  their 

Men  Study  the  Problem 

After  a  study  begun  in  1848  and  completed  in  1849  C.  L.  Cocke  (1820- 
01),  Jerry  Griggs  and  Jesse  Geeter  (Jeter)  brought  a  report  to  the 
sociation  on  a  regular  system  for  the  support  of  its  ministers. 

At  the  beginning  of  the  year  agree  on  a  certain  amount  to  be  paid 

the  minister. 

Members  divide  this  amount  among  themselves  as  they  are  able. 

Let  the  amount  of  subscription  and  the  amount  paid  be  reported  to 

the  association. 

Each   pastor   preach    one    sermon    on    the    importance   of    discharging 

these  obligations  faithfully  and  punctually  in  the  sight  of  God. 
About   fifteen   years   later   two   discussions   were   to   be   presented   re- 
rding   "Duties   of   the   Church   to   the   Pastor",   by   a   layman   and  the 
'astor  Duties  to  the  Church"  by  a  pastor.     J.  A.  Hamner   (         -1884) 
ide  the  layman's  report: 

Recognize  pastors   as  servants   of  Jesus  Christ  appointed  by  God  to 

the  work  of  the  ministry. 

Respect  his  opinion,   never  speak  light  of  in  presence  of  those  who 

might  be  disaffected  or  alienated  by  such  remarks. 

When  complaints  are  necessary  make  them   in  mild  Christian  spirit 

and  with  caution. 

Guard  and  respect  his  character.     It  is  an  invaluable  part  of  his  power. 

Respectful  attention  to  his  ministry;  don't  make  God's  house  a  house 

of  merchandise  by  thinking  of  farm   work,  shop  or  store,  by  laying 

plans  and  not  worshipping. 

Love  your  pastor. 

Cooperation   —   everyone    (fellow   helpers   in   truth)    attend  services. 


Sunday  School  is  an  auxiliary  to  the  pulpit.     Neglect  these  dut 
and  you  destroy  the  pastor's  usefulness. 

8.  Contribute  to  his  support,  competent  and  punctual  pecuniary;  not| 
keep  him  from  starving,  but  to  relieve  him  from  worldly  care, 
maintain  and  educate  his  family,  provide  suitable  books  and  hos-j 
tality  to  his  brethren. 

9.  Pray,  think  of  him  as  a  man,  subject  to  all  temptations,  that  true  <-| 
votion  may  flow  in  his  heart,  that  the  Holy  Spirit  guide  him  in  loj 

The  committee  on  "Duty  of  Pastor  to  the  Church"  did  not  make 
report.     H.  W.  Dodge  made  some  remarks  on  the  subject,  saying  tr| 
preachers  should  visit  regularly  and  systematically. 

Expressing  Appreciation 

The  brethren  did  not  forget  one  of  these  men  after  death.     Willis*- 
Harris  (Father  Harris)   (1780-1865)  had  been  interred  in  a  remote  famrfl 
cemetery  which  had  been  neglected.     A  committee  of  five  was  to  haj 
the  remains  removed  to  a  suitable  location  and  an  appropriate  memorii 
erected.    At  the  next  meeting  of  the  association  nothing  had  been  doij 
because  they  had  no  money.3    By  1882  $85.00  had  been  pledged  to  tl] 
Harris  Memorial  which  was  to  be  placed  in  the  Longwood  Cemetery 
Bedford.    The  project  was  completed  in  1883. 

Sometimes  they  would  show  appreciation  while  the  minister  was  st: 
in  active  service.  A  group  of  friends  presented  T.  C.  Goggin  (1815-1891 
a  new  horse  and  buggy.    Today  it  is  keys  to  a  new  car.4 

The  post  war  economic  troubles  did  not  discriminate  the  preache 
and  at  all  the  meetings  of  the  associations  in  the  early  1870's  a  plti 
was  made  for  aid  to  the  pastors,  their  families  or  widows.  Only  fhl 
of  the  churches  paid  a  salary  to  their  ministers.  Often  special  offering 
were  taken  for  a  special  pastor  or  his  family.  In  1874  all  the  church* 
were  requested  to  send  funds  for  minister's  relief,  it  is  "Our  duty  1 
care  for  the  temporal  necessities  of  our  destitute  preachers  and  thei 

The  Annual  Call  and  the  Churches 

The  financial  condition  of  the  pastor  and  church  may  have  contribute 
to  another  problem  among  the  ministers,  the  "annual  call".  Oftei 
churches  would  have  several  ordained  ministers  in  its  membership  ant 
they  were  ever  alert  to  the  pastor's  mistakes  or  suggesting  that  the: 
would  serve  the  church  for  a  lesser  amount  of  money.  This  led  th< 
association  to  go  on  record  against  the  "annual  election  of  pastors  ty 
our  churches  as  it  was  detrimental  to  the  cause  of  Christ." 

At  one  time  there  were  nineteen  ministers,  thirteen  pastors  with  twe 
full  time  churches,  Lynchburg  and  Liberty;  the  other  eleven  men  hacj 
from  two  to  five  churches  each.     The  total  salaries  paid  was  $6,654.00  J 
One  pastor  received  over  $500.00,  one  over  $200.00  and  the  others  frorrj 
$32.00  to  $190.00  per  year.8 

Even  though  some  churches  were  still  beset  by  ordained  men  in  their  | 
congregation  only  three  had  preaching  every  Sunday  in   1890;  College i 


-;1,  Lynchburg  and  Liberty.     Hunting  Creek  had  it  twice  a  month  and 
:  other  thirty-three  had  one  service  a  month.     Sixteen  churches  had 
1  stated  salary. 

The  Pastor  and  Practical  Problems 

.i  3atsors  were  becoming  more  involved  with  the  practical  problems  of 
j  s  church  and  seeking  solutions  to  them.  In  doing  so  they  suggested 
i  rtors  exchanging  pulpits,  holding  pastor's  conferences  at  Liberty,  en- 
3ivoring  to  organize  missionary  societies,  to  support  each  of  the  six 
lards  of  the  General  Association  according  to  its  importance,  send 
icons  to  minister's  and  deacon's  meetings  and  to  strive  to  unite  and 
:  )port  pastors  of  contiguous  churches.7  Later  the  Executive  committee 
j  tranced  the  idea  of  churches  having  a  prayer  and  praise  service  when 
I  preacher  could  be  present  and  that  the  deacons  take  charge.  The 
torches  were  to  arrange  and  adopt  some  regular  system  of  giving. 
•'Minister's  Relief  became  the  interest  of  Virginia  Baptists.  With  im- 
f^ved  conditions  the  calls  were  not  as  great  or  the  amounts  as  large. 
F  1890  the  largest  amount  given  in  the  Strawberry  was  $150.00  and  the 
Fallest  $5.80.  After  all  the  funds  were  channeled  in  the  state  plan 
fs  report  showed  Strawberry  contributing  $218.00  and  its  beneficiaries 
i  :eiving  $480.00.  At  this  period  the  average  salary  in  the  association 
i  a  $250.00. 

Church  Fields  and  Needs 

9^ot  only  was  salary  a  problem,  but  often  a  man  served  a  field  of  five 
iJ  six  churches  and  his  home  was  thirty-five  miles  from  them.  J.  G. 
ljuncill  (1821-1916)  lived  in  Buena  Vista  and  at  the  age  of  seventy 
^stored  Big  Island,  Hunting  Creek,  North  Bedford  and  Ivy  Creek  in 
Itdford  County  and  Cornerstone  in  Amherst  County.  He  lived  most  of 
I  three  year  pastorate  among  the  people,  riding  over  the  mountains  on 
brseback.  Over  one  hundred  persons  were  baptized  into  the  churches 
:  ring  his  pastorate. 

because  of  many  situations  similar  to  this  the  association  endorsed  the 
!  ion  of  the  General   Association   requesting   the  State   Mission  Board 

cooperate  with  the  district  associations  in  forming  more  compact  fields; 
a;h  the  parsonage  in  a  central  location  and  better  pastor  support.  They 
ere  asked  to  appoint  three  persons  to  work  with  the  State  Board  on 
bs.10  Not  much  of  the  plan  could  be  done  without  the  help  from  the 
bard  which  set  up  certain  guide  lines  for  churches  needing  assistance. 
nese  guides  were: 

Id  Applying  through  the  Executive  Committee  of  the  local  association. 
I  Must  not  extend  an  annual  call. 

i  Pastors  to  live  in  the  association  and  as  near  the  churches  as  possible. 
.Be  in  sympathy  with  the  association  work  and  lead  the  church  to  be. 
;<  The  pastor  must  not  engage  in  other  business  for  a  livelihood.11 


Chapter  XV 

1891  - 1976 



The  Baptist  Training  Union  started  as  the  Baptist  Young  Peopj 
Union  of  America  was  organized  in  Chicago  July  7,  1891.  The  inter! 
quickened  and  spread  so  rapidly  that  close,  wise  guidance  was  neeci 
to  produce  intelligent  and  loyal  Christian  leaders.  The  purpose  of  1 
union  was  "unification  of  all  Baptist  young  people;  their  incre; 
spirituality,  their  stimulation  in  Christian  service,  their  edification 
scriptual  knowledge,  their  instruction  in  Baptist  history  and  doctri; 
their  enlistment  in  all  forms  of  missionary  activity  through  existi 
denominational  organization."1 

The  materials  used  were  interdenominational  in  nature  with  the  ei 
positions  written  by  Baptists.  Freedom  loving  Southern  Baptists  n 
the  organization  should  ,he  strickly  denominational  with  all  materiil 
and  topics  prepared  by  Baptists.  Those  holding  these  beliefs  met  | 
Atlanta,  November  21-22,  1895  and  organized  the  B.Y.P.U.  Auxiliary 
the  Southern  Baptist  Convention  with  its  headquarters  in  Birmingha 
Alabama.  In  1919  the  work  was  placed  in  a  special  department  of  t| 
Sunday  School  Board  in  Nashville,  Tennessee.- 

Starting  in  Virginia 

Charlottesville  had  the  first  organization  in  Virginia.  On  Novemb 
23,  1884  M.  C.  Thomas  was  chosen  president  and  due  to  a  tie  cast  tl 
deciding  vote  and  gave  us  the  name  Baptist  Young  Peoples'  Union. 
is  unique  that  the  Charlottesville  Lodge  at  Eagle  Eyrie,  named  in  h 
honor,  is  the  next  door  neighbor  of  the  Strawberry  Lodge. 

Strawberry  Leads  the  Way 

As  in  all  other  pioneer  movements  among  Virginia  Baptists,  men  froi 
this  association  have  shared  in  the  leadership  and  responsibilities  an 
so  it  was  with  the  B.Y.P.U.  The  second  union  in  Virginia  started  Apr 
5,  1891  in  Lynchburg's  First  Baptist  Church.  W.  H.  Wraneck  was  il 
president.  He  had  been  active  in  the  Charlottesville  union.  Colleg; 
Hill  organized  on  September  29,  1895,  Cabell  Street  October,  1895,  an] 
Mt.  Madison  in  1896." 

It  was  Cabell  Street  that  recommended  a  city  B.Y.P.U.  organization 
and  on  February  23,  1896,  Percy  S.  Flippin  was  elected  president  of  th 


y  venture.     This  was  the  first  in  the  state  and  led  the  way  for  associ- 

onal  organizations. 

'ossibly  no  person  deserves  more  credit  for  the  state  B.Y.P.U.  Con- 
dition than  J.  Calvin  Moss  of  Lynchburg.     After  attending  the  Inter- 

tional  Convention  in  1892  and  1893  he  came  home  determined  to 
i  aWish  the  Virginia  Convention.  In  response  to  his  call  fifty-three 
I  >ple  from  twenty-five  churches  met  in  Roanoke  during  the  session 
i  the  General  Association  and  the  B.Y.P.U.  of  Virginia  was  born  on 
\i  11th  of  November  1893.  Moss  was  elected  vice-president.  The  next 
;  ar  he  was  president. 

Trom  1893  to  1910  the  convention  met  in  the  local  churches;  1896 
I  First  Lynchburg  and  in  1902  at  College  Hill.  1919-1920  W.  P.  Coving- 
:  i,  Jr.  of  Lynchburg  was  state  president. 

|qj.  Calvin  Moss  addressed  the  association  in  1901  on  the  subject  of 
jiY.P.U.  and  the  next  year  they  resolved  "that  the  association  again 
Indorse  and  would  emphasize  the  importance  of  B.Y.P.U.  work;  appreci- 
I  ng  its  great  educational  plans  for  the  larger  equipment  in  Christian 

|9*vice ":1  and  another  resolution  in  1909  "We  commend  the  B.Y.P.U. 

fi  the  churches  of  the  association  as  a  means  of  how  young  people  may 
b  developed  in  Christian  living  -  -  -  we  also  commend  the  excellent 
literature  for  the  B.Y.P.U.'" 

After  the  first  city  union  had  served  its  day  it  was  disbanded  and  in 

20  a  new  organization  was  formed  with  Percy  Monroe  as  president, 
i.wrence  Driskell  succeeded  him  followed  by  Mrs.  L.  O.  Old.  Later 
fce   Junior-Intermediate    Association    was    formed,    Miss    Mary    Ellyson, 

wrence  Furgerson  and  Remi  P.  Crist  served  as  leaders/' 

s  Struggles,  Trials,  Triumphs 

The  Strawberry  B.Y.P.U. 's  were  hardly  alive  in  the  twenties.  The 
st  report  to  the  association  was  made  in  1922  when  S.  H.  Stewart 
;luded  one  paragraph  in  his  Sunday  School  report.  In  1926  Dr.  Mary 
Dowdy  gave  the  first  detail  report  of  fifty  churches  in  the  association, 

.teen  with  B.Y.P.U. 's,  twenty-seven  had  Senior  Unions  with  710  en- 
ded. There  were  five  Intermediate  Unions  with  150  enrolled  and  250 
?re  enrolled  in  Junior  Unions.     The  first  full  page  of  statistical  reports 

.  is  printed  in  the  minutes  the  same  year. 

Study  courses  became  popular  in  the  late  twenties.  The  B.Y.P.U.  De- 
rtment  would  send  a  worker  to  an  association  for  a  summer.  They 
ould  conduct  five  night  classes  in  the  local  church  ending  with  a 
"itten  examination.  Strawberry  was  sent  such  a  worker  in  1927, 
;rsil  S.  Crenshaw  (1906-1970),  who  taught  his  first  class  at  Timber 
dge.  He  later  became  field  worker  for  the  Training  Union  Department 
I  the  state  serving  until  1944.     Leaving  this  post  for  the  directorship  of 

"2  Intermediate  Training  Union  Department  of  the  Southern  Baptist 
invention  where  he  served  until  his  death. 

'For  a  number  of  years  there  seemed  to  be  no  interest   in  the  church 

'lining  program.      The   Lynchburg  Pastor's   Conference   through   Dr.   H. 

Fugate    (         -1960)    presented    a    resolution    of    endorsement    to    the 

sociation    and    recommended    that    they    elect    the    suggested    officers, 

vide  into  as  many  groups  as  necessary,  have  one  yearly  meeting  and 


that  each  church  make  a  quarterly  report  to  the  association  dire 
Rev.  Ira  Campbell  was  chosen  director,  B.  C.  Davis  associate  director 
Lucille  Figg  secretary  and  treasurer.8 

Results  of  Renewal 

In  1938  B.  C.  Davis  became  director  and  with  renewed  interest  in 
Training  Union  the  association  again  took  its  place  in  the  state  wc 
There  was  an  86  %  increase  in  the  number  of  unions  in  the  early  fort 
This  was  the  largest  in  the  state.  During  the  same  period  the  associat 
was  chosen  for  a  pilot  study  of  the  value  of  a  one  night  clinic  foi* 
church.  Miss  Virtley  Stephenson  from  the  State  Training  Union  ]f 
partment  made  the  study  which  included  Shady  Grove  and  Wall 
Grove  churches. 

During  the  fifties  "M"  (Mobilization)  Night  was  the  big  thing.  1 
first  one  was  in  1951  and  by  1953  no  church  building  could  care  for 
attendance  so  the  Bedford  High  School  was  rented.  This,  too,  was  fil 
several  years. 

To  Each  His  Own  in  Training 

After  many  years  of  valuable  service  the  Training  Union  seemed 
have  served  it  first  purpose  and  many  of  its  distinctive  features  wf 
being  used  in  other  programs.  Efforts  of  loyal  leaders,  changes  in  orga 
zation  and  literature  did  not  halt  the  downward  trent  of  the  early  sixti 
Now,  each  church  does  its  training  in  whatever  manner  it  thinks  be 
In  1976  only  eleven  churches  reported  any  type  of  training  program. 

Strawberry  gave  the  Baptists  of  Virginia  their  first  B.Y.P.U.  Secreta 
in  the  person  of  E.   J.  Wright   (1880-1972)   from  Cabell  Street  Bapt: 
Church  in  Lynchburg.     He  was  one  of  the  pioneers  in  the  work,  seei 
it  from  its  inception  through  all  the  growing  years  and  retired  at 
apex.    He  served  from  1919  to  1947. 


Chapter  XVI 

1807  - 1976 

Perhaps  no  event  in  a  community  created  more  interest  than  did  the 
inual  meeting  of  the  Strawberry  Association  when  it  was  to  be  hosted 
/  the  local  Baptist  church.  All  the  neighbors  got  ready.  Early  in  the 
:ar  plans  were  made  to  entertain  the  delegates  and  visitors  —  every 
ing  was  spruced  up! 

The   actual   meeting   claimed   the    attention   of   only    a   few   persons: 

ected  delegates  from  the  churches  in  the  association,  messengers  from 

[rresponding   associations   and   others   invited   to   be   "seated".     All   of 

uese  could  take  part  in  the  deliberations  of  the  body. 

[  For  the  first  seventy-five  years  each  meeting  followed  the  same  format, 

;ith  the  purest  democracy  at  work.     After  a  Sabbath  day  of  preaching 

id  exhorting  they  would   vote  to   convene   at   8:00   A.M.   on  Monday 

icept  in  1809  when  they  voted  to  meet  at  9:00  A.M.     At  the  fortieth 

-ssion  it  was  deemed  necessary  to  have  two  meetings  a  year,  one  in 

<e  spring   and  the  other  in   the  fall.     This   practice  continued   for   a 

timber  of  years  when  they  voted  to  change  to  the  last  of  August  and 

have  one  meeting  a  year.1    August  was  a  slow  month  for  the  farmers; 

e  gardens  and  orchards  were  at  their  peak  and  the  temperature  right 

r  Baptist  pallets  and  hayloft  sleeping. 

The  first  constitution  and  articles  were  changed  and  two  committees 
Ided  as  well  as  twelve  articles  of  faith.  One  of  the  committees  was 
•  examine  certain  brethren  and  if  they  were  worthy  and  found  ex- 
cellent the  committee  could  constitute  them  into  the  church.  The 
her  committee  was  to  help  restore  members  to  the  fellowship.2  Free- 
mi  was  still  new  enough  for  the  delegates  to  ever  be  on  guard  to  protect 
They  decided  on  fourteen  scripture  truths  as  the  freedom  principles 
their  body.  There  is  no  listing  of  these  scriptures.3 
By  1826  there  appeared  a  need  to  reprint  the  Rules  of  Decorum 
lopted  in  1793  along  with  the  Confession  of  Faith  and  the  constitution. 
In  the  early  days  the  churches  did  not  send  delegates  to  the  General 
ssociation,  but  each  association  sent  its  own  delegates.  Jesse  Witt 
id  George  Pearcy  were  sent  most  often.  This  was  continued  until 
179  when  each  church  could  send  messengers.  From  1854  when  F.  M. 
arker  went  to  the  Southern  Baptist  Convention  as  a  delegate  from 
ie  Strawberry  Association  until  1926  one  man  represented  the  entire 
sociation  at  the  Convention.  R.  E.  Brown  was  the  last  associational 


When   more   members   and  visitors   were   becoming   interested   in 
yearly  meetings  there  seemed  a  need  for  a  new  plan  of  presenting 
program.     In   1854   it  was  adopted.     They   opened  with  a   sermon, 
a  recess  after  which  the  moderator  called  the  meeting  to  order, 
sang  a   song,   prayed,   listened  to   the   letters,   enrolled   the   messeng: 
elected  the  officers,  asked  the  delegates  from  corresponding  associat: 
to   report   themselves   and   take   seats   and   the   visiting  brethren  inv 
to  be  seated.     Ministering  brethren  recognized  and  invited  to  particip 
in    the    deliberations.      Those    responsible    for    reports    read    them 
committees  were   appointed   for  Education,   Foreign   Missions,   Dome 
Missions,    General    Association,    Sabbath    School,    Temperance,    Colo 
population  and  Sabbath  observance. 

There  was  usually  two  places  of  activity.     The  stand  outside  wh 
those    not    delegates    attended    and    the    house.      By    1858    a    commit 
recommended  the  preachers  for  Sunday.     In  the  morning  two  were 
be  at   the   stand   and   two   in   the   house   and  one   at   each  place   in 

The  last  of  the  nineteenth  century  began  with  the  assurance  tl 
freedom  was  here  to  stay,  the  political  and  economic  condition  of  1 
country  were  safe  so  the  association  was  ready  to  get  to  the  work  amo 
its  own  people.  There  were  thirty-two  churches  that  had  fifty  or  li 
members  and  many  thought  that  something  should  be  done  for  specl 
education  of  the  colored  population.  They  further  felt  that  a  committ 
could  deal  with  the  plans  and  problems  better  than  a  once  a  year  meeti 
of  delegates.  On  August  16,  1853  the  first  Executive  Committee  m 
it  consisted  of  five  ministers  and  six  laymen.  They  were  to  have  2 
copies  of  a  circular  letter  printed,  to  get  a  general  secretary  for  i. 
board  and  to  employ  M.  W.  Reed  as  colporter  to  make  missionary  tou 
and  hold  protracted  meetings.5  Later  C.  L.  Cocke  placed  an  ad  for  ' 
worker  in  Bedford,  Franklin,  Floyd,  part  of  Roanoke,  Botetourt,  Patric 
part  of  Campbell  and  Henry  Counties  to  labor  as  a  missionary  ager 
evangelist,  colporter  and  etc.  Who  will  enter  this  evangelistic  fielc 
Solicit  correspondence  on  the  subject."6 

The  Executive  Committee  or  Board  was  to  employ  means  and  solic 
funds  for  the  work  in  the  local  association.  It  functioned  for  a  number  ( 
years  giving  reports  at  the  annual  meetings  until  1859  when  they  mad 
their  last  appearance.  It  became  an  auxiliary  to  the  Sunday  Schoi 
and  Colportage  Board  of  Virginia.  This  was  not  to  lessen  the  obi 
gations  of  interest  by  prayers,  contributions,  patronage  and  benefactors 

A     time    limit    was    set    for    program    of  1879.      The    opening    praye 
and    introductory    sermon     was    followed    by    a    two    and    one    hal 
hour  recess.     At   2:30  P.M.   the   first   business   was   that   of   reading   fiw 
letters  by  two  men  collecting  them  and  two  others  reading.     The  dele 
gates    enrolled,    other    delegates    from    sister    associations    asked    to    b( 
seated   and   report   to   the   clerk   for  enrollment   and   the   committee  or 
religious  exercise  appointed.     This  committee  was  made  up  of  the  hostj 
pastor  and  deacons.     They  always  had  a  second  committee  on  the  order 
of  business.     Tuesday  at  1:00  P.M.  Sabbath  School;  Wednesday  9l/2  A.M.I 
Religious   Exercise,    10:00  A.M.   State  Missions,    11! i   A.M.   Miscellaneous! 
business,   12  M.  Recess,   V/2  P.M.  Ministeral  Relief,  2l/2   P.M.   Education; 


ursday   9'/j    A.M.    Religious   Education,    10:00    A.M.    Foreign    Missions, 
00   A.M.    Home   Missions,    12    M.    Recess,    l1 !  1>    P.M.    Digest    of    letters, 
1 10  P.M.  miscellaneous  business. 

^The  question  of  Sunday  meetings  was  discussed  for  a  decade  and  a 
ffilf  and  in  1859  it  was  postponed  until  the  1860  meeting  so  that  the 
'furches  might  report  their  views  on  the  subject  with  their  letters. 
Wien  the  vote  was  taken  fourteen  wanted  to  leave  it  as  it  was,  six 
Mare  in  favor  of  excluding  the  Sabbath  Day  meeting  and  some  opposed 
3  the  two  meetings  a  year.  A  few  years  later  during  the  discussion 
f.  the  subject  the  Timber  Ridge  church  was  against  changing  from 
lWday  through  Monday  to  Tuesday  11:00  A.M.  to  Thursday  P.M.  because 
was  giving  way  to  the  devil;  every  church  could  spare  its  pastor  one 
r'lnday  a  year.  Too,  the  vendors  would  have  more  days  to  sell  beer, 
['ke,  cider  and  ardent  spirits." 

pThe  large  Saturday  and  Sunday  crowds  often  caused  discord.  At  one 
I  eeting  they  were  selling  ardent  spirits  near  the  pulpit."  The  practice 
1  selling  continued  until  1895  when  it  was  declared  that  no  selling  on 
lie  grounds  where  the  association  is  held  and  the  moderator  be  requested 
I  enforce  the  rule.  However,  in  1919  the  Executive  Committee  stated 
p:at  only  one  stand  was  to  sell  ice  cream  and  lemonade  and  that  the 
plurch  be  responsible  for  order  on  the  grounds. 

'Discipline  was  meted  to  pastors  and  churches  when  it  seemed  necessary. 
!|}i  one  occasion  the  church  at  Big  Lick  (Roanoke)  had  violated  an 
'■tide  of  the  constitution  by  not  sending  to  the  body  a  letter  or  dele- 
|?te  for  three  years  in  succession  so  it  was  to  be  excluded  from  the 
1  sociation.  After  much  discussion  they  decided  that  a  special  com- 
'ittee  of  Jesse  Jeter,  William  Harris  and  W.-  W.  Reece  look  into  the 
'atter  and  report  their  findings.10  At  the  next  meeting  Brother  Jeter 
:  oved  that  C.  Bass  be  received  as  a  delegate  from  the  Big  Lick  church 
''nich  was  cut  off  at  last  year's  meeting  and  that  the  church  be  restored. 

The  Printed  Minutes 

iFrom  year  to  year  more  information  was  being  incorporated  in  the 
•inted  minutes.  The  church  letters  were  getting  complex  and  lengthy 
e  in  1855  the  reading  of  the  letters  was  dispensed  with  and  only  the 
uatistical  reports  were  made.  George  Pearcy  suggested  a  simple  form 
or  the  derk  to  send  to  each  clerk.  There  were  eleven  items  to  report 
iid  to  be  printed  in  columns:  baptisms,  received  by  letter,  dismissed 
M  letter,  excluded,  deaths,  white,  colored,  number  of  Sunday  School 
[  embers,  associational  fund,  amount  paid  the  pastor,  benevolent  fund, 
pis  was  adopted  and  used  by  the  clerk  and  printed  by  sections: 

North:     Hunting  Creek,  Jennings  Creek,  North  Fork  of  Otter,  Suck 

Spring,  Liberty,  Mt.  Zion,  Wolf  Hill,  New  Prospect 
East:  Lynchburg,  Timber  Ridge,  Otter,  Goose  Creek,  Difficult 
Creek,  Staunton,  Mt.  Olivet,  Meadow  Road,  African  (Lynch- 
burg), Bethlehem 
South:  Mayo,  Pedego,  Halesford,  Mt.  Airy,  Franklin,  Union,  Rock 
Spring,  Providence,  New  Leatherwood,  Blackberry,  Jackson- 
ville, Fairmount,  Palestine,  Mt.  Vernon,  Old  Fork 


West:      Sycamore,  Red  Hill,  Mt.  Pleasant,  Big  Lick,   Glade  Cre 
Beaver  Dam,  Meadows  of  Dan,  Blue  Ridge11 

Note  the  financial  membership  statistics  for  1857 

Church  Gifts            Membership 

Mt.  Olivet  $35.75  51 

Suck  Spring  17.50  76 

Hunting  Creek  18.50  39 

Big  Lick  15.00  69 

Mt.  Zion  35.60  120 

Difficult  Creek  17.12  77 

Liberty  28.25  76 

Fairmount  22.00  71 

Lynchburg  17.25  156 

Timber  Ridge  19.00  36 

North  Fork  Otter  42.20  83 

Providence  9.10  119 

Halesford  8.50  35 

New  Hope  1.50  81 

Staunton  1.50  77 
Thirteen  churches  gave  nothing  when  the  association  had  been  ask 

for  $1,000.00. 

The  methods  of  reporting  the  early  meeting  were  unique  and  oft-  .- 
more  was  given  in  the  Religious  Herald  than  the  clerk  included  in  tl 
printed  minutes.  The  Herald  of  May  11,  1832  reported  that  the  assoc 
ation  had  a  Domestic  Mission  Society,  auxiliary  to  the  General  Assoc 
ation,  and  its  contributions  were  $45.40.  The  churches  had  a  recoi 
number  of  baptisms  for  the  year,  over  758.  In  1843  there  were  3( 
added  to  sixteen  churches  by  baptism:  Beaver  Dam  seventy-one,  Di 
ficult  Creek  forty-three  and  Goose  Creek  thirty-five.12 

Strawberry  was  the  first  association  in  the  state  to  share  its  recorc 
through  the  news  media.    The  December  12,  1831  Religious  Herald  carrie 
this  note  from  the  editor,  "Useful  hints  of  what  others  can  do."  It  we 
at  the  bottom  of  an  item  about  the  association.     "Twenty  churches  wit 
1,122  members  in  the  last  nine  months  had  added  600-700  members  t 
their  rolls.     The  majority  of  the  church  members  were  members  of  th 
Bedford    Temperance   Society.      No   young   men    entered    the    ministry 
Little  Otter,  Glade  Creek  and  Lynchburg  the  only  church  with  Sabbatl 
Schools  and  they  are  not  flourishing.     No  reported  missionary  societies 
some   of   the   churches  do   contribute   to   the   object.      $100.00   given   t< 
Domestic  Missions   and   the  Tract   Society   has  dwindled   away.     Goost 
Creek,   revived,   Difficult   Creek  recorded   the   largest   accession   of   any 
church  in  the  association,  Timber  Ridge  revived  —  "is  still  looking  up" 
Head  of  Goose  Creek  had  a  happy  revival  and  is  flourishing.    Two  people 
took  the  Herald.    Beaver  Dam  prosperous,  North  Fork  of  Otter  had  con 
siderable  additions,   looking  up  has  two  or  three  copies  of  the  Herald, 
Hunting  Creek  had  a  good  revival  and  is  advancing  rapidly,  Glade  Creek 
in  comfortable  circumstances  has  two  copies  of  Herald,  First  of  Lynch- 
burg has  had  some  additions,   not  greatly  prospering  has  six  copies  of 
Herald,  Staunton  not  flourishing,  Burton  Creek  looking  up,  Mill  Creek 


expectable  church  prospects  encouraging,  Fincastle  lately  constituted  — 
xl  promise  has  three  copies  of  Herald,  Blue  Ridge  a  little  declining 
arch,  Catawba  large  but  unhappy  situation,  Salem  small  —  nothing 
cresting  passing  among  them.  Craig  Creek  a  small  declining  church 
i  may  be  disbanded  in  the  ensuing  year.  Ministers  in  the  association: 
hn  S.  Lee,  Jas.  McDonald,  Wm.  C.  Ligon,  all  of  Lynchburg;  William 
ftwich,  Otter  Bridge;  William  Harris,  James  Leftwich,  Z.  Whorley  all 
Liberty;  Abner  Anthony,  Monroston  in  Pittsylvania  County;  Jesse 
itt,  Goose  Creek;  Absolon  Dempsey,  Fincastle;  Merriman  Lunceford, 
anklin  County;  Joshua  Burnet,  Salem."  The  clerk  stated  that  many 
the  churches  were  tardy  in  sending  in  their  letters. 

Synopsis  of  Church  Letters  by  the  Clerk  in  1868 

.  Airy  —  Interesting  Sabbath  School 

thlehem  —  Doing  but  little  to  promote  its  Master's  cause;  not  even  a 

Sabbath  School  or  prayer  meeting 
ae  Ridge  —  Fine   meeting,   several   additions   to  church  membership, 

church  revived 
aver  Dam  —  Interesting  Sabbath  School,  but  all  members  not  working 

for  the  Lord 
.nt  Hill  —  Reasonable  state  of  prosperity,   but   admits  that  they  are 

doing  little  for  the  Master's  cause,  have  a  Sabbath  School 
firmount  —  Nothing  of  interest,  church  cold,  Sabbath  School  of  some 
'    interest 

Ffficult  Creek  —  Has  no  Sabbath  School,  prayer  meeting  or  revival  so 
f    of  course,  as  it  admits  it  has  "nothing  interesting  to  communicate". 
;    Better  try  to  give  us  something  interesting  next  year, 
fiose  Creek  —  Cold  state,  no  Sabbath  School;  one  in  the  neighborhood 
'^ade  Creek  —  Had  a  revival  meeting  this  year;  several  additions,  church 

revived,  interesting  Sabbath  School  in  the  morning  and  a  large  Bible 
U    class  in  the  evening 

iimting  Creek  —  Small  Sabbath  School,  but  laments  its  lukewarmness 
N    and  inactivity 
idesford  —  Exceedingly  cold,  small  Sabbath  School,   no  church  going. 

All  gather  around  a  prayer  meeting  once  a  week  and  I  will  insure 
I     you  will  warm  up. 

ill  Spring  —  Good  meeting  even  if  they  have  no  Sabbath  School 
ii'nchburg  —  No  pastor  for  some  time;  but  still  keep  up  regular  prayer 
M    meeting.     Has  a  flourishing  Sabbath  School  and  a  children's  mission- 
ary society. 
;coerty  —  Prosperous  Sabbath  School.     No  prayer  meeting  —  Oh!   my. 
;V.  Hermon  —  Flourishing  Sabbath  School 
fountain  View  —  Flourishing  Sabbath  School 
f..  Olivet  —  Flourishing  Sabbath  School 

g;.  Pleasant  —  Cold  and  lukewarm,  no  Sabbath  School  or  prayer  meet- 
r     ing.     (Try  a  Sabbath  School   and  prayer  meeting  and  you  will   no 

longer  lament  your  cold  condition.) 
|d  Fork  —  Has  a  pastor,  but  no  Sabbath  School  or  prayer  meeting 
elestine  —  Gaining  strength  and  has  a  flourishing  Sabbath  School 



Red  Hill  —  No  Sabbath  School,  laments  its  condition  and  asks  the  prayr 

of  the  brethren 
Suck  Spring  —  Interesting  Sabbath  School 
Staunton  —  Nothing  of  interest,  small  Sabbath  School 
Shady  Grove  —  Has  a  Sabbath  School,  nothing  else  of  interest 
Timber  Ridge  —  Small  Sabbath  School 
Wolf  Hill  —  Considerable  revival  during   the   association  year;   seve 

additions  to  the  church,  small  Sabbath  School 
Mt.   Zion  —  Nothing  of  interest,   no   stoves   in   the  church  to   keep 

members  warm.  There  is  no  Sunday  School  or  prayer  meeting 
The  agenda  of  the  early  meetings  was  quite  flexible;  since  there 
always  someone  or  something  to  claim  attention  of  the  meeting. 
Halesford  Elder  H.  W.  Wyre,  the  brother  appointed  to  preach  the  int 
ductory  sermon,  being  absent  the  meeting  they  requested  Elder  Han 
his  alternate,  to  preach.  Elder  Harris  requested  F.  M.  Barker,  of  Bal 
more,  to  do  so  after  which  they  took  a  fifty  minute  recess.  At  the  18 
meeting  there  was  no  preacher  for  the  noon  hour  so  it  was  suggest 
that  the  time  be  spent  in  prayer,  singing  and  exhortation.  Before  tl 
sermon  there  was  a  recess  "so  members  might  be  better  prepared 
hear  same".  After  the  sermon  the  association  adjourned  for  forty-fi' 
minutes  to  partake  of  refreshments.  This  year  the  crowd  at  the  stai 
was  very  orderly,  attentive  and  solemn.  On  the  Sabbath  at  9:00  A.l 
the  brethren  met  in  the  house  and  spent  an  hour  in  singing,  prayer  ar 
exorting  after  which  they  repaired  to  the  stand  where  two  impressh 
sermons  were  delivered  by  Dodge  and  Jeter.  There  was  no  Sund 
afternoon  service. 

John  R.  Steptoe  reported  the  largest  attendance  ever,  in  1866,  whe 
several  thousand  heard  Elders  Gitt  and  Jeter  at  the  stand  and  Eldei 
Gray  and  Ellison  in  the  Mt.  Zion  meeting  house.  Could  this  have  bee 
the  result  of  the  War  Between  the  States? 


Sad  Years  of  '61  -  '65 

This  long  drawn  out  saga  was  noted  as  early  as  1861  when  the  associ 
ation  voted  to  spend  one-half  hour  each  day,  of  the  meeting,  in  praye 
for  our  country.  At  the  fall  meeting  an  offering  was  taken  for  th 
colportage  work  among  the  soldiers.  Only  a  few  days  before  the  meetinj 
150  men  left  Liberty  and  some  were  heard  to  have  said,  "I  wish  I  hac 
some  good  books,  tracts,  etc.  to  read".  Bedford  County  had  sent  mor< 
than  1,000  men  and  300-400  more  to  go  in  a  few  weeks.13 

The  second  year  of  the  war  found  the  churches  in  a  cold  and  declining 
state.  Many  of  ministers  and  men  were  meeting  in  Tented  fields' 
$377.65  had  been  given  for  army  colporters  and  $41.00  for  subscriptions 
to  the  Herald  which  was  placed  in  the  hospital  in  Liberty.  Harmony, 
love  and  fellowship  was  sensed  at  the  Association  meeting.'1  In  1863 
a  plea  was  made  "That  the  association  recognize  the  chastening  hand 
of  an  all  wise  and  merciful  Providence  in  the  present  affected  condition 
of  the  country  and  that  the  churches  observe  twenty-first  day  of  August 
as  a  day  of  humiliation  and  prayer  in  behalf  of  our  country  and  people." 
Each   day   of   the   meeting,   business   was   suspended    from    9:00   A.M.   to 


00  for  one  half  hour  of  religious  exercise  with  special  reference  to 
''.»  good  of  our  country. ir' 

[\vo  years  after  Appomattox  visitors  to  the  association  remarked  on 
j  w  pleased  and  refreshed  they  were  to  see  a  countryside  untouched 
1    war;  no  singed  shingles,  no  lone  chimneys,  no  broken  fences  and  no 

ninder  of   a  battle.     That   year   they  reported   twenty-nine   churches, 

*ee  did  not  report,  2,000  members,  the  Negroes  had  been  dropped 
T;d  108  had  been  baptized  —  one  half  less  than  they  baptized  the  year 

fore.  Twelve  of  the  churches  had  a  Sunday  School  and  all,  except 
i>  e,  had  half  or  quarter  time  preaching.  The  egg  plan  was  working 
i  mirably  and  the  people  were  requested  to  send  the  Sunday  eggs  to 
Vjnner  and  Bass  in  Lynchburg.  Concern  was  expressed  over  people 
[  ing  out  at  night,  that  they  made  no  restraints  in  selling  and  getting 

Ten  Years  After  the  War 

.The  Report  on  the  Digest  of  Church  Letters,  1875. 

,  aver  Dam  —  Nothing  of  special  interest. 

1  thany  —  The  disposition  of  this  church  peaceable. 

[•rton  Creek  —  This  is,  without  ostentation,  a  live  working  church  and 

not  only  provides  for  its  own  household  but  supports  all  enterprises 

of  the  denomination. 
'.  thlehem  —  There  is  a  division  of  interest. 
I.  estnut  Hill  —  Reports  two  Sunday  Schools. 
Lve  —   Is    informed    and    strengthened   in    our    doctrine    and    unusual 

interest  is  manifested  in  our  cause, 
amond  Hill  —  Has  had  some  little  embarrassment,  but  sinners  seem 

to  be  anxious  about  their  salvation  of  their  souls.     It  has  a  union 

Sunday  School, 
fficult  Creek  —  Enjoyed  a  precious  revival   and   the  ministration   of 

Rev.  J.  R.  Harrison  was  great, 
irmount  —  Has  two  arms,  Boone's  Mill  and  Gbgginsville. 
at  Creek  —  Has  no  pastor  and  is  in  a  feeble  way. 
Jtnt  Hill  —  Have  elected  Bro.  G.  Wheeler  as  pastor. 
,>ose  Creek  —  Enjoyed   a   revival   after  which   a  prayer  meeting  was 

established  in  consequence  of  which  the  pastor's  services  are  highly 

.  ade  Creek  —  Enjoys  the  earnest  and  faithful  labors  of  Bro.  G.  Wheeler. 
,     It  reported  a  small  Sunday  School  on  the  union  plan, 
tlesford  —  Is  not  very  flourishing,   the  congregation  being  small   but 

very  attentive. 
,11  Spring  —  No  report. 
Anting  Creek  —  Reports  growing  interest  in  the  church  meetings  and 

Sunday  School, 
oerty  —  Nothing  of  interest, 
'nchburg  —  The  College  Hill  Church  has  been  organized  by  members 

from  this  church. 
..  Hermon  —  Is  in  a  prosperous  condition. 

];.  Olivet  —  Extends   a   Centennial   welcome   to   the   association.     The 
:     spiritual  condition  of  the  church  is  good. 



Mountain  View  —  No  report. 

Mt.  Zion  —  Is  prosperous. 

New  Prospect  —  Nothing  of  interest. 

Old  Fork. —  Has  an  out  station  at  White  Rock. 

Palestine  —  Is  greatly  revived  and  is  pressing  forward  in  the  great  wc  •■ 

Red  Hill  —  Delegates,  but  no  letter. 

Staunton  —  Nothing  of  interest. 

Suck  Spring  —  Nothing  of  interest. 

Timber  Ridge  —  The  spiritual  condition  of  this  church  has  been  grea 

improved.    It  has  a  flourishing  Sunday  School. 
Wolf  Hill  —  Recognizes  its  obligation  to  give  according  to  its  ability. 
Walnut  Grove  —  Is  very  prosperous. 

100  Years  Ago 

On  Friday  11th  of  August,  1876  the  association  adjourned  at  10 
P.M.  and  formed  a  procession  and  proceeded  to  the  stand  for  the  o 
servance  of  the  100  years  of  service.  C.  C.  Bitting,  D.D.,  of  Marylai 
spoke  on  the  "Outward  History  of  the  Strawberry  Association,  From  1 
Organization  to  this  Centennial  Anniversary"  and  Dr.  C.  Tyree  was 
address  the  group  on  the  "Internal  Doctrinal  History  of  the  Association 
During  Dr.  Bitting's  address  a  storm  came  up  and  the  exercises  we 

Dr.  Bitting  had  been  pastor  in  Lynchburg  and  before  that  in  Alexandri 
While  in  Alexandria  he  was  imprisoned  for  two  months  because  1 
would  not  take  the  oath  of  allegiance  to  the  United  States  Governmei 
and  was  compelled  to  ride  all  day  on  the  fender  of  the  locomotive  th; 
ran  from  Alexandria  to  Orange  Court  House  to  prevent  attacks  on  th 
train  by  Mosby's  men.17 


Travel  to  the  Association 

Often  we  think  of  how  so  many  people  traveled  in  the  early  day 
without  the  auto,  but  they  seemed  to  reach  their  destination  without  to 
much  inconvenience.  In  an  announcement  of  the  meeting  at  Huntin 
Creek  in  1861  it  was  suggested  that  those  who  would  go  by  packet,  oi 
the  canal,  to  Big  Island  could  call  on  Col.  Arthur,  who  lives  on  tht 
canal  and  he  would  take  care  of  all  the  delegates  who  might  call  upoi 
him.  At  the  same  time  an  announcement  was  made  of  the  Southerr 
Baptist  Convention  and  that  the  Virginia  and  Tennessee  Railroad  woulc 
take  and  return  ministers  for  $25.00  to  $30.00.16  The  1879  moderator 
thanked  the  Atlantic,  Mississippi  and  Ohio  Railroad  and  the  Packel 
Company  for  the  courtesies  extended  to  the  delegates  and  visitors. 

Recommendations  of  the  1880's 

1.  Stronger  churches  send  pastors  to  help  the  weaker  churches. 

2.  Some  plan  of  systematic  giving  be  adopted. 

3.  Give  some  special  attention  to  young  men.     There  are  one  half  as 
many  men  as  women  in  the  churches. 

4.  Association  to  discourage  the  practice  of  huckstering  at  our  meetings. 


The  Executive  committee   be  required  to  present   a  report   on   the 
iition  and  needs  of  the  churches.'" 

requently  the  clerks  reported  on  the  number  of  copies  of  a  sermon 
nave  printed,  but  they  did  not  tell  what  the  messages  contained, 
/ever,  W.  R.  L.  Smith's  Introductory  Sermon  1881,  on  "Needs  of  the 
ociation"  must  have  been  outstanding.  Some  of  it  was  printed.  "We 
e  peace  and  harmony,  but  need  more.  There  are  thirty-seven  congre- 
ons  —  three  worshipping  every  Sunday,  five  are  without  pastors  and 

fee  no  regular  service.  Twenty-nine  have  Sunday  Schools,  eight  have 
e;  twenty-one  have  Baptist  schools  and  seven  none.  Six  meet  all 
r,  twenty-three  for  three  to  eight  months.  Of  the  thirty-seven  congre- 
ons  only  twenty-two  worship  in  Baptist  houses  and  of  these,  twelve 
unfinished,  decaying  and  uncomfortable;  ten  are  creditable  to  the 
>ciation,  ten  worship  in  union  buildings  and  five  have  no  houses.  The 
■nen  need  to  be  enlisted.     The  pastorates  should  be  consolidated  and 

[]  benevolence  generalized  and  liberalized.    They  are  not  liberal  enough 

^ause  we  lack  conviction  and  a  system  of  work." 

E.  number  of  interesting  things  were  recorded  in  the  seventies.  They 
nged  from  four  days  to  three  and  sold  ads  for  the  1870  minutes, 
er  they  limited  the  length  of  a  report  and  suggested  that  no  report 
printed.     Hymn  books  were  in  some  of  the  churches;  for  1873  session 

^un  with  the  singing  of  hymn  number  560. 

One  Report  of  the  Executive  Committee 

Pastors  have  attended  pastor's  conference. 
i    Church  in  Franklin  County  to  be  encouraged. 
J.   Pastors  visited  and  assisted  in  eighteen  churches. 

.   One  day  of  prayer  held  for  missions  and  made  plans  for  raising 


.    Worked  on  arranging  pastorates  (fields  of  churches). 

.  Suggested  an  offering  on  the  Lord's  Day  for  the  special  purpose  of 
pairing  the  buildings  and  paying  the  sexton  to  keep  them  neat  and 

pliat  same  year  George  Baker  was  thanked  for  preparing  a  map  of  the 
iritory  embraced  in  the  bounds  of  the  Strawberry  Association. 
■Between  1890-1900  the  association  begun  to  think  in  terms  of  modern 
pveniences.  The  1896  sermon  was  preached  in  a  tent  and  it  was 
Digested  that  it  be  bought,  but  due  to  the  cost  the  idea  was  dropped. 
Bey  returned  to  the  stand  where  rain  cut  short  the  1898  message  and 
used  the  afternoon  business  session  to  be  canceled. 

The  Apostolic  Movement 

'he  anti-missionary  of  the  mid  1800's  had  not  been  overcome  by  1901, 

'■  ecially  in  the  southern  section  of  the  association.     This  feeling  was 

as  disastrous   as  the   Apostolic   Movement.     A  resolution   from   the 

>;  tors'  conference  read:     "That  the  Doctrine  of  instantaneous  sanctifi- 

ilsion  and  present  absolute  holiness  and  the  so  called  Apostolic  doctrine 

unscriptual  and  their  proclamation  is  injurious  to  the  churches;  that 

churches  close  their  doors  against  the  teaching  of  such." 


Material  Prosperity 

Special  offerings  were  still  called  for.     One  to  help  complete  the  m 
building  of  the  Orphanage  and  another  for  Virginia  Intermont  College 

In  1904  the  clerk  made  note  that  material  prosperity  had  blessed  ( 
section  and  the  churches  had  certain  obligations.  He  entered  th 
suggestions:  Have  more  compact  pastorates,  see  the  need  for  m 
discipline  in  the  churches,  get  members  to  move  their  church  lette 
the  income  from  the  churches  not  equal  to  the  leakage.  The  associat 
used  to  send  out  many  preachers  —  now  it  is  in  a  sad  decline.  Past 
should  arrange  their  summer  schedule  so  as  to  ensure  their  attendai 
upon  the  association  meeting.  The  biggest  decline  seemed  to  be  in 
country  churches,  because  many  of  the  members  were  moving  to  1 
cities.  "The  church  members  were  making  money  fast,  but  when  th 
get  it  they  keep  it  and  try  hard  to  make  more."-" 

Not  much  of  the  money  got  to  the  churches.  Forty-eight  of  the  fifl 
two  averaged  $90.00  per  year  for  their  pastors  or  $360.00  if  the  past 
had  a  four  church  field. 

Entertaining  the  Association 

The  prestige  of  entertaining  the  association  had  passed   by   1916  aij 
the   churches    were    becoming   very    indifferent    about    inviting    it    so 
recommendation   was  made   that   the  churches  be   divided   in   four   ge 
graphical  sections  as  northeast,  southeast,  northwest  and  southwest.     Tl 
association   was   to   meet   in  the   sections   in   order  and   the  churches 
the  group  decide  which  one  should  entertain. 

Eight  years  later  they  voted  for  the  next  two  meetings  to  be  held 
Bedford  or  Lynchburg.  The  delegates  be  entertained  in  homes  for  oi 
night  and  breakfast  and  they  pay  for  the  other  meals  which  were 
be  provided  for  by  a  church  society  at  not  more  than  fifty  cents. 
1947  they  voted  to  meet  for  only  two  days.  From  1943  to  '47  they  hi 
met  for  one  day.  For  the  years  1929  to  1957  every  meeting  but  one  hi 
been  in  Bedford. 

This  problem  of  entertaining  in  addition  to  several  others  may  ha\ 
led  to  the  very  bold  suggestion  made  in  1928  chat  there  be  a  consolidate 
of  local  churches.  Forty-eight  of  the  churches  were  rural,  the  remained 
in  the  city.  Four  had  been  organized  previous  to  1845,  two  before  186 
five  by  1880,  nine  by  1900,  six  before  1910  and  only  eight  are  on  goo 
motor  roads.  Forty  cannot  carry  on  fulltime  twelve  months  a  yes 
program.  One  pastor  has  five  churches,  three  three  churches  each,  fiv 
have  four  churches  and  four  two  churches.  The  discussion  that  followe 
must  have  been  interesting. 

Strawberry's  Standard  of  Excellence 

When  standards  were  becoming  popular  the  association  set  up  its  ow: 
for  a  church. 

1.  Every  church  was  to  have  a  pastor. 

2.  The  church  must  have  a  Sunday  School  at  least  eight  months  a  yeai 


Two  thirds  of  the  membership  must  contribute  to  the  pastor's  salary 
Lind  to  missions. 

)ne  third  of  the  members  must  attend  the  Sunday  School  meetings. 
There  must  be  during  the  year  an  every  member  canvas  for  missions. 
The  church  must  have  a  missionary  society. 

The  church  must  send  the  association  a  church  letter,  a  delegate  and 
:ihe  association  fund." 

i  the   '30's   most  of  the  business  for  the   association's   business   was 

ussed  and  decided  in  the  pastor's  conference.     At  the  annual  meeting 

n'fi  were  few  reports  published,  but  much  talk  reported.    There  seemed 

>e  more  interest  in  the  social  ills  of  the  day  than  in  other  types  of 

church's   business.     In   1924   they   went   on   record   as  opposing   the 

iing  of  the  Bible  in  public  by  compulsion.     At  the  '36  session  much 

i    said   about  the  evil   of  liquor,   horse  racing   and  gambling.     When 

)■  question  of  teaching  Bible  in  the  public  schools  came  to  their  at- 

Mon  they  were  opposed  to  it.     Another  session  voted  to  approve  the 

I  rd  of  Censors  for  Movies  created  by  the  Virginia  General  Assembly 

;  iliminate  objectionable  scenes.     In  one  year  they  had  cut  scenes  in 

|  8  films  and  rejected  seven  as  totally   unworthy. 

The  Last  Twenty-five  Years 

'ihe  annual  meeting  went  from  two  days  to  one  and  one  half  and 
Fr  to  one  afternoon  and  two  evening  sessions.  The  quarterly  meeting 
pthe  Executive  Committee  takes  care  of  most  of  the  business, 
!  >rts  are  printed  and  given  to  the  messengers  and  much  of  the  time 
jht  in  hearing  recommendations  from  committees  and  speeches.  One 
(i .he  most  used  and  enjoyable  events  happening  in  these  years  was 
!  erection  of  the  Strawberry  Lodge  at  Eagle  Eyrie. 

Hien  the  drawing  for  lots  took  place  June  13,  1955,  the  representative 
^our  association  drew  lot  thirteen  and  Mrs.  Foster  presented  a  check 
I  $750.00  from  the  W.M.U.  to  pay  for  it.     J.  B.  Thurman  was  elected 

irman  of  the  committee.  Trustees  were  to  be  G.  W.  Bond,  G.  C.  Luck, 
5.3.  Jackson,  O.  C.  Carter  all  of  the  Bedford  church.  Building  and 
;iishing  committee:  Charlie  W.  Markham,  Miss  Elsie  Gilliam,  Mrs. 
t'M.  Fugate,  Robert  L.  Bradley  and  Elton  C.  Hite.  Later  Herbert  R. 
Blton  replaced  Mr.  Bradley. 

Jced  Fuqua,  a  native  of  the  Huddleston   community,   made   a   bid  of 
1 500.00  which  was  accepted  and  the  trustees  empowered  to  accept  a 
^000  loan  at  3%.     The  churches  were  asked  to  give  $2.00  per  member 
'the  payment  of  the  debt, 
charge  of  forty  cents  per  person  a  night  was  asked  for  and  groups 

ig  the  Lodge  for  other  than  over  night  stays  were  asked  to  make  a 

intary  gift.     Later  a  fee  of  $5.00  per  night  and  $1.00  per  person  for  a 

k  was  requested. 

ae  first  administration  committee  had  Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugate  as  chairman, 

:.  Clifton,  Charlie  W.  Markham,  W.  C.  Mattox,  Arnold  Coffee,  F.  M. 

ter.  Mrs.  Fugate  served  well  until  1959  when  she  resigned.  Mrs.  L. 
-'reeman  has  been  the  administrator  since  then. 


There  may  be  no  project  of  the  association  that  has  been  better 
caved   than   the  Lodge.     We   continue   to   share   it   with   the  Lynchb 
Association  with  full  cooperation.     Almost  every  week-end  and  all  , 
summer  conferences  find  the  building  in  use  by  both  young  people  f 


Chapter  XVII 


1813-  1976 

The  Virginia  Foreign  Mission  Society  was  organized  October  28,   1813 

i  that   same   year  the   movement   was   introduced   to   the  Strawberry 

iociation  through  a  letter  from  Luther  Rice.     Mr.  Rice  is  also  known 

have  visited  the  association  and  was  a  guest  in  the  home  of  Nicholas 

arcy.     Joseph  Perego   was   to   answer  Mr.   Rice's   letter   as   he  seemed 

disable.      Mr.    Perego   was    an    uneducated   man    and   later    became    a 

der   in    the    anti-missionary    movement    that    led    to    the   formation    of 

i   Pig  River  Association,    one   of   the   several    "anti-associations".     By 

1 .6  the  interest  had  grown  and  John  S.  Lee  was  appointed  corresponding 

.i  retary  for  the  mission  plans  in  the  association,  but  the  propriety  of 

;  .ing  missions  was  referred. 

[  jiving  to  foreign  missions  was  almost  unknown  for  several  years. 
I  e  Lynchburg  Church  was  among  the  first  in  the  state  to  start  mite 
l  :ieties  to  aid  the  work.  It  was  organized  January  18,  1818.  The 
i  arches  of  the  association  were  very  cautious  in  making  decisions, 
)  vays  trying  to  "conforming  to  the  mind  of  the  churches".  By  1817 
I  other  Lee  was  to  let  the  agents  know  of  the  decision  from  the  churches. 
i  45  found  them  ready  to  appoint  a  committee  to  make  a  report  on 
:  -eign  missions,  to  hear  suggestions  that  the  association  support  the 
I  uthern  Baptist  Foreign  Mission  Board  and  to  raise  funds  too  for  the 
i  ssionaries  from  within  their  borders.  George  Pearcy  and  his  wife, 
'.  ances  Miller,  were  the  second  missionary  couple  appointed  by  the 
uthern  Baptist  Board.1  It  was  at  the  call  of  the  Virginia  Society 
'  at  those  assembled  in  Augusta,  Georgia,  at  the  1845  Southern  Baptist 
invention  created  the  Foreign  Mission  Board  with  J.  B.  Jeter  as  the 
st  president. 

The  interest  in  missions  grew  and  by  1866  the  following  resolution 
is  adopted: 

"Resolve,  that  we  have  a  monthly  concert  of  prayer  for  foreign 
issions,  that  the  churches  form  missionary  societies,  that  the  pastors 
each  one  sermon  on  foreign  missions  each  year  and  that  money  be 
llected  from  each  member  of  our  churches  for  the  cause."  In  1885 
ey  asked  each  member  to  give  thirty-five  cents  a  year  for  foreign 

Not  only  did  the  interest  in  giving  money  increase,  but  people  from 
e  association  became  interested  in  "going".  Since  1846  when  the 
^arcys  went  to  China  there  has  been  a  substantial  number  of  members 


going  to  the  ends  of  the  earth.  Included  in  this  list  are:  Edmonia  Sa 
Bedford  County,  in  China  1895-'99;  Olive  M.  Board  Eager,  Bedford  Counlj 
in  Italy  1880-'98;  Jessie  Pettigrew  Glass,  Fincastle,  first  trained  nur; 
in  China  1901-'43;  Lettie  Spainhour  Hamlet,  Grayson  County,  in  Chili 
1909-'53;  Elsie  Gilliam,  Lynchburg,  1910-'12;  Margie  Shumate,  Pearisbui 
1915-ca  '55;  T.  B.  Hawkins,  Bedford  County,  in  Argentina  1921 -'6 
Grace  Mason  Snuggs,  Natural  Bridge,  in  China  1923-'61;  A.  E.  Wels 
Bedford  County,  in  Mexico  1923,  died  1924;  Ola  Lea,  Pittsylvania  Count 
in  China  1925-ca  '65;  Eva  Sanders,  Roanoke,  in  Africa;  Edith  Vaugh 
Big  Island,  in  Brazil  1952;  Henry  Martin,  Patrick  County,  in  Africa  195" 
Mary  Burnett  Small,  Martinsville,  in  Africa  1954;  Louis  and  BarbjHF 
O'Conner,  Henry  County,  in  Korea  1958;  Elaine  Hancock,  Bedford  Count*'" 
in  Hong  Kong  1959  and  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Norman  Burnes,  Lynchburg,  ij-'- 
Greece  1951. 

This  year  one-fourth  of  the  Missionary  Journeymen  appointed  froi 
Virginia  were  from  this  area.  Cathy  Lynn  Allison,  Lynchburg,  a  nun 
to  Tanzania,  Africa;  Connie  Turpin,  Big  Island,  a  teacher  to  Paraib 
Brazil;  and  Jim  Smith,  Henry  County,  youth  director  to  Germany.2 

One  has  no  way  of  knowing  the  number  of  Baptists  who  left  th 
section  of  the  state  and  went  west  after  the  Revolution  to  settle  i 
Tennessee  and  Kentucky. 

We  do  know  that  Elder  Robert  Stockton  left  Leatherwood  Church  i 
1799  and  pioneered  the  Baptist  work  in  Kentucky.  The  second  moderato 
of  the  Strawberry  Association,  he  was  born  December  12,  1743, 
Goochland  (now  Albemarle)  County,  a  son  of  Presbyterian  parents 
He  was  a  captain  in  the  British  Army  and  after  baptism  into  the  Baptis 
church  in  1771  in  Henry  County  resigned  from  the  army.  During  th 
Revolutionary  War  he  was  captured  in  the  battle  at  Brandywine,  Md. 
and  held  prisoner  two  years.  He  moved  from  Henry  County  to  Barrel 
County,  Ky.,  in  1800  was  elected  the  first  moderator  of  Green  Rive: 
Baptist  Association  and  served  as  moderator  several  years.  He  was  i 
landowner  in  Barron  (now  Metcalfe)  County,  Ky.,  and  died  September 
21,  1824.  With  his  wife,  Mrs.  Catherine  Blakey  Stockton  (1753-1825) 
they  are  buried  in  the  Stockton  family  cemetery  west  of  Edmonton,  Ky 

Gilbert  Mason  (1811-1872),  a  native  of  Bedford  County,  the  first  pastoi 
(1856-1857)  of  Manchester  (now  Bainbridge  Street)  Church  in  Richmond, 
was  the  only  representative  of  the  Braden  Association  at  the  1837 
meeting  in  Louisville,  Ky.,  when  the  Kentucky  Baptist  Association  was 

Mathew  Talbot,  Jr.  (  -1812),  native  of  Amelia  County  but  living 
in  Bedford  County,  was  the  first  Baptist  minister  to  become  a  regular 
settler  in  the  Watauga  settlement  that  became  the  state  of  Tennessee. 
He  was  a  son  of  Matthew  and  Annie  (Mary)  Williston  Talbot  of  Mary- 
land who  settled  in  Bedford  County.  Mathew  Talbot,  Jr.,  married  Mrs. 
Mary  Hale  (Haile)  Day  (  -1785)  and  was  a  captain  in  the  Virginia 
militia  participating  in  the  battle  of  King's  Mountain  in  the  Revolutionary 
War.  In  1783  he  was  the  organizer  and  first  pastor  of  Sinking  Creek 
Baptist  Church  near  Elizabethton  in  Carter  County,  Tenn.  In  1784  or 
1785  he  went  to  Georgia  and  in   1786  received  a  land  grant  in  Wilkes  I 


:i[)unty,   Ga.      In    1795   he   became   affiliated    with    the   Georgia    Baptist 

imvention  and  died  October  12,  1812,  in  Wilkes  County,  Ga. 

Jj Jesse  Witt   (1797-1858)   was  appointed  by  the  Domestic  Mission  Board 

l  Texas,  June  1847.     He  died  in  Marshall,  Texas,  in   1858.     Miss  Zula 

jiomas  of  Franklin  County  served  as  a  missionary  of  the  Home  Mission 

^ard   among  the   Indians   of  Oklahoma   and   Miss  Georgie  Snead   from 

Irjg  Island  worked  for  a  number  of  years  with  the  Home  Mission  Board. 

rjFrom  some  of  the  Bedford  County  Court  records  we  know  that  laymen 

gent   to  Texas.     A  brother  of  George   Pearcy   moved   to   what   is   now 

vashington  state  from  Bedford  county  in  the  mid   1800's.     His  journal 

jcords   taking   a   house   cut   from   lumber,   ready    to    assemble,    and   his 

mily  by  way  of  a  packet  boat  to  Richmond  and  a  train  to  the  coast. 

1 11   was    loaded    on    a    freighter    that   sailed    down    the   coast    of   South 

merica  around  Cape  Horn  and  up  the  west  coast.     His  family  is  active 

churches  of  the  northwest.3 

yDr.  Edward  B.  Willingham  (1899-1973),  pastor  (1928-1932)  of  Rivermont 

venue   Church    in    Lynchburg,    was   Western    treasurer    of    the   Baptist 

brld  Alliance  from   1953-1956.     His  father,  Dr.  R.  J.  Willingham,  was 

"r  20  years  executive   secretary   of  the   Foreign  Mission   Board   of   the 

mthern  Baptist  Convention.     Dr.  E.  B.  Willingham  taught  at  the  Uni- 

?rsity   of  Richmond   and  from    1955-1964   was  general   secretary   of   the 

>reign  Mission  Society  of  the  American  Baptist  Convention. 

■  Through  the  years  many  of  the  members  from  the  Strawberry  Associ- 

1  ion    have    served    as    state    missionaries;    some    have    already    been 

'  entioned,   but   in   the   last   twenty-five   years  Gladys   Parker  from   the 

fyiaxton  church,  Annie  Mae  Broyles  from  Madison  Heights  Church  and 

Elizabeth  Thomas  of  the  Glade  Hill   Church   have   served   as  Goodwill 

••enter  directors  or  associational  missionaries. 

sDr.  Josef  Nordenhaug  (1903-1969),  pastor  (1941-1948)  of  Rivermont 
'venue  Church  in  Lynchburg,  was  president  of  the  Baptist  Theological 
?minary  in  Ruschlikon-Zurich,  Switzerland,  from  1950-1960.  A  native 
''  Norway,  he  taught  at  the  Baptist  Theological  Seminary  in  Oslo,  Nor- 
(ay,  and  held  pastorates  in  Norway,  Prestonburg,  Ky.,  Vinton  and 
•  ynchburg.  From  1948-1950  he  was  editor  of  The  Commission,  world 
)>urnal  of  the  Southern  Baptist  Foreign  Mission  Board,  and  from  1960 
Kitil  his  death  was  general  secretary  of  the  Baptist  World  Alliance. 


Chapter  XVIII 




Many  persons  from  many  churches,  once  a  part  of  this  associatio 
have  provided  support  for  the  work  in  every  facet  of  Virginia  Baptis 
endeavor.  Some  have  already  been  cited,  but  others  need  to  be  becau 
they  helped  to  perpetuate  that  which  had  been  launched.  No  group  h 
done  more  than  the  women.  Wives  of  two  native  pastors  served 
presidents  of  the  state  organization  in  the  beginning,  Mrs.  J.  B.  Jet 
1874-'87  and  Mrs.  W.  E.  Hatcher  1882-'92. 

The  first  meeting  under  the  name  of  Women's  Missionary  Union  | 
Virginia  met  October  18-19,  1899  in  Salem;  Mrs.  Alexander  Millar 
Bedford  Springs  recorded  the  proceedings  of  the  body.  In  1898  Mr 
I.  M.  Mercer  (Frances  Pearcy,  daughter  of  missionary  George  Pearcy 
was  recording  secretary  and  in  1901  had  the  responsibility  of  corresponc 
ing  secretary. 

When  the  Women's  Missionary  Union  opened  its  Training  School  i 
Louisville,  Kentucky,  September,  1916,  there  were  twenty-five  studen! 
in  its  first  class.     Miss  Elsie  Gilliam  was  the  lone  Virginian  enrolled. 

An  Impressive  Registry 

Mrs.  J.  A.  Baker,  first  Mission  Study  Superintendent,  was  elected  ii 
September,  1916,  and  the  wife  of  a  pastor. 

Mrs.  Franklin  P.  Robertson,  president  1901  and  vice-president  1902-03 
was  wife  of  a  pastor. 

Miss  Mae  Burton  was  elected  Education  Secretary  in  1912,  but  unabk 
to  assume  her  duties  in  Richmond. 

Mrs.  John  F.  Vines,  president  1916-'20,  was  wife  of  a  Roanoke  pastor 

Miss  Elizabeth  Harvey,   vice-president    1912,   was  from  Lynchburg. 

Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall,  vice-president  1914,  was  wife  of  a  pastor. 

Mrs.  George  T.  Winn,  vice-president  1938-'40,  from  Axton  in  Henry 

Mrs.  E.  L.  Dupuy,  recording  secretary  1940-'58,  from  Martinsville. 

Miss  Alma  Hunt,  Executive  Secretary  of  Southern  Women's  Missionary 
Union  1948-'74,  native  of  Roanoke. 

Mrs.  Harry  P.  Clause,  vice-president  of  the  Southern  Union  1950-'55 
and  a  member  of  the  Executive  Committee  1956-'59,  wife  of  a  pastor. 

Mrs.  A.  G.  Carter,  vice-president  1942-'47,  '49-'55,  wife  of  a  pastor. 

Mrs.  O.  C.  Hancock,  president  1956-'64,  native  of  Bedford  County. 


Ais.  H.  P.  Clause,  vice-president  1960-'65,  wife  of  a  pastor, 
hlrs.  J.  R.  Kirk,  vice-president  1971-'73,  from  Martinsville. 
'  Ars.  Frank   Murry,    of   Lynchburg,    served    as    state    president    of    the 
[  siness  Women's  Federation. 

,  »frs.  Chiles  J.  Cridlin,  vice-president  1974-'76,  presided  over  the  historic 
]  '6  annual  meeting  when  the  structure  of  the  state  organization  was 
\  lusted  to  better  carry  out  its  mission  in  the  present  day  church  pro- 
f  im. 

Vlrs.  Albert  E.  Simms  was  elected  recording  secretary  at  the  1976 
I  eting.  She  is  wife  of  a  pastor  and  the  fourth  woman  to  be  chosen 
I    this  position  from  the  Strawberry  Association. 

Vtrs.  A.  Harrison  Gregory,  president  1971-'75  and  Southern  Union 
I  ;sident  1975,  is  from  Danville.  She  received  the  honorary  Doctor  of 
I  .mane  Letters  degree  from  Averett  College  in  May,  1976. 


i  Religious  Herald 

\s  early  as  1790  Virginia  Baptists  subscribed  to  a  Baptist  paper,  the 
ndon  "Baptist  Register";  later  they  took  the  Massachusetts  "Baptist 
I  ssionary  Magazine".  On  January  11,  1828,  the  Religious  Herald  was 
^..abashed.  Eli  Ball  became  the  second  editor  1831-'33;  J.  B.  Jeter  edited 
he  magazine  1865-'86  with  W.  E.  Hatcher  as  junior  editor  1882-'83.  The 
l.nchburg  bureau  was  established  in  1908  with  Amos  Clary  as  director. 
L\  Clary  and  W.  S.  Royall  joined  the  editorial  staff  the  same  year, 
Lt  returned  to  the  pastorate  the  next  year.  Today,  Thomas  Miller  is 
\  i  associate  editor  and  photographer.  Strawberry  is  still  in  editorial 
1  >rk. 

Virginia  Baptist  Hospital 

The  Virginia  Baptist  Hospital  was  the  brain  child  of  Dr.  Hugh  C. 
!  nth.  It  opened  July  12,  1924,  with  private  rooms  costing  $3.50  to  $7.50 
i  lay  and  ward  rooms  from  $2.00  to  $3.50  a  day.    O.  B.  Barker  of  Lynch- 

rg  was  the  first  president  of  the  Board  of  Trustees.  Miss  Mary 
i.wling  (1887-1971),  a  Bedford  County  native,  became  the  first  superin- 

ldent  of  nursing  on  January  1,  1924,  at  the  salary  of  $175  a  month. 
ij,ter  30  years  of  service  she  retired  in   1954.     Miss  Louise  Habel  suc- 

Kied  her  in  1955  and  for  10  years  inspired  both  patients  and  staff. 
ySs  Habel   is  the   daughter  of  S.   T.   Habel,   Sr.,   the  last   of  our  early 

ssionaries.    Many  members  of  area  churches  serve  on  the  large  staff. 

'  Virginia  Baptist  Orphanage 

-.ike  the  hospital  the  Virginia  Baptist  Orphanage  is  located  in  part  of 
|!   original    association,    Salem.      The    first   cottage    was   ready    for    oc- 

>ancy  in  1892.  W.  E.  Hatcher  was  the  first  president  of  the  Board  of 
•astees.     Martin   Halstead    is    the   present    business    manager    and    the 

l-in-law  of  Rev.  R.  L  Camden,  a  Bedford  County  native.  Through 
|  •  years  Baptists  from  the  churches  in  Roanoke,  Roanoke  County  and 

iford  County  have  filled  many  places  of  responsibility  in  this  home. 


Baptist  Student  Union 

William  J.  Fallis  of  Roanoke  is  one  of  our  modern  day  pioneers.  ■.. 
became  the  first  full-time  secretary  for  Virginia  Baptist  Student  U:tt/; 
in   1940  and  held  the  position  until  1944  when  he  became  Book  Eel 
for  the  Southern  Baptist  Sunday  School  Board  in  Nashville. 

Camp  Meetings 


In  the  mid  and  late  1800's  Baptists  were  gathering  for  camp  meeti] 
J.  B.  Jeter  had  been  very  successful  in  establishing  one  in  the  North 
Neck  of  Virginia.  At  the  General  Association  meeting  in  Danville 
1907  the  Pastors'  Conference  of  Richmond  offered  a  resolution  requ 
ing  the  appointment  of  one  person  from  each  district  association 
consider  the  matter  of  a  summer  encampment.  H.  M.  Fugate  and  J 
McCabe  were  on  this  committee.  The  first  summer  encampment 
at  Buckroe  Beach  June  24- July  1,  1908.  After  seeking  a  perman 
home  for  many  years  200  acres  of  land  on  Fleming  Mountain  in  Bedf 
County  was  purchased  in  1950  for  $31,000.  W.  M.  Thompson,  pastor 
Inglewood  Church  in  Boonsboro,  had  led  the  way  for  securing  this  1: 
on  Route  501  northwest  of  Lynchburg.  Herbert  R.  Carlton  served 
the  first  manager  and  the  present  director  is  Malcolm  H.  Burgess 
native  of  Lynchburg.  After  19  years  of  service  this  conference  i 
assembly  center  has  proven  that  every  state  in  the  Southern  Bap 
Convention  needs  a  year-round  facility.  Eagle  Eyrie  was  the  first  si 
plant  in  the  convention. 

Our  association  is  also  the  home  of  the  Peaks  of  Otter  Royal  A 
bassador  camp.  This  camp,  off  the  Blue  Ridge  Parkway  south  of  1 
Peaks  of  Otter,  is  located  on  a  386-acre  tract  given  by  the  Robert 
Johnson  family  of  Bedford  in  1961.  Boys  do  real  out-of-doors  campi 
in  connection  with  other  camp  activities. 

Baptist  Homes 

When  Virginia  Baptists  were  rethinking  the  obligations  they  owed 
those  who  had  served  their  churches  well  for  many  years  and  were 
longer  in  a  position  to  care  for  themselves  the  idea  of  the  Virgir 
Baptist  Homes,  Inc.  became  a  reality  in  1946.  There  are  homes 
Culpeper  and  Newport  News  where  many  from  the  Strawberry  ha 
found  a  place  to  continue  to  live.  In  1975  construction  on  a  new  hon 
in  Richmond  was  begun.  Albert  E.  Simms,  pastor  in  Lynchburg,  w 
selected  as  the  manager  of  the  Lakewood  Manor  project. 

The  chaplain  service  for  our  state  correction  instructions  is  one  i 
the  newer  projects  in  which  Virginia  Baptists  cooperate  with  other  chun 
groups.     The  executive  director  is  George  F.  Ricketts  of  Martinsville 


When  the  churches  became  interested  in  a  better  music  program  wit 
more  people  involved  they  sought  a  state  leader.  Miss  Kathrine  Baile 
of  Bassett  in  Henry  County  was  selected  and  continued  as  the  first  full 
time  music  worker  for  the  General  Association  until   1966. 


The  state  wanted  a  Secretary  of  Evangelism  and  they  turned  to  a 
>anoke  pastor,  H.  W.  Connelly;  when  they  needed  the  next  one  R.  L. 
indolph  (1893-1956),  pastor  in  Lynchburg,  was  chosen.  He  served 
>m  1945  to  his  death.  W.  B.  Denson  (1906-1976)  was  the  third  secre- 
ry.     He  had  served  in  Buena  Vista  and  Roanoke. 

Two  men  have  been  selected  by  the  Virginia  Baptist  Association  from 
e  area  of  our  association  to  be  their  Executive  Secretary:  James  R. 
yant,  a  layman  from  Roanoke,  and  Lucius  Polhill,  a  Vinton  minister. 
These  are  but  a  few  of  many  who  have  helped  to  carry  on  the  de- 
mination's  work  during  the  last  two  hundred  years.  More  names  could 
added  and  it  is  hoped  that  the  reader  will  add  his  own  roll  of  honor 
d  when  you  do  ask,  "Am  I  doing  anything  about  what  I  have  in- 



The   ideals   that   our  Baptist   forefathers   introduced,    fought   for   a: 
sustained  in  the  early  years  should  be  an  inspiration  and  challenge 
all  who  have  been  the  beneficiaries. 

Look  at  these  figures  as  flesh  and  blood  and  ask,  "What  do  they  st 
to  us?"  Our  first  record  in  1789  covered  the  vast  territory  of  the  Strav 
berry  Association  which  embraced  seventeen  churches  with  1,116  men 
bers.  In  1832  there  were  1,153  members  and  the  churches  baptized  7E 
persons,  a  58%  increase.  The  centennial  year,  with  decreased  are 
recorded  thirty-three  white  churches,  2,947  members  and  249  baptism 
a  gain  of  9%.  Last  year  we  reported  thirty-five  churches  in  Bedfor 
County  with  8,503  members;  242  persons  were  baptized,  an  increase  < 

What  of  the  Mother  Association  constituted  200  years  ago  wit 
churches  in  thirty  counties  of  Virginia  and  North  Carolina?  So  far  s 
figures  can  tell  the  story  let  those  found  in  Appendix  C  of  this  boo 
speak  concerning  the  growth  in  gifts  and  numbers.  Yet,  these  do  nc 
include  all  that  has  been  recorded  in  the  daughter,  grand-daughter  an 
great-grand-daughter  associations  found  in  two  states.  Reports  neve 
tell  the  full  story  of  the  activities  through  which  an  association  serve 
the  Lord.  Infinity  alone  will  reveal  how  many  people,  on  the  earth 
have  been  influenced  by  the  ministry  of  those  who  constitute  the  associ 

And  what  lies  ahead?  Are  our  churches  caught  between  a  proud  pas 
and  a  precarious  future?  Great  as  has  been  our  past,  encouraging  a. 
our  present  accomplishments  may  we  together  pledge  to  pray,  work  an( 
live  so  homogenously  that  this  association,  Virginia's  oldest,  may  sa3 
with  Robert  Browning: 

Grow  old  along  with  me; 

The  best  is  yet  to  be. 

The  last  of  life,  for  which  the  first  was  made: 

Our  times  are  in  his  hand 

Who  said,  "A  whole  I  planned," 

Youth  shows  but  half;  trust  God;  see  all,  nor  be  afraid. 




The  Society  Called  Baptist,  1639-1776 

\  Journal  of  the  House  of  Burgesses,  February  12,  22,  24,   1772. 

e  Benedict,    David,   A   General    History    of   the   Baptist   Denomination 

(Boston,  1813),  p.  364-65. 
.  Prince  George   County   Order  Book    1714-'20,   p   20.     Oath   and   the 

declaration  are  given  in  Deed  Book  No.  1,  p.  58. 
R  Ryland,    Garnett,    The    Baptists    of    Virginia    1699-1926    (Richmond, 
H  1955),  p.  7. 
j   Asplund,    John,    Annual    Register    of    the    Baptist    Denomination    in 

North  America   (Richmond,   1791),  p.  47. 

Leland,   John,     The   Virginia   Chronicle     (Fredericksburg,    1790),   p. 
'  105. 

Bitting,  Charles  C,  Notes  on  the  History  of  the  Strawberry  Baptist 
r  Association   (Baltimore,   1879),  p.   11. 
0  Ibid.,  p.  11. 

Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  42. 
*  Barnes,    William    W.,    The    Southern    Baptist    Convention    1845-1953 
i    (Nashville,  1954),  p.  3. 


ii  Baptist  and  the  Establishment,  1771-1783 


i   Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  51. 
.   Ibid.,  p.  52. 

Williams,  John,  "Memo  or  Journal"    (Ms.   1771),   Simple,  p.   51. 

Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  120.     Semple,  p.  63,  261. 

Ibid.,  p.  57     Semple,  p.   11. 

Ibid.,  p.  57. 

Semple,  p.  18. 

Andrews,    Matthew    P.,    Virginia    the    Old    Dominion     (Richmond, 

1949),  p.  350. 

Fristoe,  William,  History  of  the  Ketocton  Baptist  Association  (Staun- 
ton, 1808),  p.  69. 

Sketch  of  Anthony  in  Virginia  Baptist  Ministers,  First  Series. 

Patrol    mounted    were    those    who    arrested    and    punished    negroes 

found  away  from  their  homes  without  passes  from  their  owners. 

James,    Charles     F.,     Struggle    for    Religious    Liberty     in     Virginia 

(Lynchburg,   1900),  p.   108. 

James,  op.  cit.,  p.  41-104. 

James,  op.  cit.,  p.  32. 

James,  op.  cit.,  p.  58. 



Helping  Guard  the  Victory,  1783-1791 

1.  Constitution  of  the  General  Committee. 

2.  Bitting,  op.  cit,  p.  20. 

3.  Minutes  of  the  General  Committee,  1799. 

4.  Minutes  of  the  Strawberry  Association,  1788,  1790,  1799. 

5.  Bitting,  op.  cit.,  p.  47. 

6.  James,  op.  cit,  p.  138. 

7.  Bitting,  op.  cit.,  p.  28. 

8.  Ibid.,  p.  14. 

9.  Early  manuscripts  in  Virginia  Baptist  Historical  Library. 

10.  Bitting,  op.  cit.,  p.  16. 

11.  Ibid.,  p.  41. 

12.  Strawberry  Minutes,   1793. 

Baptists  Working  Within  Their  Association,   1791-1836 

1.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  126. 

2.  Ibid.,  p.  164. 

3.  Strawberry  Association  Minutes,  1802,  1822,  1829. 

4.  Ibid.,  1866. 

5.  Ibid.,  1973. 

When  a  date  preceeds  an  item,  that  item  is  taken  from  the  Minu 
of  that  date. 

Involvement  in  State  Missions,  1822-1830 

1.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  206. 

2.  Hatcher,   William  E.,   Life   of  J.   B.   Jeter,  D.D.    (Baltimore,   188' 
p.  108. 

3.  General  Association  Minutes,  1842,  p  8. 

4.  Hatcher,  op.  cit.,  p.  112. 

5.  Not  the  present  New  River  Association. 

6.  Jeter,  J.  B.,  The  Recollections  of  a  Long  Life   (Richmond,  1891), 

7.  Hatcher,  op.  cit.,  p.  113-114. 

8.  Jeter,  op.  cit,,  p.  108. 

9.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  211. 

10.  Ibid.,  p.  213. 

11.  Strawberry  Minutes,   1828. 

12.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  214. 

Men  Move  Toward  Their  Mission,  1776-1976 



1.  Strawberry,  op.  cit.,  1896. 

2.  Barnes,  op.  cit.,  p.  236. 

3.  Ibid.,  p.  238. 

4.  Strawberry,  op. cit.,   1911,  p.   14. 


Ladies  in  the  Meeting  House,  1860-1976 

History  of  Kentucky  Baptists,  p.  380. 

|  Andrews,  op.  cit,  p.  367. 

I  Religious  Herald,  op.  cit.,   11-18-1860,  p.   177/3. 

[bid.,  7-10-1861. 
i  Strawberry,  1874,  p.  9. 
\  [bid.,  1884,  p.  6. 
!  [bid,  1887,  p.  7. 
|  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  324ff. 
I  Strawberry,   1890,   p.   18. 
I  Ibid.,  1895. 

i  Poe,  Mrs.  E.  D.,   From  Strength   to  Strength    (Richmond,   1949),   p. 
■  W-100. 

t  Strawberry,  1913,  p.  8. 
i  [bid,  1917. 
,  [bid.,  1918. 
[[bid.,  1920. 
i  [bid.,  1932. 
'jlbid.,  1955. 
i.  Fletcher,  Louise,  The  Diary  of  a  State  Missionary  (Richmond,  1967), 

p.  55-59. 

The  Apostles  on  Horseback,  1823-1901 


Strawberry,   1961,  p.   15.  „ 

I  Ibid.,  1962,  p.  22. 


Lifting  the  Bounty,  1802-1976 

An  agent  was  a  person  who  would  represent  a  certain  board  or 
committee  of  the  General  Association.  He  would  promote  and 
collect  money  for  his  particular  interest.  In  1831  Valentine  M. 
Mason,  of  Lexington,  was  appointed  the  first  full-time  General 
Agent  in  Virginia  at  the  annual  salary  of  $500.00.  He  resigned 
in  1841  because  of  ill  health  and  was  succeeded  by  Eli  Ball. 

Teaching  the  Word,  1830-1976 

Strawberry,  1837. 
Strawberry,  1857,  p.  3. 
Religious  Herald,  1857,  p.  195/2. 
Strawberry,   1865. 
Religious  Herald,  4-9-1868. 
Strawberry,  1871. 
Ibid.,  1877,  p.  14. 
[bid.,  1879,  p.  4. 


9.    Ibid.,  1879.  p.  7 

10.  Ibid.,  1889,  p.  3 

11.  Ibid.,  1890-1899. 

Learning  from  the  Cabin  to  the  Ivy  Halls 

1.  Hatcher,  op.  cit,  p.  117. 

2.  Religious  Herald,  6-18-1833. 

3.  Ibid.,  6-14-1833. 

4.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  225. 

5.  Ibid.,  p.  227. 

6.  Strawberry,   1867. 

7.  Religious  Herald.  1856,  p.  114/6. 

8.  Strawberry,  1867. 

9.  Religious  Herald,  1868,  p.   127/4. 


Relieving  Social  Ills,  1826-1976 

1.  Jeter,  op.  cit.,  p.  35. 

2.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  217,  218. 

3.  Religious  Herald,  1829,  p.  183/3. 

4.  Strawberry,  1830. 

5.  Religious  Herald,   11-23-1825,   p.    165/4. 

6.  Strawberry.   1854. 

7.  Ibid.,  1881. 

Caring  for  Those  in  Bondage,  1788-1871 

1.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.   152.     Strawberry,   1852. 

2.  Ibid.,  p.  285. 

3.  Strawberry,  1856,  p.  12. 

4.  Ibid.,  1858,  p.  12. 

5.  Ibid.,  1866,  p.  10. 

6.  Ryland,  op.  cit.,  p.  305. 

7.  Ibid.,  p.  316. 

8.  Ibid.,  p.  315. 

9.  Ibid.,  p.  316. 

10.  Religious  Herald,  6-8-;  9-7,   1871. 

11.  Andrews,  op.  cit.,  p.  563. 

Relief  for  the  Man  in  the  Pulpit,  1836-1976 

1.  Religious  Herald,  1836,  p.  94/4. 

2.  Strawberry,  1866,  p.  6-7. 

3.  Ibid.,  1873,  p.  8. 


I  Ibid.,  1889. 

Ibid.,  1873,  p.  9. 

Ibid.,  1879. 

Ibid.,  1883,  p.  8. 

.  Ibid.,  1888. 

Ibid.,  1901,  p.  21. 

t  Ibid.,  1911,  p.  17. 

I  Ibid.,  1916. 

Training  Union,  1891-1976 

Wright,    Elbert    Joseph,     Virginia    Baptist    Training    Union    History 

(Richmond,  1947). 

Ibid.,  p.  14. 

Strawberry,  1902,  p.  10. 

Ibid.,  1909,  p.  13. 

Wright,  op.  cit.,  p.  63. 

Strawberry,   1936,  p.   13. 


Attending  the  Association  Meetings,  1807-1976 

Religious  Herald,  10-10-1850,  p.  49. 

Strawberry,   1822,  p.  8. 

Ibid.,  1823. 

Ibid.,  1854,  p.  9. 

Religious  Herald,  9-11-1853,  p.   139/1. 

Ibid.,  9-22-1853,  p.  151/3. 

Strawberry,   1850,  p.  9. 

Religious  Herald,  7-11-1866,  p.   110/13. 

Ibid.,  9-21-1859,  p.  139/1. 

Strawberry,   1857,  p.  5. 

Ibid.,  1855. 

Religious  Herald,  6-29-1843,  p.   103/2. 

Ibid.,  9-21-1861,  p.  125/6. 

Ibid.,  8-14-1862,  p.  127/6. 

Strawberry,  1863,  p.  5. 

Religious  Herald,  8-22-1867,  p.  134/6. 

Taylor,  op.  cit.,  Fourth  Series,  p.  328. 

Religious  Herald,  6-11-1861,   p.    111/6. 

Ibid.,  1905. 
Ibid.,  1904. 


Uttermost  Parts,  1813-1976 

Strawberry,   1970,  p.  53-59. 
Religious  Herald,  5-6-1979,  p.  8. 
Family  papers. 



To  which  references  have  been  made  are  in  the  collection  of  the 
Virginia  Baptist  Historical  Society  and  Jones  Memorial  Library  inl 
Lynchburg  unless  otherwise  indicated. 

Andrews,  Mathew  Page.     Virginia,  the  Old  Dominion.     Richmond,  Va., 

Asplund,  John.     The  Annual  Register  of  the   Baptist  Denomination  in 
North  America  to  November  1,  1790.     Southampton  County,  Va.,  1794. 

Barnes,  William  W.    The  Southern  Baptist  Convention,  1845-1953.    Nash- 
ville, Tenn.,  1954. 

Bitting,  Charles  C.    Notes  on  the  History  of  the  Strawberry  Baptist  As- 
sociation of  Virginia.     1879. 

Fletcher,  J.  F.     A  History  of  the  Ash  County,  North  Carolina  and  New 
River,  Virginia  Baptist  Associations.     Raleigh,  N.  C,  1935. 

Fletcher,   Louise.      The   Diary   of   a   State   Missionary.     Richmond,   Va., 

Fristoe,  William.     History  of  the  Ketocton  Baptist  Association.     Staun- 
ton, Va.,  1808. 

Freeman,   Mrs.   L.   R.     From   Beginnings   to   Beginnings.     Martinsville, 
Va.,  1958. 

Hatcher,  William  E.     Life  of  J.  B.  Jeter.    Baltimore,  Md.,  1887. 

Hening,  W.  W.     Statutes  at  Large  of  Virginia,  1619-1792.     Richmond  and 
Philadelphia,  1809-1823. 

House  of  Burgesses  of  Virginia  Journals  of  1619-1775.     Edited  by  John 
P.  Kennedy  and  Henry  A.  Mcllwaine. 

James,  Charles  F.     Struggle  for  Religious  Liberty  in  Virginia.     Lynch- 
burg, Va.,  1900. 

Jeter,  Jeremiah  Bell.     The  Recollections  of  a  Long  Life.    Richmond,  Va., 

Leland,  John.     The  Virginia  Chronicle.     Baltimore,  Md.,  1871. 

Little,  Lewis  Peyton.     Imprisoned  Preachers  and   Religious  Liberty  in 
Virginia.     Lynchburg,  Va.,   1938. 

Minutes  of  the 

Baptist  General  Committee 

Baptist  General  Meeting  of  Correspondence 

Baptist  General  Association  of  Virginia. 

Poe,  Mrs.  E.  D.     From  Strength  to  Strength,  History  of  W.M.U.  of  Vir- 
ginia, 1874-1949.     Richmond,  Va.,  nd. 

Religious  Herald,  Richmond,  Va.,  1829- 


and,  Garnett.  The  Baptists  of  Virginia,  1699-1926.  Richmond,  Va., 

nple,  Robert  B.  History  of  the  Rise  and  Fall  of  the  Baptists  of  Vir- 
inia.  Richmond,  Va.,  1810.  Revised  and  extended  by  Geo.  W.  Beale, 
tichmond,  Va.,  1894. 

awberry  Association  Minutes,   1787-1975. 

flor,  George  Braxton.  Virginia  Baptist  Ministers.  Third  Series, 
.ynchburg,  Va.,  1912.  Fourth  Series,  Lynchburg,  Va.,  1913.  Fifth 
>eries,  Lynchburg,  Va.,   1915.     Sixth  Series,  Lynchburg,  Va.,   1935. 

•ginia  Baptist  Hospital,   1924-1974.     Lynchburg,  Va.,   1974. 

tlliams,  John.     "Memo  or  Journal."     Ms.   1771. 

ight,  Elbert  Joseph.  Virginia  Baptist  Training  Union  History.  Rich- 
mond, Va.,  1947. 



Church  Histories 


Records  show  that  Beaverdam  Baptist  Church,  on  Route  24  i 
Chamblissburg,  was  planted  in  1801  with  a  membership  of  36. 

On  April  2,  1803,  it  was  organized,  as  a  branch  of  Goose  Creek  (nc 
Morgans)  Baptist  Church,  with  a  membership  of  40  white  and  thrt 
Negro  members. 

Its  first  place  of  worship  was  a  log  house  on  the  site  of  the  preset 
church,  to  which  was  attached  a  shed  for  the  use  of  the  Negro  membej 
This  old  log  house  was  used  as  the  place  of  worship  until  after  18) 
when  Jointee  Church  closed  its  doors  and  its  organization  united  wii 
Beaverdam  Church  in  building  the  brick  church  in  use  at  this  time. 

In  1804  the  church  was  received  into  the  Strawberry  Association  ail 
in  August  of  that  year  the  Rev.  Joshua  Burnette  was  chosen  the  fui 
pastor  of  the  church. 

Jointee  Church,  the  fore-runner  of  Beaverdam  Church,  can  be  regardl 
as  the  first  Baptist  church  established  in  Bedford  County.  A  del 
dated  December  24,  1771,  describes  a  church  of  the  Society  of  Baptr. 
Church,  reading  ".  .  .  .  between  James  Davis  of  Bedford  County  of  tl: 
one  part   and  Matthew  Talbot  and  Stephen   White  and  the  rest  of  tfl 


ociety  of  the  Baptist  Church  of  the  said  county confirm  unto 

le  said  Baptist  Society  and  their  successors  forever  one  acre  of  land 

)  include  the  said  meeting  house  and  the  adjoining  spring  together.  .  .  .". 

This  church,  generally  referred  to  as  Jointee  Church,  later  became 
ieaverdam  Baptist  Church  and  New  Hope  Methodist  (now  Parrish 
!hapel  United  Methodist)  Church  and  was  located  south  of  Route  24 
etween  the  present  locations  of  the  two  churches. 

In  1893  the  Methodist  congregation  worshiping  with  Beaverdam 
Jhurch  and  known  as  New  Hope  decided  to  withdraw  and  build  their 
wn  church  further  east  on  Route  24.  A  prime  mover  in  the  movement 
f  the  Methodist  denomination  to  have  their  own  building  was  the  Rev. 
'.  W.  Parrish,  pastor  of  New  Hope  Methodist  Church,  and  in  his  honor 
he  new  church  was  named  Parrish  Chapel. 

In  1817  the  first  recorded  instance  of  a  fund  for  missions  was  raised. 

In  1831  a  revival  was  held  which  was  considered  to  be  the  greatest 
eligious  revival  ever  known  in  Bedford  County. 

In  1833  there  rose  a  division  in  the  church  upon  the  question  of 
aissions.  The  pastor,  with  a  large  majority,  favored  missions  while 
ome  prominent  members  believing  it  was  a  departure  from  the  Baptist 
aith  were  opposed.  This  resulted  in  eight  members  withdrawing  and 
initing  with  the  Primitive  Baptist  Church  at  Lynville. 

In  July,  1847,  the  pastor  was  directed  to  take  up  a  public  collection 
or  foreign  missions.  A  collection  of  $10.00  was  received  and  sent  by 
he  clerk  to  the  General  Association.  This  was  the  first  record  of  any 
ontribution  by  the  church  for  foreign  missions.  It  was  also  during 
his  period  that  a  committee  of  gentlemen  and  ladies  was  appointed 
o  raise  a  fund  to  send  to  the  Strawberry  Association  to  help  defray 
he  expense  of  two  colporters  who  were  to  labor  in  the  bounds  of  the 
issociation.  This  is  the  first  recorded  instance  where  the  sisters  of 
he  church  had  been  appointed  to  committees. 

In  1859,  13  members  were  granted  letters  of  dismission  for  the  purpose 
)f  constituting  Shady  Grove  Baptist  Church;  in  1860,  10  members  were 
iismissed  by  letter  to  constitute  Flint  Hill  Baptist  Church.  In  addition 
vhen  Vinton  Baptist  Church  (1892)  and  Barnhardt  Baptist  Church  (1898) 
vere  organized,  many  of  their  charter  members  came  from  Beaverdam. 

In  1856  an  aged  member  of  the  church,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  Richards,  was 

Left  with  no  one  on  whom  to  depend  for  a  home.     The  church  appointed 

i  committee  to  select  a  place  to  settle  Mrs.  Richards.     A  small  lot  was 

Purchased   and   a  house   erected  and  given   to  Mrs.   Richards   where   she 

Resided   until   her   death.      This    is   the   first   record   of   a    social    mission 

)roject  being  assumed  by  the  church. 

.  In  1881  the  Strawberry  Association  was  entertained  at  Beaverdam. 
^.This  was  in  the  days  when  crowds  were  so  immense  that  "pallets"  in 
.  he  living  rooms  for  the  ladies  and  "hay  lofts"  for  the  men  were  used 
'is  beds.  Some  families  entertained  as  many  as  forty  and  fifty  persons 
)er  night. 

,  The  first  Sunday  School  was  organized  in  1886.  In  1887  the  first 
,nissionary  society  was  organized  with  a  male  member,  R.  L.  Dearing, 
!  erving  as  president.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  it  was  not  a  "Ladies" 
r  »lissionary  Society. 



In  1896  Beaverdam  purchased  two  acres  of  land  joining  the  churn 
lot  for  a  cemetery.  In  1899  and  1900  the  church  was  generally  renovate 
and  repaired  and  new  pulpit  furniture  given.  In  1921  the  church  a;  | 
pointed  a  committee  to  collect  funds  and  have  the  walls  of  the  chun 
completely  overhauled.  The  work  was  finished  in  June,  1922,  at  a  cd 
of  $216.81.  This  amount  was  paid  in  full  with  a  balance  of  $.25  turn* 
into  the  treasury. 

In    1938,   electricity   was   installed   in   the   church   at   the  expense 
Homer  Simmons  and  his  brother. 

In  1946  a  basement  was  dug  under  the  sanctuary,  a  central  heatir 
system  installed,  the  main  floor  raised,  the  windows  shortened,  ar 
the  slave  balcony  removed.     New  pews  were  secured  in  1952. 

A  parsonage  was  built  on  a  corner  of  the  church  property  in  194' 
In  1966  it  was  almost  completely  renovated. 

A  two  story  educational  building  was  added  to  the  back  of  the  sanctua 
in  1951.  Work  has  been  done  on  this  building  and  in  the  basemei 
under  the  sanctuary  on  three  occasions  recently  to  make  the  education! 
space  more  useful  for  the  present  needs  of  the  church. 

In  1959  Miss  Elaine  Hancock  became  the  first  foreign  missionary  I 
go  out  from  this  church.  She  is  serving  as  a  missionary  nurse  in  Hon 
Kong  under  appointment  by  the  Foreign  Mission  Board  of  the  Souther 
Baptist  Convention. 

In  1962  missions  again  became  a  dividing  factor  in  the  church.  J 
group  of  67  withdrew  their  membership  to  form  the  Chamblissbur 
Baptist  Church  due  to  their  opposition  to  the  support  of  the  Souther 
Baptist  Convention  and  the  Cooperative  Program  by  the  church. 

A  new  two-story  educational  building  was  added  to  the  south  side  c 
the  existing  facilities  in  1971-72.  The  building  was  in  the  planning  stage 
for  approximately  four .  years.  The  contract  was  let  for  the  building  i: 
November,  1971,  and  completed  in  August,  1972.  The  building  was  fir; 
used  for  Vacation  Bible  School  in  that  month  while  the  finishing  touche 
were  still  in  progress. 

A  Youth  Choir  which  was  organized  by  Miss  Rheta  Carr  and  Mis 
Jane  Moles  in  1970  has  doubled  its  enrollment  and  is  presently  witnessini 
through  singing  in  various  churches  in  Bedford  County,  Roanoke,  an< 
Fincastle  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Danny  McCoy  and  Mr5 
Judy  Thomas. 

The  church  has  seen  several  members  enter  the  ministry.  Their  firs 
pastor,  Joshua  Burnette,  was  licensed  in  1804.  The  next  year  saw  th 
widely-known  William  Harris  receive  his  license  from  the  church 
Gabriel  Wheeler  was  ordained  in  1860,  James  F.  Board  licensed  in  1873 
Nathan  C.  Burnette  licensed  in  1875,  L.  A.  Thomas  licensed  about  1895 
J.  A.  Barnhardt's  ordination  requested  in  1893,  W.  T.  Henderson 
ordination  requested  in  1899  and  T.  E.  Goad's  ordination  requested  ir 

Three  brothers  were  also  ordained  to  the  ministry  by  the  church 
Alexander  G.  McManaway,  born  in  1852,  was  ordained  in  1874  and 
educated  at  Richmond  College  and  the  Southern  Baptist  Theological 
Seminary  in  Louisville,  Ky.  He  held  pastorates  in  Blacksburg,  North 
Carolina  and  Arkansas.     He  was  a  general  agent  and  professor  of  Greek 


t  Ouachita  College   (now  Ouachita  Baptist  University)    in  Arkadelphia, 
Jjkrk.,  and  also  worked  with  The  Charlotte  News-Observer  in  Charlotte, 
mjO.  C,  The  Religious  Herald  and  the  North  Carolina  Baptist.     He  died 
tt(Ln  1899  in  a  St.  Louis,  Mo.,  sanatorium. 
rj.L  James  E.   McManaway,   born  in    1855,   was  ordained   in    1874   and   at- 

ended  Richmond  College.  He  held  pastorates  in  Southampton  and  Isle 
;.  if  Wight  Counties,  Kentucky,  Missouri,  North  Carolina  and  Georgia.     He 

vas  co-editor   of   The   Word    and   the   Way,    weekly   publication   of   the 
i;.,; Missouri  Baptist  Convention.     He  died  in  1922  in  Richmond. 
.     John  E.  McManaway,  born  in   1868,  was  ordained  after  1875.     He  at- 

ended  Wake  Forest  College  (now  Wake  Forest  University)  in  Winston- 
ipalem,  N.  C,  and  taught  school  in  Nash  County,  N.  C.    He  went  from  a 

>usiness  position  in  Charlotte,  N.  C,  to  Missouri  and  Kansas  and  held 
rf>astorates  in  North  Carolina  and  South  Carolina.  He  was  an  evangelist 
Jjn  South  Carolina,  served  for  several  years  on  the  evangelism  staff  of 
Jjhe  Home  Mission  Board  of  the  Southern  Baptist  Convention  and  was 

editor  of  The  Fort  Mill  News  in  Fort  Mill,  S.  C.     He  died   in   1930  in 

Jreenville,  S.  C. 
1    In   addition  to  those   in  the  ministry   and  foreign   mission   field   Mrs. 
..[.tfannie   Wright    Stephens    worked   with   prisoners    in    the   Roanoke    city 

ail  and  Miss  Ola  Wright  was  a  teacher  at  the  Virginia  Baptist  Orphanage 
I  now  Virginia  Baptist  Children's  Home)  in  Salem. 


It  was  the  custom  of  early  Baptist  churches  to  take  the  name  of  a 
: near- by  stream  of  water,  thus  what  is  now  Bedford  Baptist  Church  was 
.named  Little  Otter  when  it  was  organized  by  the  Rev.  Nathaniel  Shrews- 
bury in  1797  with  90  charter  members.  He  served  as  the  pastor  until 
he   moved   to    Kentucky    the    following   year.      In    1851    the    name    was 


changed  to  Liberty,  in  1901  to  Bedford  City,  the  "City"  being  dropi 
in  1923. 

Since  no  minutes  before   1879  have  been  preserved,   information 
cerning  the  early  years  has  been  gathered  from  other  sources.     We 
not   know   the  names   of   the   90   constituent   members   nor   where   tli 
worshipped,  probably  in  homes  and/or  in  the  court  house.     The  Bapl 
Meeting  House  built  in   1800  on   what  is  now  the   southeast  corner 
Bridge   and   Jackson   Streets   was    the   first   church   building   in   Liber* 
It   was   used    frequently    by   other   denominations   and   in    1833-34   asj 
temporary  court  house. 

In  1853  a  new  building  was  erected  on  what  is  now  East  Main  Stre 
The  Bedford  Sentinel  of  May  5,  1853,  gives  an  account  of  the  dedicati 
of  "The  new  Baptist  church,  a  neat,  comfortable  and  commodious  bui; 
ing."  Seventy-one  years  later,  May  5,  1924,  another  building  replaci 
that  one  was  dedicated.  That  location  is  now  occupied  by  the  Krog 
Company.  In  1961  the  church  purchased  eight  and  one-half  acres 
the  W.  L.  Martin  property  on  Oakwood  Street,  and  in  August,  1962,  t 
contract  for  the  first  unit  of  the  proposed  building  was  awarded 
Fred  B.  Fuqua,  great-great-great  nephew  of  Isham  Fuqua,  second  past 
of  Little  Otter  Church.  The  building  was  occupied  in  December,  19(i 
The  sanctuary  was  added  in  1970,  the  dedication  being  held  on  June 

Little  Otter  is  listed  in  the  minutes  of  Strawberry  Association  in  17f 
At  this  meeting  its  messengers  brought  a  recommendation  "That  tl 
Association  recommend  to  its  churches  a  day  of  fasting  and  prayer 
Almighty  God  that  He  would  be  pleased  of  His  infinite  mercy  to  ave 
the  impending  calamities  which  seem  to  threaten  us,  and  be  pleast 
to  grant  that  true  and  vital  religion  may  flourish  amongst  us."  Tl 
recommendation  was  adopted.  Much  praying  was  done,  and  the  Gre; 
Revival  which  was  in  progress  in  Roanoke  gradually  spread  into  Strav 
berry  in  1802-1803  where  it  became  more  effective  in  Little  Otter  the 
in  any  other  church.  As  a  result  Little  Otter  baptized  225  persor 
ordained  to  the  ministry  three  young  men  and  organized  two  ne 

During  the  1800's  rules  for  the  conduct  of  members  were  very  stric 
and  matters  of  discipline  occupied  an  important  place  in  business  mee 
ings.  Members  were  called  before  the  church  to  give  an  account  fc 
such  conduct  as  drinking,  selling  liquor,  dancing,  card  playing,  gamblin 
being  absent  from  services  or  business  meetings  and  failure  to  cor 
tribute  to  the  church.  Only  male  members  were  disciplined  for  nor 
attendance  and  non-support.  A  member  being  charged  with  breakin 
the  rules  of  conduct  who  did  not  show  repentance  was  excluded  fror 
the  fellowship.  There  was  no  respect  of  persons,  for  even  deacor 
were  disciplined,  some  being  excluded  for  drinking  and  dancing.  How 
ever,  it  appears  that  a  good  spirit  was  shown  by  both  the  church  an 
the  member  being  disciplined,  for  all  along  members  who  had  bee: 
excluded   apologized  and  were  restored  to  full  fellowship. 

In  the  Digest  of  Letters  in  the  1844  minutes  of  Strawberry  Associatioi 
we  read,  "Little  Otter,  situated  in  the  vicinity  of  Liberty  is  of  Ion 
standing  and  useful  in  her  borders.  Many  revivals  have  been  in  thi 
part  of  Bedford  County  and  members  from  time  to  time  added  to  thi 


fO[i:rch.  They  have  had  many  changes,  but  at  present  enjoy  much  peace 
.  are  enjoying  the  blessings  of  a  Sabbath  School  where  it  is  to  be 
it  Died  many  may  be  born  of  the  Spirit.  The  hospitalities  of  this  people 
iVtlsl  the  kindness  of  the  villagers  of  Liberty  have  endeared  many 
1  [  arts  to  them.  May  the  Lord  enable  them  to  hold  on  their  way  and 
lather  strength  as  they  go  until  they  become  a  great  people."  The  1879 
lei  iest  says,  "Liberty  Church  prominent  in  every  good  word  and  work, 
be  s^atly  revived   but  not  perfect.     Membership   264." 

^lission  money  was  collected  by  a  special  committee  for  each  Southern 

jtist  Convention  board  and  state  causes  —  Foreign,  Home,  and  State 

Mission,   Education,  Sunday  School   and  Bible,   and  Minister's  Relief  — 

alral  1919  when  the  Convention  adopted  the  75  million  campaign  which 

4ituded  all  boards  in  one  offering.     This  was  followed  in   1925  by  the 

imperative  Program.     In  the  church  budget  of  $10,000.00  for   1927   the 

it  oirch   allocated   $4000.00  for  the  Cooperative  Program,   thus  beginning 

i   60-40%   division  between   local   expenses  and   the   Cooperative   Pro- 

m.     This  division  was  held  through  one  of  the  worst  depressions  in 

|  nation's  history,   and  at  the  same  time  the   church  debt   was  paid. 

iifc  November,   1943,  the  division  was  changed  to  50-50%   and  continued 

Bthat  ratio  for  fifteen  years  before  being  changed  back  to  60-40.     For 

ny  years  the  church  was  in  the  top  twenty-five  churches  in  Virginia 

7 contributions  to  the  Cooperative  Program.     When  the  Forward  Pro- 

im  plan  was  adopted  for  the  1962  budget  and  a  building  program  was 

;un,   the   percentage  division   was  discontinued.     In    1973   the   church 

r;.ed  to  give  \Z%  of  the  envelope  and  loose  collection  contributions  to 

fj  Cooperative  Program.     The  policy  since  then  has  been   to  increase 

jit  by  1%  each  year. 

"Bedford  Church  has  been  in  the  forefront  in  organizations.  It  re- 
nted a  Sunday  School  as  early  as  1844.  The  B.Y.P.U.  was  organized 
n  1916  and  continued  under  several  different  names  until  1972  when 
(was  discontinued.  The  Brotherhood,  organized  in  1951,  continued  to 
action  until  1971.  A  Woman's  Mission  Circle  was  in  existence  in 
11.  A  missionary  society  of  children  was  functioning  in  1882,  and 
i^oung  men's  missionary  society  was  active  in  1888.  Y.W.A.,  G.A.  and 
\.  were  organized  at  various  times. 

tfive  churches  have  been  formed  from   the  Bedford  Church  member- 
p:     Suck  Spring   (1805)   with  28  members,  Timber  Ridge   (1805)   with 
c   Washington   Street    (1866)    with    66   colored    members,    Main    Street 
1)61)  with  26  and  Trinity   (1962)   with  62. 

'As  far  as  records  are  available  18  young  men  have  been  licensed  or 
lained  or  both  to  the  ministry:     John  Carter,  William  Moorman,  James 

1  L.  Moorman,  Daniel  P.  Witt,  John  R.  Fizer,  J.  L.  Lawless,  W.  J. 
eke,   W.   F.   Fisher,   Alexander  Millar,   W.   C.   Hughes,   Harold   Fraine, 

^nford  A.  Dean,  Eugene  Rider,  Edward  Johnson,  George  Gray,  Daniel 

Dtt,  Henry  Fizer,  Andrew  B.  Moon.     Two  young  women  have  served 

foreign   missionaries:      Mrs.   Olive   May   Board   Eager   in    China    and 

ly  from  1880  to  1898  and  Miss  Edmonia  Sale  who  was  sent  to  China 

1  Strawberry  Association  paying  her  expenses. 


Twenty-three  pastors  have   served   the  church.     Dr.   Harry  P. 
was  elected  pastor  emeritus  in  March  1960.     In  addition  to  pasto 
church  has  had  four  other  full-time  ministers. 

Space  does  not  permit  the  naming  of  the  host  of  lay  leaders  who 
served    faithfully    in    every    department   of    the    church.      However 
must  be  saluted.    Mrs.  C.  H.  Burnette  (the  former  Miss  Orelia  How 
began    working    in   the    Sunday    School    in    1905    teaching    junior 
For  fifty-eight  years  she  served  as  superintendent  of  the  primary  de 
ment  where  she  now  serves   as  assistant  superintendent. 

In  the  life  of  Bedford  Church  there  have  been  periods  of  great  re 
and  periods  of  discouragement  and  failure,  yet  always,  under  the  q 
ings  of  God,  it  has  moved  forward.  The  achievements  of  the  past 
but  stepping-stones  to  the  future  and  challenge  the  members  toda 
"Rise  up  O  men  of  God;  have  done  with  lesser  things;  Give  heart 
soul  and  mind  and  strength  to  serve  the  King  of  Kings." 



Located  on  the  old  Rocky  Mount  turnpike  near  New  London,  Betj 
Baptist  Church  was  organized  in   1879  and  the  church  built  about  lij 

The  15  members  who  organized  the  church  first  worshipped  in  Hunt* 
Chapel,  a  log-hewn  one-room  building  on  the  J.  W.  Dowdy  farm  on 
Evington  Road  about  three  miles  south  of  the  present  church. 

When  this  chapel  ceased  to  be  used  as  a  school  and  only  the  st< 
chimney  remained  this  was  torn  down  and  used  as  an  under-pinning 
the  building  of  the  new  church. 

Samuel  M.  Mitchell,  an  elder  in  Academy  Presbyterian  Church  at  N 
London,  gave  one  acre  of  land  from  his  farm  for  the  church. 



The  Baptists   were  far  out-numbered  by  other  denominations   in   the 
immunity  but  there  was  a  spirit  of  unity  in  the  building  of  the  new 
urch.     The  First  Baptist  Church  in  Lynchburg  aided  in  the  beginning 
the  new  church. 

When  Mrs.  Sammie  Owen  Read,  wife  of  William  A.  Read,  came  to 
tie  community  to  live  as  a  bride  there  was  only  one  Baptist  family  in 
le  vicinity.  They  were  somewhat  lukewarm,  having  sprung  from  an 
piscopal  family. 

Mrs.  Read  launched  upon  the  matter  of  establishing  a  Baptist  church 
nd  with  her  small  son,  Lawrence  Read,  spent  many  days  riding  horse- 
ack  soliciting  funds  and  materials  for  the  erection  of  the  church. 

The  charter  members  of  the  church  were  Mrs.  Sammie  Owen  Read, 
Irs.  Henry  Ann  Ogden  Black,  Mrs.  John  Sweeney,  Mrs.  Arch  Dooley, 
Lrs.  Morton  L.  Gooch,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  A.  T.  Ogden,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  J.  W. 
'owdy.  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Thomas  Jones,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  Tolley  and 
Ir.  and  Mrs.  Blair  Murrell,  ten  women  and  five  men. 


The  present  Bethlehem  Baptist  Church  located  on  Route  24  south  of 
r)tter  River  lists  its  organization   date   as   1824   but   its  history   dates   to 
he  early  1800's. 

The  Rev.  John  Anthony,  Jr.,  planted  a  church  known  as  Otter  Church 

ind   the  present  Bethlehem   Church   is   on   that   site.     Mr.   Anthony   was 

>astor  of  the  church  in  1804  when  there  was  a  great  revival  and  served 

-is   pastor   until   his   death    in    1822.      In    1810    the    membership    of   Otter 

"hurch  was  listed  as  100. 


From  the  1804  revival  many  were  baptized  and  from  this,   in   18l 
was  constituted  Burton's  Creek  Baptist  Church  on  the  Lynchburg  tunp 
pike  in  Campbell  County. 

Burton's  Creek  Baptist  Church  suffered  a  division  as  to  missions  aj 
one  group  formed,  in  1831,  Flat  Creek  Baptist  Church  in  Campbti 
County.  The  old  Burton's  Creek  Baptist  Church  site  was  the  locatii 
of  the  establishment,  under  the  leadership  of  the  Rev.  James  A.  Dav 
in  1886  of  Beulah  Baptist  Church,  now  in  the  city  of  Lynchburg. 

Henry  Adams  transferred  one  acre  of  land  to  the  members  of  Ott 
Baptist  Church,  the  present  site  of  Bethlehem  Baptist  Church,  on  Nove 
ber  12,  1831.  The  first  church  building  was  a  log  structure.  This  w 
replaced  in  1875  by  a  frame  building  with  William  Pollard  the  contract 

On  April  26,   1901,  Alexander  Millar  was  ordained  into  the  minist 
at   the   church.      He   was   born   August    29,    1864,    in   London,    Ont 
Canada,  a  son  of  Matthew  and  Mary  Colquohoun  Millar  who  came 
Pittsylvania  County   in    1870   engaged   in  lumber  business.     Mr.   Mill 
was  educated  in  Chatham,  Virginia  Polytechnic  Institute  in  Blacksburj 
McMaster   University    of   Toronto,    Canada,    and    the    Southern   Bapti; 
Theological  Seminary  in  Louisville,  Ky.    He  married  Miss  Malenia  Wa 
Hudson  of  Culpeper  County  and  held  pastorates  in  Rustburg,  Madi 
Heights,  Stuart,   North  Carolina  and  Georgia.     He  died  May    12,    192 
at  the  H.  L.  Kinzer  home  east  of  Bedford  and  is  buried  in  Oakw 
Cemetery  in  Bedford. 

On  July  3,  1901,  thirteen  members  from  Bethlehem  Baptist  Church  m 
in  the  Mentow  school  house  near  Huddleston  and  organized  Mento 
Baptist  Church  with  the  Rev.  Alexander  Millar  as  their  first  pastor. 

In  1951  the  church  purchased  additional  land  to  enlarge  the  cemeterj 

On  July  31,  1966,  the  church  membership  entered  into  contract  wit! 
G.  M.  Overstreet  and  Son  of  Bedford  to  construct  a  brick  building  am 
this  was  air-conditioned  in  1970. 

Among  the  many  evangelists  who  have  held  revivals  at  Bethlehen 
Baptist  Church  is  the  Rev.  J.  F.  Aker.  He  held  several  revivals  in  sue 
cession  in  the  early  1930's,  also  in  1960  and  1961  and  the  last  in  197 
at  the  age  of  103. 


On  Sunday  night,  October  24,  1886,  an  invited  presbytery  consisting  oJ1 
S.  A.  Major  and  R.  N.  Hobson  from  Hunting  Creek  Baptist  Church,  the 
Rev.  J.  H.  Harris,  G.  E.  Sanderson  and  W.  G.  Putt  from  Chestnut  Hill 
Baptist  Church  and  the  Rev.  Gabriel  Gray  from  Cornerstone  Baptist! 
Church  met  with  interested  persons  in  Big  Island  for  discussion.  After 
due  deliberations  the  Big  Island  Baptist  Church  was  constituted. 

B.  M.  Page  was  elected  clerk,  J.  B.  Cox  treasurer,  R.  H.  Cox,  George  T. 
Snead  and  B.  F.  Cox  as  deacons  and  the  Rev.  Gabriel  Gray  was  called 
as  the  first  pastor. 

From  the  records  of  Hunting  Creek  Baptist  Church  dated  December, 
1886,  the  following  were  granted  letters  to  join  the  Big  Island  Baptist 


i  J  sirch:     G.   T.   Snead,   B.   M.   Page,   W.    M.   DeJamette,    James   Oliver, 

fries  Reynolds,  Mrs.  Martha  Spinner  Snead,  Miss  Gracie  Snead,  Mrs. 
rtha  Arthur  McDaniel,  Mrs.  George  Going,  Mrs.  Peachy  Hawkins,  Mrs. 
is;  jirohn,  Mrs.  Hudson,  Mrs.  James  Reynolds,  Mrs.  B.  M.  Page  and  Mrs. 
nj:  jrtin.     Other  charter  members  were  J.  B.  Cox,  B.  F.  Cox,  R.  H.  Cox, 



s.  J.  B.  Cox,  Mrs.  Jennie  Jordan,  Miss  Occola  V.  Hawkins  and  Miss 

orgie  Snead. 

At   the  first    meeting   after   organization   Mr.    Gray    made    some   very 

propriate  remarks  in  condemnation  of  the  usual  worldy  amusements 

the  day.     Brother  Snead  offered  the  following  query  to  be  answered 

J  the  following  meeting:     "Is   is  right  for  church  members  to  engage 

dancing,    if   not,    should   we   not    discountenance    its    practice."      The 

nutes  of  the  next  meeting  noted:  "After  discussion  of  Brother  Snead's 
|  ery   propounded   at   the   last   meeting,   the   same   was   withdrawn   un- 

swered."  It  is  not  unusual  to  read  in  the  early  history  of  the  church 
.  ch  statements  as  this:  "Rumors  contrary  to  the  Christian  character 
1  some  brother  has  caused  to  be  appointed  a  committee  to  see  him  and 

e  him  to  the  church  if  his  conduct  warrented  it."  In  most  cases,  the 
-faying  .brother  would  acknowledge  his  transgressions  with  "regreat 
|  d  sorrow"  and  was  forgiven  to  be  fully  restored.  A  few,  however, 
fre  not  repentant  and  continued  their  "unchristian  conduct."     In  these 

ses  their  names  were  removed  form  the  church  roll. 

The  year  1889  brought  a  new  way  of  life  to  the  folk  along  the  James 
,ver.  The  first  paper  mill  was  started  and  the  community  began  to 
,9w.     The   church   now    had    49   members.      The   men   did    not    always 

tend  in   sufficient   numbers  to   have  a  quorum  for  the  conducting  of 

isiness  so  the  word  "male"  was  erased  from  the  second  clause  of  the 

ules  of  order"  in  order  to  give  the  female  members  the  right  to  vote. 
;  g  Island,   Hunting  Creek,  Mt.  Hermon,   Ivy  Creek,   Chestnut  Hill   and 


Cove  churches  formed  a  field  this  same  year.     A  few  years  later 
Island,   Cornerstone,   and  Hunting  Creek  formally   organized  the 
Baptist  Cooperative  Union  with  a  code  of  laws.    Mt.  Hermon  later  j 
this  Union. 

The  members  did  not  always  pay  their  "dues"  or  attend  church 
great    regularity.      In    1894    the   minutes   note:      "Resolved    that   on 
more  collectors  be  appointed  to  receive  the  monthly  dues  of  the  me: 
and  to  pay  the  same  to  the  treasurer,  also  to  report  the  names  o: 
who  failed  to  pay.     That  all  members  who  fail   to  pay   their  du 
attend  church  for  three  consecutive  months  shall  be  cited  by  the  ch 
for  discipline." 

The  frame  building  erected  in  1872  seemed  to  have  met  the  ne 
the  congregation  until  about   1914  when   a  building  committee  was 
pointed.     However,  nothing  was  done  until   1920  when  a  new  buil 
committee  was  appointed.     On  June  10,   1921  ground  was  broken  f 
new    building.      September    11,    1921    services    were    held    in    the 
structure  and  it  was  dedicated  October  9,   1921.     The  building,   lot 
furnishings  cost  $17,337.65.     The  members  became  all  too  familiar 
the  "church  debt"  until  1936. 

By  1940  the  Sunday  school  had  outgrown  the  building,  so  at  a  cos 
$3,685.00  the  present  lower  floor  was  added.  The  next  building  pro 
took  place  in  1956  when  on  October  8,  ground  was  broken  for  an  e 
cational  building.  This  building  and  its  furnishings  cost  $40,000. 
parsonage  was  purchased  in  1958  at  a  cost  of  $20,500  for  the  first 
time  pastor  to  live  in.  These  two  debts  were  all  paid  by  1961.  In  1 
an  extensive  remodeling  program  was  started  on  the  40  year 
sanctuary  unit  and  was  finished  in  1963  at  a  cost  of  $60,000. 
money  and  a  better  sense  of  stewardship  has  made  the  business 
paying  debts  easier  than  in  the  earlier  days. 

Not  all  of  the  interest  has  been  at  home.  As  early  as  1896  th 
was  an  organized  missionary  society  with  B.  F.  Cox  as  president.  Th 
is  no  mention  of  women  taking  part  in  missions  until  1918.  Miss  Geoi 
Snead,  one  of  the  charter  members,  served  with  our  Home  Miss 
Board.  Mr.  Herman  Reynolds,  who  belonged  to  the  Big  Island  Bap 
Church  in  his  youth,  served  as  a  missionary  to  India  for  over  35  ye 
under  the  mission  board  of  the  Christian  Church.  In  1952,  Miss  Ed 
Vaughn,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  E.  S.  Vaughn,  went  to  Brazil  and  M 
Zula  Humphreys  (now  Mrs.  Almos  Shelly)  went  to  India.  In  1955  J 
church  licensed  Paulus  E.  Bryant,  Jr.,  to  the  ministry. 

Figures   do   not   always  give   a  total  picture  of   the   life   of  a   chur 
Because  of  the  close  relationship  of  the  paper  mill  and  the  members 
the  church  who  worked  there,   the  activities  of  the  mill  have  been  ]j 
fleeted  in  the  church.     Working  schedules,  changing  personnel,  and  e< 
nomic  conditions  all  have  become  a  part  of  the  community  way  of  li 

We  do  feel  that  the  church  has  made  Big  Island  a  place  where  Christi 
love  is  manifested,  where  Christian  care  is  ministered  to  the  needy,  a; 
where  Christian  memories  are  cherished  when  you  are  gone. 



out  1855  the  people  of  the  Diamond  Hill  community,  south  of 
fe  24  between  Moneta  and  Goodview,  desired  a  place  for  worship 
■bhose  the  knoll  where  Diamond  Hill  Baptist  Church  now  stands. 
e  men  of  the  community  cut  logs  and  laid  them  on  the  ground, 
'ng  flat  rails  on  them  for  seats.  Then  they  planted  forks,  laid  poles 
|Iiead  and  covered  them  with  brush  as  a  shield  from  sunshine  but 
;  was  no  protection  from  rain. 

e  Rev.  Byrd  Turner,  a  Methodist  minister,  gave  it  the  name  Diamond 
^because  of  the  location  on  the  knoll  at  the  intersection  of  the  roads. 
•.   Turner  did  not   leave   the  Methodist   Church  with   the  Southern 
ch  when  the  church  divided;  when  the  first  deed  for  the  church  was 
;?  it  did  not  include  the  Northern   (or  parent)   church  and  he  con- 
oid as  a  minister  of  the  Methodist  Episcopal  Church. 
<>out  1860  the  people  decided  to  build  a  church  at  this  location  and 
'and  Mrs.  Obediah  Meador  deeded  one  acre  of  land  to  the  Southern 
lodist,  Missionary  Baptist,  Primitive  Baptist  and  Brethren  churches. 
.e  Brethren  Church  gave   up   their  interest  to  the  other  three   de- 
inations.      Soon    these    three    denominations    constructed    a    frame 
p:her-board    building   which   was   roofed    and   floored   but   not   ceiled 
was  used  that  way  for  years. 
ie  Baptist  denomination  date  their  church  organization  as  June  22, 

1923  the  Methodist  and  Missionary  Baptist  bought  the  interest  of 
'Primitive  Baptist  and  built  the  present  building  which  was  dedicated 
fifth  Sunday  in  September,  1923. 

lere  was  a  reduction  in  membership  when  Goodview  Baptist  Church 
organized  in  1922. 

.  recent  years  Sunday  School  rooms  have  been  added  and  the  church 



Flint  Hill  Baptist  Church,  located  on  the  Dickerson  Mill  Road  southwe 
of  Bedford,  had  its  beginning  about  the  time  of,  or  likely,  before  tl 
War  Between  the  States. 

Devout  citizens  of  the  community  had  worshipped  in  a  tiny  log-cabi 
which  is  said  to  have  stood  only  a  few  yards  from  the  present  chu: 
site.  This  humble  structure  stood  on  the  land  of  W.  H.  Thaxton  an; 
when  it  was  decided  to  erect  a  new  building  in  which  to  worship.  M 
Thaxton  gave  the  land.  This  was  in  1866,  the  year  after  the  war  close, 
and  it  was  naturally  a  difficult  time  for  the  people  to  carry  on.  Hou 
ever,  with  the  people  of  the  community  contributing  practically  all  to 
material  and  labor,  the  new  building  came  into  being.  Ambrose  Tha> 
ton,  long  deceased,  but  whose  descendents  still  live  at  Flint  Hill,  is  sai 
to  have  cut  the  first  log  that  went  into  this  building.  Services  werj 
held  before  the  church  was  completed  and  it  continued  in  use  for  man 
years,  undergoing  repairs  from  time  to  time. 

That  same  year  the  99th  annual  meeting  of  the  Strawberry  Associ 
ation  was  held  at  Mount  Zion  Baptist  Church.  After  presenting 
letter  setting  forth  the  faith  and  orders  of  the  church  the  associatioi 
received  the  Flint  Hill  Baptist  Church  into  its  fellowship  on  August  2 
1866.  Messengers  to  that  meeting  of  the  association  were  W.  H.  Thaxtoi 
and  T.  A.  Kasey.  The  associational  records  show  a  membership  at  Flin 
Hill  Church  of  40;  thirty-six  white  and  four  colored. 

In  1902  the  congregation  decided  to  build  the  frame  structure  whicl 
served  the  community  as  a  place  of  worship  for  about  50  years.  WiUiarr 
Ramsey,  with  the  help  of  a  brother,  Pleas  Ramsey,  contracted  to  do  th« 
building.  They  were  assisted  from  time  to  time  by  such  men  as  Henrj 
Carner,  Anthony  Wright,  William  Thaxton  and  Alex  Spradlin. 

Others  whom  the  records  list  as  being  very  active  in  the  progress  o1 
the  Lord's  work  at  Flint  Hill  Church  include  G.  G.  Scott,  J.  P.  Wingfield, 


.  Saunders,  N.  T.  Harris,  John  Dooley,  H.  J.  Thaxton,  Jack  Spradlin, 
/ard  Franklin  and  P.  M.  Keister. 

1   1938   extensive  repairs  were  made  inside   and  out  of  the   church. 

building  had  almost  reached  the  point  beyond  repairs.     The  sum  of 

86  was  spent  on  repairing  the  outside  of  the  church.     To  help  pay 

;  repair  work  the  church  organ   was  sold   for  $5.00.     In   September, 

B,  a  sign  in  front  bearing  the  name  of  the  church  was  erected.     In 

ober,  1939,  the  church  voted  to  have  the  building  wired  for  electricity. 

y  1951,  the  congregation  decided  it  was  time  to  build  again  at  Flint 

j  Church.     Much  discussion  followed  for  several  months  as  to  what 

build    —    Sunday    School    rooms    or    replace    the    present    building 

gether.      The   old    frame   building    was    almost    beyond    repair.      On 

^ust  24,  1951,  W.  W.  Huddleston  gave  the  land  on  which  to  build  a 

■  church.     Finally,  in   1953,   the  building  program  was  launched  and 

k  begun  on  a  brick-cased  building  with  Sunday  School  rooms.     This 

Iding  was  completed  in  June,  1954. 

much  needed  water  system  was  added  to  the  church  in   1962.     By 

time  the  Sunday  School  was  needing  more  room.     A  building  pro- 

m  was   again  launched   and  in   1964  ten  new  classrooms  were  com- 

ted.     The  members  of  the  church  donated  much  of  the  labor  on  this 

ject  and  thereby  kept  the  cost  down  considerably. 

I  'here  has   been   dedicated    layman   leadership   in   the    history    of   the 

C'rch.     Two  with  lengthy  dedicated  records  were  Richard  C.  Spradlin, 

I  iday  School  superintendent  for  53  years,   and  G.  W.  Scott,  clerk  for 

3  years. 

I  'he  church  membership  has  remained  on  a  rather  constant  increase 
km  the  beginning.  By  1870  the  membership  had  reached  fifty-five.  A 
l«;e  number  of  baptisms  were  reported  for  the  years  1895  through  1897. 
I  1895  there  were  nineteen  baptisms,  in  1896  thirteen,  in  1897  twenty- 
Is )  and  in  1914  thirty-two.  By  this  time  the  membership  finally  passed 
h  one  hundred  mark.  In  more  recent  years  the  membership  was 
t  >sted  by  forty-one  baptisms  in  the  1964-65  church  year. 
*  'he  organizations  of  the  church  have  served  well  down  through  the 
&:irs,  too.  The  Sunday  School  along  with  the  Woman's  Missionary 
lion  have  led  the  way  in  much  of  the  work.  H.  A.  Black  is  the  first 
I'ntioned  Sunday  School  Superintendent,  in  1870.  By  1898  the  Sunday 
i  iooI  enrollment  had  reached  99.  Richard  C.  Spradlin  continued  the 
c-tllenging  leadership  in  this  organization  and  the  results  of  such  leader- 
E<p  are  still  visible  today. 

i.Ars.  Laura  Thaxton  organized  the  first  Missionary  Society  on  Decern - 
y  22,  1899,  and  served  as  president  until  November,  1915.  Then  on 
l'(y  29,  1916,  Mrs.  Thaxton  was  re-elected  as  president  of  the  Society 
t'l  served  until  the  year  1926.  This  organization,  as  in  many  other 
t  irches,  makes  up  much  of  the  working  nucleus  of  the  church.  Mrs. 
I  axton  also  organized  the  first  Sunbeam  Band  at  Flint  Hill  Church  in 
i  iition  to  serving  for  a  number  of  years  as  church  organist. 
.  n  August,  1925,  the  church  licensed  Contee  Franklin  to  the  ministry, 
n  1971  the  church  purchased  land  from  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Abe  Hurt  to 
I  Id  a  parsonage,  the  work  was  completed  in  the  spring  of  1972  and 
dedication  held  July  30,  1972. 


In  1972  the  sanctuary  was  air-conditioned  and  the  following  year  tl 
educational  building  was  air-conditioned.     In   1972   the  members  of  tljp' 
Adult  Choir  purchased  an  organ  for  the  sanctuary. 

The  first  pastor  of  the   church   was   the   Rev.   Alexander  Eubank, 
outstanding  educator.    He  was  born  in  1826  in  King  and  Queen  Couni 
and  was  educated  at  Richmond  College  and  the  University  of  Virginia. 

He  taught  school  for  four  years  in  Charlottesville,  two  years  at  B 
Island  and  for  nearly  40  years  operated  Sunnyside  Academy  at  h 
home  "Sunnyside"  on  the  Dickerson  Mill  Road  just  southwest  of  Sig 

He  was  married  to  Miss  Emma  Dickinson  of  Charlottesville  and  wj 
pastor  of  over  a  dozen  churches  in  the  Strawberry  Association.  He  die; 
July  18,  1903,  at  his  home,  "Sunnyside",  in  Bedford  County. 


Forest  Baptist  Church  dates  its  beginning  in  1893  but  its  building  was| 
not  erected  until  1900. 

Prior  to  the  erection  of  the  church  building,  services  were  held  in  anj 
old  mill  building  which  was  later  used  as  a  cannery. 

On  October  2,  1899,  a  deed  was  recorded  between  Ned  and  Victoria] 
Scott  and  the  trustees  of  the  church,  Robert  H.  May,  Charles  H.  Callahan 
and  Chesley  McVey.  The  sum  of  $125  was  paid  for  the  lot  and  work 
was  begun  on  the  new  church  with  the  Rev.  Joseph  M.  Street,  pastor, 
assisting  with  the  erection.  The  new  building  was  dedicated  in  Decem- 
ber, 1900. 

The  first  marriage  ceremony  in  the  church  was  on  January  22,  1902, 
uniting  Miss  Mattie  Lou  Tinsley  and  Frank  L.  Gordon. 


c'Jiring  the  pastorate  of  the  Rev.  M.  W.  Bloxom  the  church  parsonage 

■><  I   built. 

lalizing    the    need    for   Sunday    School    rooms,    in    1947    the    church 
d  to  build  the  rooms  beneath  the  church  and  a  building  committee 

oar  .-named  with  T.  H.  Nester  chairman.     Houston  B.  Campbell  made  a 
of  the  brick  and  sand  for  the  church. 

:j:i  May  29,  1949,  the  church  observed  homecoming  and  dedication  day 
the  dedication  sermon  by  the  Rev.  Edgar  P.  Roberson  of  Huddleston. 


Irlade  Creek  Baptist   Church,   located   in   Blue  Ridge  on   the   Webster 

id,  is  one  of  the  oldest  churches  in  Botetourt  County  being  originally 

(janized  in  1829. 

\\\i  one  time   it  was   a   log  cabin  near  the  present  site  but   relocated 

I  a  building  period.     During  the  War  Between  the  States  it  was  used 

lta  hospital   as   Union   forces   retreating  west   after  an   engagement   in 

,    Lynchburg  area. 

I  'he  old   building,   a   landmark  in   the  community,  was  built   of  sand 

:  ck.     It  served  as  a  union  church  for  the  Baptist,  Brethren,  Lutheran 

;  1   Methodist    denominations    but    now    is    owned    by    the    Baptist    de- 

*?here  was  a  reorganization  of  the  church  in  1939  after  some  members 

t  the  association   to  become   independent.     It  was  during  this  period 
!>39-1951)  that  Old  Glade  Creek  Baptist  Church  also  held  membership 

the  Strawberry  Association. 

jlade  Creek  Church  was  admitted  to  the  Strawberry  Association   the 
-ir  it  was  organized   (1829)    and  withdrew  in   1841   in  the  formation  of 

i  Valley  Association.    It  returned  in  1843  to  the  Strawberry  Association 


and  remained  until  1971  when  it  joined  the  Roanoke  Valley  Associat 
but  was  readmitted  to  the  Strawberry  Association  in  1973. 

In  the  1939-1945  period  five  Sunday  School  rooms  were  built  in 
basement  of  the  original  building  which  gave  the  church  12  rooms 
this  department. 

On   May    16,    1971,    a    groundbreaking    service    was    held    for    a    r, 
sanctuary  and  on  April  2,  1972,  this  addition  was  opened  for  worship. 


No  complete  history  of  Hunting  Creek  Baptist  Church,  south  of  El 
Island,  can  be  prepared  as  many  of  the  church  records  have  been  lost  I 

As  a  result  of  a  call  from  Suck  Spring  Baptist  Church  in  1828  til 
Hunting  Creek  Church  was  organized  in  1832.  It  was  not  until  181 
that  a  deed  was  recorded  conveying  property  on  which  a  log  buildii 
was  located.  The  deed  reads  "From  Poindexter  W.  Mosby  and  Nanc 
his  wife,  to  Howard  Major,  John  Turpin  and  Moses  Snead,  Trustee 
for  use  of  Presbyterian,  Baptist,  Episcopalian,  and  Methodist,  approx 
mately  ten  acres  on  which  building  at  time  of  purchase."  The  dee 
refers  to  the  building  as  the  Hunting  Creek  Meeting  House.  Negroi 
used  the  building  until  they  formed  their  own  church  nearby.  In  18" 
the  first  Sunday  School  was  started.  In  1899  the  Woman's  Missionar 
Society  began.  Sometime  before  1921-25  a  frame  building  replaced  tl 
log  building.  In  1921-25,  during  the  pastorate  of  the  Rev.  R.  E.  Browi 
Sunday  School  rooms  were  added  to  the  frame  building. 

The  centennial  celebration  of  the  church  was  held  in  September,  193; 


n  April,  1946,  a  decision  was  made  to  construct  a  new  building.  The 
tiding  still  being  used  as  the  sanctuary  was  accepted  by  the  church  on 
cember  2,  1951,  and  dedicated  May   18,  1952. 

The  Rev.  Woodrow  W.  Neal  .became  the  first  full-time  pastor  in  May, 
>8.  Previously  the  church  was  in  a  field  with  Big  Island  Baptist 

.n  the  summer  of  1958  a  pastorium,  across  Route  501  from  the  church, 
.s  erected  and  dedicated  August  3  of  that  year.  In  January,  1961, 
>und  was  broken  for  an   educational   building   and  this  was  dedicated 

{  Member  2,  1962. 
.n  July,   1963,  the  Rev.  James  T.  Campbell  accepted  a  call  to  become 

j  stor  of  the  church.  Within  five  years  a  $23,000  debt  had  been  retired, 
|»  sanctuary  renovated,  carpet  installed,  additional  land  purchased, 
jrch  lawn  landscaped,  parking  area  paved,  new  organ  and  piano 
rchased  and  other  improvements  made  to  the  church  property, 
[n  1972  the  church  sanctuary  was  renovated  by  the  addition  of  stained 
iss  windows,  air  conditioning  and  repainting. 

One  member  of  the  church  was  called  to  the  ministry,  Robert  L.  Cam- 
n.  Although  retired  for  several  years,  he  was  recently  honored  by  the 
jrch  for  over  50  years  service  in   the  ministry. 


3 The  history  of  Mentow  Baptist  Church  near  Huddleston  dates  to  June 
,  1900,  when  land  was  deeded  to  the  church  by  Victor  W.  Nichols,  his 
r  fe,  Callie  R.  Nichols,  and  Miss  Alcora  L.  Nichols. 


The  deed  was  for  one  acre  and  the  original  trustees  were  Robert  ( 
Mitchell,  William  I.  Fuqua  and  W.  J.  Johnson. 

While  the  meeting  house  was  being  built,  services  were  held  in  t 
new  public  school,  across  the  road  from  the  church  site,  and  in  f 
grove  where  the  church  was  built. 

The  church  received  its  name  from  the  Mentow  post  office  located 
what  is  called  Woodford's  Corner  and  was  named  in  the  summer  of  190 

On  July  3,  1901,  13  interested  individuals,  all  members  of  Bethlehe 
Baptist   Church,   met   in   the   Mentow   school   house  for  the   purpose 
organizing  a  church.     The  church  building  was  completed  at  the  ti 
the   church   was  organized,    with   the   exception   of   benches   hence 
organization  being  in  the  school  house. 

The  13  charter  members  were  three  men  and  ten  women,  William 
Fuqua,  Victor  W.  Nichols,  J.  P.  Walton,  Mrs.  Virgie  Fuqua,  Miss  Alco 
Nichols,  Miss  Bessie  Nichols,  Mrs.   Callie  Nichols,  Miss  Mabel  Nichol 
Mrs.  Lelia  Overstreet,  Mrs.  M.  M.  Shipp,  Miss  Hattie  Tolley,  Miss  Jenni 
Walton  and  Mrs.  Lula  Walton. 

At  the  organization  meeting  William  I.  Fuqua  and  J.  P.  Walton  wer 
elected  deacons  and  Victor  W.  Nichols  elected  clerk. 

A  Sunday  School  was  organized  March  23,  1902,  and  a  Ladies  Missio 
ary  Society  organized  in  March,  1910. 

Three  ordination  services  have  been  held  at  the  church.  Henry  L 
Thomas  was  ordained  April  24,  1917,  T.  Edison  Goad  in  June,  1921,  anc' 
Herman  C.  Inge  in  February,  1939. 

The  latter  part  of  1952  plans  became  final  for  building  a  new  churcl 
and  in  January,  1953,  a  groundbreaking  service  was  held  for  the  nev 
church.  Participating  were  three  charter  members,  Mrs.  William  Lacy 
Mrs.  B.  B.  Fuqua  and  Mrs.  Victor  W.  Nichols.  Speaker  for  the  service 
was  C.  Shields  Jackson  of  Bedford. 

In  June,  1953,  there  was  a  cornerstone  laying  service  with  the  Rev 
Herbert  R.  Carlton  of  Lynchburg  speaker.  The  box  used  in  the  corner 
stone  was  part  of  the  cornerstone  box  for  the  Bedford  court  house 
which  had  been  saved  by  Gilbert  E.  Woodford,  contractor  for  the  churcl 

The  new  building  was  dedicated  May  30,  1954,  with  the  Rev.  Rolen  C 
Bailey  and  Dr.  Wade  H.  Bryant  of  Roanoke  speakers.  The  first  servicd 
in  the  new  building  was  December  6,  1953,  with  the  wedding  of  Miss 
Betty  Josephine  Howell  and  Herbert  Hoover  Thomas  taking  place  on 
December  19. 

In  1966  the  church  began  construction  on  a  pastorium  on  land  given  by 
Burks  Nichols  and  Harold  Howell.  The  parsonage  was  completed  in 
January,  1967,  and  dedicated  May  17,  1970. 

In  September,  1974,  the  church  voted  to  proceed  with  the  first  of  a 
two-phase  building  program,  the  first  phase  consisting  of  the  addition 
of  a  vestibule  and  tower,  air  conditioning  of  the  sanctuary  and  complete 
renovation  of  the  sanctuary.  Work  began  on  this  in  February,  1975,  with 
the  first  service  in  the  new  sanctuary  August  17,  1975.  Dedication  serv- 
ices were  held  September  7,  1975. 



The  oldest  Baptist  church  in  continuous  existence  in  Bedford  County- 
Morgans  Baptist  Church  north  of  Moneta  and  was  organized  in  1771. 
In  May,  1771,  the  Rev.  Nathaniel  Shrewsbury  and  his  brother,  Samuel 
irewsbury,  constituted  the  church  and  for  27  years  Nathaniel  Shrews- 
iry  served  as  its  pastor.  He  was  born  in  1739  in  Hanover  County  and 
jne  to  Bedford  County  in  1766.  In  1798  he  moved  to  Adair  County, 
y.,  and  died  in  1825. 

For  several  years  there  was  an  interchange  of  names  between  Goose 
reek  and  Morgans  until  the  church  settled  on  the  name  Goose  Creek 
nd  it  remained  as  such  until  April,  1881,  when  the  church  adopted  the 
)ime  Morgans. 

The  first  building  site,   known   as   Turner's  Meeting  House   according 

Hi  best  data  available,  was  located  one  mile  above  Davis  Mills  on  the 

^rth  side  of  Goose  Creek.     Then  there  is  record  of  the  church  meeting 

i<T  the  first  time  in  Morgans  Meeting  House  which  must  have  been  built 

«i  the  fall  of  1789  as  the  first  meeting  in  it  was  held  in  January,   1790. 

ne  third  building  was  located  about  one  mile  west  of  Stone  Mountain. 

this    building   burned   and   another   of   hewn   logs    was   erected    on    the 

iime  site.     A  new  house  of  worship,  the  fifth  building,  was  built  prior 

i  November,  1882,  for  records  of  this  date  state  ".   .  .  we  met  for  the 

rst  time  in  our  new  house  .  .  .  .".     This  building  burned  the  night  of 

tecember  16,  1923.     After  considerable  discussion  and  dissension  a  new 

1  .aiding  was  erected  on   this  site  and   the  first  service   in   the  building 

yas  January   3,    1925.      In   renovated   form    this    building   is   the   present 

■  inctuary   of  the  church.     However,   the   following   additions   have   been 

iade:     Sunday  School  rooms  on   each  side   and  on  April    1,    1939,   the 

.aiding   committee    reported    the    indebtedness    paid;    the    rear   Sunday 

:hool    rooms    with    basement    and    baptistry    were    added    in    1940:    on 

ugust    24,    1958,    a   groundbreaking    was   held    for    construction    of    the 


vestibule,  this  was  dedicated  July  8,  1959;  on  Februray  21,  1965,  t 
church  adopted  a  dual  program  looking  forward  to  its  bicentennial  pj 
gram,  first  the  erection  of  the  second  unit  of  the  Sunday  School  buildi 
and  second  the  renovation  of  the  church  sanctuary.  On  December 
1967,  this  last  addition  was  dedicated  and  on  February  7,  1971,  a  nc 
burning  service  was  held. 

During  the  more  than  two  centuries  of  its  history  Morgans  Bapt 
Church  has  been  blessed  by  many  devoted,  dedicated  and  consecra 
pastors.  It  is  remarkable  that  in  the  200-plus  years  of  existence  the  "- 
have  been  but  32  pastorates  including  two  who  served  interim  pastorat;  % 
Furthermore  five  pastors  have  ministered  in  a  second  pastorate 
another  in  a  third  pastorate. 

In  the  November,  1831  church  meeting  it  was  agreed  to  observe  t 
last  day  of  the  year  as  a  day  of  Thanksgiving  to  God.  December 
1831  "The  last  day  of  this  notable  year  was  set  apart  a  day  of  fasti: 
and  prayer  to  Almighty  God,  for  the  great  blessing  He  had  bestow 
and  was  still  bestowing  on  them."  By  the  end  of  the  year  88  w 
received  by  baptism,  four  by  letter,  and  eight  were  dismissed.  To 
membership  now  stood  at  200. 

During  the  life  of  this  church  there  have  been  times  of  triumph  a 
victory  as  well  as  times  of  adversity  and  defeat.  In  its  two  centuri] 
of  existence  the  church  has  experienced  nearly  everything  that  c; 
happen  in  the  life  of  a  church.  We  need  not  go  into  detail  with  m 
of  these  experiences,  but  there  is  one  that  we  can  call  "THE  GRE 
PROBLEM,"  which  came  to  a  head  in  1841.  This  was  a  problem,  r§ 
only  of  this  church,  but  also  throughout  many  of  the  Baptist  church 
of  Virginia  and  other  states.  It  centered  on  the  question  of  wheth 
the  church  should  have  a  paid  ministry  and  whether  the  church  shou 
engage  in  missionary  activity. 

Under  date  of  May  1,  1841,  the  church  minutes  reveal  that  "we  co 
to  the  conclusion  that  there  is  a  minority  in  the  church  that  can  ij 
longer  bear  with  the  majority  in  pastoral  support,  in  giving  to  the  caua 
of  the  spread  of  the  Bible  in  our  land,  of  sending  salaried  preachers  n 
destitute  parts  to  preach  the  Gospel,  or  in  any  way  the  giving  of  mone 

to  benevolent  institutions  of  the  day This  feeling  was  so  intens 

as  to  destroy  all  communion  for  seven  years."  Then  in  October,  184: 
the  following  motion  was  agreed  to  —  "that  all  who  wished  to  witl 
draw  should  make  it  known  by  rising  to  their  feet."  Four  did  so  a 
that  time  and  at  a  later  meeting  three  others  joined  the  minority. 

In  August,  1869,  the  colored  members  presented  a  request  for  thei 
church  letters.  The  next  month  the  following  resolution  was  adopted 
"Whereas  the  colored  members  of  our  church  have  for  some  tim 
absented  themselves  from  our  meetings,  and  manifested  a  desire  t< 
be  organized  and  worship  by  themselves,  and  have  made  known  $ 
this  effect  through  one  of  their  number,  therefore,  be  it  resolved:  Tha; 
we  do  this  day  give  them  full  privilege  to  withdraw  from  us,  and  d< 
therefore  no  longer  consider  them  as  being  our  watch  care,  as  member; 
of  this  church,  and  no  longer  hold  ourselves  responsible  for  their  pro 
ceedings  —  or  the  preaching  of  Monroe  Burroughs,   who   was   chargec 


i  being  drunk.     But  are  willing  to  give  them  advice  and  help  them 
way  we  can,  should  they  desire  to  apply  for  it." 
11  Jihe  church  plant  is  one  of  the  finest  and  complete  of  the  rural  churches 
°*  (Strawberry   Baptist   Association.      Across    the    expanse    to    the    north 
'famous  Peaks  of  Otter  stand  in  prominent  sight.     A  modern  parson- 
is  situated   on   the  church   grounds   to   the  east   of   the  church.     A 
jl-kept  church  cemetery  lies  to  the  west  of  the  church  which  provides 
I  ioetual  care  for  the  members  of  the  church  and  community  who  are 
lied  therein.     The  church   is   exceedingly   fortunate   to   have   such    an 
squate  church  plant  in  beautiful  and  well-kept  grounds. 


Ho  source  has  revealed  the  month  or  the  day  on  which  Mount  Hermon 
ootist  Church  near  Cifax  was  established  but  records  show  that  it  was 
anized  in  1787. 

t  is  regarded  as  having  been  planted  by  the  Rev.  Jeremiah  Hatcher 
o  was  pastor  of  the  church  in  1831.  Mr.  Hatcher  was  the  grand- 
tier  of  Jeremiah  B.   Jeter  and  William   E.   Hatcher,   two  who   entered 

It  ministry  from  Mount  Hermon  Church. 

inhere  is  no  record  of  the  number  of  members  until  1821  when  there 
re  104.  The  organization  had  no  building  in  its  early  days  but  met 
und  in  the  homes  of  the  members  on  the  last  Saturday  of  each  month. 

pn   1804   strict   rules  of   decorum    were   passed   and    in   May,    1805,    the 

p  irch  voted  to  erect   a  building   which  was   known   for  many   years   as 

Etcher's  Meeting   House.      The    next    year   it   was   moved    and    repaired 

li  the  body  was  recognized  by  the  association. 

nn  1809  two  men  had  been  licensed  to  preach  and  were  ordained, 
och  W.  Terry  and  Edmund  Jennings.     Since  then  the  following  have 


been  ordained  entering  the  ministry  from  Mt.  Hermon  Church,  Di 
P.  Witt,  Jeremiah  B.  Jeter,  William  L.  Hatcher,  Francis  M.  Baj 
Chastain  C.  Meador,  Harvey  Hatcher,  Hilary  Hatcher,  William  E.  Hat 
G.  D.  Falls  and  O.  B.  Falls. 

As  far  as  records  of  the  church  show  the  first  regular  pastor,  Ge 
Rucker,  was  elected  in  January,  1809,  and  served  two  years.  1 
was  no  regular  treasurer   until   Julius  Hatcher   was   elected   in    18 

By  far  the  most  interesting  history  of  the  church  was  in  regar, 
discipline,  which  was  administered  very  freely  and  very  strictly 
members  irrespective  of  their  position  in  the  church  or  community. 

From  March,  1833,  to  May,  1834,  the  church  split  into  two  divis 
because  one  group  did  not  approve  of  the  disciplinary  measures, 
new  church  was  known  as  North  Fork  of  Otter  Baptist  Church  bee, 
it  met  in  a  schoolhouse  of  that  name.  During  the  14  months  of 
split  the  association  was  called  to  discuss  the  differences;  each  side 
forced  to  acknowledge  its  wrong  and  the  split  was  healed.  From 
time,  1834,  they  took  the  name  of  Mount  Hermon  after  a  meeting  h< 
of  that  name  but  the  first  business  done  under  the  official  nam 
Mount  Hermon  was  not  recorded  until  1836.  After  the  split  William  I 
wich  was  called  as  pastor  for  12  months  at  a  salary  of  $40  per  ye£ 

On  October  29,  1849,  William  E.  Hatcher  was  received  for  bap 
and  five  years  later  a  letter  of  recommendation  to  an  institutior 
learning  was  given  to  him  and  his  brother,  Harvey  Hatcher,  to  s 
for  the  ministry.  In  1857  a  presbytery  consisting  of  George  W. 
wich,  A.  Staley  and  Alexander  Eubank  met  and  ordained  Willia: 

At  the  same  time  that  William  E.  Hatcher  was  ordained  ChastairB 
Meador  asked  the  church  to  grant  him  the  privilege  of  exercising  1 
gift  in  prayer  and  exhortation  and  it  was  granted.  In  1853  a  commil 
was  appointed  to  collect  money  for  his  education.  The  next  yearB 
was  lettered  out  to  go  to  study  at  George  Washington  University* 
Washington,  D.  C.  While  a  student  there  he  founded  what  is  now  Fl 
Baptist  Church  and  was  its  pastor  for  47  years. 

The  first  Sunday  School  was  started  in  1854,  the  first  revival  meel 
recorded  at  the  church  was  in  1854. 

In  1860  William  E.  Hatcher  was  called  as  pastor  at  the  salary  of  m 
per  year  but  declined. 

In  1862  Walker  B.  Freeman  was  received  into  the  church  and  left  1 
military  service  in  the  War  Between  the  States.  In  1869  he  was  eleel 
church  clerk.  Sometime  later  he  raised  money  for  an  organ  but  I 
church  members  would  not  permit  him  to  install  it.  He  beeamil 
businessman  in  Lynchburg  and  was  the  father  of  Dr.  Douglas  SoutlJ1 
Freeman,  newspaperman  and  historian. 

At  times  the  Negro  membership  was  almost  equal  to  that  of 
whites  and  in  1864  a  resolution  was  passed  to  allow  the  Negro  memt 
to  form  an  independent  church,  having  the  right  to  elect  their  ol 
pastor  and  other  officers  but  amenable  to  Mount  Hermon  Church.  Ai; 
several  months  this  action  was  rescinded  but  in  1866  the  Negro  me 
bers  were  given  permission  to  withdraw  in  a  body  and  from  this  wi 
drawal  Otterville  Baptist  Church  was  formed. 


H  Reuben  B.  Boatwright,  father  of  Dr.  Frederic  W.  Boatwright,  long  a 
deader  of  the  Univerity  of  Richmond,  was  elected  pastor  in  1889  and 
Served  until  1894. 

The  church  took  an  important  step  in  1895  when  it  voted  to  help 
GUiend  Miss  Edmonia  Sale  as  a  missionary  to  China.  The  records  show 
-hat  money  was  collected  quite  often  for  this  cause. 

'' "    The  only  Bedford  County  native  to  serve  as  president  of  the  Woman's 
'J Missionary  Union  of  Virginia  was  Mrs.  Ada  Hatcher  Hancock,   a  great- 
't  p-anddaughter  of  the  Rev.  Jeremiah   Jeter.     She   was   born  January   26, 
1900,  on  Jeter  Hill  in  Bedford,  daughter  of  Armistead  C.   and  Ida  Bur- 
roughs   Hatcher.      Her    grandfather,    Jeremiah    Gibson    Hatcher,    was    a 
c'irst  cousin  of  William  E.  Hatcher  and  Jeremiah  B.   Jeter.     She  was  a 
graduate  of  Bedford  High  School  and  attended  Radford  College  and  the 
Jniversity  of  Virginia.     She  taught  school  in  Bedford.     On  September  2, 
•1933,  she  married  Ollie  C.  Hancock  of  Bedford  County  and  has  resided  in 
Roanoke  since  then.     She  was   state  Woman's   Missionary   Union   presi- 
dent from  1956-1964. 



Mount  Olivet  Baptist  Church,  located  just  west  of  Route  122  at  Bunker 
Hill,  dates  its  organization  in  1831  when  Difficult  Creek   (now  Quaker) 
i  Baptist  Church  was  to  constitute  a  church  at  that  location. 

The   1832  minutes  reported  a  church  was  constituted,   known   at  first 
'as  Bunker  Hill  Baptist  Church,   with  28  members. 

'      On  May  22,  1832,  William  B.  Leftwich,  Jr.,  and  his  wife,  Sarah,  deeded 

'  a  tract  of  land  on  the  north  side  of  the  road  from  Bunker  Hill  to  Goggin's 

Mill  on  Goose  Creek,  adjoining  the  land  of  Thomas  Mead  and  William 


B.   Leftwich,  Jr.,   containing  one   acre  to  William   L.   Walker  and   otl 
trustees  to  be  used  in  establishing  a  church. 

In  the  deed  it  was  stipulated  that  the  meeting  house  to  be  built  wouh 
be    accessible    to    four    denominations,    Baptist,    Episcopalian,    Method!' 
and   Presbyterian.     A   board   of   trustees    was    appointed,    charged    wi 
equal  distribution  of  time  to  the  four  denominations  and  no  denominatio 
was  to  use  it  more  than  seven  days  in  succession. 

Little  is  known  of  the  early  history  of  any  of  the  four  denomination 
however,  the  Episcopalian  and  Presbyterian  denominations  have  n 
been  active  for  many  years.  The  Baptist  and  Methodist  denominatioi 
continued  to  share  the  original  building  until  1951. 

At  the  1846  session  of  the  Strawberry  Association  the  church  w: 
first  reported  as  Mount  Olivet  Baptist  Church. 

In  1876,  the  centennial  year  for  the  Strawberry  Association,  Mour 
Olivet  Church  was  host  to  that  session.  At  this  session  the  Rev.  C. 
Bitting,  former  pastor  of  First  Baptist  Church  in  Lynchburg,  delivered  a 
address  on  the  first  hundred  years  of  the  association,  this  later  beini 
published  in  book  form. 

The  moderator  of  the  centennial  session  was  the  Rev.  William  H 
Montgomery,  pastor  of  First  Baptist  Church  in  Lynchburg.  He  wa 
active  in  the  state- wide  unification  in  1874  of  Baptists  in  Tennessee 
with  the  formation  of  the  Tennessee  Baptist  Convention  of  which  he  wa 
president  in  1881.  In  1881  he  led  the  unification  of  Carson  College  an*j 
Newman  College  in  Jefferson  City,  Tenn.,  and  became  first  presiden; 
of  Carson-Newman  College. 

An  old  roll  book  with  minutes  shows  a  Mission  Society  at  the  churcl 
as  early  as  1891.     There  were  25  members,  both  men  and  women,  listen 
in    1891.      Money   collected    was    given   to    mission    endeavors,    meeting^ 
were  on  Saturday  proceeding  the  third  Sunday  each  month  and  offering'.'? 
ranged  from  65  cents  to  $4.86. 

The  first  known  Woman's  Missionary  Society   was  organized  in   191(1 
with  Mrs.  M.  L.  Overstreet  as  president.     On  July   12,   1933,  a  group  o  1 
ladies  of  the  Mob  Creek  community   met  at   the  home  of  Mrs.   Walte 
Turner  and  organized   a  circle  with  Mrs.   S.   W.   Gray   and  Mrs.   Fran! 
Huddleston  assisting  in  the  organization. 

There  has  never  been  a  time  since  the  1920's  that  the  church  did  no 
have  active  mission  organizations  and  in  1948  the  Young  Women';, 
Auxiliary  received  national  recognition  because  of  their  accomplishments 

The  ravages  of  time  had  made  major  repairs  to  the  building  necessary 
for  safety  and  comfort.  By  1947  it  became  evident  that  it  was  becoming 
more  difficult  for  the  Baptist  and  Methodist  denominations  to  function 
progressively  in  the  same  building.  The  deacons  of  the  Baptist  dev 
nomination  on  December  4,  1947,  drew  up  resolutions  that  it  would  not 
be  wise  to  repair  the  old  church  and  to  further  recommend  that  the 
Baptists  build  a  new  structure. 

At  a  business  session  December  12,  1947,  the  church  in  a  called  business 
meeting  adopted  the  recommendations  of  the  deacons  and  on  March  29, 
1948,  at  a  regular  business  meeting  voted  to  build  a  new  church  naming 
the  building  committee  of  Mrs.  Fred  Turner,  C.  Aubrey  Saunders,  Frank 
Wright,   Grady   L   Nichols   and  Robert   Johnson.     On   July    1,    1948,    the 


Ml  Mount  Olivet  school  lot  was  purchased  for  $750  as  a  site  for  Mount 

vet  Baptist  Church. 
(t.  ijtn  the  early   spring  of   1950   various  committees   were   appointed    and 
^istruction  begun  on  the  modern  cinderblock  brick-cased  structure  with 

ucational    facilities.      Due   to    a   great    amount   of    labor    donated,    the 

ilding  valued  at  $50,000  was  erected  for  a  cash  cost  of  $25,000  showing 

;  great  efforts  put  forth  by  members,  old  and  young,  men  and  women, 
];,(  bring  the  church  to  reality. 

^The  new  church  was  dedicated  October  7,   1951,  with   1,000  people  in 
<  .endance.     As  the  church  was  without  a  pastor  at  this  date  C.  Aubrey 

unders,  chairman  of  the  deacons,  presided  over  the  dedicatory  services. 

ijie  dedicatory  sermon  was  delivered  by   the  Rev.  Robert  L.  Randolph 
I  Soon   after   moving   into    the   new    church    it   became    evident    that    a 

storium  was  needed.  A  lot  was  purchased  from  Fuqua  Nance,  directly 
-  ross  from  the  church,  for  $600  which  Mr.  Nance  later  donated  to  the 

urch.  An  all-day  service  was  held  June  26,  1955,  for  the  dedication 
;  the  pastorium.  The  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Grady  C.  Dickens  were  the  first 
I  mily  to  occupy  the  pastorium. 

During  the  illness  of  the  Rev.  Norman  A.  Hicks  and  the  Rev.  Robert  E. 

lompson  the  church  was  served  by  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Harry  P.  Clause  and 
Le  Rev.  George  E.  Reynolds. 

•The  cemetery  land  was  a  gift  to  the  church  by  Mrs.  Norma  Fuqua. 

During   1973  a  lighting  system  was  installed  in  the  church   and  both 

e  church  and  pastorium  were  air-conditioned. 

yThe  evening  of  October  30,  1973,  the  Rev.  Robert  E.  Thompson,  pastor, 
3is  on  the  program  of  the  Strawberry  Association  meeting  at  Timber 

dge  Church  when  he  suffered  a  heart  attack  and  died  later  in  the 
'  ening  in  the  Bedford  hospital. 

Five  have  entered  the  ministry  from  Mount  Olivet  Church,  William 
,  iley  Fuqua,  John  L.  Lawless,  Samuel  H.  Dooley,  John  B.  Thurman 
jid  Rucker  T.  Burnette. 

The  Rev.  William  W.  Fuqua  was  to  become  the  first  principal  of  Oak 

ill  Academy  at  Mouth  of  Wilson  in  Grayson  County. 

He  was  born  August  15,   1850,  in  Bedford  County,  a  son  of  Martin  L. 

id  Martha  Early  Fuqua.     From  1872-1874  he  attended  Richmond  College 
3iOw  the  University  of  Richmond)  and  in  1878  went  to  Grayson  County 
become  principal  of  the  Baptist  school  that  had  opened  that  year. 

He  was  married  January  8,  1879,  in  Fluvanna  County  to  Miss  Cornelia 
"itherine  Leftwich.  His  wife  was  born  in  1850  in  Bedford  County,  a 
hughter  of  the  Rev.  James  C.  and  Ann  Bilbro  Leftwich.  She  died  in 
(?dford  County  and  is  buried  in  the  Leftwich  family  cemetery  near 
-inker  Hill. 

iMr.  Fuqua  died  unexpectedly  September  9,  1879,  in  Grayson  County 
'id  is  buried  in  the  Leftwich  (Gills)  family  cemetery  near  Bunker  Hill. 

After  the  death  of  Mr.  Fuqua,  his  widow,  on  September  19,  1885,  in 
;xlford  County,   married  Dr.   John   T.   Kincanon. 



The  earliest  records  for  Mount  Zion  Baptist  Church,  on  the  knoll  ab 
Goose  Creek  on  Route  460  east  of  Montvale,  dates  to  1824. 

As  Head  of  Goose  Creek  Baptist  Church  it  was  admitted  to  the  Str 
berry  Baptist  Association  in  1824  so  there  was  an  organization  at  1<| 
that  year. 

It  is  thought  to  be  on  or  near  the  location  of  Upper  Goose  Cijii 
Meeting  of  the  Society  of  Friends  (Quakers)  which  existed  in  that  all 
in  the  period  that  Bedford  County  was  formed  in  1754.  It  has  ba 
established  that  Lower  Goose  Creek  Meeting  of  the  Society  of  Friend* 
the  present  site  of  Quaker  (formerly  Difficult  Creek)  Baptist  ChurclJi 

The  deed  to  the  site  for  the  church  was  not  made  until  1858  and* 
this  deed  is  reference  to  a  building  on  the  land.  The  land  was  boul 
for  $40  from  Thompson  Layne  and  his  wife.  Named  as  trustees  of  m 
church  were  Pascal  Buford,  Nicholas  Pearcy,  Alexander  Price  M 
Robert  Campbell.  In  the  beginning  the  site  was  deeded  to  the  Baput, 
Episcopal,  Methodist  and  Presbyterian  denominations  to  be  used  alir- 
nately  for  public  worship. 

There  have  been  three  additions  to  the  church,  Sunday  School  rocis 
to  the  rear,  a  vestibule  with  a  Sunday  School  room  on  each  side  ami 
fellowship  hall  with  bathroom  facilities  to  the  rear. 

the  beginning,  worship  was  held  once  a  month  and  Sunday  School 
ie  summer.  The  church  has  been  associated  with  other  area  churches 
lelds  and  is  now  fulltime. 

iiree  have  been  ordained  to  the  ministry  at  the  church  and  one  of 
ie  became  the  second  missionary  sent  out  by  the  Foreign  Mission 
j  rd  of  the  Southern  Baptist  Convention. 

j;Borge  Pearcy  was  born  June  23,  1813,  to  Nicholas  and  Rebecca  Hardy 

■jjrcy  at  their  home  on  Goose  Creek  near  Montvale.     Nicholas  Pearcy 

been   the   first   clerk   of   Beaverdam   Baptist    Church   when    it    was 

inized  in  1803,  and  in  1824  when  Head  of  Goose  Creek  (Mount  Zion) 

tist  Church  was  organized  he  was  one  of  the  first  trustees.     Nicholas 

rcy  was  born  in  1780  and  died  November  3,  1854. 

eorge  Pearcy  had  his  education  in  the  "old  field"  school  near  his 
ie  and  in  1836  entered  Columbian  College  (now  George  Washington 
versity)  in  Washington,  D.  C,  where  he  received  his  Bachelor  of  Arts 
ree  in  1842.  Shortly  after  graduation  he  returned  to  Southwest 
jinia  and  accepted  the  position  of  first  tutor  in  the  male  department 
Botetourt  Male  and  Female  Academy  (now  HoDins  College)  in 
stourt  (now  Roanoke)  County  and  continued  there  a  number  of  years. 
ear  the  academy  Baptists  from  Big  Lick  (now  Roanoke)  and  Tinker 
ek  worshipped  in  Tinker  Creek  Church  and  this  was  the  church  that 
aested  George  Pearcy's  ordination.  The  service  took  place  October 
1845,  at  Mount  Zion  Church. 

n  November  3,  1845,  he  was  appointed  the  second  missionary  of  the 
rly  organized  Foreign  Mission  Board,  four  months  after  the  meeting 
\ugusta,  Ga.  He  was  appointed  to  China  while  a  student  at  Virginia 
>tist  Seminary  (later  Richmond  College)  and  took  classes  at  Richmond 
iical  College   (now  the  Medical  College  of  Virginia). 

|>n  May  30,  1846,  he  married  Miss  Frances  Patrick  Miller,  daughter  of 
nuel  and  Frances  Elizabeth  Patrick  Miller.  Mr.  Miller  had  taught  at 
v  London  Academy  in  Bedford  County,  was  principal  of  Woodburn 
ulssical  School  and  they  made  their  home  at  "Cedar  Forest"  in  north- 
!  t  Pittsylvania  County  near  Long  Island. 

an  October,  1846,  the  Pearcy's  arrived  in  Canton,  China.     They  arrived 
jsl:k  in  Virginia  in  May,  1855,  after  nine  years  in  Canton  and  Shanghai. 

ifter  a  visit  with  relatives  they  accepted  an  invitation  to  visit  Botetourt 
I  ings  (now  Hollins  College)  for  a  period  of  recuperation. 
t  n  May,  1860,  they  were  appointed  to  work  with  the  Chinese  in  Cali- 
rnia  but  events  leading  up  to  the  War  Between  the  States  thwarted 
fir  plans.  For  some  years  they  resided  in  Powhatan  County  and  he 
fveled  throughout  the  state  as  a  special  agent  for  the  Foreign  Mission 
rard.  As  the  war  approached  he  took  his  family  to  "Cedar  Forest"  in 
ftsylvania  County  where  he  died  July  24.  1871,  and  is  buried  on  the 
|  ntation  there.  Mrs.  Pearcy  died  December  12,  1903.  Their  son,  John, 
f  :ame  a  Baptist  minister  and  their  daughter,  Frances,  married  Rev. 
ril  Mercer,  a  Baptist  minister. 

George  P.  Luck  was  born  December  29,   1817,  a  son  of  John  P.  Luck 

I  Botetourt  County  who  married  Mrs.   McGee  Calhoun   of 

'inklin    County.      He    was    educated    at    New    London    Academy    and 

aght  a  farm  in  Goose  Creek  Valley.     He  was  ordained  in  1859  or  1860 


at  Mount  Zion  Church  and  pastored  pastorless  churches.  He  organ 
Big  Spring  Baptist  Church  at  Shawsville,  built  the  meeting  house 
Mountain  View  Baptist  Church  near  Montvale,  served  at  Back  Ci 
and  Jennings  Creek  in  Botetourt  County  and  was  a  trustee  of  Hoi 
Institute  (now  Hollins  College).  He  married  Miss  Nannie  Luck  of  M< 
vale.  One  of  their  sons  entered  the  ministry  from  Mount  Zion  Chu 
and  another  from  Walnut  Grove  Baptist  Church.  He  died  October  7,  1 
Julian  M.  Luck  was  born  in  1847  and  was  ordained  June  12,  1875 
Mount  Zion  Church.  He  was  educated  at  Richmond  College  and 
Southern  Baptist  Theological  Seminary  from  1873-1875  when  it 
located  at  Greenville,  S.  C.  He  taught  a  Sunday  School  at  the  sll 
penitentiary  in  Richmond  and  was  a  state  missionary  in  Pulaski  id 
Montgomery  Counties.  His  pastorates  were  in  Botetourt,  Halifax 
Albemarle  Counties  and  he  died  December  18,  1929. 


Mountain    View    Baptist    Church    is    located    atop    Porter's    Mountai 
southwest  of  Montvale. 

As  to  the  organization  of  the  church  the  minutes  record  "A  compar 
of  baptized  believers  in  Jesus  Christ  called  for  a  meeting  at  Mountai 
View  Mission  Station  to  convene  December  10,  1891,  at  11  A.M.  to  inquiu 
into  the  feasability  of  organizing  a  Missionary  Baptist  Church  at  th;j 
place,  at  the  above  mentioned  time  and  place,  By  invitation  Rev 
J.  A.  Davis,  G.  Wheeler  and  J.  P.  Luck  met  in  council.  Thirty-thre 
persons  with  letters  from  neighboring  Missionary  Baptist  Church* 
made  known  their  intentions  to  organize  a  church  of  like  faith  and  orde 


jut,  that  place.  The  same  producing  letters  of  dismission,  showing  that 
u^ey  were  in  full  fellowship  and  good  standing  in  the  churches  from 
C^iich  they  came. 

Hc|;After  examination  by  the  council,  respecting  the  word  of  God,  its 
i;,uth  and  doctrine  therein  taught,  and  this  being  satisfactory  and  in 
:h  ery  way  in  harmony  with  the  faith  and  practice  of  the  Missionary 
i  iptist  they  were  deemed  fit,  by  the  council,  to  be  organized  into  a 
jugular  Missionary  Baptist  Church  to  be  known  as  the  Mountain  View 
;tj  issionary  Baptist  Church.  The  discipline  by  which  this  church  shall 
> .  ..  governed  is  that  which  is  found  in  the  New  Testament  respecting 
;:e  government  of  Christian  Churches." 

i  In  1892  one  half  acre  of  land  was  donated  by  M.  M.  Giles  and  the 
j  I  urch  was  built.  The  next  year  this  building  was  dedicated  to  the 
e  of  four  denominations,  Baptist,  Brethren,  Methodist  and  Presbyterian. 
3  far  as  is  known  the  Baptists  have  been  the  only  organized  denomi- 
ition  but  the  other  three  denominations  have  held  services  at  the  church. 
The  Articles  of  Faith,  rules  of  order  and  church  covenant  furnished 
r  the  Rev.  Robert  R.  Lunsford  were  approved  by  the  church  on  April 
,  1893. 

In  the  1920's  one  of  the  pastors  was  a  nationally-known  leader  in 
e  prohibition  movement,  the  Rev.  Thomas  E.  Boorde. 
He  was  born  August  16,  1876,  in  Uniontown,  Penn.,  and  educated  at 
imenville  Soldiers  Orphan  School  in  Jumenville,  Fayette  County, 
;nna.,  Western  Pennsylvania  Classical  and  Scientific  Institute  in  Mt. 
easant,  Penn.  (later  merged  with  Bucknell  University  in  Lewisburg, 
;nn.),  and  the  Southern  Baptist  Theological  Seminary  in  Louisville,  Ky. 
He  taught  school  for  three  years  in  the  Pennsylvania  coal  regions  and 

ias  ordained  in  1902.  He  served  pastorates,  was  a  colporter  and  evange- 
st  in  Pennsylvania.  In  1916  he  came  to  Virginia  to  serve  as  a  Y.M.C.A. 
jorker  in  the  Hampton  Roads  area  and  in  1919  was  an  evangelist  for 
l<e  Virginia  Baptist  Board  of  Missions  and  Education, 
r  After  his  pastorate  in  the  Strawberry  Association  he  went  to  Virginia 
:  Teach  where  he  held  two  pastorates,  leaving  for  Washington,  D.  C,  in 
|g>27.  In  the  nation's  capital  he  served  Temple  Church  and  did  evangelistic 
STork  developing  East  Riverdale  and  Wilson  Avenue  Baptist  Churches. 
like  was  pastor  of  Anacostia  Baptist  Church  in  Washington,  D.  C.  (now 
j$.rst  Baptist  Church  of  Friendly  in  Oxon  Hill,  Md.)  from  1937  until  his 
iij^tirement  in  1949. 

!|  In  1946  he  was  a  candidate  for  the  U.  S.  Senate  from  Virginia  on  the 
Irohibition  Party  ticket.     A  strong  prohibitionist,  he  served  as  national 

easurer   of   the   Prohibition   Party    and    as   a    member   of    its    national 


While  serving  the  Bedford  County  pastorates  Mr.  Boorde  was  cited 
Iff  contempt  of  court   because  he   spoke   his   mind   about   a   judge   who 

resided  over  liquor  cases  in  which  his  sons  represented  the  defendants, 
'he  decision  in  this  case  was  appealed  and  his  conviction  was  affirmed 
.  j  the  Virginia  State  Supreme  Court  in   1922. 

He  formerly  lived  in  Arlington  but  in  1954  he  and  his  wife  moved  to 

»e  Masonic   and   Eastern   Star  Home   in   Washington,    D.   C,   where   he 

ied  May   19,   1956.     Burial  was  in  Cedar  Hill  Cemetery  in  Washington, 

•  C 



In  1947,  33  members  of  the  church,  at  their  own  request,  were  grant! 
letters  of  dismission  to  organize  Montvale  Baptist  Church.  ' 

The  first  homecoming  of  the  church  was  held  September  26,  1948,  a, 
when  Mountain  View  School  was  closed  the  church  purchased  the  schc 
lot.  In  1949-1950  the  building  was  remodeled  and  four  Sunday  Scho 
rooms  built.  . 

The  first  Vacation  Bible  School  was  held  in  1949.  In  1959  D. 
Williamson  purchased  a  plot  adjoining  the  cemetery  and  presented  it 
the  church. 

In  1966  the  church  voted  to  become  a  half-time  church  with  one  worsh 
service  each  Sunday. 


Ninevah  Baptist  Church,  in  Franklin  County  on  the  south  side  of  th 
Roanoke  (Staunton)  River  near  Hardy,  dates  its  organization  in  1898. 

The  land  for  the  church  was  deeded  June  26,  1897,  by  Henry  H.  Kesle 
and  his  wife,  A.  E.  Kesler.  The  church  was  organized  the  next  yea 
with  the  Rev.  James  E.  Poteet  as  the  first  pastor. 

In  1951  an  addition  was  made  for  Sunday  School  rooms.  In  1973  ther 
was  another  addition,  six  Sunday  School  rooms  with  a  social  hall  an( 
kitchen,  with  the  dedication  held  September  9. 


The  history  of  North  Bedford  Baptist  Church  north  of  Forest  date: 
its  origin  to  November  11,  1880,  as  Ivy  Chapel. 

The  records  read  "Pursuant  to  appointment  Brother  W.  R.  L.  Smitl 
baptized  the  following  persons:     Mrs.  Waller  J.  Rucker,  Mrs.  Sally  Web 


I  Waller  J.  Rucker,  James  E.  Webber,  Henry  S.  Crank,  William  P. 
|  ber,  Thomas  Crank,  John  W.  Howard.  After  the  baptism  Brother 
Ljj  organized  the  above  named  persons  into  a  Baptist  church.  Brother 
,  .er  and  Brother  John  A.  Howard  were  ordained  deacons  and  Brother 
Ljt  A.  Howard  was  elected  clerk.  Then  on  Saturday  before  the  third 
lay  in  November  Brothers  Jesse  N.  Millner  and  E.  B.  Millner  were 

ived  into  the  church  by  letter  from  Cove  Baptist  Church.  The 
xh  then  called  Brother  John  Fizer  as  pastor  for  the  ensuing  year. 
church  agreed  to  pay  him  a  salary  of  $30." 

y  Chapel  was  received  into  the  Strawberry  Association  in  1881  and 
he  statistics  each  year  it  is  listed  as  Ivy  Creek  thus  it  must  have 
rially  been  Ivy  Creek  Baptist  Church. 

le  Rev.  John  R.  Fizer,  who  entered  the  ministry  from  Bedford  Baptist 
rch,  was  ordained  November  19,  1881,  into  the  ministry. 
le  church  for  sometime  was  part  of  a  field  composed  of  Big  Island, 
iting  Creek  and  Mount  Hermon  churches. 

ae  second  pastor  of  the  church  was  the  Rev.  Reuben  B.  Boatwright. 
Boatwright  was  born  January  23,  1831,  in  Buckingham  County,  a 
of  Reuben  B.  and  Mary  Bryant  Boatwright.  He  was  educated  at 
imond  College  and  the  Southern  Baptist  Theological  Seminary  in 
snville,  S.  C.  He  served  as  pastor  of  several  Bedford  County  churches 
veil  as  in  Marion  and  Bristol.  He  was  married  September  5,  1865, 
Axss  Maria  Elizabeth  Woodruff  of  Cumberland.  He  died  April  19, 
;,  and  is  buried  in  Buckingham  County. 

e  was  the  father  of  Dr.  Frederic  W.  Boatwright,  president  (1894- 
i)  and  chancellor  (1946-1951)  of  Richmond  College  and  president 
■8-1939)  of  the  Baptist  General  Association  of  Virginia. 


On  October  15,  1892,  the  church  met  for  the  purpose  of  making  arrar 
ments  for  building  a  new  house  of  worship.  J.  H.  Austin  and  wk 
Rucker  were  named  a  committee  to  purchase  a  lot  and  shortly  thereat 
purchased  one  acre  of  land  from  Robert  McDaniel  for  $15.00.  The  buildjji 
committee  was  composed  of  J.  H.  Austin,  W.  J.  Rucker,  J.  N.  Millu; 
A.  C.  Webber  and  S.  A.  Elliott.  On  May  20,  1893,  it  was  reported  ns 
of  the  building  was  completed  and  it  would  be  called  North  Bedfy 
instead  of  Ivy  Creek.  Dedication  services  were  held  Sunday,  Octobeil 
1893.  | 

For  a  period  then  the  church  was  part  of  a  field  of  Inglewood  i\ 
Royal  Chapel  churches;  later  it  was  in  a  field  with  Bethel,  Oakdale  ; 
Terrace  View  churches. 

In  1951  Raymond  Gallaher  was  the  contractor  for  the  addition  of  thi 
Sunday  School  rooms  at  the  back  of  the  church.  In  1965-1966  there  v 
remodeling  of  exterior  and  interior  parts  of  the  church.  Other  impro 
ments  were  made  to  the  church  in  1968  and  1971.  In  1970  the  chu 
began  a  bus  ministry  with  a  station  wagon. 


About  1898  a  group  met  in  the  Norwood  community  of  Bedford  Couiv 
to  cut  trees  and  clear  land  for  the  beginning  of  a  new  church.  The  k9 
were  to  be  used  as  sills  for  the  new  building  but  since  the  people  wei 
not  able  to  build  immediately  they  were  used  for  seats  and  Sundrt 
School  and  worship  services  were  held  out  in  the  open  for  about  i> 
year.    A  school  house  nearby  was  used  for  seivices  during  bad  weath: 

This  church,  then  called  Bethany,  consisted  of  both  Baptists  ali 
Methodists.  When  the  Methodists  left  to  organize  and  build  their  churri 
they  carried  the  name  Bethany  with  them. 

On  July  9,  1899,  the  Baptists  met  in  their  new  building  to  organized 
Baptist  Church.    A  deed  dated  August  22,  1894,  records  the  sale  of  til 


je  by  Kit  Irvin  to  H.  B.  Massie,  H.  C.  Coffee  and  W.  W.  May,  trustees 
|  the  church. 

°Dr.  F.  C.  McConnell  of  Lynchburg  delivered  the  sermon  at  the  organi- 
ftion  meeting  and  was  assisted  in  the  organization  by  the  Rev.  C.  J. 
"lompson  and  the  Rev.  Joseph  M.  Street. 

^Deacons  of  the  church  participating  were  R.  A.  Dearing,  R.  A.  Free- 
man, R.  H.  May,  M.  L.  Hatcher  and  George  Fuqua. 
'3Dr.  McConnell  acted  as  moderator  and  letters  requesting  membership 

ere  presented  from  G.  M.  Abbott,  L.  A.  Pearman,  Mrs.  Mary  Coffee, 
•  iss  Mary  Coffee,  Adolphus  Coffee  and  Mrs.  Belle  Massie.  Those 
1  liting  with  the  church  upon  Christian  experience  were  Mrs.  M.  S.  Miller, 

rs.  B.  C.  Hunter,  Mrs.  H.  C.  Coffee,  T.  S.  Padgett,  J.  T.  Leonard  and 

r.  and  Mrs.  J.  T.  Brizentine. 

f  The  articles  of  faith  and  church  covenant  of  the  First  Baptist  Church 
P  Lynchburg  were  read  and  adopted  and  the  name  Norwood  was  chosen 
H<r  the  church. 

On  July  30,  1899,  the  membership  met  to  call  a  pastor  and  the  names  of 

ie  Rev.  Joseph  M.  Street  and  the  Rev.  James  P.  Luck  were  presented. 

r.  Street  received  six  votes,  Mr.  Luck  five  votes,  so  the  church  did 

3t  make  a  final  decision  at  this  time.     At  a  later  meeting  Mr.  Street 

as  called  as  the  pastor. 

In  the  early   1950's  the  membership  considered  a  building  program. 

n  January   14,   1956,   the  church  received  a  report  from  the  deacons 

commending  a  new  building  rather  than  an  addition  to  the  present 


Land  for  the  church,  on  Route  221,  was  donated  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Frank 
ige.  In  April,  1956,  groundbreaking  services  were  held.  Cornerstone 
irvices  were  held  in  July  being  conducted  by  the  Rev.  William  T.  Vest 
rid  Dr.  H.  Hansel  Stembridge,  Jr.  In  January,  1957,  the  first  services 
rere  held  in  the  new  building. 


The  history  of  New  Prospect  Baptist  Church,  north  of  Reba  in  the 
Hue  Ridge  Mountains,  dates  its  beginning  in  1854. 

At  a  meeting  of  the  Strawberry  Association  on  July  30,  1858,  at  Glade 
reek  Baptist  Church  it  was  admitted  to  the  association. 

When  it  was  admitted  to  the  association  it  had  a  membership  of  64, 
he  Rev.  William  Harris  was  pastor  and  James  V.  Cobbs  was  Sunday 
-chool  superintendent  and  church  clerk.  Delegates  from  the  church 
o  the  association  in  1858  were  the  Rev.  William  Harris,  J.  H.  Goff  and 
'leasant  Carter. 

A  deed  dated  September  26,  1876,  is  perhaps  the  first  record  of  the 
ite  of  the  church. 

On  this  date  John  C.  Hatcher  and  his  wife,  Rebecca,  sold  for  five 
lollars  one  acre  on  Ewing's  Creek  to  Samuel  M.  Overstreet,  James  V. 
^obbs  and  Patric  Hatcher  as  trustees  of  the  Baptist  church  worshipping 
it  New  Prospect  Church. 


In  recent  years  there  has  been  no  worship  service  by  a  regular  pasto 
of  the  church  due  to  the  decline  in  membership. 

Among  its  list  of  dedicated  pastors  was  the  Rev.  James  R.  Harrison; 
a  leader  in  Baptist  educational  efforts.     He  served  as  the  third  pasto 
of  the  church. 

Mr.  Harrison  was  born  in  1832  in  Franklin  County  and  educated  a 
Halesford  Academy  in  Franklin  County.  His  parents  were  Irish  Catholi 
and  he  was  converted  in  a  Presbyterian  meeting.  He  was  ordained  ii 
1857  and  held  pastorates  in  Franklin  County,  Buchanan,  Radford,  St 
Joseph,  Mo.,  Fulton  and  Immanuel  Baptist  Churches  in  Richmond,  Blui 
Ridge  and  Mt.  Pleasant  Baptist  Churches  in  Roanoke  County,  Enoi 
Baptist  Church  at  Hollins,  Amelia  County,  Stuart  and  a  Bedford  County 

He  held  meetings  in  Virginia,  Maryland,  North  Carolina,  West  Virginia, 
Tennessee,  Kentucky  and  Missouri  and  over  30,000  made  confessions  in 
these  meetings.  At  a  meeting  he  held  at  Clay  Street  Baptist  Church  in 
Richmond  there  were  over  250  confessions. 

He  was  married  March  26,  1861,  to  Miss  Sarah  Elizabeth  Lunsford: 
(1831-August  19,  1890)  and  after  her  death  married  Miss  Anna  Captaine 
of  Richmond. 

In  the  early  1890's  he  was  sent  to  Glade  Spring,  in  Washington  County, 
by  the  State  Mission  Board  at  the  request  of  two  Baptist  churches  (Friend- 
ship and  Greenfield)  in  that  community  to  become  their  pastor. 

As  he  took  up  the  new  field  he  was  as  equally  interested  in  founding 
a  school  for  the  higher  education  of  young  women.  He  launched 
movement  for  an  election  to  vote  on  drinking  in  the  town,  which  had-j 
six  saloons;  the  prohibition  ticket  won  and  then  his  group  ventured 
upon  the  educational  project. 


He  persuaded   12  citizens  to  join  him   in  underwriting  the  campaign, 
lese  guarantors  became  the  first  trustees  of  the  school  when  it  opened, 
fine  of  the  guarantors-trustees  was  the  Rev.  Reuben  B.  Boatwright,  later 
[J':  minister  in  Bedford  County. 

The  school,  at  the  intersection  of  the  Tri-state  Highway  and  the  old 
'.altville  road  in  Glade  Spring,  opened  in  1884  under  the  name  of  South- 
vest  Virginia  Female  Institute.  The  institution  later  bore  the  name 
.outhwest  Virginia  Institute,  then  for  a  short  time  (1889-1910)  Virginia 

1  In  1891  the  school  was  moved  to  Bristol,  Va.,  and  in  1910,  at  the 
uggestion  of  S.  W.  Edmondson  of  the  school  faculty,  the  name  was 
hanged  to  Virginia  Intermont  College.  Mr.  Edmondson  chose  the  name 
ntermont  from  a  community  of  the  same  name  he  came  upon  between 
Jig  Stone  Gap  and  Appalachia;  it  was  suggested  and  officially  adopted. 

The  third  president  of  the  institution  was  Samuel  D.  Jones,  son-in-law 
>f  the  Rev.  Joseph  R.  Harrison,  who  served  from  1889  until  1898  when 
Le  resigned  and  moved  to  Atlanta,  Ga.  Mr.  Harrison  was  a  special  agent 
or  the  institution  during  Mr.  Jones  administration.  The  Harrison-Jones 
Memorial  Hall,  the  college's  chapel-auditorium,  was  named  in  honor  of 
he  founder  and  his  son-in-law  president. 

Mr.  Harrison  died  June  24,  1901,  in  Stuart  and  is  buried  in  Hollywood 
Cemetery  in  Richmond. 


Palestine  Baptist  Church,  southwest  of  Huddleston,  began  its  existence 
as  Meadow  Ridge  School  House,  not  as  an  organized  church  but  as  an 
arm  of  Moody  Meeting  House  (now  Staunton  Baptist  Church)  near 
Anthony's  Ford. 



According  to  minutes  of  Moody  Meeting  House  for  September  21,  18! 
".  .  .  .  consented  to  extend  an  arm  of  this  church  to  Meadow  Rid 
School  house  .  ,  .  .".  The  first  meeting  at  Meadow  Ridge  School  Hou 
located  just  east  of  the  present  church,  was  held  October  2,  1850.  T 
minutes  of  that  meeting  are  "Meadow  Ridge  October  2,  1850.  The  chur, 
convened  for  the  reception  of  members  when  Nancy  Turner  was  i 
ceived  by  letter  —  also  Lucy  Page  came  forward  and  stated  that  she  hj 
lost  her  letter  but  gave  satisfaction  and  was  received  —  adjourned." 

The  church  remained  an  arm  of  Staunton  Baptist  Church  until  18 
when  it  became  self-supporting.  In  the  minutes  of  Staunton  Chur 
the  last  reference  of  a  meeting  at  Meadow  Ridge  was  July  23,  18J 
On  that  date  a  list  of  members  belonging  to  Meadow  Ridge  taken  fro 
Moody  Church  (Staunton)  was  given,  the  list  contained  names  of 

It  was  not  until  May  21,  1853,  that  the  membership  was  constitute 
as  a  church.    That  date  Richard  Dowdy  and  Alexander  L.  Thurman  we; 
ordained  as  deacons.    The  Rev.  Abner  Anthony,  who  had  been  pastor 
Staunton  Church,  was  called  as  the  first  pastor. 

Mr.  Anthony  was  born  September  16,  1790,  in  Campbell  County, 
son  of  the  Rev.  John  Anthony,  Jr.,  (1749-1825)  a  Revolutionary  soldit 
from  Hanover  County,  and  Susanna  Austin  Anthony  (1752/55  -  befo] 
1825).  The  Rev.  Abner  Anthony  married  in  1822  Miss  Elizabeth  Ear] 
and  in  1836  Miss  Almyra  Arthur  of  Big  Island.  A  son,  the  Rev.  Charl< 
L.  Anthony  (1837-1922),  served  as  pastor  of  the  church  and  a  grandso 
A.  Donald  Anthony  (1903-         )  served  as  interim  pastor  of  the  churc 

In  1853  the  church  was  admitted  into  the  Strawberry  Association. 

Services  continued  to  be  held  at  Meadow  Ridge  School  House  fc 
several  years.  In  1855  the  church  decided  to  purchase  a  plot  of  groun 
and  erect  its  own  building.  A  deed  dated  December  20,  1855,  recorc 
the  sale  of  a  plot  ,by  John  H.  and  Lucy  C.  Turner  to  W.  W.  Rees 
Charles  W.  Wood,  J.  R.  Metts,  Samuel  G.  Tinsley,  Richard  Dowdy,  Joh 
H.  Turner,  E.  C.  Cundiff,  Washington  Hackworth,  John  Hall,  Josia 
Turner  and  Alexander  L.  Thurman  as  trustees. 

In  1856  work  was  begun  on  the  new  church  with  Abe  Krantz  as  fort 
man.  No  date  is  given  for  the  completion  of  this  building  but  it  wa 
thought  to  be  in  the  summer  of  1857.  On  July  4,  1857,  the  name  of  th 
church  was  changed  from  Meadow  Ridge  to  Palestine. 

Slight  changes  were  made  to  the  building  in  1910  and  in  1935  a  com 
mittee  composed  of  Perry  D.  Turner,  J.  O.  Hackworth,  W.  H.  Saunden 
Boyd  Nichols,  Frank  J.  Overstreet  and  Miss  Reva  Turner  was  appointe 
to  investigate  the  advisability  of  building  a  new  church.  The  churc] 
accepted  their  report  and  plans  for  a  new  church  and  on  April  3,  193E 
the  first  service  was  held  in  this  church.  Dedication  services  were  hel< 
May  29,  1938,  with  the  Rev.  Grover  M.  Turner  of  Danville  as  speaker. 

The  basement  was  completed  in  1947,  the  parsonage  built  in  1952.  Thi 
educational  building  was  constructed  in  1963  with  dedication  service 
Sept  29,  1963,  with  the  Rev.  Robert  C.  Wells  of  Galax  as  speaker. 

The  field  of  Mentow  and  Palestine  churches  was  dissolved  in  196 
with  each  church  going  full-time  and  the  Rev.  Joseph  S.  Stirman,  Jr 
was  the  first  full-time  pastor. 


dieorge  G.  Turner  was  ordained  to  the  ministry  in  1920  and  later 
lived  as  pastor  of  the  church.  Jesse  V.  Ashwell  was  a  member  of  the 
lurch  1911-1923  when  he  united  with  a  Roanoke  church  and  was 
Plained,  later  serving  as  interim  pastor  of  the  church. 
^eo  Kendrick  united  with  the  church  in  1928,  later  joined  another 
lomination  and  was  ordained  into  the  ministry. 

tin  1974  the  church  licensed  Melvin  J.  Harris  to  the  ministry  and  he  is 

'sently  (1976)  pastor  of  Halesford  Baptist  Church  in  Franklin  County. 

ther  L.  Lemon,  Jr.,  a  deacon  in  the  church,  is  presently  (1976)  interim 

;i;tor  of  Norwood  Baptist  Church  in  Bedford  County. 

Jrover  M.   Turner  was   baptized   into  membership   of   the   church   in 

:)8  and  was  later  ordained  into  the  ministry.     He  was  born  January  29, 

)1,  in  Bedford  County,  a  son  of  Thomas  H.  and  Jennie  Snow  Turner. 

was  educated  at  Hargrave  Military  Academy  in  Chatham,  the  Uni- 

:  "sity  of  Richmond  and  the  Southern  Baptist  Theological  Seminary  in 

'uisville,  Ky. 

He  was  a  teacher  and  coach  at  Hargrave  Military  Academy  from 
19-1923  and  his  wife,  Mrs.  Daisy  Moses  Turner,  was  on  the  faculty  at 
,]»  academy  1920-1923.  He  was  a  pastor  in  Philippi,  West,  Va.,  from 
124-1936  when  he  became  pastor  of  Lee  Street  Baptist  Church  in  Dan- 
)ie.  He  was  active  in  the  organization  of  six  churches  in  the  Pittsyl- 
ijaia  Baptist  Association. 

•He  left  Danville  in  1948  to  become  president  of  Oak  Hill  Academy  at 
Wth  of  Wilson  and  was  instrumental  in  many  improvements  to  that 
ptist   school  which  he   served   until   his   retirement   in    1957.     Turner 

i  mnasium  at  the  school  is  named  in  his  honor. 
He  was  moderator  of  the  New  River  Baptist  Association  in  1955-1956. 

fJK>n  his  retirement  he  returned  to  Danville  and  died  December  15,  1958, 

r  his  home  in  that  city.    Burial  was  in  Danville. 

The  Rev.  Robert  C.  Wells,  who  served  as  pastor  of  the  church,  was  a 
aduate  of  Oak  Hill  Academy  and  taught  there  in  1940-1941.  He  was 
rn  May  11,  1906,  in  Knoxville,  Tenn.,  and  after  graduating  from  Oak 

:  11  Academy  received  the  Bachelor  of  Arts  degree  from  Carson-Newman 

■  liege   in  Jefferson   City,   Tenn.,    and   also   attended   the   New   Orleans 

.'.'ptist  Theological  Seminary  in  New  Orleans,  La. 
He  served  Baptist  churches   in   Virginia  and  Tennessee  for   25   years 

!  d  was  a  teacher  in  the  Virginia  public  school  system  for  22  years.  He 
is  clerk  of  the  New  River  Baptist  Association  in  1944. 

.  He  married  Miss  Ruth  Hash,  daughter  of  the  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Walter  A. 

Jish.    Mr.  Hash  had  been  associated  with  the  Buchanan  Mission  School 

:  Council,  Buchanan  County,  and  was  president  of  Oak  Hill  Academy 

"»m  1923-1948. 


i  The  earliest  record  of  Pecks  Baptist  Church,  southeast  of  Bedford,  is 
[ieed  dated  July  30,  1895,  for  two  and  one-third  acres  of  land  set  aside 
the  purpose  of  erecting  a  house  of  worship. 


This  deed  was  from  William  Turner,  Thomas  S.  McGhee  and  C 
Rucker  as  trustees  to  W.  H.  Wright,  P.  A.  Wade,  R.  D.  Johnson, 
Gardner  and  A.  C.  Parker  as  trustees  for  the  new  church. 

Mr.  Gardner  and  Mr.  Parker,  realizing  the  need  for  a  place  of  woi 
were   instrumental  in   organizing  the  church  with   30  members   as  I 
charter  membership. 

The  church  was  named  for  Thomas  M.  Peck  of  Grand  Rapids,  MJ 
whom  Mr.  Gardner  had  met  in  1888  in  Gettysburg,  Penn.     From  f 
friendship  came  support  from  Mr.  Peck  in  the  building  of  the  new  chi] 

Mr.  Peck  was  a  druggist  and  capitalist  well-known  for  his  deed 
charity.     He  was  born  Februray   16,   1834,  in  Newburgh,  N.  Y.,  an( 
1875  with  a  brother  settled  in  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.     In  1876  he  op« 
a    drug  business  in  that  city  and  was  engaged  in  banking,  industy  I 
real  estate.     He  was  a  liberal  contributor  to  many  charities  but  ml 
tained  secrecy  in  his  gifts.    He  was  a  member  and  trustee  of  Westmini 
Presbyterian  Church  in  Grand  Rapids,  Mich.     He  traveled  abroad  I 
his  art  collection  was  one  of  the  most  extensive  in  the  Middle  'Wl 
He  died  December   16,   1913,   as   a  result  of  complications  from   a  I 
several   days   earlier.     The   funeral   services   were   conducted    from 
residence  with  burial  in  Newburgh,  N.  Y. 

A  Sunday   School  addition   to  the  church  was  dedicated   August 
1954,  with  the  Rev.  M.  A.  Cumby  of  Roanoke  as  speaker. 

In  1959  the  church  built  additional  Sunday  School  rooms  and  v<i 
to  become  full-time  having  been  in  a  field  with  Quaker  Baptist  Chul 

In  1964  the  church  voted  to  build  a  parsonage. 

On  July  6,  1975,  the  church  dedicated  its  new  building  with  the  I 
Tearle  P.  Brown  of  Martinsburg,  West,  Va.,  as  speaker. 



The  history  of  Pleasant  View  Baptist  Church  on  Route  221  near  the 
Lynchburg  city  limits  dates  to  a  chapel  built  in   1875. 

Towards  the  end  of  the  War  Between  the  States  a  party  of  Confederate 
cavalry  was  doing  scout  duty  in  the  Blue  Ridge  Mountains  near  Lynch- 
burg. A  young  Maryland  soldier  of  Scotch  descent,  who  like  many 
another  had  survived  hairbreadth  escapades  in  the  course  of  the  four 
years,  became  separated  from  his  companions.  His  horse  stumbled 
and  fell,  the  soldier's  leg  was  broken,  and  he  spent  the  night  lost,  alone, 
and  helpless.  The  next  morning  a  neighboring  farmer,  looking  for 
,  straying  livestock,  found  the  young  man  and  carried  him  home,  where 
,  he  was  nursed  by  the  farmer's  women-folk,  including  his  slender  daughter, 


n     The  young  man  found  not  only  strength,  but  love  and  faith  came  to 

him  during  those   idyllic   days.     VTien  he   recovered,   Robert   Chambers 
*  and  Lucy  Vest  were  married,   and  young  Chambers  was   baptized   ini 

the   fellowship   of   Prospect   Baptist   Church   of   which    the    bride   was 
j  member. 

j  Soon  the  two  went  to  Baltimore,  Md.,  the  groom's  home;  but  the 
Confederate  veteran  did  not  fit  into  a  household  where  his  older  brother 
had  fought  on  the  victorious  Northern  side.  After  a  month's  visit,  he 
bade  good-by  to  his  prosperous  and  substantial  kin,  the  Courtlands 
and  Chambers,  and  returned  with  Lucy  to  the  farm  at  the  foot  of  the 
Peaks  of  Otter.     There   amid   the    austere   abundance   of   the   mountain 


farm,  he  bent  his  back  and  soul  to  the  task  of  building  in  those  R 
construction  days. 

In  1869,  or  early  1870,  Mr.  Chambers  and  his  family  moved  to  Be< 
ford  County  near  the  line  toward  Lynchburg,  to  a  hundred  acre  far 
which  he  had  bought.  The  white  frame  house,  green-shuttered  ar 
amply  verandaed,  stood  in  a  locust  grove  (which  gave  the  place 
name)  on  a  pleasant  hill-top.  It  faced  another  hill  which  soon  the  ne 
owner  dedicated  to  the  service  of  God,  building  there,  with  his  your 
kinsmen's  aid,  a  Baptist  chapel,  "Pleasant  View."  The  year  was  187 
According  to  the  minutes  of  Strawberry  Baptist  Association  which  wi 
meeting  in  its  99th  annual  session,  R.  M.  Chambers  was  a  leader 

According  to  the  records,  there  were  approximately  34  persons  in  tl 
congregation.    Worship  was  held  only  once  a  month  but  the  congregatic 
conducted  Sunday   School   weekly   for   12  months  per   year  instead  1 
the  usual  nine  months.    The  church  had  eight  Sunday  School  instructed 
with  50  students  and  "100  volumes  in  the  library." 

The  church  was  admitted  to  the  Strawberry  Association  at  its  annui 
meeting  in  1878. 

Until  1958  Pleasant  View  Church  was  on  a  field  with  Oakdale,  Terracj 
View  and  Forest  churches.  In  that  year  it  decided  to  call  a  full-tim1 
pastor  and  has  continued  to  do  so. 

In  the  beginning  the  church  met  in  a  one-room  building.  The  buildin 
was  remodeled  in  1922,  in  1952  two  classrooms  were  added  and  fou 
more  classrooms  were  added  in  1956. 

In  1958  a  parsonage  was  purchased  and  soon  after  this  the  congregatio 
began  to  think  of  purchasing  land  for  a  new  church  building.  In  196 
the  tract  of  land  on  which  the  present  building  stands  became  availabl 
and  the  price  of  the  approximately  six  acres  was  $3,500.  In  Decembei 
1961,  the  church  voted  to  erect  a  new  building  on  the  property.  Plan 
were  accepted  June  18,  1962,  and  the  contract  was  awarded  to  T.  M 
Sweeney  Co.  The  congregation  moved  into  the  new  building  on  th 
third  Sunday  in  May,  1963.  The  church  had  a  note  burning  servic 
March  2,  1969. 

The  following  improvements  to  the  church  building  and  grounds  hav 
been  made,  1968:  driveways  and  parking  lot  paved  with  asphalt,  1969 
first  floor  including  main  sanctuary  and  basement  air-conditioned 
1970:  wall-to-wall  carpeting  of  the  first  floor  including  main  sanctuary 
pastor's  study  and  both  stairways,  folding  doors  installed  to  enclost 
the  balcony  as  needed  for  class  space  and  to  divide  the  assembly  roon 
downstairs  for  additional  classes,  1974:  new  shrubbery  placed  arounc 
the  building  and  1975:  congregation  painted  downstairs  areas  and  out- 
side painted  by  contractor. 

The  year  1975  was  declared  Centennial  Year  for  the  church.  A  drama 
"Upon  This  Rock"  written  by  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Fred  Moody  and  Dr.  J.  G. 
Henry  was  enacted. 

On  May  7,  1975,  the  church  voted  to  construct  an  educational  building 
which  would  be  three  stories. 



,The  history  of  Quaker  Baptist  Church,  south  of  Route  24  near  Body 

imp,  is  associated  with  two  denominations,  each  beginning  in  homes 

i,  the  community,  and  the  change  of  names  of  both  groups. 

The  present  church  derives  its  name  from  the  first  denomination  to 

;?et  at  the  site  of  its  present  location,  the  Society  of  Friends  (Quakers). 

iM.  petition  dated  October  9,  1756,  to  the  South  River  Monthly  Meeting 

|jow  Quaker  Memorial  Presbyterian   Church)    at   Lynch's   Ferry    (now 

j'nchburg)   reads  "A  petition  of  John  Eccles  and  others  setting  forth 

ieir  desire  to  have   a   Monthly  Meeting   at  Goose  Creek   in   Bedford 

,i>unty,  Virginia,  was  received  and  referred  to  the  next  meeting."     The 

larterly  meeting  to  which  they  applied  did  not  question  their  standing 

U  Friends  or  as  a  Meeting  so  it  would  seem  that  an  organization  existed 

(ior  to  that  time. 

^The  monthly  meeting  set  up  held  its  first  session  September  15,  1757, 
KB  first  session  being  held  in  Goose  Creek  Meeting  House  and  Richard 
>irner  was  chosen  the  first  clerk. 

i(On  November  11,  1788,  a  meeting  was  officially  established  among 
riends  at  lower  Goose  Creek  and  it  was  given  the  name  Bedford 
feting.  Dissatisfaction  was  expressed  in  regards  to  the  name  Bedford 
eeting  and  in  process  of  time  and  common  useage  the  meeting  on 
rfficult  Creek  (a  branch  of  Goose  Creek)  became  known  as  Lower 
;x>se  Creek  Meeting  and  the  other  as  Upper  Goose  Creek  Meeting 
ear  the  present  Mount  Zion  Baptist  Church). 

t  Proof  of  the  location  of  the  Lower  Goose  Creek  Meeting  and  the 
esent  church  is  a  deed  dated  July  27,  1789,  between  Elijah  Turner 
id  his  wife,  Sarah,  and  Jehu  Lewis  and  his  wife,  Alice,  of  the  first 
irt,  and  Moses  Cadwalader,  John  Coffee  and  Joel  Lewis  of  the  second 
irt.    The  meeting  house,  a  corner  rock  still  stands  in  the  church  ceme- 


tery,   was   built  that  year.     Cadwalader,   Coffee  and  Joel   Lewis  \ 
named  in  July,  1789,  as  trustees  of  Lower  Goose  Creek  Meeting. 

In  the  meantime  a  Baptist  fellowship  in  the  community  begat 
form  and,  like  the  Society  of  Friends,  their  early  meetings  must  r 
been  in  the  homes  but  later  at  the  Lower  Goose  Creek  Meeting  Ho 
With  the  decline  of  Quaker  membership,  due  to  westward  migra 
and  Indian  troubles,  the  Lower  Goose  Creek  Meeting  House  was  ta 
over  as  a  place  of  worship  by  the  Baptists. 

The  Baptist  denomination  organized  their  church  in  1775  and  v 
constituted  the  next  year.  In  1805  the  church,  known  as  Difficult  Ci 
Baptist  Church,  was  admitted  to  the  Strawberry  Association.  At 
1806  session  of  the  association  the  delegates  representing  the  chi 
were  Henry  C.  Latham  and  John  Garrett. 

In  1831  the  church  was  responsible  for  the  constitution  in  1832 
Bunker  Hill  (now  Mount  Olivet)  Baptist  Church  with  28  members. 

At  a  business  session  of  the  church  in  January,  1899,  a  commi 
was  appointed  to  construct  a  new  building  and  Lee  Creasey  hired 
contractor.  The  committee  was  composed  of  Dr.  John  T.  Kincar 
M.  R.  Hubbard,  J.  G.  Leftwich,  P.  G.  Dowdy,  R.  E.  Wildman  and  A 
Hubbard.  The  building  was  dedicated  August  26-27,  1899,  with 
Rev.  W.  S.  Royall  speaker. 

At  a  business  session  of  the  church  January  7,  1939,  the  name 
officially  changed  from  Difficult  Creek  Baptist  Church  to  Quaker  Bap 
Church.  In  1949  the  Virginia  State  Conservation  and  Developm 
Commission  erected  a  highway  marker  on  Route  24  north  of  the  chu 
in  recognition  of  its  history. 

In    1951    the   church    purchased    a   pastorium   at   the    intersection 
Routes  24  and  43.     The  home,   built  in   1949,   was  purchased  from 
and  Mrs.  Tyree  L.  Campbell.     The  residence  was  dedicated  October 
1953,  with  Dr.  Wesley  N.  Laing  of  Richmond  speaker. 

An  incident  at  the  residence  the  night  of  January  1,  1956,  was  ass< 
ated  with  the  General  Assembly  of  Virginia  approving  a  "Peeping  To 
bill  on  March  2.  The  Rev.  Tearle  P.  Brown,  pastor,  was  returning  ho1 
when  he  noticed  a  Negro  male  "peeping"  into  the  residence;  the  subj 
was  later  apprehended  and  charged  with  trespassing  and  peeping.  1 
Bedford  County  Trial  Justice  Court  on  January  9  found  him  guilty 
disorderly  conduct.  The  case  was  appealed  to  the  Bedford  Coui 
Circuit  Court  which  nolle  prossed  the  case.  In  the  meantime  the  B 
ford  Town  Council  and  Bedford  County  Board  of  Supervisors  adop 
peeping  and  spying  laws,  to  be  fohowed  by  the  action  of  the  legislatu 

At  a  business  session  July  9,  1955,  the  church  named  committees 
follow  through  with  plans  by  the  church  to  erect  a  new  building.  1 
building  committee  was  composed  of  Raymond  J.  Dowdy,  Fred 
Overstreet,  Onie  E.  Williamson,  Owen  C.  Creasy  and  Cecil  C.  Overstre 
Roy  Burnette  was  hired  as  contractor.  The  building  was  dedical 
June  30,  1957,  with  the  Rev.  Tearle  P.  Brown  of  Danville  speaker. 

In  1966  the  church  purchased  from  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Lewis  A.  Mayh 
their  residence  on  Route  24  as  a  parsonage  and  the  former  pastorii 
was  sold  to  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Mack  H.  Crowder,  Jr. 

Two  members  of  the  church  entered  the  ministry  and  later  served 
pastor   of   the  church,    Zachariah   Whorley    and   Merriman   E.    Lunsfo 



'aul  Franklin  was  licensed  to  the  ministry  by  the  church,  being 
ined  later  at  Yellow  Branch  Baptist  Church  in  Campbell  County  of 
:h  he  was  pastor. 

>ur  that  made  their  profession  of  faith  at  the  church  later  entered 
ministry.     Samuel  Harris   (1806-1891)   joined  Difficult  Creek  Baptist 
rch   and  in    1838   was   ordained   in   Richmond.     He   lived   in   Louisa 
,nty  and  was  moderator  of  the  Goshen  Association  in  1845,  1847,  1857 
1860.     William  Logwood  Hatcher  (1806-1882),  grandson  of  the  Rev. 
miah  Hatcher,  was  converted  in  a  meeting   at   the  church   in   1831, 
licensed  by  Morgans  Baptist  Church  and  in  1843  ordained  in  Blacks- 
He  held  pastorates  in  Montgomery  and  Roanoke  Counties. 
>hn  P.  Franklin,  Jr.,  was  ordained   at  Lakewood  Baptist  Church  in 
:k  Mountain,  N.  C,  and  Nolan  R.  Crowder  entered  the  ministry  of 
-United  Methodist  denomination. 

ae  Rev.  Gilbert  M.  Profitt,  pastor  from  1968  until  his  retirement  in 
i  and  interim  pastor  in  1975-1976,  was  named  pastor  emeritus  of  the 
•ch  April  10,  1976. 

uried  in  unmarked  graves  in  the  old  Quaker  section  of  the  church 
jetery  are  Stephen  Goggin,  Jr.,  and  his  wife,  Rachel  Moorman  Goggin. 
y  were  the  great-grandparents  of  the  writer  Samuel  L.  Clemens 
irk  Twain)  and  his  brother,  Orion  Clemens,  acting  governor  of  the 
ritory  of  Nevada. 

hree  pastors  of  the  church  had  active  roles  in  the  educational  field 

ire  Rev.  James  C.  Leftwich  was  born  near  Bunker  Hill  on  January  31, 
},  a  son  of  the  Rev.  William  Leftwich,  Jr.,  and  Frances  Otey  Left- 
h.  About  1817  he  went  to  Franklin  County  to  be  engaged  in  mercan- 
|  business  for  a  brother.  He  accompanied  the  Rev.  Daniel  P.  Witt 
L  western  Virginia  on  mission  work.  He  was  married  January  15, 
>),  to  Miss  Ann  Bilbro  (February  2,  1810  -  November  15,  1881)  of 
^etourt  County.  They  were  the  parents  of  10  children,  including 
^nelia  Catherine  who  married  first  the  Rev.  William  W.  Fuqua  and 
ifmd  Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon. 

Orom  1849-1853  Mr.  Leftwich  was  president  of  the  Valley  Union 
f  ication  Society  of  Virginia,  chartered  in  1843  to  operate  a  school 
,3otetourt  Springs  (now  Hollins  College).  From  1846-1849  he  served 
general  agent  for  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  society. 
[This  school,  incorporated  in  1844  as  Valley  Union  Seminary,  was 
jamed  Hollins  Institute  in  1855  and  then  Hollins  College  in  1911. 
fi  was  the  successor  to  the  boarding  school  for  girls  opened,  about 
0,  on  West  Main  Street  in  Liberty  (now  Bedford).  From  this  grew 
1  iord  Female  Seminary  that  was  acquired  in  1839  by  Edward  William 
'nston  (1799-1867)  who  removed  the  school  the  same  year  to  Botetourt 
^ings  renaming  it  Roanoke  Female  Seminary. 

t  was  located  on  hotel  property  acquired  by  E.  W.  Johnston  from 
.  uncle,  Charles  Johnston  (1768-1833)  of  "Sandusky"  near  New  London. 
1842  it  was  again  offered  for  sale  and  purchased  by  the  Rev.  Joshua 
dley  of  New  York.  It  was  then  the  Valley  Union  Education  Society 
Virginia  was  formed  to  pay  for  the  seminary  to  be  used  by  all 
■  lominations. 


Mr.  Leftwich  died  July  2,  1852,  and  is  buried  in  the  Leftwich  fan 
cemetery  near  Bunker  Hill. 

The  Rev.  William  W.  Fuqua  left  as  pastor  of  Quaker  Church  in  1 
to  become  the  next  year  the  first  principal  of  Oak  Hill  Academy 
Mouth  of  Wilson. 

The  Rev.  John  T.  Kincanon  was  born  December  26,  1837,  near  Mar 
in  Smyth  County,   a   son  of  Francis   and  Martha   Kincanon.     He 
baptized  in   1858  in  the  south  fork  of  the  Holston  River  and  in   1 
licensed  to  the  ministry  in  Marion. 

He  was  educated  at  Emory  and  Henry  College  in  Marion,  Alleghj 
College  in  Blue  Sulphur  Springs,  West.  Va.,  (organized,  then  in  Virgii 
by  William  E.  Duncan  (1825-1912)  who  later  founded  Halesford  Acade 
in  Franklin  County)  and  Richmond  College,  where  he  was  later  a  trusl 

He  was  married  April  23,  1862,  to  Miss  Martha  Emma  Cole  (Septem 
28,  1840  -  November  17,  1882),  was  an  officer  in  the  Confederate  Sta 
Army  and  a  prisoner  of  war.  In  1865  he  was  ordained  at  Saint  Cla 
Bottom  Church  and  held  pastorates  in  Virginia  and  Tennessee.  Fr 
1872-1874  he  was  moderator  of  the  Lebanon  Association. 

On  September  16,  1885,  he  married  Mrs.  Cornelia  Catherine  Leftw 
Fuqua,  widow  of  the  Rev.  William  W.  Fuqua.    He  died  October  24,  1 
at  the  University  of  Virginia  Hospital  in  Charlottesville  and  with 
first  wife  is  buried  in  East  Hill  Cemetery  in  Bristol,  Va. 

He  helped  promote,  establish  and  was  part-owner  of  Bristol  Fern 
College  in  Bristol,  Tenn.  The  school,  first  known  as  The  Female  Ins 
tution,  was  chartered  in  1872  but  dated  its  founding  as  1866.  Dr.  K 
canon  was  general  agent  for  the  school,  known  later  as  Bristol  Femj 
Seminary  and  finally  as  Bristol  Female  College,  from  1874-1877,  sen 
on  its  Board  of  Regents  and  was  professor  of  moral  philosophy. 
1871  the  First  Baptist  Church  in  Goodson  (now  Bristol)  purchased 
school  from  Dr.  Kincanon  and  its  last  records  were  in  1882. 



The  history  of  Radford  Baptist  Church  near  Moneta  dates  its  orgar 
zation  in  1898  as  a  union  church  for  Baptist  and  Methodist  denominatior 

The  land  for  the  church  was  given  by  Miss  Sis  Martin  and  Miss  Eli 
Martin  but  not  not  recorded  until  1903. 

In  1900  a  group  gathered  and  decided  to  build  a  church.  Only  a  sma 
amount  of  lumber  was  available  so  only  a  hull  of  a  building,  withoi 
a  ceiling,  was  constructed.  It  was  used  for  three  years  as  a  summ< 
meeting  place  due  to  its  construction. 

In  1901  a  Sunday  School  was  organized  with  D.  W.  Saunders  i 

In  1902  more  lumber  was  obtained  and  the  ceiling  was  complete 
for  year-round  services.  The  building  was  finally  completed  in  19C 
and  dedicated. 



i!|i[n  1914  the  church  experienced  a  great  revival  with  30  heing  baptized 

Bowyer's  Creek. 

[n    1935    the   Baptist    denomination    purchased    the    property    of    the 

ithodist  denomination,  the  Methodist  members  transferring  to  Bethle- 

m  Methodist  Church  in  Moneta, 
I  tn  1936  the  first  remodeling  of  the  church  was  made,  with  new  windows 

d  wings  added  for  Sunday  School  rooms. 

In  1955  the  Rev.  and  Mrs.  Edgar  P.  Roberson  donated  two  large  pulpit 
airs  to  the  church.  In  1957  the  church  purchased  new  pews  and 
ilpit  and  added  Sunday  School  rooms  with  the  dedication  and  corner- 
>ne  laying  on  June  16. 

In  1964  the  church  built  a  parsonage  across  the  road  from  the  church; 
is  was  completed  the  next  year  and  a  full-time  pastor  was  called, 
sin  1973  a  steeple  was  added  to  the  church  with  Mrs.  Margaret  Martin 
mating  a  bell  from  her  home-place.  Mrs.  Martin,  94  years  old,  rang 
e  bell  for  the  first  time  at  homecoming  services.  The  children  of 
r.  and  Mrs.  Earl  Tuck  on  their  50th  wedding  anniversary  presented 
e  church  a  new  organ  in  honor  of  their  parents. 


The  Rainbow  Forest  Baptist  Mission,  located  west  of  Route  460  between 
ue  Ridge  and  Coyner's  Springs  in  Botetourt  County,  was  formed  in 


cThe  Rainbow  Forest  sub-division  set  aside  land  for  a  church  and  with 
e  help  of  Dr.  Harry  Y.  Gamble  and  the  Rev.  C.  Lawrence  Dodson  of 


Roanoke  the  site  was  purchased  by  the  Roanoke  Baptist  Missionary  an< 
Social  Union  Inc.,  the  missionary  arm  of  the  Roanoke  Valley  Baptis 

The  Rev.  T.  Robert  Brown  of  Vinton  and  the  Rev.  W.  J.  Yeaman  o 
Roanoke  were  leaders  in  the  organization  of  the  mission  which  me 
in  the  Rainbow  Forest  Recreation  Center. 

The  mission  was  organized  into  Rainbow  Forest  Baptist  Church  on 
April  11,  1967.  Construction  for  the  new  building  was  begun  in  1968 
and  the  first  services  held  in  the  new  church  Januray  8,  1969. 

The  Rev.  Phillip  C.  Day  became  the  first  pastor,  assisted  by  the  Rev. 
Garney  E.  Day. 


Sedalia  Baptist  Church  on  the  Big  Island  road  had  its  beginning  as 
early  as  1910  and  the  Rev.  James  P.  Luck  can  be  regarded  as  its  founder. 

About  this  time  Baptist  people  living  around  Sedalia  begin  to  talk  of 
building  a  church  and  Mr.  Luck  became  interested  and  started  to  work 
with  the  people. 

A  Sunday  School  was  started  and  met  in  the  school  building  at  Sedalia 
during  the  summer  months  and  Mr.  Luck  preached  there  once  a  month. 
He  did  not  live  to  see  the  church  built. 

After  much  discussion  for  and  against,  it  was  decided  definitely  to 

The  land  on  which  the  church  stands  was  purchased  from  C.  R.  Arring- 
ton  on  July  17,  1911.    It  contained  two  acres  and  cost  two  hundred  dollars. 

Reed  Forbes  and  sons  drew  the  plans  and  built  the  church. 

Interested  men  of  the  community  gave  the  trees  from  their  farms, 
cut  and  hauled  them  on  wagons  to  the  saw  mill  to  be  sawed  into  lumber 


1  then  hauled  the  lumber  to  the  newly  purchased  lot  and  work  on 
'building  began. 

ie  ladies  .being  anxious  to  help,  formed  "The  Ladies'  Aid  and 
ionary  Society"  and  went  to  work  to  help  raise  money, 
ley  planned  entertainments  such  as  plays,  oyster  suppers  and  ice 
m  suppers.  Large  numbers  of  people  attended  and  good  sums  were 
,zed.  Other  money  making  projects  were  making  and  selling  quilts 
giving  all  eggs  laid  on  Sunday  to  be  sold  and  money  added  to  the 
;ury.  They  gave  half  of  all  money  made  to  the  building  fund  and 
to  missions, 
ie  church  building  was  completed  early  in  1914. 

'he  church  was  organized  on  July  29,  1914.  The  Rev.  A.  J.  Coon, 
tor  of  Suck  Spring  Baptist  Church,  acting  as  moderator,  called  a 
ncil  composed  of  the  following:  J.  A.  Wildman,  T.  M.  Turpin,  H.  A. 
'ks,  William  Foster,  Sam  Witt,  R.  H.  Major  and  William  Odgen  who 
ed  themselves  to  be  a  church  named  Sedalia  Baptist  Church, 
'his  council  accepted  the  following  additional  names  for  membership: 
;.  Gertie  Long,  Mrs.  Lizzie  Parks,  Mrs.  Mary  Watson,  Mrs.  Berta 
:*pin,  Miss  Nina  Burks,  Miss  Martha  Watson,  Miss  Lucy  Parks,  Miss 
tie  Wildman,  Mrs.  Viola  Hatcher,  Charlie  Sanderson,  Will  Turpin, 
i.  Hallie  Tomlinson,  Mrs.  Fon  Arrington,  Mrs.  Sam  Witt  and  Mrs.  J.  A. 
.dm  an. 

'he  church  covenant  was  read  and  adopted, 
'hey  proceeded  immediately  to  elect  church  officers, 
lunday  School  was  organized  with  63  members   and  was  in  session 
only  three  months  the  first  year, 
.''he  church  was  received  into  the  association  in  1914. 


The  first  revival  services  were  held  in  the  late  summer  of  1914.  Ei 
men  and  seven  women  made  professions  and  were  baptized  in  R< 
Creek  which  flows  near  the  church. 

Two  other  men  joined  the  church  at  this  same  time  by  letters  5 
one  by  statement. 

One  half  of  the  church  property  was  laid  off  in  cemetery  lots  wh 
were  sold  for  five  and  ten  dollars  according  to  size  of  the  lot.  T 
money  was  to  be  kept  in  a  separate  fund  called  "a  sinking  fund"  to 
used  only  for  the  up-keep  of  the  cemetery. 

The  Woman's  Missionary  Union  was  organized  in  1916  replacing 
Ladies'  Aid  and  Missionary  Society. 

The  church  was  dedicated  October  15,  1916,  with  Dr.  Hugh  C.  Sm 
of  Bedford  speaker. 

In  May,  1919,  the  first  wedding  was  performed  in  the  church  wl 
Harry  Parks  and  Katie  Wildman  were  married. 

By  the  late  1930's  changes  were  taking  place.  Electricity  was  instal 
in  the  church,  the  envelope  system  for  offerings  was  begun  and 
every-member  canvas  made.  The  pastor's  retirement  plan  was  adopt 
a  sexton  employed  and  the  first  finance  committee  appointed. 

In  1944  the  church  agreed  to  go  in  with  two  other  Baptist  churcl 
and  call  a  pastor  at  a  salary  of  $1200.00  a  year.  Each  of  the  thi 
churches  were  to  have  one  morning  and  one  evening  service  a  mor 
and  give  the  pastor  the  privilege  of  preaching  at  another  church 
Sunday  a  month. 

Later  in  the  1940's  the  church  called  a  pastor  on  half-time  basis,  th 
adopted  the  uniform  budget  plan  and  six  point  record  system,  a 
graded  the  Sunday  School  according  to  ages. 

Curtains  that  could   be   easily  put   in   place   and   taken  down   w 
designed   to   divide   the  sanctuary  into  Sunday   School   rooms   and 
Vacation   Bible  School   departments.     These  curtains   were  used  un 
the  educational  building  was  built. 

In  1950  a  furnace  was  installed. 

A  two-story  educational  building  was  added  to  the  back  of  tl 
sanctuary  in  1954  and  a  baptistery  was  installed  at  the  same  time. 

Since  the  church  did  not  have  a  water  system  an  arrangement  w 
made  for  rain  water  from  the  roof  to  run  into  the  baptistry.  This  buil 
ing  was  dedicated  July  11,  1954. 

Next  a  parsonage  was  built  on  a  corner  of  the  church  property  ai 
dedicated  on  May  21,  1961. 

A  well  was  drilled  at  the  same  time. 

In  1963  the  church  decided  to  go  full-time  and  Rev.  Johnny  C.  McBric 
was  the  first  full-time  pastor. 

Later  in  the  1960's  the  pulpit  was  remodeled  and  the  choir  rearrange 
a  new  carpet  laid  on  pulpit  floor  and  down  middle  aisle  of  the  sanctuarj 

The   old   organ    that    was    bought    when    the   church    was    built    w;j 
electrified  and  a  new  piano  purchased. 

The  church  constitution  was  written  in  1966  and  adopted  on  January 



6ln  the  early  1960's  the  church  bought  one  acre  of  land  that  joined  the 
fiurch  property  and  added  it  to  the  cemetery. 

Easter    Sunday,    1973,    the    church    observed    its    first    Easter    sunrise 

rvice  conducted  by  the  pastor,  the  Rev.  Jack  Miller. 

Carpet  was  installed  on  the  outside  aisles  of  the  sanctuary  in  1973, 
1  gift  from  Robert  Arrington. 


Shady  Grove  Baptist  Church  between  Thaxton  and  Stewartsville  was 
rganized  in  1859  and  its  first  building  was  a  hewed  log  structure  erected 

m  one-half  acre  of  land  given  by  Irvin  Bowles. 
This  building  was  used  as  a  house  of  worship  by  Baptist  and  Methodist 
mgregations.     In  1880  the  old  log  building  was  torn  down  and  a  new 

3ame  building  was  erected  on  the  same  site.  This  structure  was  dedi- 
ited  in  October,  1880,  and  was  used  by  both  Baptists  and  Methodists 
>r  a  number  of  years.     However,   when  the  Methodists  ceased  to  use 

nis  building  for  worship  purposes  it  was  left  entirely  for  the  use  of  the 

I  Later   the   church    obtained   one    acre   of    land,    adjoining    the   church 

L  operty,  from  Dr.  Fuqua.     In  1916  additional  land  was  purchased  from 

L  B.  Bramlett  for  a  church  cemetery.  In  1930  a  legacy  of  several  hundred 
hilars  was  received  from  the  estate  of  B.  A.  Bramlett  which  was  used 

,  ir  making  repairs  and  painting  the  .building.  At  various  times  the 
lurch  purchased  several  more  acres  of  land  from  Fields  Bramlett  for 
iditions  to  the  cemetery  and  facilitating  other  improvements. 


In  October,  1949,  the  church  voted  to  build  a  parsonage  so  th? 
the  pastors  of  the  church  could  live  in  the  community.  G.  H.  Burkholde 
gave  about  one-third  of  an  acre  of  land  a  quarter  of  a  mile  east  of  thl 
church  for  this  purpose.  S.  C.  B.  St.Clair  and  H.  B.  Sublett  took  the  lea 
in  the  work  of  building  and,  along  with  the  help  of  others  in  the  churc 
and  community,  the  parsonage  was  completed.  A  home-coming  cele 
bration  was  held  October  17,  1954,  at  which  time  there  was  a  note-burr! 
ing  ceremony  for  the  loan  on  the  parsonage. 

A  great  step  forward  was  taken  May  6,  1959,  when  the  church  vote 
to  adopt  plans  furnished  by  the  Architectural  Department  of  the  Sunda; 
School  Board  of  the  Southern  Baptist  Convention  for  a  new  sanctuar 
and  education  building.  To  celebrate  the  100th  anniversary  of  th! 
church,  a  homecoming  celebration  and  ground-breaking  ceremony  for  th 
new  educational  building,  was  held  June  21,  1959.  Dr.  Frank  Voigh 
of  the  Sunday  School  Department  of  Virginia  was  the  speaker.  Thi 
day  was  also  significant  in  that  $4,963  was  raised  for  the  work  of  build 
ing.  The  pastor  and  people  urged  that  100  persons  give  $100.00  thi! 
day.    A  fine  spirit  of  unity  and  cooperation  was  evident. 

The  work  of  construction  began  immediately  with  W.  W.  Emersoi 
as  the  contractor.  Members  of  the  church  and  friends  donated  mud 
of  the  labor.  A  great  fellowship  was  enjoyed  by  all  who  participate* 
in  the  work.  Harry  StClair,  Oscar  Brown  and  J.  Henry  Powers  wen 
the  building  committee.  At  a  homecoming  celebration,  July  25,  1965 
a  note-burning  ceremony  was  conducted  on  the  loan  for  the  educationa 
building.  At  the  same  time  a  special  offering  was  received  to  go  towarc 
the  construction  of  the  new  sanctuary.    The  sum  of  $2,502.55  was  raised 

The  church  voted  at  its  regular  business  meeting  May  4,  1966,  to  star 
construction  on  the  sanctuary  on  or  before  July  15,  1966,  and  that  « 
homecoming  celebration  and  fund  raising  drive  be  conducted  July  24 
1966.  A  Bedford  contractor,  Paul  E.  Overstreet,  was  selected  to  do  thi: 
construction  and  the  same  building  committee  was  also  asked  to  super- 
vise this  work. 

Having  engaged  in  this  extensive  building  program  the  church  con- 
tinued to  grow  and  further  expansion  became  necessary,  therefore  at 
its  regular  business  session  in  August,  1972,  the  church  voted  that  th 
same  building  committee,  namely  J.  Henry  Powers,  Harry  St.Clair  and 
Oscar  Brown,  supervise  the  construction  of  six  additional  Sunday  School 
rooms  and  two  rest  rooms  on  the  east  side  of  the  sanctuary.  The  plans 
for  this  addition  were  accepted  in  November,  1972,  and  Nelson  Boothe 
a  member  of  the  congregation,  was  elected  as  the  contractor.  The  dedi- 
cation service  for  this  addition  was  conducted  July  30,  1973,  with  Rev 
Marvon  Patterson  delivering  the  dedicatory  message.  He  was  pastor 
of  the  church  at  the  time  this  entire  building  program  began  in  1959. 

In  March,  1971,  the  church  purchased  three  and  one-half  acres  of  land 
from  the  G.  H.  Burkholder  estate,  adjoining  the  church  property,  for 
further  expansion  purposes.  In  November,  1973,  the  church  received  a 
gift  of  six-tenths  acre  of  land,  next  to  the  first  parsonage,  to  make  that 
area  equal  to  a  full  acre.  This  was  given  by  O.  B.  Crawford  of  Roanoke 
who  had  purchased  part  of  the  Burkholder  estate.  The  Strawberry 
Association  held  its  annual  meeting  at  Shady  Grove  Church  in  October, 
1969,  with  215  registered  guests. 



In  the  115  years  of  the  history  of  Shady  Grove  Church  there  have 
feen  only  five  who  have  served  as  clerk.  This  is  a  remarkable  record 
rid  the  church  is  to  be  congratulated.     James   M.   Moore,   first   church 

erk,  served  17  years.  He  was  followed  by  William  H.  Powers  who 
jjrved  for  21  years.  The  third  clerk,  A.  S.  St.Clair,  served  for  over  a 
|  alf  century,  52  years.  Harry  St.Clair,  fourth  clerk,  occupied  that 
ffice  for  eight  years.  J.  Henry  Powers,  was  elected  in  1958  and  is  still 
irving  in  that  capacity. 

Shady  Grove  Church,  in  the  shadow  of  Porter's  Mountain,  in  a  fertile 
.alley  of  Bedford  County,  has  one  of  the  finest  rural  church  plants  in 
pe  Strawberry  Association.  This  is  one  of  the  finest  examples  of  a 
lurch  that  realizing  its  need  to  build,  engaged  in  an  extensive  con- 
xuction  program,  until  they  achieved  their  objective.  The  united  effort 
f  a  willing  people,  dedicated  in  the  service  of  God,  has  accomplished 
in  outstanding  work.  Shady  Grove  Church  is  making  a  profound  impact 
,ji  the  total  spiritual  life  of  her  community  and  in  the  life  and  work  of 
trawberry  Association. 


s  One  of  the  oldest  churches  in  Bedford  County  is  Staunton  Baptist 
Church,  southwest  of  Huddleston,  and  one  of  few  churches  to  derive  its 
i'  ame  from  a  woman. 

P  The   church   is  located   near   what   was   once   Anthony's   Ford   on   the 
toanoke  (Staunton)  River  now  the  waters  of  Smith  Mountain  Lake. 
The  church  was  organized  in  1790  with  the  first  meeting  house  saulh 





of  the  present  church  on  the  sotrtfa  side  of  Route  626.    This  meeting  ho 
was  known  as  Moody  Meeting  House  of  Stanton  Church. 

The  church  minutes  of  April  11,  1790,  read  "We  the  Baptist  Church 
Christ  on  Stanton,  at  the  mouth  of  Black  Water,  .being  constituted, 
number  being  32.    By  the  Reverend  Brethren  to  wit  —  William  Johns 
John  Anthony,  Thomas  Douglass  and  we  have  chosen  Brother  John 
for  our  pastor  and  have  given  him  charge  of  us." 

The  church  was  on  the  river  which  officially  bears  a  dual  name  fr 
the  Franklin-Roanoke-Bedford  County  line  to  the  Virginia -North  Cai 
lina  line  at  Buggs  Island  and  is  spelled  both  Stanton  and  Staunton 
was  on  the  north  side  of  the  river  (now  lake)  where  Blackwater  ~Rv 
enters  the  stream  at  the  Bedford-Franklin  County  line. 

The  name  Staunton  from  which  the  church  derives  its  name,  by  vi 
of  the  river  name,  comes  from  Lady  Rebecca  Staunton  Gooch,  wife 
Governor  Sir  William  Gooch  of  Virginia. 

Governor  Gooch  named  a  group  of  commissioners  to  run  the  Nor 
Carolina- Virginia  boundary  and  one  of  these  commissioners  was  0 
William  Byrd  II.  He  applied  the  name  Staunton  to  the  river  in  1' 
when  the  commissioners  came  upon  it,  designating  it  to  honor  the  w 
of  the  governor. 

Lady    Rebecca    Staunton    Gooch,    daughter    of    William    Staunton 
Hampton,    Middlesex,    England    (now    part    of    the    London    borough 
Richmond  upon  Thames),  was  bom  in  1690  and  died  between  1773  a 
1775  at  her  home  in  Bath,  England.     Sir  William  Gooch   (1681-1751) 
buried  in  the  east  wall  of  the  north  chancel  aisle  of  St.  Nicholas  Pari 
Church  in  Great  Yarmouth,  Norfolk,  England.     He  served  as  lieutenar 
governor  of  Virginia  1727-1740  and   1741-1749. 

The  first  meeting  house  of  Staunton  Church  was  built  of  logs,  t 
size  about  30  feet  by  18  feet.  Two  mighty  white  oaks  stand  guard  ov 
the  stone  foundation  and  part  of  one  log  that  was  this  first  meetii 

No  deed  appears  on  record  for  a  meeting  house  until  1844  when  Dav 
Saunders  conveyed  one  acre  and  35  rods  to  the  treasurer  of  the  Bapti 
Society  at  the  Moody  Meeting  House. 

In  the  spring  of  1877  the  members  thought  it  advisable  to  move  th€ 
place  of  worship  to  the  Pleasant  Grove  School  House  across  the  ro£ 
from  the  present  church.  There  they  worshipped  until  1884  when  tl 
present  building  was  completed. 

In  business  session  April  23,  1883,  a  building  committee  was  name 
to  serve  as  trustees,  P.  Anthony,  D.  R  Hensley,  J.  S.  Saunders,  M.  1 
English  and  T.  P.  Plymale  with  James  Allen  later  added  to  the  committe 
In  1883  the  church  obtained  from  Jordan  Martin  the  land  upon  whic 
the  present  church  stands. 

A  cemetery  was  added  to  the  church  grounds  with  land  obtained  fror 
William  and  Z.  Coleman.  Additional  land  was  purchased  with  th 
cmpletion  of  the  Smith  Mountain  hydroelectric  plant  in  the  gap  of  th 
mountain  since  it  was  necessary  for  Appalachian  Power  Co.  to  mov 
cemeteries  from  the  reservoir  to  nearby  churches. 

For  the  longest  years  of  service  at  Staunton  Church,  mention  shoul 
be  given  to  the  Rev.  Abner  Anthony,  pastor  for  39  years;  A.  V.  Anthony 


k  for  57  years,   and  W.  D.   Franklin,  Sunday   School  superintendent 
I  32  years. 

c|fi  the  late  1950's  and  early  1960's  the  church  was  renovated  inside. 
Ine  time  later  carpeting  was  furnished   for  the   main   auditorium   by 

nlftis  English  and  William  English  of  Altavista  in  memory  of  relatives 

irl/ied  at  the  church.  The  pulpit  furniture  was  furnished  by  the  James  N. 
|  mders  family. 

)ue  to  increased  Sunday  School  attendance  it  was  seen  advisable  for 

tre  rooms  to  be  added  to  the  church  and  on  July  11,   1971,  three  new 

iday  School  rooms  were  completed  and  moved  into.     A  vestibule  has 

^•n  added,  the  gift  of  the  children  of  W.   S.   and  Nellie  J.   Martin   in 
ir  memory. 

,)n  April  9,  1950,  the  church  observed  its  100th  anniversary.  Speaker 
the  morning  service  was  the  Rev.  Penn  A.  Anthony  and  for  the 
arnoon  service  Miss  Annie  Mae  Broyles  of  Roanoke. 
Seven  have  entered  the  ministry  from  the  church,  John  Black  in  1802, 
jke  Bird  in  1809,  Joseph  Burroughs  in  1819,  Abner  Anthony  in  1826, 
:k  Hail  in  1832,  Charles  L.  Anthony  in  1879  and  Penn  A.  Anthony  in 

n  1805  Moody  Meeting  House  was  the  church  that  extended  an  arm 
Meadow  Ridge  School  House  in  its  organization,  the  church  later 
;oming  Palestine  Baptist  Church. 

3rhe  Rev.  William  Johnson,  first  pastor  of  Staunton  Church,  was  the 
>t  moderator  of  the  Strawberry  Association. 

-jdCe  was  born  about  1735,  a  son  of  Ashley  Johnson  who  married  October 
(  1734,  Miss  Martha  Woodey.  Ashley  Johnson  was  a  son  of  John 
nnston  who  married  Miss  Lucretia  Massey  of  New  Kent  County  in 

l  May,  1771,  the  Rev.  William  Johnson  was  a  delegate  from  Bucking- 
m  County  to  the  organization  in  Orange  County  of  the  General  Associ- 
on  of  Separate  Baptists  in  Virginia.     He  was  the  first  pastor  of  Rocks 

-,ptist  Church  in  Prince  Edward  County  when  it  was  organized  in  1772 
,d  was  pastor  of  Wreck  Island  (now  Red  Oak)  Baptist  Church  in 
ipomattox  County  and  Gills  Creek  Baptist  Church  in  Franklin  County. 
.While  living  in  Albemarle  County  he  was  a  signer  of  the  declaration 

,»m   that   county   to  the   Virginia  convention   asking   for   independence 

.>m  England  and,  while  living  in  Bedford  County,  furnished  provisions 
•  soldiers   in   the   Revolutionary   War. 

In  1794  he  moved  to  Knox  County,  Tenn.  In  1802  he  was  elected 
e  first  moderator  of  the  Tennessee  Baptist  Association  (now  the  Knox 
junty  Association  of  Baptists)  and  was  reelected  in  1803.  He  was  a 
'amber  of  Boyd's  Creek  Baptist  Church  in  Sevier  County,  Tenn.,  and 
ed  February  26,  1814,  after  an  illness  of  more  than  a  year. 
Among  the  ministers  present  at  the  1790  organization  of  Moody  Meet- 
g  House  was  the  Rev.  John  Anthony,  Jr.     From  this  family  has  come 

■ars  of  leadership  in  Staunton  Church  and  Baptists  in  Virginia  and 

"His  son,  the  Rev.  Abner  Anthony,  served  as  pastor  of  Stanton  Church 
id  was  the  first  pastor  of  Meadow  Ridge  School  House  meeting  that 

i -came  Palestine  Baptist  Church.     He  died  March  3,   1884,  at  his  home 

1  Bedford  County. 


Two  of  his  sons  entered  the  ministry,  the  Rev.  Charles  L.  Anth 
and  the  Rev.  Perm  A.  Anthony. 

The  Rev.  Charles  L.  Anthony  was  born  April  21,  1837,  at  "Cedar  ij 
on  the  Roanoke  (Staunton)  River  at  Anthony's  Ford.  He  made 
profession  of  faith  at  Meadow  Ridge  (now  Palestine)  Baptist  Chi 
and  was  ordained  at  Staunton  Baptist  Church.  He  held  pastorates 
Amherst,  Campbell,  Bedford  and  Franklin  Counties  and  taught  in 
Bedford  County  school  system.  He  served  in  the  Confederate  St 
Army,  was  never  married  and  died  February  1,  1922,  at  his  home 
Bedford  County. 


The  history   of  Suck  Spring  Baptist  Church  near  Peaksville  can 
back  to  1802-1803  when  the  great  revival  which  began  in  the  Roan( 
Association   and   spread   into    the   Strawberry    Association    and   beca 
more   intense  in   Little   Otter    (now   Bedford)    Baptist  Church   than 
any  other  church. 

A  result  of  the  revival  was  the  planting  of  two  churches,  Suck  Spr 
with  28  members  in  1805  and  Timber  Ridge  with  40  members.     The  R 
Isham  Fuqua,  pastor  of  Little  Otter  Church,  also  served  as  pastor  of 
new  churches. 

The  earliest  records  of  the  church  must  not  have  been  kept,  or  m 
destroyed  by  fire,  as  they  are  preserved  only  from  the  year  1839,  thoi 
it  was  organized  in  1805. 

The  church  has  had  three  houses  of  worship,  the  first  of  unhewn  1< 
located  lower  down  Yellow  Stone  Creek  and  which  later  burned.  T 
second,  40  x  30  feet  of  hewn  logs  and  standing  between  the  first  a 
the  present  church.     The  present  building  was  begun  about  1860.     CI 


as  dug  on  the  lot  and  the  brick  was  made  there.  Our  forefathers 
.'11  us  that  the  foundation  was  dug  down  to  solid  rock,  and  around  all 
j>ur  walls  it  was  as  deep  as  a  man's  shoulder  in  some  parts.     The  walls 

arted  upon  solid  rock.  After  the  close  of  the  Civil  War  the  formal 
Indication  of  the  church  took  place,  approximately  1868. 

In  the  past,  black  and  white  members  worshipped  together.  In  the 
ear  1840  white  membership  was  233,  black  membership  97.  The  church 
;ill  has  the  balcony  which  was  reserved  for  the  slaves  in  pre-war  times. 
he  church  had  side  doors  for  the  slaves  to  enter. 

I  In  1870  the  church  was  heavily  indebted  and  plans  were  made  to  put 
le  property  up  for  public  auction.  Members  rallied  and  raised  $800.00. 
he  debt  was  paid  off  and  the  auction  was  not  held. 

In  1877,  the  members  agreed  to  raise  money  "for  the  spread  of  the 
ospel"  in  an  amount  that  would  equal  one  cent  per  week  for  each 
rhite  member. 

There  has  been  a  missionary  society  since  the  1800's.  It  is  recorded 
i  the  church  minutes  that  in  1887  they  had  $3.05  on  hand  from  the  old 
lissionary  society  and  it  was  forwarded  to  the  Home  Mission  Board.  In 
893  a  new  missionary  society  was  organized  and  the  officers  were  men. 
'ery  little  information  is  in  the  records  concerning  leaders  or  members. 

In  October,  1888,  a  revival  was  held  by  the  Rev.  James  P.  Luck,  as- 
Lsted  by  W.  L.  Lemon,  and  13  were  baptized. 

i  In  the  early  years  of  the  church,  matters  of  discipline  were  important 
l  the  business  meetings.  Members  were  called  before  the  church  to 
ive  an  account  of  unchristian  conduct,  such  as  drinking,  profanity, 
bsenteeism  from  services  or  business  meetings  and  failure  to  contribute 
o  the  support  of  the  church.  In  most  cases,  they  would  acknowledge  the 
in  and  were  forgiven  and  fully  restored.  If  the  members  were  not 
epentant  and  continued  in  unchristian  conduct,  their  names  were  re- 
aoved  from  the  church  roll. 

In  October,  1902,  a  revival  was  held  with  24  baptized.  The  following 
omment  was  made  "the  church  experienced  one  of  the  most  glorious 
evivals  ever  known  to  many  of  its  members." 

In  November,  1915,  Thomas  B.  Hawkins  was  licensed  to  preach  and 
rater  served  as  a  foreign  missionary  in  South  America. 
1  In  December,  1915,  a  committee  was  appointed  to  see  how  much  money 
'ould  be  raised  to  build  Sunday  School  rooms,  estimated  cost  —  $1,200.20; 
■lay,  1917  voted  to  drop  plans  for  building  Sunday  School  rooms.  In 
i  949,  additional  Sunday  School  rooms  were  built. 

I  In    September,    1921,    two    members    were   ordained    to    the    ministry, 
kobert  P.  and  A.  E.  Welch. 


|]  In  August,  1925,  39  persons  were  baptized  into  fellowship  of  the  church 

bllowing  revival  services,  the  Rev.  G.  S.  Ellyson  guest  speaker. 

In  May,  1954,  the  church  went  on  full-time  service. 

A  new  parsonage  was  completed  in  1955,  a  six-room  brick  structure, 
osting  approximately  $16,000.00. 

In  1956  due  to  a  conflict  in  beliefs  there  was  a  division  in  the  church 
vith  approximately  75  members  leaving  to  form  Temple  Baptist  Church 
jiear  Kelso   (now  Longwood  Avenue  Baptist  Church  in  Bedford). 


In  December,   1957,   the  church  voted  to  build  the  present  vestibu 
and  nursery  rooms  at  the  front  of  the  church.    On  October  7,  1973,  groui  ■:■' 
was  broken  for  an  educational  building. 

Figures  do  not  always  give  the  true  picture  of  the  life  of  a  churc; 
We  feel  the  church  has  made  the  community  a  better  place  to  live  aq 
Christian  love  is  ministered  to  the  needy. 

Looking  backward  for  inspiration  and  ever  forward  in  faith,  olj  ';:: 
church  can  be  an  ever  present  witness  to  the  world  about  us,  that  Jesq  ;;: 
Christ  is  the  hope  of  the  ages. 





Terrace  View  Baptist  Church,  located  northwest  of  New  London  at  the 
intersection  of  Routes  704  and  705,  first  was  a  place  of  worship  for  three 
denominations:  Baptist,  Brethren  and  Methodist. 

Prior  to  the  erection  of  a  church,  Sunday  School  was  held  at  Edgewood 
School.  Services  were  sometimes  held  in  an  arbor  below  where  the 
church  now  stands,  these  being  conducted  by  Booker  Padgett,  the  Rev. 
B.  H.  Funk  and  the  Rev.  Walter  G.  Hughes. 

In  1919  realizing  the  need  for  a  church  the  people  of  the  community 
met  to  formulate  plans  for  building  a  church.  William  W.  Parker, 
Donald  Parker  and  O.  C.  Rucker  donated  two  acres  of  land  to  build  the 
church  upon,  and  the  name  of  Terrace  View  was  derived  from  the  Rucker 
farm  known  as  Terrace  View  Farm. 

Trees  for  lumber  were  contributed  by  A.  T.  Newman  and  V.  T.  Bur- 
ford  and  it  is  reported  Mr.  Burford  rode  horseback  all  one  day  soliciting 
funds,  reporting  $1,200  at  the  end  of  the  day. 


die  church  was  dedicated,  debt  free,  in  the  summer  of  1920  with 
takers  being  the  Rev.  Luther  C.  Coffman  of  the  Brethren,  the  Rev. 
lliam  S.  Royall  of  the  Baptist  and  the  Rev.  W.  L.  Mays  of  the  Methodist. 
l"ne  first  members  of  the  Brethren  denomination  were  those  transferred 
i:m  Antioch  Church  of  the  Brethren  and  the  Rev.  Luther  C.  Coffman 
s  elected  the  first  Brethren  pastor  serving  from  1920-1927. 
-["wo  members  of  the  church  were  ordained  into  the  Brethren  ministry, 
;.bert  N.  Whitten  and  his  son,  Hubert  N.  Whitten,  Jr. 
Vith  increase  in  membership,  five  Sunday  School  rooms  and  a  vestibule 
ve  been  added,  and  in  the  summer  of  1971  the  building  was  brick-cased. 
The  Rev.  Luther  C.  Coffman,  who  served  as  Brethren  pastor,  had  the 
tinction  of  serving  as  the  Baptist  pastor  of  the  church  from  1932-1942. 
An  outstanding  educator,  minister  and  farmer,  he  was  born  August  25, 
10,  in  Botetourt  County.  He  was  married  on  December  24,  1903,  to 
ss  Clara  Ernestine  Dooley. 

ie  received  the  Bachelor  of  Arts  degree  in  1912  in  the  first  graduating 
ss  at  Botetourt  Normal  College  (later  Daleville  College)  at  Daleville 
I  in  1917  received  the  Bachelor  of  Science  degree  from  Roanoke  Col- 
e  in  Salem. 

n  1913  he  joined  the  faculty  of  Botetourt  Normal  College  as  dean  of 
;  normal  department  and  as  professor.  He  also  served  as  assistant 
asurer  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  the  college.  In  1925-1926  he  was 
member  of  the  Board  of  Trustees  of  Bridgewater  College.  He  taught 
tool  at  Jefferson  High  School  in  Roanoke  and  in  1953  retired  after 
years  teaching  in  the  Botetourt  County  school  system.  He  was  presi- 
lat  of  the  Daleville  College  Alumni  Association. 

ie  died  July  6,  1965,  in  a  Roanoke  hospital  and  is  buried  in  Evergreen 
metery  in  Roanoke. 


(Fhaxton  Baptist  Church  in  its  early  days  was  known  as  the  Wolf  Hill 
urch.     The  minutes  of  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Strawberry  Associ- 
on  meeting  in  the  Providence  Church  of  Franklin  County  on  August  6, 
3"')5,  record 

A  letter  was  read  from  the  brethren  and  sisters  worshipping  at  Wolf 
j  11  requesting  a  presbytery  be  sent  to  constitute  a  church  at  that  place. 
i  lerupon  Elders  George  W.  Leftwich,  A.  Eubank,  William  Harris,  and 
i.e.  Goggin  were  appointed  by  the  moderator  to  attend  to  the  matter." 

Sarly  in  the  year  of  1856  the  church  was  constituted  and  was  known 

L  the  Wolf  Hill  Baptist  Church.     The  minutes  of  the  Strawberry  Associ- 

|on   meeting  at  Staunton  Church  on  August   1,    1856,   recorded  in  the 

eport  on  Finances"  a  total  contribution  to  the  association  of  $278.49 
0'  the  year  and  Wolf  Hill  was  among  the  number  contributing.     The 

nutes  of  the  same  year  recorded 

'The  church  worshipping  at  Wolf  Hill,  having  applied  by  letter  for 
.mission  into  our  body,  was  received,  and  the  right  hand  of  fellowship 

s  extended  to  the  delegates  by  the  moderator." 


Thus  Wolf  Hill  became  a  pail  of  the  Strawberry   Association 
August  2,  1856,  it  is  reported  that  the  Wolf  Hill  Church  be  attached 
the  north  section  of  the  association. 

The  first  structure  to  house  the  W°^  Hill  Church  was  a  small  wo 
building  located  on  or  near  the  present  location  of  the  Fenler  McMill 
home,  about  a  quarter  of  a  mile  from  Route  460.  This  became  a  uni 
church  in  the  early  days. 

The  Wolf  Hill  Church  had  a  struggle  during  the  next  few  years.  Sh< 
pastorates  and  small  membership  caused  many  problems  for  the  n( 
church.  In  the  minutes  of  the  Strawberry  Association  of  1875,  it 
reported  to  the  association  that  the  church  enjoyed  a  "tolerable  degr 
of  peace  and  prosperity  during  that  year."  In  the  Association  of  18 
a  report  from  the  church  in  the  Digest  of  Letters  indicated  that  "Wt 
Hill  has  a  pious  people,  but  is  pastorless  and  low  spirited."  And  aga 
in  1878  it  was  reported  that  "Wolf  Hill  is  in  a  poor  condition,  witho 
a  pastor;  but  hopes  to  do  better."  This  seemed  to  be  the  general  coi 
dition  of  the  church  until  about  the  turn  of  the  century.  Howevc 
better  days  were  in  store  for  the  church. 

In  1900,  under  the  leadership  of  the  Rev.  J.  P.  Luck,  who  was  past 
at  that  time,  the  church  built  a  new  building  on  a  lot  donated  by  tl 
late  Thomas  Newman,  located  behind  what  is  now  the  Wilkins  Saunde 
home  on  Route  460.  This  building  was  a  white  frame  building  wii 
three  rows  of  seats  and  two  front  doors.  There  was  an  organ  purchase 
for  this  building.  This  new  building  was  dedicated  in  1903  and  at  th 
time  the  name  of  the  church  was  changed  from  Wolf  Hill  to  Thaxton 

The  minutes   of   1905   show  that   there  were  mission   organizations 
the  Thaxton   Baptist   Church   that   year   which   were   not   composed   er 
tirely    of   women    and   for   that   reason    a    report   was    not    sent    to   th 
Woman's  Missionary  Union  of  Virginia. 


1912  the  church  joined  with  the  Suck  Spring,  Walnut  Grove,  and 

pect  churches  to  form  the  Thaxton  field. 

i  March,  1913,  the  members  voted  to  move  the  church  to  the  present 

at  Thaxton,  on  a  lot  given  by  Dr.  W.  O.  McCabe.  In  October  of 
,  year  the  building  committee  reported  that  the  contract  had  been 
'rded  to  Overstreet  and  Wingfield,  at  a  cost  of  $4,124.55  for  the  entire 
ding  except  for  the  foundation  which  was  built  by  the  members  with- 
charge.     The  first  services  were  held  in  the  new  building  on  May  2, 

1933  Dr.  W.  O.  McCabe  was  honored  for  30  years  of  service   as 

day   School    superintendent    of    the    Thaxton    Church.      In    1936    Dr. 

abe  died  and  when  his  will  was  probated  it  was  learned  that  he 

left  the  lot  and  residence  adjoining  the  church  lot  to  the  church  to 

ised  as  a  parsonage. 

i  Sunday  morning,  October  10,  1948,  the  church  suffered  quite  a 
edy.  The  building  was  entirely  destroyed  by  fire.  The  story  as 
frted  by  the  Bedford  Bulletin  was  as  follows: 

L  spectacular  fire,  which  destroyed  the  Thaxton  Baptist  Church 
lay  morning  added  a  sad  note  to  the  church  history  contained  on 
page.  The  fire  broke  out  a  few  hours  before  services  and  caused 
ages  to  the  two-story  frame  building  estimated  by  insurance  agents 
letween  $12,000  and  $14,000." 

Inder  the  leadership  of  Dr.  Cline  L.  Vice,  pastor  at  that  time,  the 
!ch  rebounded  from  tragedy  to  success.  The  church  voted  to  build 
Jj  building  that  it  presently  uses  which  was  designed  and  built  by 
irge  M.  Overstreet,  a  deacon  of  the  church  and  a  contractor  by  trade, 
ik  was  begun  on  December  3  and  the  building  was  completed  on 
26,  1949.  It  was  dedicated  on  August  27,  1949.  In  five  years  and 
[ie  months  after  the  fire,  the  new  building  was  all  paid  for. 
i'"om  a  slow  beginning  with  short  pastorates  the  church  has  become 
jader  in  its  community  and  is  known  by  its  long  pastorates.  The 
jrch  continues  to  grow  and  in  the  minutes  of  1973  reported  for  the 
I  time  a  membership  of  over  400.  It  is  active  in  the  associational 
M  and  in  community  affairs,  of  which  the  youth  and  community 
bier  of  Thaxton  is  partially  sponsored  by  the  church.  The  church's 
jrrests  he  in  the  unsaved  in  the  community  and  the  sharing  of  mission 
pis  so  that  the  "Great  Commission"  might  be  carried  out  and  that 
Hist  might  be  shared  around  the  world. 

l  Februray  10,  1974,  the  church  voted  to  construct  an  educational 
,iing  on  to  the  end  of  the  existing  building  at  a  cost  of  $177,480.  The 
Tact  was  given  to  George  M.  Overstreet  Construction  Co.  This 
^cture  will  house  most  of  the  Sunday  School  and  eliminate  much  of 

,ie  church  praises  God  for  His  hand  in  its  life  from  meager  beginnings 
j I  now  and  dedicates  itself  to  performing  His  work  in  this  community. 



Timber  Ridge  Baptist  Church  near  Lowry  was  one  of  two  churches 
be  organized  in  Bedford  County  as  a  direct  result  of  the  revival  know 
as  the  Great  Awakening.  Timber  Ridge  Church  along  with  Suck  Sprii 
Baptist  Church  was  constituted  from  the  Bedford  Baptist  Church  in  180 

Timber  Ridge  Church  was  planted  by  the  Rev.  Isham  Fuqua  in  tl 
Lowry  community  with  40  members  on  June  14,  1805. 

Isham  Fuqua  was  born  in  Goochland  County,  a  son  of  Ralph  ar 
Priscilla  Owen  Fuqua  who  later  settled  in  Bedford  County.  He  wi 
married  about  1777  to  Mary  Hammons  and  they  had  nine  children,  si 
of  the  seven  sons  became  ministers.  Between  1805-1810  he  moved  | 
Davidson  County,  Tenn.,  and  died  before   1820. 

The  first  building  for  the  Lowry  Meeting  House,  as  the  church  wj 
called,  was  a  one-room  log  cabin  on  one  and  one-fourth  acres  of  Ian 
which  was  purchased  from  William  Lowry  for  five  shillings. 

The  property  was  deeded  to  Joseph  Fuqua  and  John  Hewitt,  the  fin 
deacons  of  the  church.  The  church  did  not  have  trustees  at  the  time  ( 

Joseph  Fuqua,  a  brother  of  the  Rev.  Isham  Fuqua,  was  born  May 
1756,  in  Bedford  County  and  died  May  4,  1829,  in  Bedford  County. 
Revolutionary  soldier,  he  married  November  13,  1782,  in  Bedford  Count 
Miss  Celia  Bondurant  (December  25,  1762  -  March  3,  1847).  Josep 
Fuqua  gave  the  land  at  the  corner  of  South  and  East  Main  Streets  fo 
the  first  courthouse  in  Liberty   (now  Bedford). 

Sometime  in  the  early  1820's  the  one  room  log  cabin  of  Lowry  Meetin 
House  was  taken  down  and  a  second  building  erected  on  the  site.  Th 
first  pastor  in  the  new  building  was  the  Rev.  William  Leftwich  wh 
married  Mary,  daughter  of  Joseph  and  Celia  Bondurant  Fuqua. 



["his  building  was  later  used  as  a  meeting  house  of  the  Church  of 
rist  (Episcopal)  at  Lowry  and  still  later  as  a  school  building. 
The  name  of  the  church  was  changed  from  the  Lowry  Meeting  House 
Timber  Ridge,  being  named  after  the  home  place  of  William  B.  Lowry. 
ground  1848  subscriptions  were  taken  and  plans  were  made  for  the 
istruction  of  a  new  building.  This  work  began  under  the  ministry 
the  Rev.   Francis   M.    Barker   and   was   completed   during    the   years 

BJ3-1854.  The  Rev.  William  Harris  was  the  pastor  of  the  new  church. 
e  church  building,  the  present  structure,  was  built  on  additional  land 
iated  by  William  B.  Lowry,  Jr. 

\  chart  of  the  Strawberry  Association,  listing  the  churches  and  their 
stors,  is  recorded  in  Semple's  "History  of  the  Rise  and  Progress  of  the 
ptists  in  Virginia,"  dated  1810.  In  this  chart  the  Rev.  Isham  Fuqua 
is  still  listed  as  pastor  of  Timber  Ridge  Church.  Bedford  Baptist 
urch  history  shows  the  Rev.  James  H.  L.  Moorman  to  follow  Mr. 
qua  as  pastor.  It  appears  that  the  mother  church  shared  the  pastor 
th  Timber  Ridge  Church  until  the  Rev.  William  Leftwich  was  called 
Hind  1823.  If  so,  then  the  Rev.  James  H.  L.  Moorman  and  the  Rev. 
lliam  Harris  would  have  served  this  church,  during  this  period  of  time, 
treral  ministers  have  come  out  of  Timber  Ridge  Baptist  Church  or  have 
en  members  of  the  body,  are  as  follows:  George  W.  Leftwich,  Merri- 
in  Lunsford,  W.  D.  Barr,  John  Mills,  S.  T.  Hahle,  Nathan  Wingfield 
i  Jesse  Witt,  brother  of  the  famous  Daniel  P.  Witt  and  close  companion 
Jeremiah  Bell  Jeter.  Jesse  Witt  was  the  first  appointed  domestic 
Dme)  missionary  to  the  West  by  the  General  Assembly. 
One  of  the  many  interesting  items  in  the  study  and  preparation  of 
Tiber  Ridge  history  was  the  number  of  black  members  on  the  church 
1  in  the  early  1800's.  There  were  80  black  members  and  40  white 
?mbers  at  one  time  listed  on  the  church  roll.  The  Rev.  George  W. 
iftwich,  a  member  of  Timber  Ridge  Church,  was  very  active  in  aiding 
d  helping  the  black  people  in  the  Strawberry  Association.  He  was 
itrumental  in  establishing  the  African  Baptist  Church  in  Lynchburg, 
[n  March,  1945,  a  few  members  looked  out  on  the  field  and  saw  it 
is  white  unto  harvest.  The  need  of  more  space  was  realized  to  care 
the  increasing  number  of  pupils  in  the  Sunday  School.     The  church 

=Titinued  praying  and  working  toward  this  goal  and  in  October,  1945, 
i  Sunday  School  began  a  building  fund.  Work  began  on  July  19,  1948, 
raise  the  present  building  and  build  classrooms  in  the  basement  and 
i  job  was  completed  on  September  25,   1948. 

in  1953,  the  church  voted  to  build  a  six-room  brick  case  parsonage 
th  the  job  going  to  J.  D.  Arthur,  contractor.  Work  began  in  June  and 
August  31,  1953,  the  dedication  service  was  held.  The  Rev.  D.  C.  Craig 
is  the  first  pastor  to  occupy  the  new  parsonage. 

In  1954  Timber  Ridge  Church  voted  to  go  into  a  full-time  program 
d  called  the  Rev.  Alton  W.  Jessee  on  December  12,   1954  as  the  first 

|  1-time  pastor. 
The  church  purchased  new  pews  and  furniture  for  the  sanctuary   in 

^)5.     The  pews  and  furniture   were   given   as   memorials   to   relatives, 

fends  and  former  pastors, 
n  1959  the  church  voted  to  brick  case  the  church  building  at  a  cost 


The  church  once  again  was  feeling  growing  pains  and  a  need  for  mor  ;: 
Sunday  School  space  was  realized.  May  28,  1966,  the  church  voted  t  $ 
construct  an  educational  plant  and  install  a  baptistry  in  the  presen  jju 
sanctuary.  The  plans  were  prepared  ,by  the  Bedford  Lumber  Co.  an*  t 
the  contract  was  awarded  to  them.  The  building  was  brick  cased  an^  &\ 
electric  heat  installed,  and  the  cost  of  the  construction  was  arouni  '% 
$23,000.  The  Rev.  William  H.  Pearson  was  pastor  at  the  time  of  thi  ft 
construction.  There  was  approximately  $8,000  pledged  by  several  familie  H 
before  construction  began.  On  June  16,  1968,  a  dedication  and  mortgag 
burning  service  was  held  with  the  Rev.  Carl  Sizemore  leading  in  th 
services.  I 

In  1970  an  air-conditioned  unit  was  installed  in  the  main  auditorium 
at  a  cost  of  $1,400,  and  on  July  17,  1971,  a  central  air-conditioning  uni 
was  installed  in  the  parsonage. 

The  church  began  a  bus  ministry  in  1971  with  the  purchase  of  tw< 
buses.    A  pastors  study  was  also  built  in  the  basement  of  the  parsonage 

In  1973-74  a  new  sanctuary  with  a  seating  capacity  of  500  was  con 
structed,  including  a  fellowship  hall,  classrooms,  library  and  a  pastor, 

Timber  Ridge  Church  has  experienced  a  phenomenal  growth  \\ 
membership  and  a  record  number  of  baptisms  in  the  past  four  years.  , 



A  history  of  Trinity  Baptist  Church,  located  at  the  corner  of  Lyle  and 
Pinecrest  Streets  in  Bedford,  musf  go  back  to  1959  when  the  Bedford 
Baptist  Chapel  was  started  as  a  mission  of  Bedford  Baptist  Church. 


le  chapel  met  in  the  former  Clark  Building  at  Jackson   and  Grove 

ets  and  the  pastor  was  the  Rev.  R  Wendell  Sodergren. 
June,   1962,  with  62  members  the  chapel  became  a  self-supporting 

ich,   unanimously  chose   the  name  Trinity   Baptist  Church   and  con- 
i  ed  to  worship  in  the  Clark  Building. 

i  iter  the  removal  of  Bedford  Baptist  Church  from  East  Main  Street 
i  lakwood  Street  there  was  organized  in  August,  1961,  the  Main  Street 
|  ;ist  Church  with  a  membership  of  40.  This  membership  purchased 
i  Orange  property  on  East  Main  Street  to  provide  space  and  facilities 
>  the  congregation.  In  1962  this  church  was  received  into  the  Straw- 
l  y  Association. 

)  istors  of  Main  Street  Baptist  Church  were  the  Rev.  Samuel  Harvey 
&  -1962,  the  Rev.  Henry  Irvin  1962-1963  and  the  Rev.  Charles  F.  Wilson 
j  -1965. 

'  l  October  28,  1964,  Trinity  Baptist  Church  merged  with  Main  Street 
^tist  Church  under  the  name  of  Trinity  Baptist  Church.  The  newly 
i  nized  church  met  in  the  Clark  Building  with  the  Rev.  Charles  F. 
f  ion  as  pastor. 

August,  1967,  the  properties  committee  of  the  church  investigated  a 
I  ere  parcel  of  land,  the  Cheatham  property,  on  Lyle  and  Pinecrest 
t  ets.  In  August,  1968,  the  church  voted  to  sell  the  pastorium  on  East 
t  i  Street  and  purchase  the  Cheatham  property  to  build  a  church. 
i  'ound  was  broken  March  29,  1970  for  the  new  church  building.  The 
I  jegation  had  purchased  in  September,  1969,  the  Evans  residence 
E  ining  the  Cheatham  property  as  a  pastorium.     In  November,    1970, 

:»ngregation  sold  the  Clark  Building.    The  new  church  was  completed 

•ecember,  1970,  and  dedication  held  March  28,  1971. 
July,  1969,  the  Rev.  L.  Gale  Lyon,  pastor,  and  Robert  F.  Johnson, 

:ord  businessman,  traveled  to  Uganda  in  East  Africa  for  an  evangelis- 

nission  in  which  over  125  decisions  were  made  for  Christ. 
July,  1972,  the  church  started  its  bus  ministry. 


Walnut  Grove  Baptist  Church,  located  in  the  Goose  Creek  valley  five 

!s   north   of  Montvale,   dates   its   beginning  as   1874  but  there   was   a 

e  of  worship  in  the  area  prior  to  that  date. 

le  first  known  place  of  worship  was  a  Methodist  Church  just  above 

Dscar  Broughman  residence,  about  six  miles  north  of  Montvale.     The 

i  it  was  built  is  not  established  but  it  was  prior  to  the  War  Between 

States  and  the  site  was  donated  by  James  Bunch. 

x>se  Creek  runs  at  the  foot  of  the  elevated  point  of  which  Smyrna 

"ch  stood.     It  was   a  plain  one-room   building,  heated   by   an  open- 

>lace.     The  only  furniture  was  a  small  table  and  homemade  benches. 

Ininent   among  its  early   members   were  the  families   of  John  Cofer, 

[iam  Arrington,  Forgie,  Noell,  James  Bunch,  etc. 

r   those   days,   they   either  walked   through   fields,   crossed   creeks   on 

i:>sed  rocks  or  just  plain  jumped  across,  climbed  fences  or  rode  horse- 
Each    family    called    for    his    neighbor,    who    proudly    appeared 


dolled  in  their  Sunday  ,best  with  spirits  high  and  with  a  pride  in  reveren 
for  their  meeting  house.  Some  of  our  older  members  recall  that  some 
our  elderly  sisters  wore  sun-bonnets  and  veils  over  their  faces.  It 
also  noted  that  our  ladies  all  rode  side  saddles  and  wore  long,  full  flowii 
riding  skirts  over  their  regular  costumes,  this  being  done  to  prote 
their  dress,  hose  and  shoes  from  dust  or  perspiration  from  horses,  an 
of  course,  this  brings  to  our  minds  the  horse-blocks,  where  the  dam 
and  damsels  mounted  and  dismounted  their  prancing  steeds. 

During  the  War  Between  the  States  this  building  was  used  as  a  scho 
One  morning,  to  the  sorrow  of  all  interested,  the  building  went  down 
flames.  As  soon  as  these  pious  saints  of  old  recovered  from  the  shcx 
of  this  loss  they  set  diligently  to  work  and  erected  a  building  simil; 
to  Smyrna,  just  below  the  Albert  Dickens  residence,  in  a  grove  abo^ 
the  old  road  that  led  to  Montvale  thus  moving  their  building  down  tl 
valley  about  two  miles. 

The  Baptist  had  an  organized  church,  Mount  Zion  Baptist  Church  ea 
of  Montvale,  but  that  being  quite  a  distance  away  they  united  with  tl 
Methodist  and  it  was  then  that  they  changed  the  name  from  Smyrna  j 
Walnut  Grove.  This  building  also  served  as  a  school  for  a  number  | 
years  with  Major  Thompson  and  Mr.  Dickens  teaching  there  for  sever 
years.  The  Rev.  L.  M.  Saunders  was  pastor  of  the  Methodist  Churc 
and  the  Rev.  George  P.  Luck  of  the  Baptist  church.  The  two  denom 
nations  held  meetings  and  established  a  friendship  that  has  lasted  t 
the  present  day. 

In  1868  the  people  decided  to  build  a  new  church.  The  Sunday  Scho< 
had  a  picnic  and  all  the  people  gathered  at  Walnut  Grove.  The  visitin 
ministers  made  addresses.  A  sumptuous  and  delectable  dinner  wa 
served  on  the  grounds,  and  the  older  people  got  together  to  make  plan 


building  a  new  church.  The  Rev.  George  P.  Luck  had  charge  of  the 
eting,  he  gave  the  land  and  $100  in  money.  The  rest  worked  and 
jre  what  they  could.  It  wasn't  an  easy  task  as  they  hadn't  gotten 
|»r  the  effects  of  the  war.  This  was  a  nice  frame  building  and  located 
hort  distance  from  the  other  church  on  a  high  elevation.  A  Mr.  Blount 
Botetourt  was  selected  as  contractor  and  Mr.  Kistling  and  Mr.  Hall, 
m  Penicks,  helped  to  build  it.  This  church  was  dedicated  on  the 
rd  Sunday  in  June,  1870,  by  the  Rev.  W.  R.  Gitt.  The  trustees  were 
an  A.  DeWitt,  Methodist;  Capt.  N.  C.  Luck,  Episcopalian;  Mitchell 
:ing,  Presbyterian;  and  Capt.  Tankersley,  Baptist. 

\t  first  the  church  only  had  candles  for  light.  One  of  the  members 
tde  holders  and  tacked  them  to  the  wall.  Some  time  after  that  Mrs. 
Read  rode  horseback  through  the  valley  and  collected  money  for  the 
nps  for  the  church.  The  denominations  worked  in  perfect  harmony 
i  the  church  continued  to  grow.  In  1906  the  people  went  to  work  to 
ild  a  new  church.  It  was  erected  by  J.  M.  Ferrell,  Alonza  Noell  and 
lliam  Smith  with  the  help  of  others. 

In  1907,   at  Thanksgiving,   it  was  dedicated  by  the  Rev.  Ben  Becham 

listed  by   the  Rev.   John   W.   Carroll,   Methodist  pastor,   and   the  Rev. 

I  J.  Dogan,  Baptist.     The  following  April  the  new  church  burned  down. 

Undaunted   by  the  loss,   the   members   began   to   study   how   to  build 

tather.     E.  W.  Luck  knew  there  were  nice  poplars  on  the  Luck  estate. 

,-s.  Schenk,  Mrs.  Barnette,  Doctor  Luck,  and  the  Rev.   James  P.  Luck 

.ve  enough  of  these  for  weather-boarding.    Some  of  the  men  went  with 

j\  Luck  to  the  woods  and  cut  the  logs.    Hugh  Garrett  and  Rosser  Ferrell 

uled  the  logs,  had  them  sawed  and  put  on  the  church  grounds.     Mr. 

(mire  and  sons  of  Penicks  came  and  dressed  the  lumber,  Andrew  Miller 

,  d  his  force  of  men  from  Buchanan  came  and  put  up  the  new  church. 

,ie  Rev.  R.  L.  Cawley  was  pastor  of  the  Baptist  church  and  the  Rev. 

*  W.  Royall  the  Methodist  church.     This  church  was  dedicated  July  4, 

09,  by  the  Rev.  R.  J.  Dogan  and  the  Rev.  Shackford. 

(This  church  is  continuously   being   improved.      In    1938   electric  lights 

i?re  installed.     In   1942  Sunday  School  rooms  and  an  auditorium  were 

ided   in  the  basement   through  the  vision   and  leadership   of   the  Rev. 

M.   Roberson,   Baptist   minister.      In    1949   the  grounds   were  graded, 

fned   and   fertilized   and   sown  in  grass.      This   improved    the   grounds 


There  have  been  a  number  of  preachers  from  this  community,  some 
ft  whom  the  three  Welch  brothers,  John  Wood,  J.  M.  Luck,  J.  P.  Luck, 
lbert  Cofer,  R.  H.  Luck  and  E.  W.  Luck  served  as  superintendents  of 
e  Sunday  School  for  quite  a  number  of  years. 

!A  committee   composed   of   Mrs.    Pearl   McDaniel,   Mrs.    Margaret   Ar- 
Kigton  and  Miss  Helen  Luck  discussed  putting  carpet  in  the  church  and 
is  project  was  carried. 

Later  an  organ  was  purchased  with  Mrs.  Annie  Virginia  Garrett  being 
e  promoter  of  this  project. 

■In   1960  the   latest  improvement   of  notoriety   was   the  installation   of 
e  memorial  windows,  the  vision  of  Mrs.  R.  H.  Luck. 
■tA  brass  set  of  candle-holders  and  cross  was  presented  by  Miss  Ella 



Lee  Cofer  in  memory  of  her  parents,  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Richard  Hobson  Cofei 
A  brass  baptismal  bowl  was  presented  by  Mrs.  Ruby  Forgie. 

In  1965  a  kitchen  was  installed  and  equipped  with  an  electric  stov 
and  refrigerator  given  by  Joy  Cook  and  the  floor  tile  by  Mrs.  Wellingto: 
Luck.    At  this  time  a  well  was  drilled. 

In  1966  the  interior  of  the  church  was  given  a  face  lift  by  installin 
beams  overhead,  painting,  and  a  new  lighting  system  (memorial  chande 
liers.)  Walker  Burdette  deserves  honorable  mention  for  this  improve 

In  1973  a  new  piano  was  purchased  for  the  church  and  the  interior  o 
the  church  remodeled  and  painted. 

The  Rev.  James  Pascal  Luck  was  ordained  at  the  church  September  16 
1887.    He  was  a  son  of  the  Rev.  George  P.  and  Nannie  Buford  Luck  anc  ft 
born  April  4,   1856,  in  Goose  Creek  valley.     His  father  and  a  brother  . 
the  Rev.  Julian  M.  Luck,  were  ordained  at  Mount  Zion  Baptist  Church 

He  was  educated  at  Sunnyside  Academy  in  Bedford  County  and  ir 
1889-1890  at  the  Southern  Baptist  Theological  Seminary.     He  served  a; 
pastor  of  at  least  17  churches  in  the  Strawberry  Association.     He  diec  . 
November  13,   1913,  at  his  home  in  Bedford  and  is  buried  in  Oakwooc 
Cemetery  in  Bedford. 




Joshua  Burnette  1804-1824,  James  C.  Leftwich  1830,  Thomas  C.  Goggini 
1847-1855,  Thomas  N.  Sanderson  1855-1870,  Joseph  R.  Harrison  1870, 
James  A.  Davis  1875-1884,  James  P.  Luck  1887-1889,  James  A.  Davis 
1889-1890,  James  P.  Luck  1891-1893,  Josephus  A.  Barnhardt  1893-1899, 
W.  T.  Henderson  1899-1901,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1902-1910,  George  H, 
Broyles  1910-1912,  Cyrus  L.  Eubank  1912-1913  (supply),  Walter  G; 
Hughes  1913-1915,  D.  A.  Thomas  1915-1918,  S.  B.  Moses  1919-1920,  T. 
Edison  Goad  1921-1922,  J.  M.  Nester  1925-1927,  Frank  A.  Brumfield  1928- 
1936,  Leonard  Prillaman  1937-1938,  George  C.  Lynch  1939-1941,  J.  E. 
Sassaman  1942-1943,  Frank  A.  Brumfield  1944-1945,  J.  M.  Nester  1946- 
1947,  Frank  A.  Brumfield  1948-1953,  W.  H.  Kissinger  1954,  William  F. 
Schroeder  1955-1957,  Thomas  E.  Weringo  1958-1961,  Carl  H.  Lee  1962-1964, 
Carroll  B.  Welch  1966-1974,  Dr.  Gordon  L.  Keller  1974-1976  (supply), 
Dennis  E.  Moore  1976- 


Nathaniel  Shrewsbury  1797-1798,  Isham  Fuqua  1798,  James  H.  L. 
Moorman  1810,  William  Harris  1814-1847,  Francis  M.  Barker  1847-1854, 
Alexander  Eubank  1855-1859,  Andrew  Broaddus,  Jr.,  1862,  James  A. 
Davis  1864-1872,  Dr.  Cornelius  Tyree  1872-1882,  Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon 
1884-1886,  George  C.  Abbitt  1887-1889,  W.  F.  Kone  1890-1891,  R.  L.  Motley 
1891-1894,  William  S.  Royall  1895-1904,  Charles  W.  Collier  1905-1913, 
Charles  T  Kincanon  1913-1915,  Dr.  Hugh  C.  Smith   1915-1923,  J.  Lester 


ine  1923-1929,  Dr.  Harry  P.  Clause  1930-1944,  A.  G.  Carter  1944-1954, 
?ne  F.  Moffatt  1955-1959,  Dr.  Harry  P.  Clause  1959  (supply),  J.  Marshall 
alker  1960-1973,  Dr.  Woodrow  W.  Clark  1973-1975  (supply),  Dearl  L. 
ince  1975- 


W.   T.   Coats    1879-1880,   William   D.   Barr    1881-1886,    John   H.    Pearcy 

,87-1889,   James  A.   Davis   1890-1892,   Dr.   William   F.   Fisher    1893-1894, 

I  R.  Brown  1894-1895,  Joseph  M.  Street  1896-1903,  M.  W.  Bloxom  1904- 

ii06,  James  M.  Coleman   1907-1911,  E.  B.   Morris    1912-1913,   Richard  F. 

sicks    1914-1919,   Simpson   G.   Callison    1919-1922,   Andrew   W.    Connelly 

3)23-1924,  B.  L.  Peters  1924-1934,  Ira  A.  Campbell  1935-1938,  L.  Preston 

^rown    1938-1939,    John   B.    Thurman    1939-1944,    A.    M.    Fox    1945-1948, 

lul  R.  Morton  1949,  H.  L.  Hanshew  1950-1953,  Samuel  B.  Tucker  1954- 

|  >56,  J.  C.  Reynolds,  Jr.,  1957-1960,  Bernard  W.  Camden  1961-1963,  John 

Campbell  1965,  John  B.  Thurman   1966-1967,  Samuel  C.  Crawford   1961- 

>)75,  S.  W.  Elliott  1976- 


John   Anthony,   Jr.,    1804-1822,    Thomas    C.   Goggin    1855,    J.    J.    Little 

358-1859,  George  W.  Leftwich  1859,  Alexander  Eubank  1861-1863,  Charles 

.  Anthony    1870,   Alexander   Eubank    1876-1880,   John   T.   Rhodes   1881, 

William   D.   Barr    1881-1883,    Charles   L.    Anthony    1884-1890,    Alexander 

:ubank  1891-1895,  Charles  L.  Anthony  1896-1899,  Alexander  Millar  1900- 

,'903,  Dr.  John  T.   Kincanon   1905-1909,   Horace  L.   Wilkinson    1910-1915, 

homas  B.  Hawkins  1916,  Henry  L  Thomas  1917-1921,  Mathias  B.  Major 

022-1927,  Thomas  B.  Hawkins  1928,  James  E.  Poteet  1929-1931,  Henry  L. 

Ihomas  1932-1933,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1934-1940,  M.  O.  Harvell  1941-1945, 

Hubert  L.  Cooper  1945-1955,  Ernest  G.  Cary  1956-1959,  Frank  S.  Cooper 

:959-1963,  C.  A.  Echols  1963-1964,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1965-1971,  Randall  P. 

layne  1972- 

i  Big  Island 

]  Gabriel   Gray    1886-1888,   Reuben   B.   Boatwright    1889-1891,   James   G. 

/'buncill  1892-1895,  J.  Paul  Essex  1895-1897,  W.  B.  James  1897-1901,  Dr. 
ames  P.  McCabe  1902-1904,  William  S.  Royall  1905-1906,  John  W.  Guy 
nd  Willie  E.  Guy  1907-1908,  James  P.  Luck  1909-1910,  William  L.  Hayes 
910-1913,  C.  Kelly  Hobbs  1914-1918,  R.  E.  Brown  1920-1925,  J.  Mack 
ranklin  1926-1937,  Everett  S.  Vaughn  1938-1952,  T.  Graham  Lester,  Jr. 

J952-1957,  Lucien  R.  Freeman  1958-1975,  Eugene  C.  Campbell  1975- 

Diamond  Hill 


James  A.  Davis  1873-1874,  John  L  Lawless  1875,  Gabriel  Wheeler,  Jr., 
876-1878,  William  J.  Cocke  1879-1880,  Samuel  H.  Dooley  1880-1881, 
harles  L  Anthony   1883-1884,  Alexander  Eubank  1885,  James  P.  Luck 



1888-1889,  James  A.  Davis  1890-1891,  Reuben  B.  Boatwright  1892,  CharL 
L.  Anthony  1893-1894,  Josephus  A.  Barnhardt  1895-1896,  James  E.  Pote 
1897-1899,  W.  H.  Parker  1900-1902,  Josephus  A.  Barnhardt  1903-190 
James  E.  Poteet  1907-1910,  Cyrus  L.  Eubank  1911-1913,  Walter  G.  Hughi 
1914-1917,  S.  B.  Moses  1918-1921,  T.  Edison  Goad  1922-1923,  George  ( 
Turner  1924-1925,  Omar  G.  Burnett  1927-1929,  G  A.  Chocklett  1930-193 
Luther  C.  Coffman  1933-1937,  A.  C.  Lawson  1938,  Jesse  V.  Ashwe 
1939-1950,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1950-1956,  Lewis  C.  Hall  1958-1960,  Joh  T 
Dennis  1961,  Frank  S.  Cooper  1962-1964,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1965- 


Flint  Hill  f 


Alexander  Eubank  1870,  N.  M.  Leslie  1873-1874,  James  A  Davis  187! 
Gabriel  Wheeler,  Jr.,  1876-1878,  William  D.  Barr  1880-1882,  Charles  1  g| 
Anthony  1883-1884,  James  P.  Luck  1889,  James  A.  Davis  1890-189: 
Reuben  B.  Boatwright  1892-1894,  Joshua  T.  Thornhill  1895,  Josephus  / 
Barnhardt  1896-1898,  W.  T.  Henderson  1899-1904,  Dr.  John  T.  Kincano 
1906-1907,  A.  M.  Rittenour  1908-1909,  R.  L.  Cauley  1911,  Walter  G.  Hughe 
1913-1916,  Horace  L  Wilkinson  1920-1936,  Andrew  W.  Connelly  1937-193' 
Fred  Harcum  1940-1942,  Frank  A.  Brumfield  1943-1948,  R.  T.  Smith  1949  [ 
1951,  D.  C.  Craig  1954,  Grady  C.  Dickens  1955-1958,  Ralph  K.  Ham 
1959-1961,  Everette  H.  Chapman  1963-1965,  Mervin  J.  Garrison  1966-196 
Paulus  E.  Bryant,  Jr.  1969  (supply),  William  F.  Carson  1970  (supply)' 
Dr.  Harry  P.  Clause  1971  (supply),  Norman  A.  Gooding  1971 


Dr.  William  F.  Fisher  1893-1894,  Joseph  M.  Street  1896-1903,  M.  "W 
Bloxom  1904-1906,  James  M.  Coleman  1907-1911,  Richard  F.  Hicks  1914 
1919,  Simpson  G.  Callison  1920-1922,  B.  L  Peters  1923-1935,  Ira  A.  Camp, 
bell  1936-1938,  L.  Preston  Brown  1939-1940,  John  B.  Thurman  1941-1945, 
A.  M.  Fox  1946-1947,  Paul  R.  Morton  1948-1949,  H.  L.  Hanshew  1950-1953 
Guy  H.  Newman  1955-1957,  A.  H.  Morgan  1958-1960,  Dr.  Dancy  S 
Dempsey  1961-1962  (supply),  George  E.  Reynolds  1963-1966,  John  B 
Thurman  1968-1974,  Sanford  A.  Dean  1974-1975  (supply),  Howard  W, 
Welling  1975- 

Glade  Creek 

Merriman  E.  Lunsford  1829-1832,  John  N.  Johnson  1832-1833,  William! 
McDermed  1834-1835,  Merriman  E.  Lunsford  1855-1857,  T.  P.  Fellers 
1858-1861,  Robert  R.  Lunsford  1862,  Merriman  E.  Lunsford  1863,  Gabriel 
Wheeler,  Jr.,  1876,  Robert  R.  Lunsford  1878-1903,  E.  C.  Root  1904-1906, 
Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon  1906-1912,  George  H.  Broyles  1912-1920,  Thomas  E. 
Boorde  1920-1923,  W.  L.  Naff  1925-1927,  George  H.  Broyles  1928-1938,! 
F.  L  Holland  1938,  Jesse  V.  Ashwell  1939-1945,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1945- 
1952,  O.  R.  Humphreys,  Jr.,  1953-1955,  J.  M.  Nester  1956-1957,  Kenneth 
E.  Noe  1958-1960,  Charles  E.  Davis  1961-1962,  Philip  D.  Moran  1963-1967,.: 
Earl  B.  Denoff  1967-1972,  Cyril  W.  Holland  1973- 



Hunting  Creek 

^enjamin    Milam     1831-1835,     William     Harris     1851-1858,     Alexander 

lank  1859-1867,  T.  B.  Gatewood  1868,  William  Fisher  1869-1875,  John 

Uwless  1876-1880,  F.  M.  Satterwhite  1881,  A.  Judson  Reamy  1882-1893, 

liam   Fisher    1884-1887,   John   R.    Fizer    1888,    Reuben   B.    Boatwright 

9-1891,  James  G.  Councill   1892-1894,  J.  Paul  Essex   1896-1897,  W.  B. 

*ies    1897-1901,    Dr.   James   P.    McCabe    1902-1904,    William    S.    Royall 

5-1906,  Willie  E.   Guy   and   John  W.  Guy   1907-1908,   James  P.   Luck 

9-1910,  William  L.  Hayes  1910-1913,  C.  Kelly  Hobbs   1914-1918,  Penn 

'Anthony   1919,  R.   E.  Brown   1920-1925,  J.   Mack  Franklin   1926-1937, 

llsrett  S.  Vaughn  1938-1952,  T.  Graham  Lester,  Jr.  1952-1957,  Woodrow 

I  Neal  1958-1961,  James  T.  Campbell  1963-1968,  Sanford  A.  Dean  1970- 

fcl    (supply),    Howard   A.    Stokes    1971-1976,   Sanford   A.    Dean    1976- 

I  ppiy) 


dexander  Millar  1901-1904,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1904-1919,  Henry  L. 

Dmas   1919-1922,   Mathias  B.   Major   1922-1924,  James  E.   Poteet   1925- 

.2,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1933-1937,  A.  C.  Lawson  1937-1939,  R.  E.  Dunkum 

9-1940,    Edgar    P.    Roberson    1941-1951,    Rolen    C.    Bailey    1952-1955, 

pert  C.  Wells  1955-1961,  Robert  L  Camden  1962   (supply),  Joseph  S. 

fcinnan,  Jr.,   1962-1965,  Robert  L.  Camden   1965-1966    (supply),  Howard 

[•Smith,  Jr.    1966-1969,   A.   Donald  Anthony    1970    (supply),   C.   Merrill 

\  -odson  1971-1975,  James  R.  Elrod  1975- 


Nathaniel  Shrewsbury  1771-1798,  Joel  Preston   1798-1805,  Joshua  Bur- 

;te   1805-1806,  William  Leftwich   1806-1838,   James   C.   Leftwich    1838- 

U,  Thomas  C.  Goggin  1841-1848,  James  C.  Leftwich  1850-1852,  William 

rris  1852-1853,  Thomas  C.  Goggin  1853-1855,  William  Harris  1856-1859, 

omas  N.  Sanderson   1860-1863,   Thomas   C.  Goggin   1864-1873,  Gabriel 

1  leeler,  Jr.,  1874-1886,  James  P.  Luck  1888-1889,  James  A.  Davis  1889- 

!)2,  Reuben  B.  Boatwright  1892-1894,  Joseph  us  A.  Barnhardt  1894-1896, 

I.   John  T.   Kincanon   1896-1899,   James   P.   Luck   1900-1903,   Horace   L. 

1  lkinson    1903-1920,    Mathias   B.    Major    1921,    S.    B.    Moses    1922-1924, 

I  race   L.   Wilkinson    1924-1933,   Andrew   W.   Connelly    1934-1939,    Fred 

[  rcum  1939-1942,  Dr.  Benjamin  F.  Bray  1950-1951   (supply),  Andrew  L. 

bumate  1952-1953,  Harold  B.  Oyer  1954-1967,  Luther  R.  Vann  1968-1969 

ppply),  G.  Palmer  Belcher  1969-1971,  David  E.  Brooks  1972- 

Mount  Hermon 

[George  Rucker  1809-1810,  Enoch  W.  Terry  1818-1826,  Jesse  Witt  1827, 
'•remiah  Hatcher  1831,  William  Leftwich  1834,  Alexander  Eubank  1857, 
}L.  Gwaltney  1858-1859,  William  Harris  1863,  James  A.  Davis  1870-1874, 
!hn  L.  Lawless  1876-1880,  F.  M.  Satterwhite  1881,  A.  Judson  Reamy 
32-1883,  James  A.   Davis   1885-1887,   Reuben   B.   Boatwright    1889-1893, 


James  P.  Luck  1894,  J.  Paul  Essex  1895,  Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon  1897,  W, 
James  1898-1901,  W.  T.  Henderson  1902-1904,  James  P.  Luck  1906-1$ 
A.  M.  Rittenour  1908-1909,  James  P.  Luck  1910-1913,  C.  Kelly  Hobbs  19'  ft 
1918,  Penn  A.  Anthony  1919,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1920-1925,  Mathiaa 
Major  1926-1927,  Lewis  D.  Craddock  1929-1933,  Frank  A.  Brumfi 
1935-1948,  John  B.  Thurman  1950-1951,  Thomas  E.  Weringo  1952-1S 
Eugene  C.  Campbell  1954-1959,  Bobby  C.  Buchanan  1960-1962,  S 
Elliott  1963,  Floyd  D.  Crenshaw  1964,  E.  C.  Brewer  1965-1967,  CarL 
Davis  1968-1969,  N.  C.  Napier  1970- 

I  »■ 

Mount  Olivet 



William  Leftwich,  Jr.,  1832-1835,  George  W.  Leftwich  1835,  Thomas  wt 
Goggin  1855-1859,  Joseph  R.  Harrison  1861-1863,  Alexander  Euba 
1870-1874,  James  A.  Davis  1875-1888,  J.  D.  Berry  1889,  James  P.  Lu 
1890-1892,  James  B.  Cook  1893-1894,  James  P.  Luck  1895-1899,  W.  , 
Henderson  1899-1904,  James  P.  Luck  1905-1913,  Walter  G.  Hughes  19]' 
1916,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1918-1933,  Andrew  W.  Connelly  1934-19: 
Fred  Harcum  1940-1942,  Andrew  W.  Connelly  1942-1946,  J.  M.  Fogg  19 
D.  Carwile  1946  (supply),  Neal  W.  Ellis  1947-1948  (supply),  R.  T.  Smi 
1948-1951,  Charlie  M.  Shelton  1952-1954,  Grady  C.  Dickens  1954-19! 
Norman  A.  Hicks  1959-1969,  Dr.  Harry  P.  Clause  1966-1967  (supplj 
George  E.  Reynolds  1967  (supply),  Robert  E.  Thompson  1970-1973,  I 
Harry  P.  Clause  1970-1971  (supply),  A.  Donald  Anthony  1973-19 
(supply),  John  S.  Virkler  1974- 

Mount  Zion 


Alexander  Eubank  1855,  J.  P.  Carron  1857-1863,  Woodward  R.  G 
1870,  James  A.  Davis  1873-1889,  J.  K.  Gait  1889-1891,  James  B.  Ox 
1892-1894,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1895-1903,  Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon  19C 
R.  L.  Cauley  1906-1907,  A.  M.  Rittenour  1909,  James  P.  Luck  1911,  Waltj 
G.  Hughes  1914-1916,  R.  E.  Ingram  1918-1919,  J.  Mack  Franklin  1920-192; 
Francis  H.  Harrison  1926-1929,  L  H.  Urquhart  1931,  Charlie  M.  Robersci 
1932-1944,  Elbert  M.  Yeatts  1945-1947,  Charlie  M.  Shelton  1949-1951 
Harold  B.  Oyer  1952-1953,  Woodrow  W.  Glass  1954-1955,  Charles  / 
Echols  1956,  William  C.  Mattox,  Jr.,  1956-1957,  Bernard  W.  Camdq 
1959-1960,  Thomas  E.  Weringo  1963,  Phillip  E.  Day  1965-1967,  Harold 
Oyer  1968-1974,  Vernon  V.  Jennings   1974-1976,  Daniel  W.  Smith   197t; 


Mountain  View 

James  P.  Luck  1892,  Robert  R.  Lunsford  1892-1896,  J.  Paul  Essex  189 
W.  H.  Parker  1897-1906,  R.  L.  Cauley  1907-1909,  Walter  G.  Hughes  1911 
1917,  George  H.  Broyles  1917-1920,  Thomas  E.  Boorde  1921-1923,  W.  I 
Naff  1925-1928,  L.  H.  Urquhart  1929-1938,  Jesse  V.  Ashwell  1938-1941 
L.  W.  Gammon  1941-1943,  Elbert  M.  Yeatts  1944-1947,  Charlie  M.  Shelto: 
1948-1950,  Harold  B.  Oyer  1951-1952,  J.  M.  Nester  1952-1956,  Charles  4 


i;hols    1956-1957,     C.    L.    Hepler    1962,     Thomas   E.    Weringo    1963-1964, 
lillip  E.  Day   1965-1969,  Vernon  V.  Jennings  1969-1970,  Phillip  E.  Day 
1(70-1971,  Robert  P.  Steinmetz,  Jr.,   1971-1972,  Milford  F.  Garrett   1973- 

New  Prospect 

William  Harris  1858-1859,  Thomas  N.  Sanderson  1861,  Joseph  R.  Harri- 

in  1863,  Woodward  R.  Gitt  1873,  Gabriel  Gray  1874-1878,  John  L.  Law- 
ss  1880,  C.  F.  James  1881-1882,  James  A.  Davis  1883-1889,  J.  K.  Gait 
190-1891,  James  B.  Cook  1892-1894,  James  P.  Luck  1895-1897,  William  S. 
pyall  1900,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1901-1906,  R.  L.  Cauley  1908-1911, 
ndrew  J.  Coons  1912-1914,  James  M.  Coleman  1915-1917,  R  E.  Ingram 
►18-1919,   J.   Mack  Franklin   1920-1925,   Francis   H.   Harrison    1926-1929, 

'orace  L.   Wilkinson    1930-1931,   Charlie   M.   Roberson    1932-1945,    J.   M. 

ogg  1946,  William  Duncan  1954,  Willard  Courtney   1954-1958,  James  T. 

rail  1959-1961,  A.  T  Powell  1963-1966,  Basil  Ferrell  1968-1970  (supply), 

Jr.  Harry  P.  Clause  1972  (supply) 

I  Ninevah 

II  James  E.  Poteet  1899-1913  and  1915-1917,  Thomas  B.  Hawkins  1917- 
18,  C.  B.  Peters  1922-1923,  W.  A.  Hawley  1923-1924,  J.  M.  Nester  1924- 
27,   Frank  A.   Brumfield    1927-1937,   George  C.    Lynch    1938,    Jesse   V. 

-Ishwell  1939-1942,  G.  D.  Caldwell  1943-1947,  Logan  S.  Cronk  1948-1951, 
'rank  S.  Cooper  1952-1954,  O.  T.  Jacobs  1954,  T.  R.  Brown  1955,  A.  N. 
ooley  1956-1958,  Gerald  E.  Conn  1959,  R.  T.  Rieley  1965-1966  and  1969- 
)70,  Roy  D.  Smith,  Jr.  1970-1972,  Arthur  J.  Chisom  1973-1975,  Scott  R. 
abrielson  1976-  (supply) 

North  Bedford 

'John  R.  Fizer  1881-1885  and  1888,  Reuben  B.  Boatwright  1889-1891, 
^imes  G.  Councill  1892-1895,  J.  Paul  Essex  1896-1897,  W.  B.  James  1897- 
feoi,  Dr.  James  P.  McCabe  1902-1904,  William  S.  Royall  1904-1907, 
Willie  E.  Guy  and  John  W.  Guy  1907-1908,  H.  T.  Allison  1909-1910, 
3/illiam  L.  Hayes  1910-1913,  C.  Kelly  Hobbs  1913-1917,  Henry  B.  Jennings, 

-.,  1917-1918,  William  S.  Royall  1918-1922,  B.  L.  Peters  1925-1928,  J.  H. 
Pranklin  1928-1935,  Ira  A.  Campbell  1935-1939,  L.  Preston  Brown  1939- 
|l941,  John  B.  Thurman  1941-1947,  A.  M.  Fox  1947-1948,  Paul  R.  Morton 
SM8,   H.   L.  Hanshew   1949-1953,   Garth   Long   1954,   J.   C.   Reynolds,   Jr., 

)55-1961,    Randall    P.    Layne    1961-1967,    Earl    Clarkson,    Jr.,    1968-1970, 

harles  K.  Stinson  1970- 


Joseph  M.  Street  1900,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1901-1903,  M.  W.  Bloxom 

^04-1906,  James  M.  Coleman  1907-1911,  Walter  G.  Hughes  1913,  Robert 

|J,  Hicks  1914-1919,  Simpson  G  Callison  1919,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1921- 

J23,  B.  L.  Peters    1924-1934,   Ira  A.   Campbell    1937,   L.   Preston  Brown 


1938-1940,   John  B.   Thurman   1941-1945,   A.   M.   Fox    1946-1947,   Paul 
Morton    1948-1949,    H.    L.    Hanshew    1949-1953,    Daney    D.    Dunn    19541 
William  T.  Vest  1955-1959,  Bernard  W.  Camden  1959-1963,  E.  C.  Brewei  i 
1965-1966,    Nelson    K.    Barese    1967-1975,    Luther   L.    Lemon,    Jr.    1976  : 

i  t 
I  il 



Ahner  Anthony  1850-1870,  Charles  Wood  1862-1870  (assistant),  Thomas* s 
C.   Goggin    1871-1877,    Charles   L.   Anthony    1878-1881,   William   D.    Bar; 
1882-1884,  Thomas  C.  Goggin   1885-1887,  Charles  L.  Anthony   1888-1896  f 
G.  Robert  Haley  1897-1907,  James  S.  Lynn  1908-1910,  Franklin  P.  Robert 
son  1911-1920,  George  G.  Turner  1921-1925,  Franklin  P.  Robertson  19261 
Omar  G.  Burnett  1927-1929,  G.  A.  Chocklett  1930-1931,  Hubert  L.  Cooped 
1932-1936,  A.   C.  Lawson   1937-1939,  R.  E.   Dunkum   1939-1940,  Edgar  P  i 
Roberson   1941-1951,  Rolen  C.  Bailey   1952-1955,  Robert  C.  Wells   1903  ¥ 
1961,    Joseph    S.    Stirman,    Jr.,    1962-1967,    Jesse    V.    Ashwell    1967-196* 
(supply),  John  H.  McDaniel  1968-1969,  A.  Donald  Anthony  1970  (supply) 
Henry  B.  Land,  Jr.  1971- 


Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon  1896-1912,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1912-1916,  i 
Thomas  B.  Hawkins  1916-1917,  Henry  L.  Thomas  1917-1921,  Mathias  B. 
Major  1922-1927,  Thomas  B.  Hawkins  1928,  James  E.  Poteet  1929-1936,ib 
Luther  C.  Coffman  1937-1949,  John  B.  Thurman  1949-1951,  Charlie  M. 
Shelton  1952-1954,  Tearle  P.  Brown  1954-1957,  John  F.  Layton,  Jr.,  1957 
1959,  Dr.  Lewis  E.  Martin  1960-1962,  Dr.  Harry  P.  Clause  1962-1963 
(supply),  Bobby  C.  Buchanan  1963-1967,  John  L.  Hawkins  1967-1972, 
Robert  E.  Sherrill  1973-1975,  Dr.  Harry  P.  Clause  1976  (supply),  Arthur  J. 
Chisom  1976- 

Pleasant  View 

Alexander  Eubank  1879-1880,  J.  H.  Pearcy  1891,  Dr.  William  F.  Fisher 
1893-1895,  Joseph  M.  Street  1896-1899,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1900-1902, 
Joseph  M.  Street  1903,  M.  W.  Bloxom  1904-1906,  James  M.  Coleman 
1907-1909,  W.  W.  Townsend  1912,  Richard  F.  Hicks  1914-1919,  Simpson 
G.  CalUson  1919-1922,  Andrew  W.  Connelly  1923-1929,  N.  L.  Loflin 
1930-1937,  Herman  C.  Inge  1938-1939,  Frank  A.  Brumfield  1940-1942, 
John  B.  Thurman  1943-1944,  T.  Edison  Goad  1946-1948,  John  B.  Thurman 
1950-1951,  Morris  E.  Campbell  1952-1954,  Guy  H.  Newman  1955-1957, 
J.  R.  Duffie  1959-1973,  Robert  L.  Thompson  1973-1974  (supply),  Dr.  J.  G. 
Henry  1974- 



Alderson  Weeks  1810,  Zachariah  Whorley  1828,  Zachariah  Whorley  and 
Merriman  E.  Lunsford  1829-1830,  Merriman  E.  Lunsford  1831,  Zachariah 
Whorley   1833-1835,  James  C.  Leftwich   1849,  Abner  Anthony   1853-1854, 


n  mas  N.  Sanderson  1855-1856,  William  Harris  1857,  George  W.  Leftwich 
lt-1864,  C.  W.  Wood  1865-1869,  Charles  L.  Anthony  1870,  Gabriel 
K .-jeler,  Jr.,  1872-1876,  William  W.  Fuqua  1877,  William  J.  Cocke  1877- 
!"[,  Alexander  Eubank  1878-1879  (supply),  Charles  L.  Anthony  1879- 
I  ),  William  D.  Barr  1880-1885,  Gabriel  Wheeler,  Jr.,  1886-1887,  Alex- 
u  er  Eubank  1887-1894,  Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon  1895-1905,  James  S. 
Ji  n  1906-1909,  Horace  L.  Wilkinson  1910-1919,  Henry  L.  Thomas  1920- 
!  .,  Mathias  B.  Major  1922-1927,  Thomas  B.  Hawkins  1928  (supply), 
fines  E.  Poteet  1929-1935,  Andrew  W.  Connelly  1936-1939,  Fred  Harcum 
ti  1-1942,  Luther  C.  Coffman  1942-1950,  Dr.  Wesley  N.  Laing  1950 
i'.oply),  Charlie  M.  Shelton  1950-1954,  Tearle  P.  Brown  1954-1957,  John 
loayton,  Jr.,  1957-1959,  Wilbur  C.  Kirchner  1960-1962,  Dr.  James  L. 
)  d  1963  (supply),  Lester  F.  Gayton  1963-1965,  George  C.  Lynch  1965 
fcpply),  Olin  V.  Glidden  1966-1967,  William  F.  Carson  1967-1968 
i  )ply),  Gilbert  M.  Profitt  1968-1975,  A.  Donald  Anthony  1975  (supply), 
fc'>ert  M.  Profitt  1975-1976   (supply),  Arthur  H.  Bishop  1976- 


amuel  T.  Habel  1902,  James  S.  Lynn  1903,  Charles  L.  Anthony  1906- 
5,  James  E.  Poteet  1917-1919,  Omar  G.  Burnett  1927-1929,  G.  A. 
I  cklett  1930-1932,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1933-1937,  A.  C.  Lawson  1938,  R.  E. 
)  lkum  1939-1941,  Edgar  P.  Roberson  1942-1951,  Hubert  L.  Cooper 
1M957,  Grady  C.  Dickens  1958,  Ralph  K.  Harris  1959-1961,  Bobby  E. 
Knett  1963-1964,  Haywood  Calvert  1965-1966,  Hubert  R.  Hart  1967- 
fi,  A.  Donald  Anthony  1968-1969  (supply),  Tommy  C.  Floyd  1969- 

Rainbow  Forest 

hillip  C.  Day  1969-1971,  Garney  J.  Day  1969-1971  (assistant),  Guy  R. 
I  twright  1971-1974,  Wessley  C.  Patterson  1974-1975  (supply),  Richard 
t  Moran  1975  (supply),  Phillip  C.  Day  1975-   (supply) 



indrew  J.  Coons  1914,  H.  L.  Nicholas  1915,  Walter  G.  Hughes  1916, 
In  A.  Anthony  1918-1920,  Edwin  J.  Hopkins  1922,  W.  P.  Brooke  1924, 
bert  E.  L.  Chadwick  1926-1928,  Lewis  D.  Craddock  1929-1937,  Frank 
ij3rumiield  1938-1946,  Jesse  V.  Ashwell  1947-1956,  Eugene  C.  Campbell 
■  7-1959,  Bobby  C.  Buchanan  1960-1962,  Johnny  C.  McBride  1962-1963, 
I  Harry  P.  Clause  1963  (supply),  James  H.  Keaton  1965-1967,  George 
Reynolds  1968-1971,  Jack  R.  Miller  1972- 

Shady  Grove 

Dseph  R.  Harrison  1861-1863,  Gabriel  Wheeler,  Jr.,  1869-1870,  James 
Oavis  1874-1878,  Gabriel  Wheeler,  Jr.,  1879-1889,  James  A.  Davis  1890- 
IL,  Reuben  B.  Boatwright  1891-1893,  Gabriel  Wheeler,  Jr.  1894, 
r;phus  A.  Barnhardt  1895-1896,  James  E.  Poteet  1898,  Horace  L.  Wilk- 


inson  1899,  W.  T.  Henderson  1899-1903,  James  P.  Luck  1905-1908,  A. 
Rittenour  1908-1909,  George  H.  Broyles  1910-1920,  Thomas  E.  Booi 
1921-1922,  W.  L.  Naff  1925-1927,  George  H.  Broyles  1928-1942,  Earl 
Dodson  1942-1944,  Elhert  M.  Yeatts  1944-1948,  Charlie  M.  Shelton  19' 
1950,  Harold  B.  Oyer  1952-1953,  Woodrow  W.  Glass  1954-1955,  WilliJ 
C.  Mattox,  Jr.,  1956-1958,  Marvon  C.  Patterson  1958-1962,  Garney  J.  E 
1963-1966,  Andrew  B.  Moon  1967-1968  (supply),  Elmer  W.  Sellers  1969- 



William  Johnson   1790-1792,  Teass  1793,  William  Johns 

1794,  John  Black  1802,  Joshua  Burnette  1803,  Luke  Bird  1809  (suppl; 
Joseph  Burroughs  1818-1822,  Abner  Anthony  1827-1866,  Thomas  C.  Gogi 
1867,  Charles  L.  Anthony  1878-1882,  Thomas  C.  Goggin  1883-1884,  Chari 
L.  Anthony  1885,  Thomas  C.  Goggin  1886,  William  D.  Barr  1887,  Pe. 
A.  Anthony  1888-1890,  Charles  L.  Anthony  1891-1894,  G.  Robert  Hal 
1895-1900,  James  P.  Luck  1900-1901,  James  S.  Lynn  1901-1908,  Char] 
L.  Anthony  1909-1914,  James  E.  Poteet  1915-1919,  George  G.  Turner  195 
1925,  Omar  G.  Burnett  1927-1929,  G.  A.  Chocklett  1930-1932,  Hubert 
Cooper  1932-1934,  J.  E.  Poteet  1936,  Hubert  L.  Cooper  1937,  A.  C.  Laws' 
1938-1939,  R.  E.  Dunkum  1940-1941,  Edgar  P.  Roberson  1942-1951,  Hubt 
L.  Cooper  1952-1957,  A.  A.  Blanks  1958- 

Suck  Spring 

Isham  Fuqua  1805-1810,  William  Harris  1814-1865,  Thomas  C.  Gogg 
1865-1870,  James  A.  Davis  1871-1873,  Gabriel  Gray  1873-1882,  A.  Juds< 
Reamy  1882-1885,  William  D.  Barr  1885-1888,  James  P.  Luck  1888-18* 
J.  K.  Gait  1890-1891,  James  B.  Cook  1892,  James  P.  Luck,  1893-191 
Andrew  J.  Coons  1912-1915,  H  L  Nicholas  1915,  Walter  G.  Hugh 
1915-1917,  Perm  A.  Anthony  1917-1921,  Edwin  J.  Hopkins  1921-1922,  W. 
Brooke  1923-1925,  Robert  E.  L  Chadwick  1926-1929,  Robert  L  Camd( 
1929  (supply),  Lewis  D.  Craddock  1929-1937,  Frank  A.  Brumfield  193 
1947,  G.  D.  Caldwell  1947-1950,  Thomas  E.  Weringo  1950-1953,  James  . 
McKittrick  1953-1956,  Dewey  V.  Page  1956-1959,  Thomas  M.  Mishoe  196 
1970,  C.  V.  Cochran  1970  (supply),  Wilton  O.  Gleaton  1971- 

Terrace  View 

George  G.  Turner  1921-1925,  Robert  E.  L.  Chadwick  1926-1928,  Willia) 
S.  Royall  1929-1932,  Luther  C.  Coffman  1933-1942,  John  B.  Thurma 
1942-1944,  A.  M.  Fox  1944-1945,  Thomas  E.  Weringo  1946-1948,  John  1 
Thurman  1949-1951,  Morris  E.  Campbell  1952-1954,  Dr.  Henley  M.  Fugal 
1955  (supply),  J.  C.  Reynolds,  Jr.,  1956-1960,  Dr.  Joseph  E.  Johnso 
1960-1963  (supply),  Dr.  Dancy  S.  Dempsey  1963-1964  (supply),  D 
Joseph  R.  Johnson  1964-1965  (supply),  Dr.  Dancy  S.  Dempsey  1965-196 
(supply),  Samuel  C.  Crawford  1968- 



lomas  N.  Sanderson  1857,  Nathan  Lesly   1858,  J.  L.  Gwaltney   1859, 

-lam  Harris  1861-1863,  Alexander  Eubank   1870-1876,  James  P.  Luck 

1879,  Alexander  Eubank  1880,  James  A.  Davis  1881-1884,  Alexander 

jank   1885-1889,   James  P.   Luck   1890-1908,  James  M.  Coleman   1909- 

,  Andrew  J.   Coons   1913-1914,   James  M.   Coleman   1915-1917,  R.   E. 

am  1918-1919,  J.  Mack  Franklin  1920-1925,  Francis  H.  Harrison  1927- 

ll,  Andrew   W.   Connelly    1930-1931,   Charlie   M.    Roberson    1932-1946, 

\>  Cline  L.  Vice  1947-1951,  N.  C.  Napier  1952-1968,  C.  V.  Cochran  1969 

S  )ply),  W.  Johnson  Gupton,  Jr.,   1970- 

Timber  Ridge 

i'ham   Fuqua    1805-1810,    James    H.    L    Moorman    1811-1814,    William 

ris    1814,   Merriman   E.    Lunsford    1823,   William   Leftwich    1823-1828, 

W>  Fuqua   1828-1831,  William  Leftwich   1831-1848,  Francis  M.  Barker 

;i-1853,     William    Harris     1854-1855,     Alexander    Eubank     1855-1856, 

'mas  C.  Goggin  1856-1861,  James  A.  Davis  1862-1871,  William  Fisher 

! -1872,  James  A.  Davis  1872-1873,  Dr.  Cornelius  Tyree  1873-1883,  Dr. 

i  T.   Kincanon   1884-1886,   George   C.   Abbitt    1886-1887,   J.   D.   Berry 

^'-1888,   James  P.   Luck    1889-1894,   Dr.   John   T.   Kincanon    1894-1899, 

liam  S.  Royall    1900-1905,   Charles  W.  Collier   1905-1911,   Robert   D. 

ite   1911-1914,   Henry  B.   Jennings,   Jr.    1914-1917,   Penn   A.   Anthony 

f'-1920,  Jasper  N.  Newsom   1920-1921,  Edwin  J.  Hopkins   1922,  W.  P. 

jbke  1923-1926,  Robert  E.  L.  Chadwick  1926-1928,  Lewis  D.  Craddock 

J-1933,  Luther  C.   Coffman   1933-1950,  Charlie  M.   Shelton    1950-1952, 

2.  Craig  1953-1954,  Alton  W.  Jessee   1954-1956,   John  R  Boon   1957- 

k,  Dr.  Harry  P.   Clause   1961    (supply),  G.   Milton  Bettini    1961-1964, 

\l  W.  Ellis  1964  (supply),  William  H.  Pearson  1964-1967,  Neal  W.  Ellis 

(supply),   Carl   E.   Sizemore    1967-1969,   A.    Donald   Anthony    1969- 

l)  (supply),  William  H.  Pearson  1970- 



Wendell  Sodergen   1962-1963,  Charles  F.  Wilson  1964-1965,  Donald 
^oleman  1965-1967,  L  Gale  Lyon  1967-1974,  A  Donald  Anthony  1974- 
'»  (supply),  Herbert  D.  Holton  1975- 

Walnut  Grove 

abriel  Gray  1875-1881,  C.  F.  James  1882,  John  R.  Fizer  1883-1885, 
ihaniel  C.  Burnett  1886,  William  D.  Barr  1887,  James  A.  Davis  1888- 
:),  J.  K.  Gait  1890-1891,  James  B.  Cook  1892-1894,  William  S.  Royall 

)-1900,  R.  J.  Dogan  1901-1902,  W.  T.  Henderson  1904,  Nathaniel  C. 
snett  1906,  R.  L  Cauley  1908-1911,  Andrew  J.  Coons  1913-1914,  James 
-Coleman  1915-1917,  R.  E.  Ingram  1918-1919,  J.  Mack  Franklin  1920- 
13,  Francis  H.  Harrison  1927-1928,  Charlie  M.  Roberson  1933-1945, 
"M.    Fogg    1946,    Thomas   E.    Weringo    1951-1952,    Edgar   P.    Roberson 

I  (supply),  Eugene  C.  Campbell  1955,  Charles  A.  Echols  1957- 




Presidents  of  the  General  Association  from  the 
Strawberry  Association 

Jeremiah  B.  Jeter  1854-'57* 

Daniel  P.  Witt  1861-'62* 

Robert  Ryland  1862-'63 

William  E.  Hatcher  1888-'90* 

R.  A.  MacFarland   1926 

T.  Claggett  Skinner   1929-'31 

B.  F.  Moomaw   1934-'35** 

Walter  P.  Binns  1944 

R  F.  Hough  1946,  1954** 

Aubrey  H.  Camden 1948*    ** 

Wade  H.  Bryant 1951 

Charles  L.  Harman  1956* 

W.  Curtis  English  1957** 

Albert  E.  Simms 1960 

R.  P.  Downey  1962 

W.  Barker  Hardison  1972 

Charles  G.  Fuller  1974 


Eli   Ball   1831-'32 

Hugh   C.   Smith   1891-1930 





Statistical  Secretaries 

Charles  C.  Bitting 
E.  J.  Wright 

Preachers  of  Annual  Sermon  at  Virginia  General  Associatior 

Eli  Ball  1837 

Robert  Ryland  1839 

J.  B.  Jeter  1843,  1877* 

A.  M.  Poindexter  1845,  1858 


C.  Bitting I860,  1865 

aniei   P.    Witt    1863* 

>rnelius  Tyree  1870,  1891 

.  E.  Hatcher  1872* 

C.  McConnell  1900 

Claggett  Skinner  1912 

J.  Wicker  1914* 

unes  E.  Shelburne  1923  Danville 

.  M.  Thompson  : 1935 

>sef  Nordenhaug  1946 

erbert  R.   Carlton   1948 

,  D.  Johnson  1951  Danville 

F.   Campbell   1953 

'.   W.   Shrader   1954 

any   Y.   Gamble  1955  Roanoke 

ouglas  M.  White  1963  Bassett 

r.  Barker  Hardison  1964  Roanoke 

hevis  F.   Home  1966  Martinsville 

harles  G.  Fuller  1969  Roanoke 

Jnless  stated  preacher  has  been  a  pastor  in  the  bounds  of  the  association 
;  of  the  last  100  years.) 

Members  of  the  General  Board 
of  the  General  Association,  Organized  in  1921 

.  A.  MacFarland  1921-'25 

Calvin  Moss  1926-'29** 

.  Claggett  Skinner  1929-'33 

.  A.  Diuguid  1934** 

L.  Langley  1935-'38 

.  C.  Shotwell  1939-'43** 

.  L.  Randolph  1944-'45 

.  G.  Carter 1946-1850 

eorge  Rumney  1950-'51 

Alliam    M.    Thompson    1952-'56 

IL  W.  Gentry  1956-'59** 
[.  H.  Stembridge  1960-'61 

I  ussell    Cherry    1962-'63 

.  MarshaU  Walker  1964-'67 

f.  C.  Napier  1968 

..   R.    Freeman    1969-'75 

lbert  W.  Hassell  1976-** 



Superintendents  of  the  Associational  Sunday  Schools 

1938  W.  H.  Bullard* 

1939  V.  W.  Nichols* 
1941-'44  Luther  C.  Coffman 
1945-'50  E.  P.  Roberson 
1951  George  T.  Herring 
1952-'56  T.  G.  Lester,  Jr. 
1957-'58  W.  C.  Mattox,  Jr. 
1959-'61  Dewey  V.  Page 
1962  H.  Lawson  Smith* 

1963-'64  James  T.  Campbell 

1965  L.  R.  Freeman 

1966  James  T.  Campbell 

1967  Mervin  J.  Garrison 
1968-'69  L.  Gale  Lyon 
1970  Earl  B.  Denoff 
1971-'72  Norman  A.  Gooding 
1973-'76  B.  G.  Finnell,  Jr.* 

I  }■ 




Directors  of  Associational  Training  Unions 


Ira  Campbell 


J.  R.  Duffie 


B.  C.  Davis* 


Everett  W.  Chapman 


Kenneth  E.  Crouch* 


Mrs.  W.  S.  Arthur* 


Cline  L.  Vice 



Carroll  B.  Welsh 


Vergil  L  Robertson* 


Fred  Sawyer* 


William  T.  Vest 



Nelson  A.  Barese 


M.  C.  Patterson 



W.  A.  Hale* 


Robert  C.  Wells 



W.  H.  Burnette,  Jr.* 


John  R.  Boon 

*  Layman 

1 1 







Date  Place  Superintendent  (*) 

1890  Miss  Willie  Bowman  . 

1891  Miss  Willie  Bowman 

1892  Miss  Willie  Bowman 

1893  Miss  Willie  Bowman 

1894    Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug.  7,  1895 — Morgans  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug.  5,  1896— Lynch's  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug.  5,  1897— Pecks  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

1898 — Diamond  Hill  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug.  9,  1899— Timber  Ridge  Mrs.  Charles  R  Smith 

1900  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug  7,  1901 — First  Presbyterian,  Lynchburg  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug.  6,  1902— Suck  Spring  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug.  6,  1903— Difficult  Creek  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

July  28,  1904— Bedford Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

Aug.  9,  1905  Mrs.  Alexander  Millar 

1906   Mrs.  Alexander  Millar 

Aug.  6,  1907 — Bedford  Presbyterian  Mrs.  Alexander  Millar 

1908  Mrs.  J.  Mack  Franklin 




)   Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

;.  10,   1910— Palestine  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

\r  26-27,   1911— Big  Island  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

/  2-3,  1912 — Rivermont  Avenue,  Lynchburg  ....  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

f  7-8,  1913— Forest  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

/  22-23,  1914— Flat  Creek  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

t.22-23,  1915— Thaxton  Mrs.  Charles  R.  Smith 

>  18-19,  1916— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  A.  Woodruff 

/  17-18,  1917— FranKlm  Street,  Lynchburg  Mrs.  W.  A.  Woodruff 

/  22-23,  1918 — Timber  Ridge  Mrs.  W.  A.  Woodruff 

;.  16,  1919— Suck  Spring  Mrs.  W.  A.  Woodruff 

t  20-21,  1920— Forest Mrs.  W.  A.  Woodruff 

f  19,   1921— New  Prospect  Mrs.  W.  A.  Woodruff 

y  17-18,  1922— Boones  Mill   Miss  Emaline  Thornhill 

Y  18,  1923— Rivermont  Avenue,  Lynchburg  Mrs.  Charles  Marshall 

y  22,   1924 — Thaxton   Mrs.  Charles  Marshall 

/  21,   1925 — Franklin  Street,   Lynchburg   Mrs.  J.  Mack  Franklin 

y  20,  1926— Bedford  Mrs.  J.  Mack  Franklin 

Y  19,  1927 — College  Hill,  Lynchburg  Miss  Elsie  Gilliam 

3  Miss  Elsie  Gilliam 

Y  23,   1929 — First  Baptist,  Lynchburg  Miss  Elsie  Gilliam 

f  2,  1930— Franklin  Street,  Lynchburg  Miss  Elsie  Gilliam 

il  24,  1931— Bedford  Miss  Elsie  Gilliam 

I  Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall 

•ch  2,   1933— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall 

•ch  1,   1934 — First  Baptist,  Lynchburg  Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall 

•il  12,  1935— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall 

il  7,   1936— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall 

•il  13,   1937— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall 

Y  21-22,  1938— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  S.  Royall 

/  6,  1939— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

•il  11,   1940— Bedford    Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

(til  10,  1941— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

HI  9,  1942— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

HI  8,  1943— Bedford  Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

til  13,  1944— Bedford   Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

111  12,   1945— Bedford    Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

t-  il  11,   1946— Bedford   Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

[••'•il  10,   1947— Bedford   Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

HI  8,   1948— First  Baptist,   Lynchburg   Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

HI  14,  1949— Bedford   Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

f--ch  23,  1950— Bedford   Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

Irch  22,   1951— Bedford    Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

HI  3,   1952— West  Lynchburg  Mrs.  W.  F.  Hickey 

pch  26,  1953— Bedford    Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugate 

111  6,   1954— Bedford    Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugate 

j-uary  6,   1955— Bedford    Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugate 

fuary  6,  1956— Bedford  Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugate 

j*uary   10,   1957— Bedford    Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugate 

luary  7,   1958— Bedford    Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugate 


March  31,  1959— Bedford Mrs.  H.  M.  Fugj 

April  10,  1960— Bedford   Mrs.   Harry  P.  Clai; 

Mrs.  J,  L.  McGhs 

January,  1961— Thaxton  Mrs.  J.  L.  McGl 

October  18-19,   1962— Franklin  Street,  Lynchburg  Mrs.  J.  L.  McGh; 

April  4,  1963— Forest  Mrs.  J.  L.  McGhj 

April  2,  1964— Bedford   Mrs.  J.  L.  McGh! 

April  8,  1965— Hunting  Creek  Mrs.  J.  L.  McGh 

April  7,   1966— Thaxton  Mrs.  J.  L.  McGh 

April  13,  1967— Bedford  Mrs.  Robert  N.  Kre 

April  4,  1968— Thaxton  Mrs.  Robert  N.  Kre 

April  10,  1969 — Morgans  Mrs.  Robert  N.  Kre 

April  9,  1970— Bedford   Mrs.  Robert  N.  Kre 

April  8,  1971— Trinity  Mrs.  Hobart  F.  Markha 

April  6,  1972— Quaker    Mrs.  Hobart  F.  Markha 

April  5,  1973— Shady  Grove  Mrs.  Hobart  F.  Markha 

April  4,  1974— Thaxton Mrs.  David  E.  Broo! 

April  17,  1975— Flint  Hill  Mrs.  David  E.  Broo 

April  1,  1976— Suck  Spring  Mrs.  David  E.  Broo: 

(*)  Presiding  officer  of  organization  known  as  Vice  President  1890-19C 


Strawberry  Baptist  Association,  Organized  1776 

Churches  from  this  association  as  members  of  other  associations  in  tv 

In  North.Carolina 


Yadkin,  1786 

Mountain,  1799  became  anti-missionary 

Brier  Creek,  1821 

Jefferson,  1849 

New  River,  1871  partly  in  Virginia 

In  Virginia 

Staunton  River,  1788  became  anti-missionary 

Albemarle,  1790 

New  River  (old),  1793 

Pig  River,  1825  became  anti-missionary 

Pittsylvania,  1841 

Valley,  1841 

Blue  Ridge,  1859 

Staunton  River,  1951 

Lynchburg,  1965 


kiYom  the  old  New  River 
fl  Greenbrier,  1801 

>rom  the  Greenbrier 


P  Teay's  VaUey,  1812 


from  Albemarle 


i  Piedmont,  1903 


^rom  Valley 

j  Highlands,  1958 
Natural  Bridge,  1955 


r.^rom  Blue  Ridge 

|  Franklin  County,  1956 
[  Henry  County,  1957 



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•ui||Oiug  100140s 
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tooqos  Aspuns 









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Financial  Data 


October  31,  1787 
May  31,  1788 
October  4,  1 788 
May  30,  1 789 
October  3,  1 789 

May  29,  1790 
October  2,  1 790 
May  28,  1791 
October  1,  1791 
May  23,  1792 

October  6,  1 792 
May  25,  1793 
October  5,  1793 
May  31,  1794 
October  1,  1796 

May  27,  1797 
October  7,  1 797 
May  26,  1798 
October  6,  1 798 
May  25,  1799 

October  5,  1799 
May  31,  1800 
October  4,  1 800 
May  30,  1801 
October  4,  1801 


lueuj||OJU3  nWM 



uoiun  Buiuiuj. 

suoiun  Buiujsjj. 

(ueui||OJug  jooqos 
e|qig  uousoba 

100405  Aspuns 










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Financial  Data 



May  29,  1802 
October  2,  1 802 
May  28,  1 803 
October  1,  1803 
May  16,  1 804 

October  6,  1804 
May  25,  1805 
October  5,  1 805 
May  31,  1806 
May  30,  1807 

October  3,  1807 
May  28,  1808 
October  1,  1808 
May  27,  1 809 
October  7,  1809 

May  26,  1810 
October  6,  1810 
May  25,  1811 
October  5,  1811 
May  30,  1812 

CM         CO         <| 

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i  tuoiun  BuiujOJi 

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CO  00  CD  CO  CO 

CN  «-  «-  «-  t- 


Financial  Data 



May  27,  1815 
October  7,  1815 
May  25,  1816 
October  23,  1816 
May  24,  1817 

October  4,  1817 
May  30,  1818 
October  3,  1818 
May  29,  1819 
October  2,  1819 

May  27,  1820 
September  30,  1820 
May  26,  1821 
October  6,  1821 
May  25,  1822 

October  5,  1822 
May  24,  1823 
October  4,  1 823 
May  29,  1824 
October  2,  1824 

May  28,  1825 
October  1,  1825 
May  27,  1826 
September  30,  1 826 
May  26,  1827 


Hi8Ui|j0.*U3  DS^SM 




uoiuri  Buiuibjx 


qVAA  saqoinqo 

}ueuj||OJug|  jooqog 
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Financial  Data 



October  6,  1827 
May  24,  1828 
October  4,  1 828 
May  30,  1829 
October  3,  1829 

May  29,  1830 
October  2,  1 830 
May  28,  1831 
October  1,  1831 
May  26,  1832 

October  6,  1 832 
May  27,  1833 
October  5,  1833 
May  24,  1834 
October  4,  1 834 

May  5,  1835 
October  3,  1835 
May  28,  1836 
October  1,  1836 
May  27,  1837 

September  30,  1837 
May  26,  1838 
October  6,  1838 
May  25,  1839 
August  31.  1839 



»ueoi|[Oiu3  nWM 





suoiun  Buiuibjj. 




luouj||OJU3  jooips 
aiqig  uoijboba 


looips  Aupung 



















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HVM  «ei40Jnio 

uoiur)  Buiuibji 

suoiun  Buiuibjj. 

lueuj||OJug  jooips 
ejqia  uojjboba 

looips  Acpung 














^  CM  O  CO  01 

r»  «-  O)  co  <t 
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CM*  CM"  —  —  CM 


co      in 

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CM  CO  r-  —  «- 

O  CM  CM  cm  in 


o  o  —  —  — 


—   CM  O  — CM 
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Financial  Data 




September  5,  1840 
May  1,  1841 
September  4,  1841 
May  7,  1842 
September  3,  1842 

May  18,  1843 
September  2,  1843 
May  11,  1844 
August  31,  1844 
May  10,  1845 

September  6,  1845 
May  9,  1846 
September  5,  1846 
May  8,  1847 
September  11,  1847 

May  13,  1848 
September  2,  1848 
May  1 2,  1 849 
September  1,  1849 
May  11,  1850 

August  2,  1850 














uoiun  Buiuibjj. 

■uoiun  Buiuibjj. 
ui!AA  »eqojnuo 

lueui)|OJU3  |<>oqos 
ojq;g  uo|iw»A 

looips  Aepung 

u>  r»  *t  y-  co  m 
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On  August  28-30,  1790,  at  Eaton's  Meeting  House,  a  branch  of  Flat 
x:k  Church,  on  Dutchman's  Creek  the  first  Yadkin  Baptist  Association 
as  organized  by  delegates  from  14  churches.  For  four  years  prior  to 
'90  the  Yadkin  Association  had  operated  as  an  arm  or  branch  of  the 
rawherry  Association.  The  14  churches  in  the  Yadkin  Association 
>rganized  in  1786  as  an  arm  or  branch  of  the  Strawberry  Association) 

Name  County 

eaver  Creek  Wilkes  County,  N.  C. 

ew  River  Watauga  County,  N.  C. 

orth  Fork  Wilkes  County,  N.  C. 

riar  Creek  Wilkes  County,  N.  C. 

juth  Fork  of  Roaring  River  Wilkes  County,  N.  C. 

itchell  River  Wilkes  County,  N.  C. 

ead  of  Yadkin  Caldwell  County,  N.  C. 

oaring  River  Wilkes   County,  N.  C. 

imber  Ridge  Rowan  County,  N.  C. 

*rsey  Davidson  County,  N.  C. 

rassy  Knob   Iredell   County,  N.  C. 

atawba  River  Burke  County,  N.  C. 

unting  Creek  Yadkin   County,  N.  C. 

ye  Valley  Wythe  County,  Va. 




Queries  and  Their  Answers 

A  "QUERY"  is  a  question,  especially  an  inquiry  to  be  answered  o: 
solved.  It  may  involve  a  question  in  the  mind,  or  a  doubt,  as  I  have 
query  about  his  sincerity.  As  a  verb  it  means  to  examine  by  questions 
or  to  question  the  truth  or  corrections  of  something. 

In  the  Articles  adopted  for  the  Strawberry  Baptist  Association  ir 
Catawba  Meeting  House,  October  5,  1822  —  When  a  Church  wants  the 
assistance  of  the  Association,  she  must  make  her  wishes  known  in  hei 
letter,  to  the  Association  meeting,  either  by  query  or  request,  and  i: 
reasonable  the  Association  will  pay  respectful  attention  to  it. 

We  consider  some  of  the  queries  which  arose  within  the  Strawberry 
Baptist  Association.  They  cover  a  wide  range  of  subjects,  and  give  u 
a  distinct  idea  of  the  thinking  and  needs  in  the  functioning  of  th 
churches.  We  cannot  begin  to  cover  all  the  queries  that  arose,  but  here 
are  a  sampling  of  some  of  the  more  significant  queries  and  the  answers 

1789  —  Query  from  Strawberry  Baptist  Association  to  the  Genera 
Committee  of  Baptist  Associations  in  City  of  Richmond.  "WHAT  IS  i 
BAPTIST  CONSTITUTION?"  The  answer  came  in  a  letter  to  the  Straw 
berry  Association  meeting  August  8-10,  1789.  "We  answer  THE  BIBLE 
There  is  none  other  like  it.  .  .  .  A  Bible  Baptist  is  the  best  appellatioi 
for  us.  .  .  .  Neither  the  Committee  nor  any  association  have  any  righ 
to  disrobe  churches  of  their  independence. 

May  25-27,  1822.  Timber  Ridge  Meeting  House.  Query  proposed  b; 
the  Committee  on  Arrangements:  What  particular  points  of  faith  shouli 
be  indispensably  attended  to  by  Presbyteries,  in  the  ordination  of 
minister  of  the  Gospel?  (In  Baptist  usage  a  Presbytery,  evidently  mean 
a  council  of  ministers  and  perhaps  some  laymen.)  The  answer  wa 
presented,  by  a  special  committee,  October  5,  1822  in  Catawba  Meetin 
House  in  Botetourt  County.  It  was  a  detailed  summary  of  Scriptur 
truth  agreed  upon  by  the  Ministers  and  Messengers  of  Strawberry  Dis 
trict  Baptist  Association  as  fundamental  principles  of  their  belief. 

Queries  on  Ordination  of  Ministers 

May  1791  —  Where  is  the  power  of  ordination  of  ministers  and  wh 
have  the  right  of  administration  of  the  ordination  of  Gospel  Ministers 
Answer  —  The  power  is  in  the  Church  and  the  administration  in  th 


:  October  1791  —  What  mode  shall  we  fall  upon  to  be  uniform  in  the 

:amination  and  ordination  of  ministers? 

nswer  —  We  recommend  to  the  churches,  when  they  have  a  minister 
I     ordain,  that  they  call  for  a  Presbytery  of  ministers  to  examine  him 

id  if  found  qualified,  to  ordain  him  by  fasting  and  prayer  and  imposition 
hands.     Moreover,  we  advise  that  such  Presbytery  be  composed  of  the 
■  jlest   ministers  that  can   be  conveniently   obtained,   to  prevent   further 
-  iread  of  the  ordination  of  unqualified  ministers. 

;  October  7,  1793  —  Is  any  Presbytery  authorized  by  the  Word  of  God 
(     ordain  any  to  preach  the  Gospel  and  administer  the  ordinances  who 

•e  not  called  to  take  a  pastoral  charge  of  a  church? 

nswer  —  We  think  there  is  no  ordination  of  a  minister,  but  to  the 
\  ork  of  the  ministry. 

I  Again  —  Is  it  desirable  for  young  ministers  to  preach  out  of  the  bounds 
f:  the  Church  to  which  they  belong  without  the  approbation  of  said 

!  nswer  —  NO! 

i  October  1804  —  The  first  request,  from  a  Church,  for  the  appointment 
Hi  an  ordination  Presbytery  by  the  Association.  Goose  Creek  Church 
;,. "quested  the  appointment  of  a  Presbytery  to  enquire  into  the  qualifi- 
i  itions  of  Brother  William  Leftwich  for  the  ministry,  as  also  of  Brethren 
;  ichaxd  and  Jesse  Turner  for  the  office  of  Deacons,  and,  if  qualified,  to 
j--dain  the  same. 

j  May  1807  —  From  Goose  Creek  Church.  Are  the  powers  of  a  Church 
ibmpetent  to  the  restoration  by  her  minister  or  pastor,  who  has  been 
i  ^communicated  for  transgression,  to  his  former  standing?  If  so,  whether 
Iny  and,  if  any,  what  regulations  ought  to  be  made  relative  to  credentials 
f.  such  ministers? 

I  nswer  —  We  think  the  Church  has  power,  but  we  advise  such  a  Church 
/•  call  for  the  best  helps,  that  she  conveniently  can,  to  assist  her  in  that 
Liportant  business  and  to  make  such  regulations  relative  to  the  credential 
\i'  such  minister  as  they  may  deem  necessary. 
Vi  October  1807  —  Is  it  right  for  a  preacher,  who  has  been  ordained  in 

le   Baptist    order    and,    after    that,    excommunicated,    to    hold    his    cre- 
dentials?    If  not  what  measures  shall  be  taken  in  such  cases? 
jmswer  —  It  is  not  right  that  he  should  retain  them   but,   if  retained 

ter  they  are  demanded  by  the  Church,  the  Church  should  advertise  it  in 
|'e  public  papers. 


t  Duties  of  Ministers 

October  1788  —  Whether  a  minister  has  a  right  to  baptize  any  person 

:cept  their  experience  be  first  received  by   some  church  of  the   same 

ith  and  order? 

nswer  —  A  majority  vote  said  they  have. 

,May  1789  —  Whether  a  minister  has  a  right  to  baptize  any  person  in 
,e  bounds  of  a  church  except  their  experience  be  first  received  by  some 
,  urch  of  the  same  faith  and  order? 

lswer  —  They  have  not. 


May  1790  —  Whether  one  minister  is  sufficient  to  ordain  officers  aw 
constitute  churches? 
Answer  —  NO! 

Again  —  Whether  an  ordained  minister,  moving  into  another  churcl 
and  there  called  to  his  office,  has  need  of  being  reordained? 
Answer  —  NO! 

October  1790  —  Whether  the  apostolic  practice  of  laying  on  of  hand 
on  newly  baptized  persons  is  not  obligatory  upon  us? 
Answer  —  After  a  good  deal  of  debating,  by  a  majority,  that  it  is. 

May  1799  —  Has  a  Church  a  right  to  act  when  a  minister  or  othe, 
Church  officers  do  not  attend  Church  meeting? 
Answer  —  In  the  affirmative. 

May  1800  —  Is  it  agreeable  to  the  Word  of  God  for  ministers  to  marr 
on  the  Sabbath  and  receive  their  pay? 
Answer  —  We  think  it  no  crime,  provided  the  minister  does  not  neglec 
his  religious  duties. 

October  4,  1802  —  Is  it  advisable  for  Baptists  to  encourage  and  go  ti 
hear  any  man  preach  who  is  not  in  good  standing? 
Answer  —  NO! 

October  3,  1803  —  What  is  a  Church  to  do  with  a  preacher  who  fre 
quently  drinks  himself  drunk,  makes  his  acknowledgments  and  repeat 
his  sin? 

Answer  —  In  the  first  place,  deal  with  him  according  to  Matthew  18,  am 
if  the  fruits  of  repentance  be  discovered  to  the  satisfaction  of  the  Church 
let  him  be  restored. 


Baptism  and  the  Lord's  Supper 

May  1803  —  Is  it  advisable  for  a  Baptist  Church  to  receive  a  Tunkan 
into  their  fellowship  unless  he  submits  to  this  baptism? 
Answer  —  NO! 

May  1806  —  Is  it  scriptural  to  rebaptize  a  person  who  has  been  baptize 
in  faith  by  immersion? 
Answer  —  Negative,  provided  the  same  be  done  agreeable  to  the  Baptis 
faith  and  order. 

October  1810  —  Is  it  scriptural  to  rebaptize  a  person  who  has  bee/ 
baptized  agreeable  to  the  Baptist  order  but  in  unbelief? 
Answer  —  We  do  not  consider  baptism  valid,  being  administered  to  ) 
subject  in  unbelief. 

May  29,  1790  —  Whether,  according  to  our  Constitution  —  (They  ha* 
nothing  but  the  Bible  until  1822)  —  we  can  commune  with  other  societie, 
or  denominations? 
Answer  —  NO! 

May  25,  1793  —  Is  it  legal  for  Baptists  to  commune  with  any  society? 
Answer  —  We  think  not. 

Heresy  Among  Members 

In  October,  1797,  the  Association  declared  Universalists  "out  of  fellow 


October  1801  —  What  ought  to  be  done  with  a  member  who  holds  the 
I  >ctrine  of  universal  redemption  from  hell? 

I  nswer  —  Such  a  member  ought  to  be  dealt  with  in  Gospel  order,  and 
I'  he  cannot  be  reclaimed,  excommunicated. 

;   May   1805  —  Is   it  extortion  to  sell  corn   amongst   brethren   at   three 
i  )llars  per  .barrel,  at  this  time? 
f  nswer  —  We  think  not. 

i  May  1809  —  Is  it  scriptural  when  a  member  who  has  been  guilty  of 
•  crime  and  comes  before  the  Church  and  makes  a  satisfactory  ac- 
\  lowledgment,  for  him  to  get  up,  on  the  Lord's  day,  and  make  the  same 
:  .'knowledgment  to  the  congregation? 

nswer  —  We  think  a  brother  is  not  bound  in  that  case, 
i   October  1809  —  What  shall  be  done  with  a  preacher  who  holds  and 
i  reaches  Arminianism,  to  the  distress  of  his  brethren? 

•nswer  —  We  have  no  fellowship  with  the  principle,  nor  with  any 
!  rother  who  propagates  it. 

i   May  1813  —  What  shall  be  done  with  a  Church  which  holds  in  fellow- 
lip  a  preacher  who   holds   and   propagates   doctrines  repugnant   to   the 

;neral  belief  of  Baptists? 
Answer  —  Such  church  should  be  labored  with  tenderly  and  faithfully, 
b>  reclaim  her  from  such  error.     If  not  reclaimed,  withdraw  from  her. 

I  May  1814  —  What  shall  be  done  with  members  who,  for  months  to- 
gether, fail  to  fill  their  seats  at  Church  meetings  and  who,  by  order  of 
he  Church,  have  been  visited  at  different  times  and  to  no  good  effect? 

jiswer  —  Deal  with  such  members  as  transgressors. 
October  1817  —  Is  a  member,  who  is  head  of  a  family,  and  does  not 

eep  up  worship  in  his  family,  eligible  to  any  office  in  Church? 
iijiswer  —  We  believe  no  member  to  be  eligible  to   any  office   in   the 

!hurch,  who  is  the  head  of  a  family   and  neglects  to  worship  God   in 

ieir  presence.  Moreover,  we  believe  no  member  of  the  Church  of  Christ 
Ijan  frame  an  excuse  to  justify  the  omission  of  that  important  duty. 

May   13,   1844  —  Ought  any  Baptist  minister  who  holds  and   teaches 
me  doctrine  that  sinners  ought  not  to  pray,  be  invited  to  preach  in  our 

ulpit  or  take  part  in  the  deliberations  of  this  Association? 
,.inswer  —  NO! 

Vhether  the  doctrine  of  teaching  sinners  not  to  pray  ought  to  be  deemed 


inswer  —  We  think  it  is  heresy. 

;Vhat  course  ought  to  be  pursued  with  a  member  who  holds  it? 
Answer  —  Churches  ought  to  pursue  every  kind  measure  to  convince  a 

nember  that  he  is  wrong  and,  if  he  will  not  renounce  the  heresy  and 

lecomes  or  continues  troublesome  to  the  Church,  then  he  or  she  ought 
Jo  be  excluded. 

Feet  Washing 

August  2,  1858  —  Should  feet-washing,  as  enjoined  in  John  13:14,   15, 
>e  observed  in  the  Churches  of  Christ  as  a  religious  ordinance? 
Answer  —  "We  are  of  the  opinion  that  the  washing  of  feet  was  enjoined 


in  the  passage  referred  to,  not  as  a  Christian  institution,  to  be  adminis  I & 
tered  in  the  Churches,  as  are  baptism  and  the  Lord's  supper,  but  as  ai  I '•• 
act  of  kindness  and  condescension  proper  among  those  of  the  househol(  p 
of  faith.  The  washing  of  feet  is  never  referred  to  in  the  Acts  of  th  :-! 
Apostolic  Epistles  as  a  Church  ordinance;  but,  is,  by  the  Apostle  Pau  :  • 
I  Tim.  5:10,  distinctly  classed,  not  with  baptism  and  the  Lord's  suppeii  :c  ■ 
but  with  the  lodging  of  strangers,  relieving  of  the  afflicted,  and  othe  erie 
good  works.  We  are  of  opinion,  therefore,  that  the  obligation  of  fee  t 
washing  passed  away  with  the  social  customs  which  rendered  it  an  ac  %> 
of  hospitality;  and  that  the  duty  is  fulfilled,  in  its  true  intent,  by  acts  o  $ 
kindness  and  condescension  among  brethren."  J.  B.  Jeter.  Several  wen  jo 
opposed  to  its  adoption.  i  «il( 

Dismissing  and  Receiving  Members  pin 

October  1804  —  Is  it  right  for  an  arm  of  a  Church  to  excommunicatt  f 
a  member  without  an  ordained  minister  or  the  concurrence  of  th*1 
Answer  —  In  the  negative. 

May  1807  —  What  steps  are  necessary  to  be  taken  concerning  member: 
who  have  removed  to  a  remote  place  without  applying  for  letters  o 
dismission  when  they  had  it  in  their  power  to  apply  to  the  Church? 
Answer  —  It  is  the  duty  of  the  Church  to  write  a  friendly  letter  to  sucl' 
member  or  members  and  enclose  it  in  another  letter  to  the  Baptist  Churcl 
most  convenient  to  where  they  live. 

October  1817  —  Would  it  not  be  advisable  in  a  Church  having  a  giftec 
member,  he  not  being  her  pastor,  to  give  him  up  to  a  sister  Church,  i.i  &) 
called  for,  he  consenting  thereto? 

Answer  —  In  the  affirmative. 

May  1821  —  It  is  the  opinion  of  this  Association  that  a  Church  canno  - 
receive  a  member  excluded   from   another  Church,   without  the   conseni 
of  the  Church  from  which  he  has  been  excluded.  i 

October  1821  —  What  shall  be  done  with  persons  who  received  letters! 
at  the  dissolving  of  a  Church,  of  which  they  had  been  members,  yet 
hold  the  same,  and  neglect  to  join  themselves  to  a  sister  Church? 
Answer  —  This  Association  advise  that  any  Church,  being  most  con 
venient  to  the  residence  of  such  person  or  persons,  cite  them  to  the 
Church  meetings,  to  show  cause  why  they  hold  their  letters,  and  that  th€ 
Church  or  Churches  make  report  at  the  next  Association. 

October  1826  —  Does  a  Church  act  correctly  in  granting  letters  ol 
dismission  to  members  when  the  circumstances  evidence  that  the  ap- 
plication for  dismission  grows  out  of  a  lack  of  fidelity  to  the  Church  or 
to  any  part  of  its  members? 
Answer  —  It  is  the  opinion  of  this  Association  that  they  do  not. 

October  1837  —  What  qualifications  are  required  in  a  member  who 
applies  for  a  letter  of  dismission  with  a  view  of  joining  another  Church 
of  the  same  faith  and  order.  Should  it  be  answered  that  full  fellowship 
with  the  Church  includes  every  necessary  qualification,  then  Query: 
What  is  indispensable  to  Church  fellowship?  On  motion,  the  following 
is  adopted  as  our  answer: 



re  consider  it  indispensable  in  granting  letters  of  admission  to  members 
tat  such  members  should  be   in  full  fellowship  with   the  Church,   and 

;  tat  in  this  is  included  every  necessary  qualification.  By  full  fellowship 
e  do  not  mean  that  there  shall  not  exist,  to  any  extent  whatever,  con- 
icting  or  discordant  views  and  opinions  among  members,  as  to  matters 
id  measures  not  of  vital  importance,  for  then  should  we  require  a 
erfect  equality  in  capacity  of  mind,  gifts  and  graces,  but  we  do  mean 
lat  full  fellowship,  so  far  as  the  mental  doctrines  of  the  Scriptures,  the 

Ordinances  and  the  government  of  a  Church  are  involved,  require  a 
erfect  unity  among  all  those  professing  one  Lord,  one  Faith,  one  Baptism, 
xemplified  by  such  a  moral  and  godly  department  in  all,  that  charity 
xild  extend  her  hand  to  all,  recognizing  them  with  all  their  imper- 
ictions  and  weaknesses,  as  the  dear  children  of  God.  It  is,  we  are  of 
pinion,  the  privilege  of  such  (a  right  which  they  have  not  surrendered) 
lould  they  desire  it,  to  remove  their  membership  from  one  Church  to 
nother  of  the  same  faith  and  order;  and  if  so,  the  Church  cannot  in 
astice  withhold  her  letter  of  dismission,  no  cause  of  complaint  against 
tie  applicant  being  known  to  exist,  and  that  it  is  sufficient  for  the  Church 
i  granting  such  letters  that  such  members  fellowship  the  Church,  as 
uch;  but  to  interrogate  them  as  to  their  motives,  views  and  reasons 
particularly,  we  think  uncalled  for,  wholly  out  of  place,  and  but  little 
hort  of  an  invasion  of  private  and  individual  right. 



i  May  1799  —  Is  it  Scriptural  for  a  Church  to  have  a  written  covenant? 
\jiswer  —  We  cannot  find  any  positive  Scripture  to  require  a  written 
:ovenant  but  advise  every  Church  to  act,  in  this  respect,  agreeably  to 
heir  light  on  Scripture,  but  to  be  very  careful  not  to  occasion  rents  or 
livisions  in  Churches. 

May  1801  —  It  is  decided  that  it  is  not  necessary  for  a  Church  to  have 
vritten  rules  of  government,  forasmuch  as  we  have  taken  the  Word  of 

<jod  for  the  ground  of  our  faith  and  the  rule  of  our  practice  in  all  re- 
igious  matters. 



October  1800  —  What  shall  be  done  with  a  Church  which  neglects  to 

x>rrespond  with  us? 

Answer  —   We   think   they    ought   to   be    admonished.      If   they    remain 

obstinate,  they  exclude  themselves. 
October  1803  —  Is  it  right  for  a  man  to  use  the  office  of  a  deacon  and 

his  wife  an  unbeliever? 

Answer  —  We  think  a  man  may  use  the  office  of  a  deacon  although  his 

wife  does  not  profess  saving  faith,  provided  she  be  of  good  report. 
.     There  are,   on   the  records,   many   items  of  curious   interest  of  which 
j  time  and  space  do  not  allow   notice  here.     Those   quoted  have  seemed 
,  likely  to  be  of  some  practical  service  or  to  set  forth  the  frankness  and 

sturdy  adhesion  to  convictions  and  principles  by  our  predecessors. 






Time:    1857,  a  few  weeks  before  the  annual  meeting  of  the  Strawberry 
Association  at  Mt.  Hermon  Baptist  Church. 





Scene  I 

Place:    Lone  Pine  Post  Office. 

Characters:  Jerry  Noel,  postmaster  and  store  keeper;  Tom  Spinner 
owner  of  a  big  farm;  Bill  Sledd,  a  young  farmer;  and  two  boys 
Dick  Karr  and  Hy  Major.  As  scene  opens  Mr.  Noel  is  completing 
the  housekeeping  in  the  store,  picks  up  mail  and  sorts.  Reads  care 
and  lays  it  down.  Dick  Karr  and  Hy  Major  are  sitting  on  stort 
porch.     Tom  Spinner  comes  up  and  speaks  to  the  boys. 

Spinner  —  Howdy  chaps,  the  rain  gave  you  a  day  off?  (He  goes  in  the 

Hy  —  Here  I  am  ready  to  marry  Isabele  at  Christmas  and  Mr.  Spinnei 
still  calls  me  chap,  don't  he  know  I  am  a  man. 

Dick  —  Dickety  do,  you  and  Isabele  going  to  jump  the  brookstick. 
Glad  to  know  it. 

Hy  —  Dick,  if  you  tell  I  will  nail  your  hide  to  the  side  of  the  barn. 

Spinner  —   (Placing  a  sack  of  side  meat  on  counter,   picks  up  paper  \ 
and  reads  as  Noel  completes  his  work.) 

Noel  —  Howdy  Tom,  wasn't  that  a  great  rain  we  had  last  night?  It, 
was  good  for  the  pastures  and  crops.  I  was  beginning  to  think 
we  were  in  for  a  long  dry  spell. 

Spinner  —  Yes,  but  the  grass  will  grow  faster  than  me  and  my  crew 
can  chop.  This  morning  the  ground  is  so  soft  that  one  can  hardly 
keep  the  critters  out  of  the  field. 

Noel  —  (Looking  into  the  sack.)  Say,  when  are  you  going  to  bring, 
me  a  few  of  your  good  hams?  The  Relay  House  in  Lynchburg  is 
worrying  me  for  a  half  dozen  of  them. 

Spinner  —  I  can't  get  shed  of  many  this  year.  You  and  them  will 
have  to  settle  for  some  good  sides  and  shoulders.  We  will  need 
the  hams  for  the  association.  You  saw  that  I  fetched  a  couple  of 
sides  today.  Jane  needs  extra  sugar  since  she  is  making  more 
pickles  and  stuff  than  common.  She  also  wants  twenty  yards  of 
yellow  cotton;  seems  that  we  need  new  sheets  and  things  for  the 
house  and  she  don't  have  time  to  weave  it. 

Noel  —  July  is  almost  here  and  we  can't  let  the  delegates  down. 


iters  Bill  Sledd,  they  exchange  greetings  and  he  sets  the  egg  basket 
down,  strolls  over  to  the  counter  and  gets  a  sample  of  cheese  from 
the  cheese  box. 
ledd  —  That  sure  was  a  rain  last  night.     The  road,  below  the  church, 

is  washed  out  and  the  foot-log   across  North  Otter  is  gone. 
oel  —  That   will   mean   more   work    for   the   men.     They    had    about 
gotten  their  crops  in  shape  and   they   have  to  make  arrangements 
for  the  stand  in  the  grove, 
iedd  —   Just  why   is   everyone   getting    the   neighborhood   so   spruced 
up?     I  can't  remember  when  every  farmer  had  his  hedgerows  cut 
and  all  the  bushes  removed  from   the   road.     It  seems   that  every 
fruit  tree  has  been  whitewashed.     Even  Lazy  Charlie  has  put  the 
post  in  his  porch  and  hung  a  gate  at  the  road, 
pinner  —  They  are  getting  ready  for  the  association  meeting.     All  of 
us  have  made  more  garden,   raised  an  extra   beef  and  hog.     Jane 
has  hatched  enough  biddies  to  feed  an  army. 
ledd  —  So  that  is   why  Patience  watches   our  flock   closer   than  the 
hawks  do  and  she  wants  an  extra  row  of  every  vegetable.     That 
little   woman   thinks   I   know    about   everything.      I    do   recall   they 
talked  about  the  meeting  of  the  association  and  building  the  seats 
at  the  stand  at  the  last  Saturday  church  conference. 

'pinner  —  I  can't  go  along  with  that  meeting  in  the  grove.  The 
meeting  house  will  hold  all  the  brethren;  the  young  people  come 
to  see  and  be  seen  and  the  women  folk  have  their  hands  full 
feeding  the  people  and  caring  for  the  young  ones.  What  will  the 
stand  be  for?  Really,  I  don't  have  time  to  help  build  it. 
'oel  —  Can't  say  that  I  agree  with  you,  Tom.  The  women  have  been 
hankering  for  a  place  to  meet  and  I  understand  old  man  Nick 
Pearcy's  son,  George,  will  be  speaking  there.  Too,  the  slaves  need 
a  place  to  gather, 
ledd  —  Who  is  George  Pearcy? 

foel  —  He  is  a  missionary  from  China;  was  raised  in  the  Lisbon  Com- 
munity  and   attended   Mt.   Zion   Church. 

/ledd  —  (Talking  to  himself.)  Wonder  if  they  will  object  to  some 
men  listening? 

hitside  the  store 

;>ick  —  Say,  let's  go  down  to  the  baptising  hole  and  see  if  old  Willie 
wants  to  play  with  a  fish  hook.  I  would  love  to  catch  that  old 
cat  fish.      (Boys  leave.) 

'Joel  —  Bill,  I  forgot  you  all  got  a  card  from  Patience's  Uncle  Joe 
Martin  and  Aunt  Sue.  Said  they  would  be  coming  over  for  a 
visit  in  July.  He  wants  to  attend  the  association  and  Aunt  Sue 
will  help  care  for  the  little  ones  so  Patience  can  do  her  share  in 
entertaining  the  delegates. 

'ipinner  —  I  expect  Mr.  Martin  will  miss  the  Strawberry  Association 
when  the  new  Blue  Ridge  is  formed.  He  has  always  represented 
the    Leatherwood    Church. 

•ledd  —  (Looking  at  the  card.)  That's  real  nice  of  them.  Hope  we 
will  have  some  time  for  family  visiting.  Say,  why  is  this  called 
the    Strawberry   Association? 


Noel  —  It  was  named  for  the  church   in   which  they   held   their  firs 
meeting   in    1776.      The   church    was   named   for    Strawberry   Creel  ._, 
that  flows  at  the  foot  of  the  hill  on  which  it  is  located  in  Pittsyl-  . 
vania   County.     The   name   was   not   adopted   until    1791    when   th( 
association    met    at    Hatcher's    Meeting    House,    now    Mt.    Hermon 
They  have  had  a  meeting  every  year  since  they  adopted  the  name  . 
(Shaking  his  head.)     Things  certainly  have  changed.     When  I  wa:  }. 
a  boy  only  the  men  attended  and  they  had  real  preaching.     Fom 
or  five  men  would  exhort  for  an  hour  and  a  half  each.     Last  yeai  ■,. 
they  had  two  to  preach  and   they  just  talked  for   about  an  houj 
each.     This  new  fangle  idea  about  programs  don't  sound  too  gooc 
to  me. 

Spinner  —  I  went  to  see  old  man  Hatcher  Sunday  and  he  was  upse 
about  it  too.  He  recalls  going  with  his  father  to  the  early  meeting' 
and  they  did  not  have  much  of  an  agenda.  They  seemed  to  talk 
about  things  as  they  came  up. 

Sledd  —  What  did  a  group  do  without   something  planned? 

Spinner  —  From  what  Mr.   Hatcher  told   me  they   had  plenty   to  talK 
about  and  some  of  it  seemed  most  enlightening.     After  I  got  home  f 
I  tried  to  make  a  list  of  some  of  the  queries  that  were  sent  in  foi 
discussion.      I    think    I    have    it    somewhere.      (Searches    in   severa 
pockets  and   pulls  out   paper.)      Here   it   is. 

1.  It  is  scriptural  for  a  church  to  have  a  written  covenant? 

2.  Does  the  church  have  a  right  to  act  when  the  ministers  or  of- 
ficers do  not  attend? 

3.  Is  it  agreeable  to  the  scriptures  for  a  minister  to  marry  couple: 
on  the   Sabbath? 

4.  What  should  a  church  do  who  frequents  the  Mason's  Lodge? 

5.  What  should  be  done  with  a  sister,  after  the  death  of  her  hus- 
band, who  marries  his  brother  and  by  him  has  children? 

6.  What  should  be  done  with  a  slave  sister  who  is  separated  agains 
her  will  from  her  husband,   and   takes   another  one? 

7.  Was   the  apostolic  practice   of   the   laying   on   of   hands   on   the 
newly  baptised  members  to  be  an   obligation   to  us? 

8.  What  should  a  church  do  with  a  member  who  frequently  drinki 
himself  drunk,   then   repents  after  acknowledging   his   sin? 

9.  Can  a  slave  be  in  full  membership  if  his  master  does  not  allow 
him  to  be  baptised? 

10.    Should  women  be  allowed  to  speak  in  church? 
Sledd  —  They  must  have  had   some  discussions.     If  I  don't  get  home 

I  know  one  woman  who  will   use  her  right  to  speak   in   her  own 

home.     Good  day,  gentlemen.      (He   leaves.) 
Spinner  —   Jerry,    weigh    out    my    meat    and    get   Jane's   things   ready. 

I'll   pick    them   up   on    the   way    back    from    Logwood's    Mill.      (He 

Noel  goes  about  his  duties. 





Scene  II 

;ene:     On  lawn  of  the  Spinner  home. 
Hhoir  assembles,   props  removed   and   new   one  placed.) 
,ick  and  Hy  sit  whittling.     Dick  gives  a  whistle  and  some  girls  appear, 
ick  —  I  knew  they  would  come. 

"y  —  What  of  it?     I  don't  have  to  whistle  to  get  them. 
Jick  —  Shut  your  mouth!     Want  me  to  tell  on  you? 
Grirls   sit  on  bench  or  spread   a   quilt.      Some   have   handiwork   while 
others  just  talk.) 
I  atty  —  Susie,  how  is  the  edging  going? 
usie  —  Not  too  well.     I  wish  I  had  not  started  it  for  I  do  not  think 

I  will  get  it  finished  by  July, 
'•race  —  Mama  just  told  me  we  would  have  five  ministers  on  Saturday 
before  the  association  begins.     They  will  talk   about  the  things  to 
be  discussed  at  the  meeting  and  select  the  preachers  who  will  lead 
the  divine  service  on  the   Sabbath. 
fatty  —  Will  it  take  them  two  days  to  do  that? 

rallie  —  I  don't  think  so.     Grandma  says  they  will  have  the  visiting 

J      ministers  to  speak  at  the  church  on  Sunday  morning  and  they  will 

do  no  other  work.     Grace,  I  expect  everyone  in  the  neighborhood 

will  be  stopping  by  your  house   on   Sunday   afternoon   to  see   and 

talk  with  the  preachers. 

'Usie  —  I  hope  all  five  don't  preach  on  Sunday  morning;    those  seats 

are  too  hard, 
ennie  —  Maybe  some  of  them  will  preach  on  Sunday  night.     I  love 
night  preaching  when  the  moon  is  full.     The  walk  to  the  church 
through  the  oak  grove  is  just  wonderful. 
)ick  —  Sure,  if  the  crowd  is  sorta  scattered  out.     I  know  Hy  will  be 
all  for  the  Sunday  night  service.     Jennie,  can  I  bring  Willie  —  he 
likes  you. 
ly  —  Alright,  RICHARD,  mind  what  you  say. 
[  ennie  —  Don't  worry  about  bringing  Willie.     Are  you  going? 
:  )ick  —  If  I  get  back  from  Liberty  in  time. 
Ptrirls  —  Liberty!! 
)ick  —  Yes,  Pa  is  letting  me  drive  over  and  pick  up  some  of  the  things 
he  has  ordered  for  the  farm.     He   wants  everything   ready   before 
the  association. 
'Susie  —  I  will  be  so  glad  when  the  association  is  over,  all  one  hears 
is    association,    association.      Papa    says    we    will    have    fourteen    to 
twenty   delegates   to   spend   the   nights.     That   means   boys   to   the 
hayloft   and   children   to   the   palletts. 
,iy  —  Good  old  Baptist  palletts.     I  hope  all  our  delegates  are  men. 
?atty  —  I  hope  we  get  all  men  and  young  ones  at  that.     Who  knows 

that  my  future  may  be  one  of  them. 
;3allie  —  Now,  you  would  not  like  to  leave  the  Lone  Pine  Community. 

We  would  never  see  you  again. 
Jrrace  —  I  am  not  thinking  about  all  the  men  and  boys,   but  all  that 
work.    Killing  and  plucking  twenty-five  chickens,  picking  and  cook- 
ing bushels  of  vegetables  and  all  that  baking.     It  should  be  ready 
to  eat  by  noon  each  day. 



John  —  And  cutting  all  that  firewood. 

Jim  —  Don't  forget  fetching  gallons  of  water  from  the  spring. 

(Two  small  girls  have  entered  and  sit  apart  from  the  older  girls.) 

Helen  —  Grace,  can  I  help  pick  chickens? 

Charlotte  —  My  mama  says  I  am  too  small.     I  might  get  scalded  t< 


David  —  What  are  those  chaps  doing?     They  sound  like  cackling  hens 
Helen  —  We  are  saying  the  books  of  the  Bible. 
Charlotte  —  What  are  the  first  five  books  of  the  Old  Testament? 
Helen  —  Genesis,  Exodus,  Leviticus,  Numbers  and  Deuteronomy.     Nov 

say  the  first  five  of  the  New  Testament. 
Charlotte  —  Matthew,  Mark,  Luke,  John  and  Acts. 
Charles  —  What  are  the  last  five  books  of  the  Bible? 
Girls  together  —  1st,  2nd,  3rd  John,  Jude  and  Revelation. 
David  —  Why  this  sudden   interest  in   learning   all  the  books   of  th< 

Helen  —  Elder  Goggin  is  staying  at  our  house  and  I  know  he  will  as! 

me  to  say  them. 
Charlotte  —  Aunt  Sue  and  Uncle  Joe  Martin  are  staying  with  us  anc 

Aunt  Sue  thinks  I  should  have  known  them  last  year. 
Susie  —  Show  offs. 
(Man's  voice  from  back  of  stage.)     It  is  1:30  and  you  boys  should  ge1 

to  the  fields.     (Boys  exit  and  girls  chat.) 
Grace  —  I  think  I  will  go  and  check  the  spring-house.     The  rain  maj 

have  caused  surface  water  to  come  in  and  we  don't  need  water  ir 

the  milk  crocks.      (Exit) 
Jennie  —  The  boys  must  be  thirsty.    A  drink  of  cold  water  would  make 

the  chopping  go  faster.     (Jennie  goes  out.) 
Susie  —  She  is  so  forward.  Dick  does  not  care  about  her  or  any  girl 

But  he  will  do  a  lot  of  looking  at  the  association. 
Patty  —  It  is  too  bad  the  guests  coming  Saturday  are  all  men  and  nol 

Sallie  —  (Playing  with  her  long  hair.)     Do  you  girls  think  we  are  toe 

young  to  put  our  hair  up.     The  visitors   may   think   we  are   jusl 

little  girls  like  it  is. 
(Woman's  voice  from  back.)      Sallie  and  Susie,   it  is  time  for  you  to 

go  home.    Please  come  again,  soon.    Patty  can  come  over  one  after 

noon  next  week.     Will  you  see  that   Charlotte  gets  home  safely? 

Patty,  have  Helen  drive  the  cows  to  the  milking  lot.     I  have  put 

the  milking  pail  on  the  post.      (All  exit.) 

Scene  III 

As  the  choir  sings  "O  God,  Our  Help  in  Ages  Past",  the  stage  is  pre- 
pared for  the  last  scene.  Steps  are  placed  in  the  center  with 
rugged  cross  on  top.  An  unlighted  lantern  is  hung  at  the  junction 
of  the  cross.  Cover  it  with  a  blue  drape,  drape  the  steps  with 
white  and  drop  a  red  banner  at  the  base.  On  either  side  have  a 
boy  with  a  U.  S.  flag  and  one  with  the  Christian  flag  —  stand  about 
four  feet  from  the  steps.  Group  the  youth  in  equal  numbers  to 
back   of   cross.     Near   the   edge   of   stage   on   each   side   have   two 


youths  with  unlighted  lanterns.  On  one  1700's  and  the  other  1800's. 
They  wiD  be  lit  later.  The  narrator  stands  near  the  cross, 
arrator  —  198  years  ago  our  country  was  seeking  its  freedom,  an 
earthquake  rocked  Bedford  County  and  our  association  was  born. 
Now,  nearly  two  hundred  years  later  we  should  begin  a  period  of 
reflection,   recalling,   re-evaluating,   rediscovering   and   rededication. 

It  has  been  said  if  one  does  not  reverence  the  past  he  will  not 
be  interested  in  contributing  to  the  future. 

These  next  two  years  will  be  a  great  time  to  reflect  on  and 
recall  that  which  has  taken  place.  The  calm,  deep  dedication  of 
those  first  leaders  must  somehow  be  recaptured  by  every  member 
of  every  church  as  they  seek  to  recall  the  past.  Do  we  actually 
have  more  today  than  those  who  lived  in  1776?  Have  we  kept  pace 
with  our  enlightment?  Who  will  receive  the  most  "well  dones"? 
Go  back  and  read  your  church's  history,  talk  with  the  older  mem- 
bers about  the  church  of  yesterday  to  see  what  contribution  it 
made  to  the  community  and  then  make  an  honest  appraisal. 

Will  we  dare  to  stop  and  try  to  rediscover  why  early  Baptists 
spent  hours  trying  to  solve  their  problems,  meet  their  needs  and 
fulfill  their  mission  in  their  world?  This  was  done  without  all  the 
commotion  of  1974,  without  the  advice  of  boards,  without  policies 
handed  from  someone  else  or  a  multitude  of  committees  and  meet- 
ings. They  did  not  seek  answers  from  the  Virginia  General  As- 
sociation, the  Southern  Baptist  Convention  or  the  Executive  Com- 
mittee of  the  Strawberry  Association.  They  just  took  time  at  the 
yearly  meeting  to  discuss,  debate,  and  discover  the  things  that 
seemed  to  be  of  paramount  importance  at  that  time.  Who  knows 
more  about  your  church  and  community  and  its  need  than  you 
do?  Somehow  the  early  Strawberry  Baptists  seemed  anxious  to 
solve  their  own  problems  through  Bible  searching,  prayer  and 
dialogue.  Have  we  lost  the  power  they  had  in  seeking  solutions 
from  those  who  knew  little  about  what  we  are  trying  to  do  ox 
the  needs  of  our  local  congregations?  We  need  to  rediscover  the 
independent  spirit  of  the  late  17Q0's. 

As  we  begin  the  celebration  of  200  years  of  Baptist  work  in 
the  Strawberry  Association,  let  us  try  to  catch  the  spirit  of  those 
whose  dust  hallows  our  county  and  the  counties  that  made  up  the 
first  association.  Many  sleep  in  unknown  and  unmarked  graves. 
They  rest  in  peace,  having  done  what  they  could  with  what  they 
had.  They  left  the  future  in  our  hands.  We  are  their  tomorrows. 
Will  God  and  those  long  gone  be  pleased  with  us?  They  laid 
strong  foundations.  Have  we  made  the  base  wider  or  is  what  we 
do  just  a  structure  for  today,  leaving  nothing  for  our  tomorrows 
to  build  upon? 

In  the  1700's  the  lantern  was  one  of  the  most  useful  items  man 
owned.  He  used  it  for  delivering  messages,  issuing  a  warning  or 
guiding  his  steps.  All  of  us  recall  Paul  Revere's  classic  words, 
"One  if  by  land  and  two  if  by  sea."  Where  was  the  lantern  hung? 
In  a  church  steeple.  Baptists  in  mid  Virginia  and  North  Carolina 
lit  a  lantern  to  deliver  the  message  of  freedom  in  the  1700's.  An- 
other was  lit  in  the  1800's  to  warn  against  much  that  would  affect 


the  church  and  its  members  and  now  in  the  19O0's  we  are  called 
upon  to  light  the  third  lantern  as  a  guide,  not  only  for  our  owii 
members,  but  for  all  mankind.  Will  you  help  your  church  refuej 
the  first  two  and  light  the  third?  This  will  enable  all  who 
by  to  be  blessed  and  to  become  a  blessing.  The  lanterns  are  hunj 
the  wicks  are  trimmed  —  waiting  for  the  match.  Only  your  churcl 
can  light  the  lantern  that  hangs  from  its  tower,  it  has  the  match 
but  may  need  the  fuel  replenished.  When  will  you  help  to  brightei 
the  way?  The  darkness  creeps  toward  each  group  of  Baptists  anc 
only  light  can  drive  it  away.  Are  you  willing  to  let  the  ligh 
shine  from  your  church  through  you? 

(The  narrator  removes  the  blue  drape  and  drops  it  at  the  foa 
of  the  cross  so  as  to  make  a  red,  white  and  blue  base.  The  lanterr 
on  the  cross  is  lit  and  removed;  the  other  two  lanterns  are  als( 
lit.  The  narrator  with  1900  lanterns  leads  the  procession  dowr 
the  aisle  and  out  of  the  church.  The  flag  bearers  follow  the 
narrator  and  lantern  bearers.  The  choir  sings  one  stanza  of  "Lead 
on  O  King  Eternal"  before  the  group  leaves  the  stage,  and  the 
remainder  of  the  procession  moves  out  of  the  building.  The  choir 
joins  them  and  the  last  stanza  is  sung  outside.) 

This  dramatic  presentation  was  presented  at  the  1974  sessior 
of  the  Strawberry  Association  to  open  a  two-year  observance  oi 
its  bicentennial.  The  choir  and  a  group  of  young  people  from  Big 
Island  Baptist  Church  gave  this  at  the  Mt.  Olivet  Church.  It  was 
written  and  directed  by  Mrs.  L.  R.  Freeman. 


Leaders  in  the  Association 

Dr.  C.  A.  Board         Rev.  Thomas  E.  Boorde  Col.  Aubrey  H.  Camden 


■L* JUk 


Miss  Mary  Cowling      Rev.  Alexander  Eubank     Mrs.  A.  H.  Gregory 

Dr.  James  E.  Gwatkin        Mrs.  O.  C.  Hancock         Rev.  William  Harris 


Leaders  in  the  Association 

Rev.  Jos.  R.  Harrison      Dr.  William  E.  Hatcher  Miss  Alma  Hunt 


Dr.  Jeremiah  B.  Jeter      Dr.  John  T.  Kincanon      Rev.  Jas.  C.  Leftwich 

Dr.  Wm.  A.  Montgomery  J.  Calvin  Moss  Dr.  Josef  Nordenhaug 


Leaders  in  the  Association 

Miss  Celeste  Parrish         Dr.  Hugh  C.  Smith       Rev.  Grover  M.  Turner 

Rev.  Daniel  P.  Witt 

Rev.  Elbert  J.  Wright 


Jeter  Female  Institute 

Located    on    Blue    Ridge    Avenue    in    Liberty     (now    Bedford)     an' 
named  in  honor  of  Dr.  Jeremiah  B.  Jeter. 


Ministers  at  1914  Session 

The  earliest  known  picture  of  ministers  in  the  Strawberry  Association 
■j  one  taken  when  the  association  met  July  28-30,  1914,  at  Mentow 
aptist  Church  near  Huddleston. 

There  was  no  identification  made  of  that  picture  in  the  1914  annual, 
owever,  all  but  one  minister  in  the  group  have  been  identified. 
In  the  above  picture  the  ministers  are  as  follows:  front  row,  left  to 
ght:  unknown,  Charles  L.  Anthony,  Franklin  P.  Robertson,  Walter 
.  Hughes,  George  H.  Broyles,  James  E.  Poteet,  Dr.  William  W.  Hamil- 
>n  (president  of  New  Orleans  Baptist  Theological  Seminary,  1927- 
942,  and  president  of  the  Southern  Baptist  Convention,  1941-1942). 
ack  row,  left  to  right:  Wiley  P.  Page,  C.  Kelly  Hobbs,  Horace  L. 
/ilkinson,  Dr.  Oscar  E.  Sams  (president  of  Carson-Newman  College, 
)20-1927,  president  of  Bluefield  College,  1927-1930,  and  vice  president 
E  Mars  Hill  College,  1930-1952),  Dr.  William  A.  Ayers,  Charles  T. 
incanon,   H.   Hudnall   Fairies. 


Oldest  Church  Building 

The  oldest  Baptist  church  building  in  Bedford  County  that  once 
membership  in  the  Strawberry  Association  is  old  Stone  Road  Chur< 
which  was  Stone  Road  Baptist  Church  when  in  the  association. 

The  building   is  located   on   Route  630   southwest   of  Huddleston, 
the  eastern   slope  of  the   smaller  of   Smith   Mountain  near   the  upp 
portion  of  Leesville  lake. 

From  1829-1839  it  was  in  the  Roanoke  (now  Pittsylvania)  Associati 
and  again  in  1923-1927.  In  1853-1866  it  was  in  Staunton  River  Prin 
tive  Baptist  Association  and  from  1891-1901  in  the  Strawberry  A 

The  date  it  was  built  is  not  known  nor  are  there  any  deeds  record 
for  the  church,  but  it  is  regarded  as  being  in  existence  in  the  Rev 
lutionary  period  and  that  Patrick  Henry  once  spoke  there.  In  rece 
years  it  has  been  used  by  various  denominations  for  services. 




in  1950  the  Virginia  Baptist  Board  of  Missions  and  Education  pur- 
'ased  for  $31,500  the  200-acre  estate  northwest  of  Lynchburg  as  a 
e  for  development  of  a  state  Baptist  assembly  center. 
The  Board  purchased  the  "Eagle  Eyrie"  estate  from  Carleton  J. 
ephenson  and  his  wife,  Mrs.  Florine  Follit  Stephenson,  and  has  in- 
eased   its   size  to   363    acres. 

The  estate,  atop  Locke  Mountain  near  Boonsboro  in  Bedford  County, 
its  a  long  history  dating  to  the  formation  of  Bedford  County  in  1754. 
Nicholas  Davies  (?  -  1793/1800)  came  from  Wales  to  Virginia,  he- 
me a  merchant  in  Henrico  County,  was  a  justice  in  Goochland  and 
omberland  Counties,  and  owned  thousands  of  acres  in  Amherst  and 
xlford  Counties. 

In  1733,  he  married  Mrs.  Judith  Fleming  Randolph,  widow  of  Thomas 
andolph  and  the  great-grandmother  of  Chief  Justice  John  Marshall, 
fter  1754  they  moved  to  Bedford  County  and  built  his  "Pebbleton" 
tate.  He  named  the  mountain  Fleming  and  creek  Judith  after  his 
ife.  He  built  a  log  cabin  on  the  summit  for  a  hunting  lodge,  and 
is  he  called  "Eagle  Eyrie".  This  later  burned  and  was  replaced  by 
tavern  which  was  operated  by  two  generations  of  the  Ogden  family 
id  thus  the  post  office  derived  its  name  Ogden's  Gap. 


Nicholas  Davies  married  a  second  time,  to  Catherine  Whiting,  an* 
they  had  one  son,  Henry  L.  Davies,  who  built  the  ordinary  and  in: 
atop  the   mountain. 

In  1909  the  property  was  sold  to  Seymour  E.  Locke,  who  was  th 
owner  of  the  property  when  the  highway  (Route  501)  was  bui 
through  the  section  and  the  name  Locke  Mountain  was  applied. 

In  1915  Mr.  Locke  sold  the  property  to  Jonkheer  (Baron)  Ott 
Quarles  van  Ufford  (?  -  1923)  and  his  wife,  Wilhelmina  (Willy 
Quarles  van  Ufford,  of  The  Netherlands.  It  was  Jonkheer  Quarles  va 
Ufford  that  built  the  "White  Oak"  or  "White  Mansion  House"  that  i 
used  as  the  administration  building  of  the  assembly  site.  In  the  fa 
of  1919  he  sold  the  estate,  returned  to  The  Netherlands  where  he  die 
in  1923. 

The  Stephenson's  purchased  the  site  in  1936  upon  his  retiremer 
from  Canadian  banking   interests. 


Churches  Once  Served  by  the  Association 

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Churches  Once  Served  by  the  Association 


/•li\  i  J.    1  \  l ,  r  •  V  f?i-(  H  /i  J  f--7J- 







Adams,  Mrs 27 

Alderson,  A.  L 34 

Allison,  Cathy  80 

I  Anthony,  Abner  43,  71 

:  Anthony,  Charles  Lewis  ....  35,  37 

<  Anthony,  John  8,  10,  12,  15 

(  Anthony,  Joseph  7,  12 

|  Arthur,    Col 74 

j  Asplund,  John  2,  6,  16 

I  Aurs,  William  12 

I  Bailey,  Kathrine    84 

i  Bailey,  Phillip    12 

\  Baker,  George  75 

i  Baker,  Mrs.  J.  A 82 

[  Ball,  Eli  50,  54,  83 

)  Baptist,  Edward  17 

\  Barker,  Emma    28 

\  Barker,  F.  M 36,  57,  67,  72 

f  Barker,  O.  B 25,  83 

I  Bennett,  Bartlet  6 

Bilow,  36 

Bitting,  Charles  C 74 

(  Black,  John  17 

Bledsoe,  James  6 

;  Board,  Annie  Mae  28 

'  Board,  Mrs 30 

}  Boatwright,  F.  W 50 

•  Boatwright,  R.  B 50,  53 

i  3ond,  G.  W 77 

i  Bond,  Mrs.  G.  W 33 

i  Bowman,  Miss  Willie  28 

r  Bradley,  R.  L 77 

r  3roaddus,  Andrew  20 

|  Brown,  O.  B 17 

r  3rown,  R.  E 67 

|  Broyles,  Annie  Mae  32,  33,  81 

I  3uckner,  Mrs 27 

I  Bullard,  Kathryn  33 

!  Burgess,  Malcolm  H 84 

i  Burnes,  Rev.  and 
VIrs.  Norman  80 

Burnett,  Joshua  71 

Burrus,  John  6 

Burton,  Mae 82 

Bush,  I.  J 36 

Bryant,  James  R 85 

Camden,  Aubrey  H 52 

Camden,  R.  L 83 

Campbell,  Ira  66 

Card,  William  6 

Carlton,  Herbert  R 77,  84 

Carr,  Donald  C 25 

Carter,  Mrs.  A.  G 82 

Carter,  Bailey  12 

Carter,  O.  C 77 

Chastain,  Rane  5 

Chiles,  James  5 

Chocklett,  G.  A 52 

Chocklett,  Minnie  52 


Histories  94  to  170 

Member  of  the 

Association  196 

Civil  War  72,  73 

Clary,  Amos  83 

Clause,  Mrs.  Harry  P 83 

Clifton,  N.  C 77 

Clopton,  James  C 57 

Cocke,  C.   L 61,  68 

Cocke,  W.  J 35 

Coffee,  Arnold  W 77 

Coleman,  J.   W 25 

Compton,  J.  E 36 

Connelly,  H.  W 85 

Council,  Jas.  G 63 

Cox,  B.  F 24 

Craig,  Elijah   6 

Craig,  John    6 

Craig,  Joseph    6 

Craig,  Lewis    6 

Cravens,  James  T 35 

Crenshaw,  Versil  65 


Crist,  Remi  P 65 

Cridlin,  Mrs.  Chiles  J 83 

Cowling,  Mary  83 

Crump,  Frank  T 32 

Davis,  B.  C 66 

Davis,  James  Allison  ....  35,  37,  44 

Dempsey,  Absalom  34,  71 

Denson,  W.  B 85 

Derveese,  William  12 

Deury,  Joseph  12 

Diuguid,  George  25 

Dinwittie,  Annie  27 

Dinwiddie,  Mary  28,  30 

Dodge,  H.  W 62,  72 

Douglas,  Thomas  15 

Dowdy,  Mary  E 65 

Driskill,  Lawrence  65 

Duncan,  W.  E 44 

DuPuy,  Peter  20 

DuPuy,  Mrs.  E.  L 82 

Eager,  Olive  Mae  Board  ....  29,  80 

Edwards,  Morgan  2 

Ellington,  David  5 

Ellyson,  Mary  65 

Eubank,  Alexander  27,  34,  44, 

50,  51 

Eubank,  William  25 

Eves,  George  : 6 

Fallis,  William  84 

Falls,  Helen  53 

Falls,  O.  B 53 

Falls,  T.  N 58 

Fariss,  Jacob  12 

Fellows,  Lewis  43 

Fields,  Mrs.  Elizabeth  27 

Fife,  James  19 

Figg,  Lucille  66 

Fisher,  Mrs.  S.  0 29 

Fisher,  W.  F 25 

Fletcher,  Louise  32 

Flippin,  Percy  S 64 

Ford,  Ruben  6 

Foster,  Lewis    17 

Foster,  Mrs.  J.  P 32 

Fox,  Mrs.  Jane  27 

Freeman,  James  12,  17 

Freeman,  Mrs.  L.  R 77,  218 

Fugate,  Elizabeth    52 

Fugate,  H.  M 52,  65,  84 

Fugate,  Mrs.  H.  M 77 

Fugate,  Mary    52 

Fuqua,  Fred    77 

Fuqua,  Isham  15 

Fuqua,  William  W 52 

Furgerson,  Alex  12 

Furgerson,  Lawrence   65 

General  Association  of 
Virginia  19,  20,  21,  22,  23,  49,  59, 
61,  63,  67,  70 

General  Committee  10,  11 

General  Committee 

of  Correspondence  14,  15,  19 

Gentry,  Harvey  B 25 

Gilbert,  Cornelius  „...     24 

Gilliam,  Elsie  31,  77,  80,  82 

Glass,  Jessie  Pettigrew 80 

Goggin,  T.  C 34,  36,  44,  57,  62 

Goodwill  Center 32,  33 

Goodwin,  Samuel 12 

Gregory,  Mrs.  A.  Harrison  ....    83 

Griggs,  Jerry  61 

Gwaltney,  J.  L 34,  57 

Gwatkin,  J.  Edward  53 

Habel,  Louise  82 

Habel,  S.  T.,  Sr 35,  82 

Halesford  Academy 50 

Hall,  Randolph  6,  12 

Halstead,  Martin  83 

Hamilton,  W.  W 30,  53 

Hamlet,  Lettie  Spainhour  80 

Hamner,  J.  A 25,  44,  46 

Hamner,  W.  G 45,  61 

Hancock,  Elaine  80 

Hancock,  Mrs.  O.  C 82 

Hargate,  Thomas  5,  6 

Harman,  Charles  L 52 

Harman,  P.  T 52 

Harris,  Samuel  6,  23 

Harris,  William 22,  34,  62, 

67,  71,  72 

Harrison,  J.  R 35,  52 

Harvey,  Elizabeth  82 

Hash,  Walter  A 52 

Hatcher,  Eldridge  B 52 

Hatcher,  Emma    28 

Hatcher,  Hilary   E 53 

Hatcher,  Jeremiah 12,  15 

Hatcher,  Julius    12 

Hatcher,  William  E 38,  52,  83 

Hatcher,  Mrs.  William  E 82 


■■  Hatsclow,  Joseph  5 

"  Hawkins,  T.  B 80 

?-  Hawkins,  Mrs 32 

>  Henderson,  Jane  R 27 

Hensley,   44 

•  Hester,  F.  M 77 

Hickey,  Mrs.  W.  F 77 

I  Hill,  J.  B 47 

Hite,  Elton  C 77 

Holland,  36 

Hubbard,  Stephen  17 

Hunt,  Alma  82 

Hurt,  Ira  36 

Ingram,  R.  E 47 

i  Ireland,  John  8 

>  Jackson,  C.  S 77 

$  Jackson,  Loyd  F 33 

'  Jamerson,  Mrs.  Augustus  30 

•■  Jefferson,  Thomas  14 

Jeter,  J.  B 20,  21,  22,  49, 

50,  51,  52,  53,  56,  72,  79,  83,  84 

«  Jeter,  Mrs.  J.  B 82 

'  Jeter  Jesse 36,  57,  61,  69 

Jeter,  Mrs.   Laura  27 

Jeter  Female  Institute    51,  52,  222 

.  Jenks,  J.  A 53 

,  Johns,  Thomas  12 

J  Johnson,  Frank    35 

\:  Johnson,  George    57 

:  Johnson,  Robert  84 

j  Johnson,  William  5,  8,  10,  12 

,  Johnston,  John  N 43 

r  Jones,  Richard  2 

,  Judd,  Mrs.  Ella 


<J  Kessee,  Charles  B., 

(:  Education  Fund  51 

\",  Keyfauver,  J.  B.  W 36 

"King,   John   15 

Li  Kirk,  Mrs.  J.  R 83 

u  Lawrence,  John  12 

I '.'Layman's  Movement 24,  25 

^Lea,  Ola  80 

LlLee,  John  S 15,  17,  20,  22, 

34,  37,  70,  79 

:  Lee,  Elizabeth  37 

'■-  Leftwich,  G.  W 36,  57 

:  Leftwich,  James  C 22,  23,  34, 

f                                                      50,  71 
i  Leftwich,  J.   W 43 

Leftwich,  William  20,  22, 

34,  43,  54,  71 

Ligon,  W.  C 71 

Lovell,  William  5,  6,  7 

Lowery,  Elliot 36 

Luck,  G.  C 77 

Luck,  J.  P 25,  37,  38 

Lunceford,  Merriman  71 

Lunsford,  William  36 

Lynn,  James  S 35 

McAllister,  Jas.  D 34,  54 

McCabe,  J.  P 51,  77 

McCabe,  Mrs.  W.  0 30,  84 

McConnville,  Mrs.  E.  A 32 

McDaniel,  George  M 39 

McDermott,  William  23 

McDonald,  James  70 

McNeill,  George  12 

McNiel,  Warren  25 

Mahan,  John  12 

Madison,  James  11 

Markham,  Charles  W 77 

Marshall,  Mrs.  Charles  P 31 

Marshall,  William   5 

Martin,  Henry    80 

Martin,  J.  D 28 

Mason,  J.   W 35 

Mason,  Valentine  M 20,  22,  23 

Mathews,  J.  M 44 

Mathis,  James 12 

Mattox,  W.  C 77 

Maxey,  Jeremiah  12 

Meadow,  J.  W 34 

Menesse,  James  5 

Mentz,  Casper  2 

Mercer,  Mrs.  I.  M 82 

Millar,  Alexander  35 

Millar,  Mrs.  Alexander 82 

Miller,  G.  A 47 

Miller,  Hunter    25 

Miller,  T.   C 30 

Miller,  W.  A 25 


Associational  33,  34,  35 

Home  81 

Foreign  29,  33,  38,  79,  80 

Journeyman    80 

State  20,  21,  81 

Mitciff,   Jacob   6 

Morgan,  J.  W 36 


Morris,  J.  M 35 

Morris,  Mary  30 

Morrow,  John  5 

Moss,  J.  Calvin 25,  28,  30,  39, 

41,  65 

Murry,  Mrs.  Frank       32,  83 


First  Church  57 

Organizations    59 

Religious  Instruction  56,  57 

Assisting  58 

Newman,   A 43 

Noel,  J.  C 17 

Noel,  Mollie  28 

Noffsinger,  H.  G 52 

Norden,   Robert   2 

Nordenhaug,  Josef  81 

O'Conner,  Rev.  and 

Mrs.  Lewis  80 

Ogden,  Mrs.  J.  M 27 

Ogden,  Mrs.  L 27 

Old,  Mrs.  L.  0 65 

Owen,  A.  E 28 

Owen,  Elias     12 

Parker,  Gladys  81 

Parker,  W.  A 52 

Pastors    160 

Parrish,  Celeste  29,  30 

Patterson,  Mrs.  Jane  28 

Payne,  Mrs.  E.  H 30 

Pearcy,  George  27,  36,  67 

Pearcy,  Nicholas  79 

Perego,  James  15 

Perego,  Joseph  (Pedigo)  ....  17,  79 

Peyton,  Thomas  5 

Pickett,  Ruben  5 


Leaders  in  the 

Association  219,  220,  221 

Jeter  Female  Institute  222 

1914  Ministers  223 

Stone  Road  Church  224 

Eagle  Eyrie  Assembly  ..  225,  226 

Pilcher,  J.  M 46 

Pinkard,  Lucinda  28 

Poindexter,  A.  M 52,  61 

Polhill,   Lucius  85 

Semple,  Robert  21 

Seventy-five  Million 

Campaign  41,  42,  47 

Shumate,  Margie  80 

Simms,  Albert  E 84 

Simms,  Mrs.  Albert  E 83 

Small,  Mary  Burnett  80 

Smith,  Absalom   12 

Smith,  Mrs.  C.  R 28 

Smitn,  Humphry    12 

Smith,  H.  C 83 

Smith,  R.  A 35 

Smith,  Mrs.   J.   R 31 

Smith,  Jim    80 

Smith,  W.  R.  L 75 

Snead,  Georgie  81 

Snead,  G.  T 36 

Snuggs,  Grace  Mason  80 

Steen,   Mrs 32 

St.  John,  Mrs.  S.  J 30 

Staley,  D 35 

Stephenson,   Virtley   66 

Steptoe,  John  R 72 

Stevens,   Williams  12 

Stewart,  S.  H 65 

Stockton,  Robert  ....  6,  8,  10,  56,  80 

Stockton,  Mrs.  Robert  27 

Strawberry  Lodge  77,  78 

Street,  J.  M 35,  52 

Sunday  School  43  to  48 

Superintendents  172 

Sunnyside  Academy  51 

Talbot,  Mathew  80 

Tate,  Fannie  M 28 

Taylor,  A.  Poindexter  51 

Temperance  Society  70 

Thomas,  Elizabeth  81 

Thomas,  M.  C 64 

Thomas,  Mrs.  Nancy  28 

Thomas,  Zula   81 

Thornhill,  Emiline    31 

Thornhill,  Joshua    43 

Thompson,  David    5 

Thompson,  W.   M 84 

Thornton,  John    36 

Thornton,  Sterling  M 43 

Thurman,   J.  B 77 

Tinsley,  W.  P 51 

Tinsdale,  Robert  20 

Tolley,  Blanche   28 

Tompson,  C.  J 28 

Training   Union   64 

Directors    172 


Poteet,  J.  E 38 

Price,  Mrs.  Bettie  27 

Prichard,  J.  L 36 

Quesenberry,  W.  Y 35 

Ramsey,  Angeline  28 

Randolph,  R.  L 85 

Read,  Ann   28 

Read,  Marshall  W 36,  68 

Reese,  M.    W 44 

Reese,  W.   W 69 

Renfro,  Moses  12 

Rice,  Luther  19,  49,  79 

Ricketts,  George  F 84 

Robertson,  Mrs.  F.  P 82 

Royall,  W.  S 38,  83 

Royall,  Mrs.  W.  S 82 

Rucker,  J.   A 25 

Rucker,  Sallie   H 28 

Rules  of  Decorum  12 

Ryland,  Robert  23,  50 

Sale,  E.  B.  (Edmonia)  24,  28, 

38,  80 

Sanders,  Eva  80 

Sanderson,  T.  N 34,  44 

Scarbrough,  L.  R 39 

Tribble,   Andrew   5 

Tuggle,  Henry  17 

Turner,  Grover  M 52 

Turpin,  Connie  80 

Tyree,  Cornelius  44,  74 

Twymen,  George  6 

Updike,  Mrs.  Rebecca  28 

Vaughn,  Edith  

Vines,  Mrs.  J.  F.  .. 
Waller,  Jeremiah 
Waller,  John  





Washington,  Booker  T 59 

Weathers,  James   5 

Webber,  William  6 

Welch,  A.  E 80 

Welsh,  C.  W 35 

Wheeler,  G 73 

White,  S.  R 34,  36,  44 

Whitefield,  George  3 

Whorley,  Z 71 

Wicker,  J.   C 52 

Wicker,  J.  J 52 

Williams,  Edward    27 

Williams,  John  5,  6 

Williams,  W.  H 51 

Wilson,  Bettie  28 

Winn,  Mrs.  George  T 82 

Witt,  Daniel  P 19,  21,  22,  49,  50 

Witt,  George  D 25 

Witt,  Jesse  23,  34,  50,  52,  54, 

67,  71,  81 
Womans'  Missionary 

Society  27  to  30 

Officers  172 

Wranek,  W.  H 24,  64 

Wright,  E.  J 46,  66 

Wyre,  H.  W 72 

Young,  Lucy  E 30